Cicada Moving

Chapter 1035: Set off early

Chapter 1035: Depart early

 The cruise ship "Yankee".

Gui Youguang resumed his native boy's attire, came to the door of Zuo Zhong's cabin, and knocked on the door rhythmically.

After a moment, the hatch opened with a creak, and the bald man looked around and walked in sideways.

 “It’s going well.”

Zuo Zhong, who turned around and sat back on the stool, looked at the other person and asked casually.

“Smoothly, Jinling District and subordinate Feicheng and other stations have resumed operations, and the organizational structure has been rearranged according to your instructions.

However, radio stations, secret codes, electrical materials and accessories are needed everywhere, and some are still short of operators. These must be solved as soon as possible. "

Gui Youguang put his ear against the door, listening to the movement outside, and gave a brief report.

“Has the reason for the loss of contact in Jinling District been found?”

“The preliminary conclusion is that the radio station malfunctioned. The humidity around Wuliangguan is relatively high, and electrical materials are prone to short circuits.”

“Is there any problem with the hidden personnel’s ideological dynamics?”

 “There are no rebels who surrender to the enemy, but they are passive and fearful of war.”

 “What arrangements have you made?”

"Before leaving, I arranged for the newly formed team to launch a raid on Jinling."

The two of them asked and answered questions. Gui Youguang reported the harvest and findings of the trip one by one, and then explained the attack plan in detail.

Zuo Zhong nodded as he listened. It would be great if no one from the higher-ups in Jinling District surrendered, otherwise they would be in big trouble. No matter what they do, what they fear most is being stabbed by their own people.

 But just because of a radio station, it has caused such serious consequences and lost so many elites, which is really disappointing.

 It seems that other local stations need to establish backup communication systems to prevent this situation from happening again.

The radio station only cost a few dollars, and those rigorously trained intelligence personnel were the military commander's most valuable asset. This was something he and Dai Chunfeng neglected.

 As for the raiding operation, it can indeed play a role in boosting military morale.

 Intelligence officers are also human beings, they also have their joys, sorrows, and times of vulnerability.

With so many comrades who fought side by side and died heroically, it is understandable that the remaining personnel in Jinling District will have emotional fluctuations.

Faced with this situation, reprimands and punishments will only be counterproductive. They should be allowed to vent their anger and resentment on their enemies.

If it were him, he would handle it this way. This time Gui Youguang finally learned to use his brain, and his hard work was not in vain.

 At this point, the five tasks of reconstruction, sanctions, rescue, investigation and retaliation have been successfully completed.

 Shanghai District and Jinling District will be able to start working again soon, providing a steady stream of information to the mountain city.

The two traitors, He Xingjian and Chen Mingchu, were also punished as they deserved and became street lamp decorations.

Cai Shengchu of Anqing Station was successfully rescued and is currently recovering from his injuries at the naval camp in Ozawa River.

The screening for Zheng Shisong also had a good result, and he was assigned the number 76 by the way.

 The three attacks in Anqing, Shanghai and Jinling dealt a heavy blow to the Japanese and traitors, avenging them with one stone.

In addition, Ozawagawa and his men were dragged into the water, and the military commander had a stable supply channel from Shanghai to the mountain city.

 In the future, countless supplies urgently needed by the government will be transported to the Kuomintang-controlled areas through this channel. This is an unexpected surprise.

Since the mission has been completed, it was time for them to leave Shanghai. Zuo Zhong stood up and took out a small notebook from his trouser pocket and handed it to Gui Youguang.

“Go to the telegraph office, report the results to the bureau and headquarters, and ask for instructions on the next work plan. If not, we will return to the mountain city as soon as possible.

Remember, do not send it directly to the headquarters. Send it to the North American station first and then forward it to them. This is the clear text codebook for communication between the headquarters and the North American station.

With so many things happening, the Japanese will definitely carry out strong telegraph reconnaissance, and the telegraph office will definitely have spy spies of the Japanese. It is better to be careful. "

 The so-called plaintext codebook.

It is to hide certain information in Morse code. After the receiving party receives the message, it can replace some common words to obtain intelligence.

For example, "Friday" in the clear text actually means "action", and "morning" means "smoothness".

Then a telegram that says "Friday morning" can be understood to mean that the operation went smoothly and the information was passed on like this.

If there is no corresponding cipher master, even if the message is intercepted, from the enemy's point of view, it is just a very ordinary plaintext telegram.

 However, this method of communication also has shortcomings, that is, it cannot transmit information that is too long. After all, the number of common words is limited.

 And it cannot be used for a long time, otherwise the enemy can easily find the patterns by comparing the existing intelligence with previous telegrams.

 After speaking, Zuo Zhong pointed to the paper and pen on the table and added another sentence, leaving Gui Youguang to write the message in his cabin.

Gui Youguang looked down at the code pad in his hand, then looked up at Zuo Zhong's trouser pocket, his head filled with question marks.

 Where did the codebook come from?

They didn’t bring any sensitive items with them when they set out from the mountain city, and they were inspected so many times by the Japanese on the way.

 Did the deputy director get it from Shanghai District when he was away from Shanghai? Shaking his head in confusion, Gui Youguang sat on a stool and quickly wrote a message that looked extremely normal. He then left the Yankee as if nothing had happened, walked around the city a few times, put on makeup and headed to the telegraph office.

 Three hours later.

Gui Youguang hurried back to the ship and handed Zuo Zhong a reply from the headquarters forwarded by the North District Station. If he hadn't been waiting for this reply, it would not have taken so long to generate electricity.

The Japanese and the concessions did have strict control over the telegraph bureau, but that was for cables sent to the Kuomintang-controlled areas and suspicious ones. They would not be suspicious of clear telegrams sent overseas at all.

Zuo Zhong took the telegram, opened the plaintext codebook, and started to translate the telegram against the telegram. He quickly extracted a key piece of information from this ordinary commercial telegram.

 “Port City, set off immediately.”

 Lao Dai wants to go to Hong Kong City by himself?

Zuo Zhong narrowed his eyes. There was only one person in the entire military command bureau who could give him orders. This order could and could only come from the cheap teacher Dai Chunfeng.

What exactly happened in Hong Kong City required him as the deputy director to go there. You must know that unless it is a strategic operation, general operations no longer require him to personally carry out the operation.

 After pondering for a while, he glanced at the calendar on the table. There were still several days before the "Yankee" returned to the United States. Do he need to change his identity and go to the port city through other means?


 Once the people are evacuated now and the customs and police officers count the people before the cruise departs, their false identities will be exposed immediately. Although the Shanghai incident is over, they still cannot leave too many identity clues to the Japanese.

While thinking about it, Zuo Zhong's eyes stopped on his wallet, and suddenly he thought of a person, the American captain who was desperate for money.

As long as this kind of person is given enough money, he would even dare to sell his captain's name, so it is not impossible to sail the ship in advance. Thinking of this, he immediately asked Gui Youguang to invite him.

After a while, the captain, smelling of alcohol, appeared outside the door. His huge body almost got stuck on the cabin door when he passed by, and he finally squeezed into the cabin with all his strength.

“Good afternoon, Mr. Third Mate, how can I help you? Of course, no matter what you do, there will be a fee.”

As soon as he saw Zuo Zhong, the captain greeted him warmly and began to sell him. He also rubbed his three thick fingers together as if counting money.

Upon seeing this, Zuo Zhong smiled slightly, did not go around in circles, and directly asked the other party how much it would cost to sail the ship in advance. At the same time, he took out his checkbook and picked up a pen to write out the number.

 “Sail ahead of schedule? No, No, No!”

The captain, who was originally smiling, heard Zuo Zhong's words and quickly shook his head and waved his hands, shouting that he couldn't do it, what about the spirit of contract and business principles?

Spirit of Contract?

Hearing this, Zuo Zhong laughed directly. If Americans paid attention to this thing, the whole world would be too flat. He didn't bother to talk nonsense and started to report the numbers to the other party.


 “No, no, it’s not about money.”

  “20,000 US dollars.”

“Mr. Third Officer, the company will kill me.”

  “30,000 US dollars.”

“This is not something I can solve alone. The second mate, the real third mate, and many people...”

  “40,000 US dollars.”

 “We’re friends and I swear this won’t be easy.”

  “50,000 US dollars.”

After Zuo Zhong finished speaking, without waiting for the other party's consent, he directly wrote a series of numbers on the check, then stared at the greedy American and spoke word by word.

"This is the final offer. If you don't want to, just pretend I didn't say it. As for the check, pretend you haven't seen it."

As he spoke, he took out the lighter with one hand and clicked it, and slowly moved the $50,000 note towards the lighter with the other hand.

At the moment when the check was about to be ignited, the captain finally couldn't bear it anymore. He took a step forward and closed the lighter, grabbed the check and said fiercely.

 “Deal! You’re such a bastard!”

 “Haha, thank you for the compliment, it’s a pleasure to work with you.”

Zuo Zhong smiled and replied, not worried at all that the other party would accept the money and not do the job. As long as he was not stupid, the other party should understand that since he could afford a 50,000 remuneration, he would naturally be willing to spend more money to buy a person's life.

Those "shepherds" from Sicily will be happy to help. It's just a matter of killing an employee of the shipping company. Let alone 50,000, there are people rushing to do it even if it is 10,000.

What's more important is that this check and the previous checks will never have the chance to be exchanged. Several one-way tickets from the United States to Southeast Asia are ready, waiting for the "passengers" to take their seats.

Waving his hand, Gui Youguang sent the captain away. He walked to the deck alone and looked at the two sides of Huangpu River quietly, but his thoughts flew to the port city thousands of miles away.

 “Buzz buzz…”

Suddenly, the mobile phone that had been silent for a long time vibrated slightly in the space. In confusion, Zuo Zhong walked to a secluded place and turned on the screen. A text message with the sender "Nobita" appeared in front of him.

“A visitor will arrive from the northwest in ten days, and the destination is the port city.”

Looking at the translated message, Zuo Zhong frowned. Lao Dai wanted to go to the city by himself. The Japanese also had people going to the city. It was really lively today, but the underground party didn't show up.

Just as he was thinking about it, his phone vibrated again. Looking at the word "老K" on the screen, he shook his head helplessly, then put the phone back into space, and looked up at Shanghai in the distance.

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