Cicada Moving

Chapter 1037: egg dancer

Chapter 1037 Egg Dancer

 Hours later.

Gui Youguang returned to the hotel. In addition to reporting Chao Hou's whereabouts, he also brought the latest secret message from the mountain city headquarters.

As the shipping hub of East Asia, the British Hong Kong government’s monitoring of telegrams in the port city was obviously much looser than that of Shanghai under the Japanese occupation.

As long as there is enough money, any commercial firm that owns a radio station is willing to provide telegraph services, regardless of what you send.

In order to avoid being overheard, the two went to the rooftop of the hotel and talked quietly while looking at Victoria Bay in the distance.

“Deputy, there is information from the internal line of the Second War Zone Commander’s Department. That person sent his cousin Yan Yiting with the intention of starting peace talks with the Japanese army in the port city.”

 “Is the news reliable?”

“Reliable, our people installed monitoring equipment in Yan Yiting’s home, and the other party talked about it with his wife.”

“Haha, I don’t want to dance on the egg anymore, but I want to smash the egg.”

After listening to Gui Youguang's report, Zuo Zhong lit a cigarette and said something meaningful. His tone was very calm, as if he had expected it.

In fact, as soon as he saw the copy of "Time Magazine" in the room and contacted Ryosuke Hase's telegram, he guessed that the person might have hooked up with the Japanese.

 One side is a general with a heavy army, and the other side is an enemy army. When these two are involved, there is no other possibility except making peace. The two sides cannot just go all the way to the port city to enjoy the sea view.

 Gui Youguang also heard the story about the man dancing with the three eggs. He nodded immediately and then explained the contents of the surveillance in summary with an angry look on his face.

“Yan Yiting said in the conversation that the person told him that the current situation was very bad and the commissioner wanted to annex them in the name of attacking the Japanese.

  It neither releases enough funds nor provides additional personnel and weapons. It discriminates everywhere and makes everything difficult.

The underground party is attacking them everywhere and winning over all the people. If the Japanese take action again, they will only be wiped out.

If they want to continue to exist, they have to find another way. Existence is the truth. As long as it can exist, it can be transformed in any way in the future.

Deputy Chairman, what do you think that person thinks? Even if a dignified theater commander leaves the field, he can still live a life of superiority.

  What's wrong with him? He must become a traitor and he will be infamous for thousands of years. I don't think that guy has the dignity to go see the former President. "


Zuo Zhong chuckled, flicked the ashes of his cigarette on the fence, stared at the sailboat passing by on the sea and said lightly.

“It is understandable that people’s hearts are not as strong as snakes swallowing elephants. How can they be willing to stand aside after they have tasted the power?

 There is a saying that the **** determines the head. What the other party does may seem confusing to you, but it is in the interest of the other party.

Without the hundreds of thousands of Jin troops, the opponent would become a tiger without fangs, and would be slaughtered whether alive or dead. "

 The commander of the theater, Jin Army.

The two of them were talking about Yan Baichuan, one of the first generals in the government, a prominent figure in the Republic of China, and the leader of the Jin army.

This former dynasty official, who was born into a family of small landowners and small businessmen, has been the actual controller of Jin Province since 1911 and has served as the governor of Jin Province.

During his tenure, the other party made great achievements in industry, agriculture, economy, and culture. Jin Province was also called a model province by the outside world.

At the same time, he also proposed a "justice doctrine", trying to make people believe that justice is the standard for regulating the intricate relationships between people and the good medicine to save the world.

The other party wants the people of Shanxi Province to believe in it and not to believe in the underground party and the fruit party—it must "fight doctrine against doctrine."

So whether this fairness is useful? After the Sino-Japanese War, the Jin army, which was well-equipped but collapsed at a stroke, has already given the answer.

In order to avoid being annexed by the government and resist the Japanese attack, Yan Baichuan cooperated with the underground party and jumped between several forces.

 But as the war became stalemate, the other party had other ideas and began to be hostile to the underground party, fearing that the underground party would occupy the magpie's nest.

 So, Yan Baichuan is not out of his mind when cooperating with the Japanese.

He has only one purpose - to maintain his rule in Jin Province and to be his king of Jin Province forever.

Gui Youguang scratched his head after hearing this. It was obvious that he could not understand this matter with his political wisdom, so he continued.

“Yan Baichuan said that weighing the situation, the Jin army can only be saved by temporarily borrowing the power of the Japanese. This is a last resort and the only way out.

The Japanese sent a person some time ago and lived in the second theater defense area for a few days. The two sides have met and reached a preliminary consensus.

The Japanese asked Yan Baichuan to send representatives to Taiyuan City for detailed discussions, but the other party believed that it was not the time to openly send representatives to Taiyuan.

 Because negotiating on someone else's territory is a sign of peace, and the status is inferior to others. In addition to losing face, the most important thing is that you cannot ask for more benefits.

So Yan Baichuan and the Japanese agreed to send people to the port city to meet with them first. This also has the advantage of avoiding the eyes of us and the underground party.

Even if the matter is finally leaked, regardless of whether it is successful or not, without conclusive evidence, it is difficult for Shancheng and Northwest to attack the Jin army directly.

 Analysis of the recording shows that the two sides discussed mainly four points, namely, Asian alliance, joint prevention of the epidemic, diplomatic unity, and self-care of domestic affairs.

Yan Baichuan told Yan Yiting that the first three points were harmless to the Japanese. Tokyo also hoped that the Jin army would do this and would definitely agree.

There may be disputes about the fourth point, but we must strive to achieve it. If he cannot take care of his own internal affairs, the people will not trust Yan Baichuan. Without the support of the common people, the Jin army will have no strength. Without the energy to control Jin Province, the Japanese will not sincerely support the Jin army.

Yan Baichuan even said that the first three points were that he accommodated the Japanese, and the latter would naturally accommodate him. If he was like the man named Wang, he would never do it. "

"Ha ha ha ha."

Zuo Zhong smiled angrily. Yan Baichuan said this, as if he was not a traitor trying to betray the country, but instead became a national hero.

 When you deceive yourself and others, you are talking about the other person.

Is there any essential difference between the establishment of the puppet government and the Japanese dog of the day?

They also take care of their own internal affairs. People are slowly infiltrating politics, military, culture, and economy. There is no need to directly control Jin Province. The pattern of the Egg Dancer is only so big.

After laughing at Yan Baichuan, Zuo Zhong asked Gui Youguang if he had any information about Yan Yiting, his whereabouts, and Shancheng's arrangements for this matter.

 Yan Baichuan had a great influence in the Republic of China. How to deal with it was not something that the deputy director of the military command or even Dai Chunfeng could decide. It had to be decided by the superior.

Gui Youguang nodded and explained that Yan Yiting was originally a timber merchant. After Taiyuan was occupied by the Japanese, he took refuge in the Japanese and puppet spy agencies and became a guest of the Japanese.

 Due to the tense war in the south, the Japanese had not yet realized the importance of the other party's identity as the nephew of the Yan Baichuan clan, and only gave him a job as a puppet government.

However, with the heavy losses in the Battle of Chicheng, the Japanese already felt that their forces were stretched thin, and the Jin army became a piece of useless food. It was a pity to abandon it, and it would easily break teeth if eaten.

Therefore, Yan Yiting became the key to solving the problem in Jin Province, and the Japanese immediately sent him back to the area controlled by the Jin army in order to contact Yan Baichuan.

 The agents deployed by the military commander in the second theater noticed something was wrong and installed eavesdropping equipment in the other party's home, only to discover the matter.

After talking about the basic situation of Yan Yiting, Da Baldy said that Shancheng was sending the other party’s detailed files and photos to Hong Kong City through secret channels.

 But Shancheng did not mention the whereabouts of the target.

Juntong is confident that he will follow Yan Yiting every step of the way in the Kuomintang-controlled area, but in the enemy-occupied area, it will be difficult to keep track of the opponent's trajectory at all times, unless the opponent stays in a certain place for a long time.

However, Yan Baichuan set the negotiation venue in the port city for the sake of face and practical benefits. He used the "third place negotiation" trick and found a neutral place to meet. Yan Yiting would not stay in the occupied area for a long time.

As long as the Japanese are not stupid, they will definitely do a good job in protecting and keeping this person secret in the controlled area. The military tracking personnel can only take one step at a time.

As for how to deal with the matter, Yamashiro did not give any instructions. He just asked to find Yan Yiting as soon as possible to find out the specific content of the negotiation between the other party and the Japanese.

This is not surprising to Zuo Zhong. The political ecology of the Republic of China is very complex. Even one person cannot cover the sky with one hand. When dealing with an issue, opinions from all sides must be taken into consideration.

It would be nice to announce the matter directly and deal with Yan Baichuan publicly, but what would the people think? A theater commander can surrender, and those who are already on the wrong side of things will be even more indifferent.

“Sir Yan, Sir Yan, you must not make one mistake and end up regretting it for eternity.”

Zuo Zhong extinguished his head and shook his head, holding his hands on the railing and muttering to himself. It didn't matter whether the opponent and the Jin army surrendered or not. What was important was the impact this matter had on the morale of the people.

After being silent for a few seconds, he thought it would be better to wait for Yan Yiting's information to arrive before making any plans. Now he didn't even know what the target looked like, so it was useless to think more about it.

The other party's whereabouts include Ryosuke Hase, a Japanese money-adding brother, so there should be no problem. At worst, the printing factory will have to work overtime and print more yen.

 But this does not mean that they are relaxed. According to the intelligence sent by Ryosuke Hase a week ago, the target suspected of Yan Yiting will arrive in Shanghai in three days and then rush to the port city.

 Given the poor railway and highway conditions in the Republic of China, the other party would most likely choose the sea route.

 It usually takes 2 to 4 days to take a boat from Shanghai to the port city, that is to say, the fastest is 5 days and the slowest is 7 days before the other party arrives at the port.

 During this period, he and Gui Youguang must deepen their understanding of the city and become familiar with the language, customs, habits, transportation, and social conditions of the port city.

It is not necessary to pretend to be exactly like a local, at least it must not be recognized as a foreigner at a glance. To achieve this goal, you can only rely on personal experience.

After deciding on the preliminary plan, Zuo Zhong and Gui Youguang went downstairs to their respective rooms to rest. After spending dozens of hours on the seaplane, they were inevitably a little tired.

 The next morning.

Chao Hou appeared again and took the two of them on a "tour" on Hong Kong Island and the Kowloon Peninsula on the other side, walking through the streets and alleys, and getting in touch with all levels of Hong Kong society.

Through communication with locals, Zuo Zhong and Gui Youguang’s half-skilled Cantonese quickly became proficient in Cantonese, and it was no problem to handle daily conversations.

In addition, they also went to the most famous local teahouses, restaurants, movie theaters and other public places to become familiar with the internal topography, and even walked around every corner.

Chao Hou, who was leading the way, was very confused and didn't understand why the two officers from the headquarters did this. With the assistance of the Gangcheng Station, the other party did not need to participate in the operation.

Out of curiosity, he asked this question. Zuo Zhong and Gui Youguang looked at each other and smiled, and finally the big bald man gave the explanation.

“We are all action personnel. Let me give you a piece of advice. No matter how high your official position or military rank is in the future, you must be familiar with the places where the target may be before taking action.

In case something unexpected happens during tracking and you need to make up for it, how can you do your job if you don’t even know where to hide or where to hide.

 Don't ignore this small oversight. All major oversights are made up of small oversights. As the deputy captain of the action team of the Gangcheng Station, you must keep this in mind. "

Chao Hou suddenly understood, and then he took on the responsibility of leading the way more seriously. The three of them spent two days touring most of the port city.

Early on the morning of the third day, the information related to Yan Yiting was transferred from Southeast Asia and transported to Gangcheng. The document was delivered to Zuo Zhong by Gangcheng Station as soon as possible.

 (An old friend will appear in the next chapter, I don’t know if you can guess it)

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