Cicada Moving

Chapter 1039: "Equator" (one day off on the 1st)

Chapter 1039 "Equator" (One day off on the 1st)

 “Equator, which police station are you working in now and at what level?”

Zuo Zhong first asked Dongqiang about his current position at the police station. As the deputy chief, he had too many things to deal with and really didn't have time to pay attention to the other party's latest situation.

Dong Qiang smiled, took out an ID from his pocket and handed it to Zuo Zhong, introducing his current identity.

“After I arrived in Hong Kong, I asked a few elders to help me join the police force. I started making military uniforms, and last year I was transferred to the Criminal Investigation Division of the Hong Kong Island Region.

This department was established by Gui Lao in the twelfth year of the Republic of China. It is mainly responsible for investigating crimes and arresting suspects. It wears plain clothes at all times and can carry guns 24 hours a day.

In addition, the issuance and management of licenses for mahjong parlors, technical courts, gambling stalls, tobacco stalls, bars and other entertainment venues also fall under the Criminal Investigation Department.

The number of refugees has increased in the past two years, and the situation has become increasingly chaotic. Even the power to approve large-scale performances, festivals and Cantonese opera theaters has fallen into the hands of the Criminal Investigation Department.

 Because I hold a lot of power and have a lot of money, it is very difficult to be promoted, so I am still an ordinary agent, not even a senior agent. "

Hearing the other party's introduction, Zuo Zhong glanced at the certificate but did not pick it up. He smiled and nodded.

“Yes, your position is very critical. It doesn’t matter if you can’t get up for the time being. You can get some qualifications first, and your hometown will provide help.

By the way, I heard that plainclothes officers have their own areas of responsibility. Where is your area of ​​responsibility, and what is your relationship with the local gang? "

Zuo Zhong was no stranger to what Dong Qiang said about the situation of the Hong Kong City Police Force. There was a lot of relevant information on military affairs. After listening, he asked another question.

 “My jurisdiction is in Sheung Wan.”

Dongqiang replied immediately, then thought about what he had thought of, and explained a little embarrassedly.

“There was an uncle who was a senior detective and had a good relationship with the British detective. He took me to meet him several times. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have been able to get such a good jurisdiction based on my qualifications.

As for the local gangs, I am very familiar with the Wan'an Gang, and Jiang Zheng, the coolie leader in the Western Ring Road, has a pretty good relationship with me, but I don't know much about the others. "

Jiang Zheng?

 The founder of Hongxing in a certain film and television drama?

Hearing this name, Zuo Zhong was a little speechless, but in the blink of an eye he was no longer entangled. The important thing was that Sheung Wan turned out to be Dongqiang's jurisdiction.

With this relationship, this mission had a better chance of winning. Thinking of this, he cheered up and asked.

“Can you get the schedule of ships arriving from Tianjin, Daocheng, and Shanghai in the near future?”

"No problem, I have a good relationship with the ghost guy at the dock. The schedule is posted on the wall. I can go to their office at any time. I just need to take out the schedule, right?"

Dongqiang patted his chest and assured him that there was no problem, and then asked about the specific plan. If he didn't need to keep it secret, he could just knock on the door and walk in, take the shift list and leave.

Zuo Zhong shook his head, turned around and looked around, placed a pocket watch on the stone bench, motioned for the other party to put it away, and whispered a few instructions.

“No one can find out that the watch has been tampered with. This is a British spy camera. The pointer is the direction of the lens and the watch handle is the shutter. It can take 25 photos at a time.

 You have to go to the dock as usual and look for opportunities to lure the British away and take pictures. Remember, you must not touch the schedule, not even a finger.

You have not received complete intelligence training, you do not know how to restore items, and you do not know how to hide your emotions. Taking pictures is enough. "

 When he was in Jinling, Dongqiang helped the Secret Service to inquire about some information, but he was not from an orthodox major and had not even participated in skills training.

This has advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that there are no traces of training and will not arouse the suspicion of the British or Japanese.

The disadvantage is also obvious, that is, it is unable to complete overly complicated operations independently. If the agents of our department go to the dock office to steal intelligence, there is no need to take pictures at all.

 Instant memory is the basic skill of an agent. It only takes tens of seconds to memorize a not-so-complex shift schedule in your mind. This is just a passing grade.

However, the value of Dongqiang lies in the acquisition of identity and intelligence. If he has no ability to act, it will not delay important events. If his skills are not enough, he can use technology to make up for it. Spy cameras are not expensive anyway.

 “I understand, I understand.”

Hearing Zuo Zhong’s words, Dong Qiang said solemnly and put his pocket watch into his pocket. A person should be self-aware. He is just a young police officer. Professional matters must be listened to by professionals.

 Next, the two talked about some inside information about the Hong Kong City Police and some gossip about the British Hong Kong Government. Although this information had nothing to do with the mission, it deepened Zuo Zhong's understanding of Hong Kong City.

Time passed quickly, and the meeting ended half an hour later. When Dong Qiang said goodbye, he suddenly asked Zuo Zhong what his name was. After knowing each other for such a long time, he still didn’t know the other person’s real name.

Zuo Zhong tilted his head and thought for a while. Naturally, he couldn't say his real name. That would risk being exposed, so after thinking about it, he finally patted Dong Qiang's shoulder and smiled.

“It doesn’t matter what my name is. Just remember your mission. Someone will give you a sum of yen funds after a while. Use them reasonably. I hope I can call you Detective Inspector next time we meet.

 Okay, let's go. Use the new dead mailbox to communicate after the task is completed. Also, your mother, brother and sister live well in Melbourne, Australia. You can go and see them when you have time. People like us, who are worthy of our country and our nation, but not our relatives, may be dead and buried, so we might as well do our best to fulfill our filial piety now to avoid regrets in the future. "

After sighing, Zuo Zhong turned around and walked towards the mountain road. The longer the connection lasted, the harder it was to forge the time trajectory. Half an hour was already the limit.

In addition, in the conversation just now, he asked Dongqiang to also obtain the shift schedule, which was not a useless effort. The same piece of information can only be trusted after cross-verification through multiple channels.

Whether it is Chao Hou or Dong Qiang, they are all kites flying out. No one knows whether they will suddenly betray, so it is better to be careful.

However, putting Dongqiang's relatives in Australia is not really a hostage. Threatening his subordinates is the worst method. The military commander has not restricted the other party's actions at all, and Dongqiang himself knows this.

Zuo Zhong thought as he walked, without stopping, and quickly left Bina Mountain. Yan Yiting was about to arrive at the port. They still had a lot to do.

With him gone, there was no need for Dongqiang to blow the cold wind on the top of the mountain anymore. As a plainclothes officer of the Criminal Investigation Department, although he made a lot of money, his work was also very busy.

With so many refugees and people like Mr. Du from Shanghai, they are all crowded into a small port city. It is strange that the public security is good. Several corpses appear in Victoria Harbor every day.

It took half an hour to walk to the Hong Kong Island General Administration. Dongqiang greeted his colleagues familiarly and prepared to go back to the office. However, he met the British detective from the Detective Division in the corridor. He had eyes higher than his head and was smiling. Talk to a Chinese-looking man.

“Kuang, don’t worry. I have received Mr. Kai Ziwei’s telegram. I will contact you as soon as there is news about your relatives. Don’t worry, the benevolent Lord will bless them.”

The white detective kindly comforted the man. He saw Dong Qiang coming from the corner of his eye and immediately waved him over and introduced the man warmly.

"This is my most capable agent. I will leave this matter to him. If you need any other help, please let me know. I will try my best to satisfy you."

 After speaking, the white detective glanced at Dongqiang with a superior look, ordered some things, and his tone became cold.

“This is Inspector Kuang Fuan from the Shanghai Public Settlement. His family disappeared when the Japanese attacked Yangcheng last year and it is said that they came to Hong Kong Island.

You go assist Inspector Kuang and tell those **** gang members that if they are willing to help, this month's fees can be reduced by 10%. "

 Inspector of the Shanghai Concession?

Dong Qiang was shocked. Although it was less difficult for Chinese people to be promoted in the patrol houses in the public concession compared with those in Hong Kong City, whoever could become a detective would not have a very good hand and eye.

And it is estimated that Mr. Kaiziwei is not an ordinary person, he is probably a senior executive of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce Bureau. No wonder his immediate boss is so enthusiastic.

Realizing that the other party's identity was not simple, he nodded to show that he had heard, and then quickly bent down and extended his hand to Kuang Fuan to say hello respectfully.

“Hello, Inspector Kwong, my name is Dong Qiang. I am a plainclothes police officer from the Criminal Investigation Department. I am responsible for the Sheung Wan area and I am familiar with the surrounding situation.

 In the local gangs and trading houses, they are quite thin. If anyone has seen your relatives in Sheung Wan, I promise to help you ask them. "

After Zuo Zhong’s questioning, Dong Qiang knew what the other person was concerned about, and learned to answer quickly, taking the initiative to tell him his jurisdiction and expertise.

 “Hello, that’s troublesome.”

Kuang Fuan, who was opposite, smiled and shook hands with Dong Qiang. There was no trace of arrogance in his expression, but he was just a little tired. He looked like he had not had a good rest for many days.

This is not a pretense. Since he received the order to come to Hong Kong City, in order to find a suitable excuse to leave Shanghai, Kuang Fuan told his colleagues in the patrol room that his family was missing.

In order to make the trick come true, he even searched the "hometown" in the files to find someone. After finding nothing, he came to the port city and asked "Bo Le" John Kai Ziwei for help.

 After so many days of preparation, he finally had the opportunity to get in touch with the schedule that was crucial to determining Yan Yiting's itinerary, which made him secretly happy.

ˆAccording to comrades in the organization's second theater and senior Japanese and puppet officials, the other party is likely to take a boat to the port city to negotiate with the Japanese on behalf of Yan Baichuan.

Yan Baichuan must not be allowed to make peace. This was Kuang Fuan's only thought after learning about this. If this happened, the entire north would most likely fall into the hands of the Japanese invaders.

Thinking that Yan Yiting would arrive in the port city at any time, he couldn't stay any longer. After a few pleasantries, he said goodbye to the white detective, saying that he was going to Sheung Wan Pier now, and took out a few photos.

The white detective understood that if you took a passenger ship from the mainland to Hong Kong Island, you would definitely pass by the Sheung Wan Pier. The other party wanted to find clues about his relatives by asking the terminal staff.

Hundreds of people disembark every day, either becoming slave workers in factories, or being swallowed up by gangs until nothing is left. Finding them is no easy task.

But it was definitely hard to say such depressing words, so he immediately left the matter to Dong Qiang and turned around and left on the pretext that he had something to do.

Dong Qiang, who was captured as a young man, couldn't help but wonder. What a coincidence. The information that the military commander wanted was at the dock, and Kuang Fu'an was also going to the dock. Should he report this matter to his "old friend"?

 After working for several years, he has seen many examples of using coincidences to cover up crimes, but on the surface he still pretended to be enthusiastic and led Kuang Fuan into the car and went straight to the Sheung Wan Pier.

The easter egg is the prototype of the character Kuang Fuan



 (End of this chapter)

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