Cicada Moving

Chapter 1040: Shift schedule

Chapter 1040 Shift Schedule

 “Good morning, Mr. Winston.”

Tung Qiang took Kuang Fuan to the Sheung Wan Pier, walked into an office with ease, and shouted to the white man inside who was smoking a cigar.

 This is a small room, with nothing else but a set of tables and chairs. The wall on the right is covered with various documents, making it look a bit messy.

After finishing the question, Dong Qiang tilted his head slightly and quietly introduced the identity of the white man to Kuang Fuan next to him.

“Inspector Kuang, this is the terminal manager. You can ask him to arrange for the terminal staff to identify the photos.”

The two were talking, and Winston across from him waved his hand casually and lazily asked Dong Qiang's purpose, without any intention of getting up.

In Hong Kong City, white people are at the highest level of society. Even members of the Detective Division with real power cannot allow him to raise his noble buttocks.

Dong Qiang has long been accustomed to British virtues and didn't care about the other party's attitude at all. He walked to the desk and pointed at Kuang Fuan and said lightly.

“Winston, Inspector Kuang Fuan from the Shanghai Public Settlement, my boss asked me to accompany Inspector Kuang to find his family.”


Winston was stunned for a moment, quickly climbed up from the chair, put the cigar aside, and shook hands with Kuang Fuan warmly.

 “Hello, my friend, don’t worry, I’m here to help in any way you can.”

This sudden enthusiasm made Kuang Fuan a little uncomfortable, but he didn't reach out to hit the smiling person. He immediately smiled and expressed his gratitude to the other person.

 While speaking, he adjusted his position naturally, glanced at the files on the wall with his peripheral vision, and instantly found the cruise schedule he wanted.

“Queen’s cruise ship, departing from Jinmen, arrival time…”

“Asuka Maru Cruise, departure point from Shima Castle, arrival time.”

While talking to Winston, Kuang Fuan quickly memorized the contents of the shift schedule, and there was no abnormality in his expression and movements.

He is worthy of being the captain of the red team who once served as the secret service headquarters, with dozens of agents punishing traitors.

Dongqiang was bored and walked around the office twice with his hands on his hands, and successfully found the shift schedule. However, there were other people present and there was no opportunity to take pictures.

It wasn’t until Kuang Fuan introduced the general situation to Winston that Dong Qiang pointed to the phone on his desk and interrupted.

“Mr. Winston, please take Inspector Kuang to meet the employees who have been working at the dock since last year. Inspector Kuang has photos in his hand that can help them identify them.

I think it’s best to start the investigation at the ticket office. If Inspector Kuang’s family does come to Hong Kong City and takes a passenger ship, they will definitely come into contact with the ticket inspector.

In addition, can you borrow a phone? I need to contact my friends at the Sai Wan Pier. If there are no clues here, we will try to go to Sai Wan later.

 As you know, in addition to regular passenger ships, there are many people who cannot afford the tickets who would rather take the risk of taking fishing boats and cargo ships to escape Japanese control. "

 “Of course, please do so.”

Winston shrugged, turned around and raised his hand to invite Kuang Fuan to go to the ticket check-in office. The dock was busy with work and the staff could not leave their posts. If they wanted to ask questions, they could only go there in person.

 A French Concession inspector would not force him to suspend the operation of the dock. Of course, if a white inspector came, the situation would be different.

Watching the two people walk out of the room, Dong Qiang picked up the phone and turned the dial to dial. He dialed a number and explained the situation to the other party on the phone, asking the other party to find the smuggler who had smuggled him into the country.

What he just said was not just to get the two people away. The inland and the port city are not far away. Compared with expensive passenger ships, cargo ships and fishing boats are a cheaper way to smuggle people across the country. There are many people doing this business. .

  Assuming that Kuang Fuan's family came to Hong Kong Island via a black ship, they would definitely not be able to avoid the smugglers if they wanted to find someone. As for whether the other party would tell the truth, Dong Qiang was not worried at all.

 Find out more about Judicial Green Tea.

Cut the hair into pieces and mix it with tea for the suspect to drink. The chopped hair is difficult to digest and is very sharp. It will puncture the gastrointestinal mucosa and cause abdominal pain like death. No scars can be seen from the outside.

 Since ancient times, the people have not fought with the officials, even in Hong Kong cities under the rule of the British. If they offend the police, they have many ways to make the smuggler tell the truth.

After arranging the matter, Dongqiang put down the microphone and quickly went to the window and looked around. After making sure that no one was around, he walked back to the wall and took out the spy camera, pointed it at the schedule and pressed the shutter.

This was the first time he was performing such a mission. He was extremely nervous. He swallowed saliva from time to time during the photo-taking process, and he had to keep his ears alert for the movement outside the door. This was indeed a test for a new intelligence officer.

Fortunately, everything went smoothly. It took less than half a minute for Dong Qiang to take photos of all the information about the passenger ships arriving in Hong Kong recently. After heaving a long sigh of relief, he put away the camera and walked out of the office to meet with Kuang Fuan. Convergence.

Maybe it was an intuition. He always felt that the detective from Shanghai was a bit strange, but he couldn't tell what was wrong. After all, the other party did not act alone...

Dong Qiang, who was confused, shook his head and quickly found Kuang Fuan and Winston who were questioning the staff. The expressions on their faces were not very good.

This was within his expectation. There have been more than a million people fleeing from the mainland to the port city in the past few years. It is really difficult to find a few people among so many people.

 Half an hour later, Kuang Fuan, who had gained nothing, had a solemn expression. He mustered up his energy to shake hands with Winston and say goodbye. He and Dong Qiang got in the car again and headed to the Sai Wan Pier.

Unsurprisingly, the smugglers in the Western District did not provide any useful clues. The reason is simple. The people in the photo are still in the northwest. It would be strange if someone had seen them in Hong Kong City. As night fell, Kuang Fuan said a polite farewell to Dong Qiang, saying that he would go to the refugee gathering place in Hong Kong City next, and he would not need to accompany him.

Of course Dongqiang would not object. He sent the other party to the hotel where he lived and said goodbye before driving back to the police station.

But as he was driving, he suddenly noticed something was wrong. A car followed his car from unknown time and did not leave at several intersections in a row.

Although he has not received professional intelligence training, after joining the Hong Kong City Police Department, Dong Qiang spent some time in the police academy and studied with veteran police officers for half a year after working. He still has basic anti-investigation awareness.

 Realizing that he was being followed and that his life was in danger, Dongqiang suddenly broke out in cold sweat on his forehead, secretly guessing who the stalker might be.

 Military control?

He has learned a lot about the military commander's style in the past few years, whether from hearsay or personal experience. He is indeed cautious in his actions and has strict internal controls.

 But after thinking about it, Dong Qiang quickly ruled out this possibility. According to the quality of the military command personnel he had seen in the past, it would be impossible for him to detect the other party if they really wanted to follow him.

Is that Kuang Fuan’s person?

Although Kuang Fu'an said from beginning to end that he came to Hong Kong City alone, who wouldn't lie? Could it be that this person really has a problem? Dong Qiang stepped on the accelerator thoughtfully.

Faced with tracking, he had two options: either pretend not to see him and drive back to the police station, or conduct counter-tracking. The problem was that it was equivalent to telling the stalker that there was a problem with his identity.

A plainclothes officer from the Criminal Investigation Department cannot and should not understand this skill. In fact, Dong Qiang does not understand it. This content was not included in the short-term training before arriving from Jinling to Hong Kong City.

It didn’t take long for Dong Qiang to drive into the Hong Kong Island Police Station. The following vehicle passed in front of the police station without stopping and drove off into the distance.

Seeing this scene through the car window, Dongqiang sneered, got out of the car and walked into the office building, thinking about reporting the matter to his "old friend" as soon as possible.

When the military commander asked for the dock, Kuang Fuan also went to the dock. The two must be related, but Kuang Fuan did nothing at the Sheung Wan dock, which made him a little confused.

Just when Dong Qiang was confused, Kuang Fuan had already restored the shift schedule in the office. If Winston were present, he would be surprised to find that there is no difference between the two.

 But it is useless to have schedules and arrival times. In the next few days, a total of 17 passenger ships arrived at the port city from all over the Republic of China, with a total number of people reaching more than 10,000.

Even with the help of the Gangcheng underground party, even with Yan Yiting's photo, and without the specific name of the ship, it is not easy to find him among the many passengers.

Kuang Fuan frowned as he looked at the shift schedule on the table. It seemed that he had to seek help from his superiors through the local organization first, otherwise he would not be able to complete the task by himself.

Cao Cao was about to arrive. As soon as he thought of this, there was a rhythmic knock on the door. The person who heard the signal was the traffic officer of the underground party in Gangcheng.

After opening the door and welcoming the visitor into the room, Kuang Fuan and the other party each found a stool and sat down. The traffic officer dressed as a waiter did not speak, but took out a pen and paper from his pocket and wrote a line of words.

“The target has taken the "Jiuzhou" cruise ship from Shanghai to the port city."

Kuang Fuan frowned, knowing that this was top-secret information obtained by the organization from the Japanese or high-level officials of the new government. With the specific ship name, he could find out the arrival time from the schedule, and the task would be simple.

But before he could take the pen and paper and write out the following arrangements, the traffic officer wrote another line of words, the content of which made Kuang Fuan's heart beat suddenly.

“There are Hong Kong gangsters watching outside the hotel, three of them, very hidden.”

After finishing writing, the traffic officer got up and left the room without saying a word during the whole process. To the underground party in Hong Kong City, the British were the same enemies as the Japanese in Shanghai.

When working on the enemy's territory, one must be cautious and careful. Without this awareness, they would have been wiped out by the Political Department of the Hong Kong City Police Department established a few years ago.

After seeing off the traffic officer, Kuang Fuan had the same doubts as Dong Qiang. Who sent those three monitors?

He just arrived in the port city and only went to the police station and two docks. The people he came into contact with were either police officers or dock workers, and there were at most a few smugglers. Why would the gangs target him?

 Gang members mostly target people for money, but he never showed his wealth along the way, and he was accompanied by plainclothes officers from the Detective Department. He didn't believe that these people didn't know Dong Qiang.

 Unless...the person following him is related to Dong Qiang, then everything makes sense. It is normal for police officers in Hong Kong City to mix with gangsters.

 What about the purpose?

Why would a plainclothes spy monitor the guests introduced by his boss? Who does Dong Qiang serve?

During the day's exchange, the other party said that he was from Shandong Province and had spent some time in Jinling. His father was from an older generation, Huayong, and he had many connections in the police station.

It can be said that the background is clean and the experience is clear, so the possibility that Dongqiang is a Japanese spy is unlikely, because these circumstances are easy to verify and cannot be deceived at all.

 So Dong Qiang is a military spy?

Kuang Fuan was a little surprised. He didn't expect Director Dai's hands to be so long. He even had minions of the military commander in Hong Kong City.

Hand out his hand to light the note and put it into the ashtray, he felt that he needed to be more careful with his actions. The target was about to arrive and there must be no mistakes.

If the party is only a nominal ally, the two sides are more often enemies. We must prevent the military commander from being ineffective in this matter and using the Japanese sword to deal with the northwest.

While Kuang Fuan was on alert, Zuo Zhong’s mobile phone once again received a cipher message from Hase Ryosuke. The content of the message was also the name of the ship Yan Yiting was traveling on.

Zuo Zhong put his phone back into space, touched his chin and thought for a moment. After a while, Chao Hou walked in and respectfully placed a cruise schedule on the table.

Dinotefuran is not poisonous. Why do I feel dizzy after spraying it? (-ι_-)

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