Cicada Moving

Chapter 1044: This spy is not simple

Chapter 1044: This spy is not simple


  Sokodo Hall, where the Special Committee on China is based, Doihara and Osako Tsusada sat cross-legged in the room playing chess, while a maid in kimono knelt aside holding a teapot.

Judging from the situation, Osako Tosada had the advantage at this time and was almost able to kill the opponent's dragon. The game seemed to be over.

But Doihara looked indifferent, thinking about the chess pieces for a long time, and finally gently landed a chess piece on the corner of the chessboard, instantly reviving the overall situation.

There was a smile on his face, he picked up the tea cup and took a sip of tea. He looked at the frowning Osako Tsusada and said.

 “Haha, Osako-kun, it seems you are going to lose again.”

“Your Excellency, your chess skills are exquisite, and I am ashamed of myself.”

Osako Michizada shook his head helplessly and chose to surrender. He really didn't give in to Doihara. He was really inferior to others.


Doihara laughed a few times, and then suddenly waved his hand to let the maid go out. His expression instantly returned to a serious look, and he asked the other party a question.

“Osako-kun, is everything going well in the port city? Have you noticed anything suspicious?”

Osako Tsusada nodded when he heard the words, turned to watch the maid close the shoji door and walked away listening to the sound of clogs, then straightened his back and began to report.

“Very smoothly, all suspicious persons approaching the Sheung Wan Pier are currently under surveillance. Once the Kyushu and the Queen dock, imperial intelligence personnel will monitor the entire process.

 No suspicious circumstances have been found for the time being, but I am skeptical about the professional capabilities of the Hong Kong City operatives. Maybe the military command and the underground party have appeared, but they have not noticed it.

 After all, these people have only received short-term intelligence training and have been operating as gangsters in the past few years. It is difficult to determine how much tracking and anti-tracking skills they have left. "

Doihara nodded slightly, feeling a little helpless. In the empire's strategic goals, a small port city was not important, so it was naturally impossible to invest a large number of elites into hiding.

 Therefore, the agents sent were short-term agents, who had no problem performing simple tasks such as assassinations and intimidation at ordinary times, but now they are really unable to deal with professional intelligence personnel.

  He put the tea cup on the table, pondered for a moment and then made a decision: "Osaku-kun, I will contact the Kwantung Army Intelligence Department and ask them to immediately send a group of personnel to the port city by plane."

“Hai Yi, I will ask the port city to prepare a response. Regarding the elite Eastern Army, this mission will be successfully completed and we will find the traitors hiding within the empire.”

Osako Tosada looked happy. The agents of the Kwantung Army Intelligence Department were definitely not comparable to that group of gangsters. He was surprised and tried again.

“Your Excellency Doihara, Mr. Hase is a well-known intelligence expert on China in the empire. He should be responsible for this matter. Do you think...?

I think this possibility is very small. Mr. Hase may be greedy for money, and he is very close to people in the Shanghai intelligence trading market, but he would not dare to betray the empire. "

Osako Tsusada, who seemed to be explaining, but was actually provoking anger, carefully observed Doihara's expression while speaking, and quietly put on a small shoe for Hase Ryosuke.

Doihara just smiled at this. He knew that Hase Ryosuke and Osako Tsusada had conflicts, but this was a good thing and something Tokyo was happy to see.

If Hase Ryosuke and Osako Tsusada were good enough to wear a pair of pants, some people would not be able to sleep because power needs to be checked and balanced. Thinking of this, he spoke slowly.

“The purpose of this "Chaoge" project is to find out the saboteurs hidden within the empire and among the top officials of the new government. All important personnel must be screened, including you, Osaka-kun.

However, a few years ago, your Qingmu Residence tried to steal confidential documents from Dai Chunfeng's safe. The operators sent back a message at the last moment. Do you know what the content of the message was? "

ˆ (verse 675)

 Hearing this question, Osako Tsusada was immediately shocked because he had been under internal review for a long time about this matter, and he still doesn’t know the reason until now.

If it weren't for the mediation of several friends in the military, he might still be in the cell of the military police. But before he could ask, Doihara on the opposite side continued.

"There is only one message in the message. According to the documents found in the safe in Dai Chunfeng's office, the military police have detained you for more than a year because you are a mole hidden in the imperial intelligence system."


Osako Tosada opened his mouth wide with a look of disbelief on his face, then angrily slapped the table, raised his neck and shouted loudly.

"Baga! This is slander! This is a shameless conspiracy. I will never betray His Majesty Tianchu and the empire. Sir Doihara, please believe me."

“Haha, Osako-kun, don’t get excited, I believe you, otherwise I would not agree to you serving as the head of the Special Committee on China.”

Doihara quickly patted the other party's shoulder to comfort him, and then explained the reason.

"The Gendarmerie conducted a strict review and found no doubts about you. Moreover, you have arrested and executed many members of the Kuomintang and underground parties. In addition, there are many people in the military who speak for you. Passed the screening. It is precisely because of this that it is more appropriate for you to be responsible for the "Chaoge Project". It's not that I don't believe Mr. Hase, but that this matter is too important. In addition, if his suspicion is eliminated this time, the problem will be solved. It’s serious.”

 Speaking of this, Doihara's eyes became gloomy. There was no problem at the grassroots level, but the problem could only be with the decision-making level, the cabinet, the military and even the Locust House.

The enemy is in Tokyo. These words flashed through Osako Tsusada's mind, and he swallowed nervously. He regretted asking the question just now. The more he knew, the faster he would die.

 Fortunately, Doihara then took the initiative to change the topic and made further arrangements for the Port City operation, wooing Yan Baichuan and finding the mole. This time he wanted to kill two birds with one stone!

A few hours later, a mysterious woman appeared at the back door of the Changgu Agency. She nodded with the guard and walked into the courtyard. The breeze blew her hair, revealing her face. She was the maid serving tea.

There are no real fools in this world, especially in the intelligence industry. Everyone has their own trump card, right?

It is already cold and desolate in Shanghai, but the weather in the port city thousands of miles away is still pleasant.

As night falls, the aroma fills the nostrils in a small alley in Central. An iron pot is placed on the charcoal stove made of oil drums. Red tongues of flame are rising from the bottom of the pot. The sweating chef skillfully stirs it twice with an iron spoon. , pour the stir-fried vegetables in the pot into the plate.

At the corner not far from the stove, Zuo Zhong and Kuang Fuan were sitting at a table. They picked some dishes at random and communicated in low voices.

"The superiors have officially approved our cooperation. Who is the real negotiator? Have your military commanders found out?" Kuang Fuan asked.

Zuo Zhong ate his food and said calmly: "Director Dai also agreed to the cooperation between the two parties. As for the harvest, your party is in the second war zone, so the information should be better than ours."

Hearing what Zuo Zhong said, Kuang Fuan didn't pay attention. They and the Guo Party fought in cooperation and cooperated in struggle. He had long been prepared for the other party to play tricks.

He smiled slightly and said calmly: "Since we can go from the southwest to the northwest, we can also go from the northwest back to the southwest. At worst, there will be another Wanli Chang┴Zheng①."

Hearing this threat, Zuo Zhong laughed in his heart, but his face darkened on the surface, and he reluctantly told the latest information collected by the Intelligence Division.

“It has been found out that Li Fengzhou, chief of staff of the 1st Cavalry Corps of the Jin Army, and Jiade Zhen, Yan Baichuan’s staff member, disappeared a few days ago and were accompanied by a total of 30 people from the Guard Regiment of the Second Theater Chief’s Department.

Our people in enemy-occupied areas have all been mobilized to search for the whereabouts of these people, but if the other party separates or the Japanese army escorts them throughout the whole journey, it is estimated that it will be difficult to gain anything. "

Kuang Fu'an was shocked. In less than a day, the military commander found out so much information. It seemed that the military commander had many informants inside the second theater.

And these informants must be lurking very deep. At least the comrades in the northwest have not found Judd Town. After thinking about it for a while, he directly asked Zuo Zhong if he had any information about this person.

There is no shame in doing so, and you don’t need to risk your own comrades. You can complete the task with the help of the party’s intelligence power, so why not do it.

Looking deeply at the other person, Zuo Zhong felt that he had really underestimated this guy. Not only was his action skills great, but he was also very thick-skinned. However, he still introduced the situation in Judd Town truthfully.

 Jiade Town, male, was born in a scholarly family in Qinshui County, Shanxi Province in 1880. He was three years older than Yan Baichuan. He was a Jinshi in 1904 (the 30th year of Guangxu).

The other party can be regarded as the last batch of Jinshi from the previous dynasty, because in 1905, the Queen Mother of the previous dynasty issued an edict officially abolishing the imperial examination that had lasted for more than 1,400 years.

 After becoming an official, he served as county magistrate for two terms in Zhaoyuan and Tancheng of Shandong Province. In 1911, his mother died of illness, so he reported Ding You to return to his hometown. Then he accepted the invitation of Zhou Shumo, the governor of Heilongjiang, and joined the governor's Yamen.

Since Jiadezhen's father was a Jinshi in the 15th year of Guangxu's reign, he was deeply influenced by his father's generation. He took the imperial examination as the first priority and practiced good writing.

At the same time, his early experience as an official gave him some understanding of officialdom and personnel. In 1912, Jiadezhen returned to Shanxi Province from the Northeast and was quickly entrusted with important tasks. He has been serving in Yan Baichuan's staff ever since.

After Zuo Zhong’s introduction, Kuang Fuan frowned. Li Fengzhou was an old soldier and Jiadezhen was an old bureaucrat. Neither of them were easy to deal with.

It is not easy to find these two cunning people and obtain the content of the negotiation from them.

Picked up a piece of vegetables and put it into his mouth to chew. He suddenly raised his head and looked at the Fruit Party agent, wanting to hear what the other party could do.

Zuo Zhong understood what Kuang Fuan meant, but he didn't speak immediately. He first raised his hand to greet the boss, and then asked a strange question.

 “How many people are there in Yan Baichuan’s negotiation team?”

Kuang Fuan was stunned and reported 32. Even a child could answer this arithmetic question. The other party asked what it meant.

At this time, the boss placed a plate of vinegar next to the food. The next moment, he saw Zuo Zhong tapping the vinegar plate with his chopsticks and making two crisp clanging sounds.

Kuang Fuan's eyes lit up, he raised the corner of his mouth and gestured with his thumb. At the same time, he became more vigilant in his heart. This spy is not simple!

①This word was proposed in 1935, specifically Baidu.



 (End of this chapter)

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