Cicada Moving

Chapter 1038: Information arrives and old friends

 Chapter 1038. Arrival of information and old friends

 When Zuo Zhong received the file from Gangcheng Station, the first thing he did was to carefully check the seal and the lacquer seal. After making sure there were no problems, he opened the document bag.

Each department and the person in charge of the department has its own secret code. Not to mention outsiders, even people in different departments don't know it.

This can ensure the security of secret documents during transmission to the greatest extent and prevent anyone from opening and reading them privately and leaking information.

While he asked Chao Hou, who was about to deliver the document, to sit down, he looked at the document and quickly memorized and thought about the key information in it.

“Yan Yiting, male, Jin Province.”

 According to the information, the other party and Yan Baichuan were relatives who played in the fifth server, and they rarely met before the war between China and Japan.

Thinking about it, one is a small timber merchant and the other is the ruler of Jin Province. Even if they are distant relatives, they don’t have much interaction.

 Yan Yiting's business has nothing to do with Yan Baichuan.

The other party's family is relatively poor. He left his hometown with his parents for Taiyuan City when he was a child. The family made a living by doing odd jobs.


 Seeing this, Zuo Zhong frowned slightly, and his eyes stayed on the photos in the file for a long time in silence.

 After a while, he put down the file and picked up another document, which contained Yan Yiting's recent whereabouts report.

On the day the intelligence was sent out, the opponent suddenly left the Jin army's control area and entered the occupied area, and then lost track of it.

 Intelligence personnel deployed by the military in North and Central China have been mobilized to search for the whereabouts of the target, but so far no results have been obtained.

 After receiving a telegram from Ryosuke Hase about visitors from the northwest, Zuo Zhong did not notify Yamashiro. There were two main considerations in doing so.

 First, they are afraid of leaking information.

 The second is intelligence channels.

As Changgu's status improves, the other party becomes more and more important to the government and military control, and the scope of intelligence dissemination must be controlled.

 It’s not that Dai Chunfeng is unreliable, but with someone like Li Qiwu by his side, all possibilities must be considered.

Had it not been for Chen Mingchu recommended by this person to defect to the enemy, Shanghai District and Jinling District would not have been exposed, so it is better to keep it safe.

 After reading the information carefully, Zuo Zhong was thoughtful, then burned the information and the document bag to ashes and poured them into the toilet and flushed them away.

Stepping out of the bathroom, he wiped his hands with a towel, looked up at Chao Hou who was sitting there and said calmly.

“This mission is highly confidential. I won’t go into details. It’s enough that you know that the target may come to the port city by boat.

I would like to know what ships are going to the port city from Jinmen, Daocheng and Shanghai in the near future. Can the detailed schedule be obtained at the port city station?

 Attention, this operation must be kept secret, preferably through secret channels. Don’t be afraid of spending money. This matter must not be discovered by others. "

For the sake of confidentiality, Zuo Zhong still kept a secret and did not directly ask for information about ships departing from Shanghai. Instead, he added two other cities.

 Enter the enemy-occupied area from Jin Province, you can go to Jinmen to the north, to Daocheng to the east, and to Shanghai to the south.

According to the "known" intelligence of the military commander, Yan Yiting's current whereabouts are a mystery. It is only logical and practical for him to ask this.

Chao Hou heard the question and did not answer immediately. After thinking carefully for a while, he nodded affirmatively.

“After the war started, many ships came to the port from these three places, especially Shanghai, where ships arrived every day.

 There are both Japanese ships, British ships, and ships from local Chinese merchants in the port city. The specific number is difficult to say.

There is no problem with the shift schedule. Many members of the Man On Chamber of Commerce work at Sheung Wan Pier, so it can be done without spending money. "

 Speaking of this, Chao Hou showed a confident smile on his face.

 No matter in any era, the freight industry with small investment and high profits is inseparable from gangs. Many gangs in the port city started their business on the docks.

So it is extremely easy to make a schedule. He can do it himself without using the resources of Gangcheng Station.

Zuo Zhong nodded slightly, walked to sit opposite Chao Hou, and asked a question out of curiosity.

"I forgot to ask, what is your position at Wan'an Chamber of Commerce? You haven't gone to work these days, will you be in trouble?"

 “No trouble, don’t worry.”

Chao Hou bent down slightly, lowered his head, glanced at Zuo Zhong secretly, and spoke respectfully.

"I serve as a red stick in the gang. If there is no big problem, I can move freely."

Red stick?

This answer surprised Zuo Zhong. Looking at the other party's polite appearance, he originally thought it was a white paper fan or straw sandals, but he didn't expect that he was talking with his fists.

But it’s normal to think about it. Using the skills of a professional agent to deal with gangsters is a dimensionality reduction attack, so it’s natural to get to the top quickly enough.

According to the military intelligence, the gangs in Gangcheng, the Shanghai Cao Gang, and the Shancheng Ge Laohui are of the same origin, but they have their own characteristics in terms of organizational structure.

 The lowest members are called Blue Lanterns, and the ones above are called Sijiuzai. This means that when you officially join the gang, you can choose three different paths. One kind is the straw sandals responsible for passing orders, contacting internal and external affairs, participating in gang negotiations, and collecting intelligence.

 One is a white paper fan who is responsible for civilian duties, manages the gang's finances and accounts, and acts as a military advisor.

 The last one is the red stick served by Chao Hou. Most of them are gold medal beaters and are responsible for military affairs. The most outstanding among them are revered as the double-flower red stick.

 Well, yes, that gentleman also held this position when he was alive.

These three positions further up are the fictitious second-line marshal and leading boss, which are similar to those of Caobang and Ge Laohui.

Zuo Zhong was smiling. It won’t be long before the Wan’an Gang’s surname is Chao.

 But this is a small problem. It doesn't matter if he is ambitious. As long as Chao Hou is loyal to the country, it is not impossible to give the other party some sweetness.

 It is impossible to make the horses run and not eat grass at the same time. This is not a long-term solution for humans.

Besides, no matter how far Sun Monkey flies, he can't escape Tathagata Buddha's Wuzhishan. A mere deputy captain of the action team can take care of him at any time.

Pretending not to notice the other party's peek, Zuo Zhong picked up the tea cup and took a sip, indicating that the other party could leave and serve the tea as a farewell.

Chao Hou immediately resigned and prepared to follow the order to obtain the schedule of ships arriving in Hong Kong in the near future, in order to leave a good impression on the officers coming from the headquarters.

And for some reason, he always felt that the other party seemed to have seen through the little ones in his heart, so it would be better to leave as soon as possible.

Chao Hou, who was frightened, left. Zuo Zhong thought for a while, then went to the next door to whisper a few words to Gui Youguang, roughly talking about his whereabouts, and then walked out of the hotel and walked around the neighborhood.

After a few days of adapting, he has learned the way of walking in Hong Kong - looking ahead and hurriedly walking, as if he is always in a hurry.

This is related to the current social situation in Hong Kong. When trying to make a living in a colony, facing multiple oppressions from foreigners, capitalists, and gangsters, it is impossible to be slow.

 It is not a simple matter to completely integrate into a city. Language and clothing are only superficial. What needs to be paid attention to are the deeper details.

Otherwise, let alone the Japanese intelligence officers, even the Hong Kong police officers walking on the streets can tell who are locals and who are outsiders.

Just like this moment, an Indian patrolman who was "interrogating" the refugees just glanced at Zuo Zhong and turned around without noticing anything was wrong.

Walking along the road for a few kilometers, Zuo Zhong made several covert counter-trackings. After making sure that he was clear behind him, he walked into a mountain road and climbed Bina Mountain in a detour.

This mountain is more than 400 meters above sea level. It is located in the south of Causeway Bay. It has dense vegetation. Standing on a high place, you can clearly see the surrounding activities.

When Zuo Zhong arrived at the top of the mountain, there was a mysterious man who had been waiting for a long time. He was facing the sea with his arms folded, looking at Victoria Harbor in the distance.

Perhaps he heard the footsteps behind him. The mysterious man slowly turned his head, revealing a familiar face. The moment he saw Zuo Zhong, he was shocked and speechless.

"you you…"

 “Yes, it’s me, long time no see,” Equator. ""

Zuo Zhong didn't wait for the other party to react, stretched out his right hand, and said hello with a smile, his expression looked a bit unbeatable.

The mysterious man was speechless. Recalling the scene where the two met a few years ago, he couldn't help but sigh. He grabbed Zuo Zhong's hand, shook it and said helplessly.

"You deceived me so badly. It seems that it was your arrangement for me to join the army. Yes, there is no such coincidence in the world.

At that time you said you wanted to return to your hometown, but there was no news after that. I felt sorry for you, but now it seems that I was overthinking it. "

Hearing what he said, Zuo Zhong couldn't help laughing, then slowly faded his smile and said something solemnly.

 “Thank you for your hard work, Dongqiang.”

Yes, the mysterious man is Dong Qiang, an old friend Zuo Zhong met when he was lurking in the tea shop in Jinling. After the Jiujiawu incident, he was sent to Hong Kong City and lurked in the Hong Kong City Police Force, codenamed "Equator".

ˆ (verse 601)

 When the interview was originally arranged, he did not show up in order to keep it confidential, so it is not surprising that the other party is so surprised now. Who would have thought that a "friend" who met by chance could be a spy.

In fact, the reason why Zuo Chong's party came to Hong Kong City is very simple. Dong Qiang is from Daocheng, Shandong Province. His father's generation participated in the Huayong Team, and he also attended a missionary school for several years. Later, his father was unfortunate while fighting pirates in Hong Kong City. Distressed.

With the loss of his backbone, the family's life was getting worse day by day. In order to take care of his frail mother and younger brothers and sisters, Dong Qiang resolutely dropped out of school and went to Jinling to make a living.

A person who values ​​​​love and justice and has a British background is naturally the best candidate to lurk in the port city. After all, this kind of "family son" is more trusted by John Bull than ordinary Chinese.

If it were placed in the former dynasty, the other party would at least be sealed with the Eight Han Banners or something. Even if the British did not have this rule, there would be overt and covert benefits.

Moreover, most of the current Chinese senior officers of the Hong Kong City Police are also from the Huayong Team. This alone can save Dong Qiang from struggling in the Hong Kong City Police System for ten years.

Coupled with the help and support of the military commander, perhaps within ten years, the first Chinese detective and chief Chinese detective will appear in the Hong Kong police force.

This matter is very important, not only related to the intelligence work of the military commander in Hong Kong, but also related to Zuo Zhong's layout for the future world.

Those who do not plan for the eternity cannot plan for a moment.

Those who do not plan for the overall situation cannot plan for one area.

Hong Kong City, as the current and future Asian intelligence center, can gain many unexpected benefits if it has its own people at the top of the police force.

 A few minutes later, the two people who had reunited after a long separation finished talking about old times. Zuo Zhong's expression gradually returned to seriousness, and he pulled Dong Qiang to sit down on a stone bench and asked some questions.

 (bitten by a flea, speechless)

 (End of this chapter)

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