Cicada Moving

Chapter 1045: Hand over guns but not jealous gourds

Chapter 1045: Don’t be jealous

 A few days later.

According to the false information released by the Japanese, Yan Yiting should have arrived in the port city by this time, and the same is estimated to be true in Li Fengzhou and Jiade Town.

 There is a relationship between the two, one light and one dark. The bright line has two functions.

The first is to attract monitors.

 The second is to cover the real negotiators at the same time.

 So the itineraries of the three people must overlap to some extent.

This is easy to understand. Yan Yiting cannot be gone before the other two arrive in the port city. That would lose the meaning of cover.

 Dai Chunfeng, who was in the mountain city, was very anxious when he learned about this situation. He sent several calls to the Gangcheng Station, requesting that the target's foothold be determined as soon as possible.

However, Zuo Zhong still sat firmly on Diaoyutai, because according to his plan with Kuang Fuan, if he wanted to find Li Fengzhou and Juade Town, he had to wait for them to arrive in the port city.

It wasn't until Lao Dai called and said that he was coming to Hong Kong by plane that Zuo Zhong, who didn't want to change teachers yet, took action and took Gui Youguang out of the hotel.

 Wellington Street, Central.

Zuo Zhong and his wife were walking on a crowded street. There were shops with various signs on both sides of the road, and the sound of hawking was endless.

The bald man looked left and right, wondering what they were doing here, and carefully asked questions in Japanese.

“Sir, what are we doing here? Do the two people mentioned in the news from my hometown live here?”

Dodged to avoid a pedestrian, Zuo Zhong glanced at Gui Youguang, and also asked the other person a question in Japanese.

 “Have you ever heard the saying that it’s better to give someone a gun than to be jealous?”

"heard about it."

Gui Youguang was a little confused, but still nodded. This sentence was widely circulated in the Republic of China, and the protagonist was the Jin army.

It is said that after Yan Baichuan became the governor of Shanxi Province, he reorganized the troops and gave each person a new military kettle. The soldiers were very happy and carried the kettle on their backs every day.

 But a strange phenomenon occurred soon after. Many soldiers opened the water bottle and took a sip from time to time while marching and training.

Yan Baichuan was very puzzled when he saw this. This action did not look like drinking water, but like drinking. Drinking in the army was a serious crime, which made him furious.

So a surprise inspection came, and the result was very surprising. The soldiers' kettles were all filled with old vinegar.

As a native of Jin Province, Yan Baichuan also grew up eating vinegar. He knew its taste well, so he waved his hand and stopped.

From then on, it became an honorable act for the Jin army to bring vinegar in their kettles. Regardless of whether they were garrisoned or on the march, they drank vinegar when they were thirsty and when they were hungry.

  Sometimes I would squat in the trench, with bullets flying around my head, and I would take a sip of vinegar to calm down and relax.

Even if you lose the battle and become a prisoner, it is quite satisfying to hand over a gun, but there is no way to hand over a jealous pot. This saying has spread like this.

However, Gui Youguang still doesn't understand what this has to do with the negotiators looking for Yan Baichuan. They can't search every house to see who has the jealous gourd.

Zuo Zhong raised his hand to stop his questioning, glanced at the plaques of the shops on both sides, as if he was looking for something, and said softly.

“Don’t you understand? No matter how hidden the people mentioned in my hometown are, they always have to eat, and they have a habit of eating.

There are more than 30 people from Jin Province. Even if some of them don’t like to be jealous, the amount of jealousy consumed by others every day is not a small amount. "

 Seven things to do when you wake up early to open the door: firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar and tea. This old saying is true.

As an ordinary person, living at home and working hard all his life are nothing more than wandering around these seven things.

 But upon closer inspection, firewood, rice, oil, and salt are the core. No one in the world can live without three meals a day. In the words of the common people, it is a hard job that tests the money in your pocket.

Soy sauce and vinegar tea are a combination of different living habits. Some people like to drink tea, some people don’t eat sauce, and some people are jealous.

For example, people from Shanxi Province can drink tea or eat soy sauce, but they need vinegar every day. They cannot live without vinegar.

 For most "old Westerners", if they don't get jealous for a day, their food will be tasteless and their life will not be exciting.

Kuang Fuan’s idea of ​​​​looking for negotiators based on “food, clothing, housing, and transportation” is right. Since “housing” is not feasible, let’s start with “food.”

Whether it is Li Fengzhou or Juade Town, they are all standard natives of Jin Province, and so are the guards if nothing unexpected happens.

 Because the township party is the basic requirement for the appointment of personnel by warlords everywhere, Yan Baichuan cannot hand over an elite unit like the pistol company to "outsiders".

Then things are simple. There are not many shops in Hong Kong that can provide so much vinegar at one time. As long as you find the shop, you can find the target.


"We're here, "Bazhen" Vinegar Store. You go in and ask if anyone has purchased a large amount of vinegar recently. You can find the reason yourself. I'll be on guard outside." After saying that, Zuo Zhong walked away, walking quickly among the crowd. No trace.

 The Japanese are very unusual this time. No one knows whether there are spies around the vinegar shop, so they should be more cautious in their actions.

On the other side, Gui Youguang pondered for a moment and quickly thought of a reason, then stepped across the road and walked into the "Bazhen" Vinegar Shop.

ten minutes later.

Zuo Zhong, who was leaning on a telephone pole at the street corner and reading a newspaper, suddenly closed the newspaper and jumped onto a tram nimbly. He handed the fare to the conductor and shouted in Cantonese.

 “No, I borrowed it~”

Amid the disgusted looks of the passengers, he came to the rear of the carriage and stopped, standing next to Gui Youguang and looking out the window silently.

The warning bells rang all the way, and the tram finally stopped at Sheung Wan. Passengers poured out of the doors and merged into the pedestrians.

Zuo Zhong and Gui Youguang also got off the car and walked away quickly along the road. When the tram started to drive away again, only hurried pedestrians were left around the platform.

 “How is it, have you gained anything?”

After a long time, in an alley a few hundred meters away from the tram stop, Zuo Zhong, who had already taken off his coat and fake beard, asked Gui Youguang beside him.

“I used the excuse that I had just opened a northern noodle restaurant and wanted to place a long-term order for vinegar, so I chatted with the manager of Bazhen for a while.”

As Gui Youguang spoke, he took off his coat and put it back on his body. He then took off his wig and threw it on the roof beside the road. He then took out a peaked cap from his pocket and put it on his head, reporting the investigation results.

“The other party said that people in Hong Kong and refugees from surrounding provinces are rarely jealous. Whether it is wholesale or retail, the sales volume of “Bazhen” vinegar has not increased recently.

And what they sell is sweet vinegar, which tastes completely different from the mature vinegar in the north and Jin Province. He told me that there are only two places in the entire port city that sell mature vinegar.

 One is the Shanxi Provincial Guild Hall, and the other is the "Dongzhaihao" vinegar shop. Many people know about the first one, but not many people know about the second one, because the market for "Dongzhaihao" is mainly overseas.

The address is in Sai Wan. The workers and bosses are all from Jin Province who came to Hong Kong before and after the war. Most of the raw materials used are shipped from the north, and the taste is not much different from the local vinegar in Jin Province. "

 Hongzhai Hao…

Zuo Zhong had a hunch that they were not far away from finding Li Fengzhou and Juade Town. But the more times like this, the more cautious they must be and they must not let down their guard.

After thinking about it, he whispered to Gui Youguang that it was time to use Chao Hou and Gangcheng Station. The next control operation would require manpower.

Compared to Jinling and Shanghai, Hong Kong Island is smaller in area, so monitoring and tracking is not that difficult. It is enough to spread people's hands widely.

After hearing the order, Gui Youguang kept nodding his head, repeated the order again, then turned into a fork in the road and walked towards Shanghuan.

Zuo Zhong himself walked around the complicated streets of Hong Kong Island a few times, contacted Kuang Fuan again, reported the information about the "Dongzhai", and asked the other party if he had any other gains.

 The information provided by the manager of the "Bazhen" Vinegar Store may have omissions, and with the addition of information from the underground party, the deviation can be minimized.

Kuang Fuan did not disappoint him. After writing down the address of the "Dongzhai", he revealed the latest situation.

  ┴Underground intelligence agents lurking in a hotel discovered Yan Yiting, who checked in with his entourage two days ago, and many mysterious people appeared around him.

 At the same time, several officials from the Japanese Consulate in Hong Kong visited each other yesterday, and the two sides had "secret talks" in the room for five or six hours.

As he spoke, he also took out a few unclear photos, which showed the scene of Yan Yiting and the Japanese chatting in front of the hotel. They looked like they were taken secretly.

Hold the photo in his hand and look at it, Zuo Zhong sneered. The Japanese were afraid that they wouldn't be able to discover Yan Yiting.

Kuang Fuan then added that those mysterious people were very vigilant, and the intelligence personnel of the underground party could not monitor them at close range for a long time.

However, through observation and analysis, the other party should not be a local of Hong Kong City, because several of them have frostbite on their hands and they also speak with a northern accent.

Kwantung Army Intelligence Department!

When Zuo Zhong heard the word frostbite, he immediately thought of this old rival. It seemed that the Japanese did not trust the intelligence personnel in the port city and specially transferred elites from the far northeast.

Same, even Dong Qiang can find out that he is being followed. The level of the other party's actions is indeed questionable. If he were the commander of the Japs, he would not be relieved.

In addition, Zuo Zhong was once again amazed by the intelligence-gathering capabilities of the underground party. Dozens of agents at Gangcheng Station spent a lot of money, but nothing was gained.

Kedi┴Xiadang found the person, took photos, and conducted preliminary observations on the relevant personnel in just two days. The efficiency of the operation was truly amazing.

Putting the photo in his pocket, Zuo Zhong proposed to Kuang Fuan that the underground party and the fruit party should conduct double surveillance on the "Dongzhai" and follow the clues to find the residence of Li Fengzhou and others.

Kuang Fuan did not hesitate and agreed immediately. In fact, even if Zuo Zhong didn't say anything, he would conduct an investigation on his own. Information obtained by himself is more credible.

 Zuo Zhong is well aware of this. What he said is just to show his attitude and sincerity. Now is not the time to fight among ourselves. Why don't we all be honest?

 After roughly discussing the next division of labor, Kuang Fuan did not stay long, politely said goodbye and walked out of the meeting point. Several pedestrians who had been lingering nearby for a long time also left immediately.

Looking at this scene, Zuo Zhong showed a smile. He still didn't trust him. It didn't matter. There would be opportunities for cooperation between the two parties in the future. He thought about it and got up and left.

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