Cicada Moving

Chapter 1046: locking

Chapter 1046 Locked

 Somewhere in the port city.

In the courtyard of a villa that is a mixture of Western architecture and Eastern art, several strong men patrolled back and forth, their waists bulging and their eyes extremely alert.

 In the beautifully decorated living room, Li Fengzhou and Judezhen, who the Fruit Party and the Underground Party were looking for, sat on the sofa and communicated in a low voice.

“Fengzhou, what do you think about the negotiations between the governor and the Japanese?”

Judd, who looked tired, lit the brass smoke pot, put out the match with a wave of his hand, and asked his companion.

The journey from Jin Province to Hong Kong City is indeed a bit difficult for an old man in his sixties.

 Li Fengzhou, who had a gentle face, frowned slightly when he heard his question, and gave the standard answer in a cold tone.

“I am a soldier and have nothing to do with politics. If the military governor asks me to fight the Japanese, I will fight the Japanese. If he asks me to talk to the Japanese, I will talk to the Japanese.

Shancheng is in the first year of junior high school, so don’t blame us for being in the fifteenth year. If it weren’t for the rebel named Zhang during the Central Plains War, it’s not certain who will win the world. "

As Yan Baichuan had joined the Jin army when he started his career, the title governor obviously showed their closeness to Yan Baichuan better than commander, just like the generals of the Guo army liked to call them principal.

 In response to Li Fengzhou's answer, Jiade Town nodded with satisfaction.

Having received Confucian education since childhood, he paid attention to fathers and sons, monarchs and ministers, rather than nationalities and beliefs.

Since the Guo army entered Shanxi Province, under the pretext of ensuring supplies and reducing burdens, the county magistrates were assigned to people from mountain towns, and the power of governance was forcibly transferred.

 Twelve counties in the old fifth district were controlled by the 27th Army, and more than ten counties in the old third and sixth districts were also controlled by the 93rd Army.

Shancheng has also established the Taihang Party and Government Steering Committee and the Taiyue Party and Government Design Committee, and all party and government affairs in the region are under the management of this committee.

The Jin army's control over the unoccupied areas of Jin Province has been greatly reduced. The opponent is digging their roots. This matter is intolerable.

Since peace talks with the Japanese are beneficial to Yan Baichuan, his subordinate must try his best to complete the tasks assigned by the other party. Other matters have nothing to do with him.

 After confirming that there was no problem with Li Fengzhou's position, at least on the surface, Juade took a puff on his pipe and asked about the security of his residence.

 The intelligence capabilities of the military commander and the underground party are known to the Jin army, and the biggest risk of this trip also comes from this.

Once Shancheng and Northwest know about the Jin army's private negotiations, they will definitely send people to sabotage or sanction them, so they must be vigilant.

Although he is almost 60 years old, he has not lived enough yet, and he is reluctant to let go of the beautiful concubine who just married this year.

Li Fengzhou next to him was a little unaccustomed to wearing a dress. He stretched out his hand to loosen his collar and introduced the relevant situation in his mouth.

“The 30 guards are divided into three shifts, one for rest, one for standby, and one for duty. There are 3 in the courtyard, 5 on the roof, and 2 in the building.

They are all elites in the military. It's okay if the military commanders and underground parties don't come. If they dare to come, this is their burial place. "

 Speaking of this, Li Fengzhou sneered. Those agents can only do some sneaky things. When it comes to fighting, it depends on professional soldiers.

After finishing his big words, the chief of staff of the 1st Cavalry Corps of the Jin Army took out a map of the port city, pointed to the location of the villa and said.

“I have had preliminary consultations with Japanese negotiators in the past two days and decided to conduct negotiations here to minimize the movement of our personnel.

 At that time, the Japanese will send the elite Kwantung Army to protect the venue. It is said that they have also bribed the Hong Kong City Police Station, making it absolutely foolproof.

Mr. Masaharu Oya, who is in charge of the negotiations, said that if an accident occurs, they will send us back to the Japanese-controlled area as quickly as possible. "

Judd Town listened and nodded. In this regard, the Japanese are still trustworthy, at least more reliable than the government.

 But it is better to rely on oneself than to rely on others. Moreover, the Japanese are now negotiating opponents, and they cannot completely trust the other party in some matters.

He took a long puff of cigarette, placed the pot on the ashtray, knocked it, and made an arrangement with a thick Jin accent.

“Tomorrow, ask someone to charter a boat. It doesn’t need to be big. If we encounter danger, we will leave the port city first and go to Aocheng or Nanyang.

That is the territory of foreigners. Mountain cities and underground parties cannot reach it. It is convenient whether you leave or stay. This matter must be kept secret. "

Li Fengzhou immediately replied, "Hello," there was no harm in being prepared, and chartering a boat didn't cost much. Then, as if he had thought of something, he approached the other party and lowered his voice, preparing to ask about the negotiations.

 “Mr. Jia, the military governor allows us.”

"Silence! Be careful, the walls have ears. Let's go and talk in the yard."

 Before Li Fengzhou could finish speaking, Judezhen immediately raised his hand to stop him from speaking, and then stood up and walked out of the living room as if there was something in his words.

Li Fengzhou hurriedly followed him, secretly thinking that he was really an old fox, but after thinking about it, he realized that he really had to be careful.

This house was rented by Japanese people. They checked it several times after moving in, but who knows if the other party has left any behind-the-scenes tricks.

 The two of them came to the yard one after another, walked around the wall and chatted, discussing the content of the negotiations, and the time soon reached noon.

Some of the guards knew how to cook and cooked a table of meals neatly. The taste was definitely not as good as that of a professional chef, but it could ensure safety.

  Meals purchased from outside are easily poisoned. When your appetite is compared with your life, it is not that important.

Judezhen walked into the restaurant and sat down. He was happy when he saw a small porcelain pot on the table. He pointed at it and smiled at Li Fengzhou.

“Fengzhou, I didn’t expect that in this port city, we can still taste the aged vinegar from Jin Province, otherwise I would be a bit unaccustomed to it.”

"Yes, but the vinegar I bought last time is almost finished. It seems that the military governor is going to approve another amount of funds." Li Fengzhou also smiled happily and made a little joke casually. As a person from Jin Province, the food is fine. If you don't eat it, you can't help but drink it.

"Our Jin army can still afford this amount of money, but it's a pity that the port city doesn't recognize legal tender, so the military pay given by the chairman can only be a penny."

Judzhen first followed his joke and mocked someone and the national government currency that was about to become useless, and then said with a straight face.

“Let those who purchase supplies be careful not to talk too much to the township party members of the “Dongzhai” and come back immediately after purchasing, so as not to reveal their whereabouts.”

Li Fengzhou nodded and said nothing more. He didn't need any instructions from the other party on this matter. He had already given the order to the guard, and then picked up the vinegar pot and filled the small vinegar saucer.

The sour smell of vinegar drifted through the window into the yard. The soldier from the patrolling pistol company swallowed his saliva and subconsciously touched Pingchang's waist where the vinegar gourd hung, with a regretful expression on his face.

 In the afternoon.

A Jin army guard walked out of the heavily guarded villa and called a waiting rickshaw at the street corner. After getting on the car, he reported his address and then leaned on the car seat to look at both sides of the road.

Young people in their 20s, who came from the war-torn Shan Province to the port city that can be called the world of flowers, are naturally curious, especially about those ghost girls wearing skirts...

The driver in front seemed to be aware of it. He pulled the car and ran slowly towards the Western District. After passing several blocks, he finally stopped in front of an antique door. The sign hanging high in front of the door read "East." "Zhaihao" in three big characters.

 “Wait…wait for me, I’ll go back in a while.”

The guard who got off the car wanted to tell the driver in Cantonese, which he had just learned for two days, but after holding it in for a long time, he dropped a sentence in Mandarin and hurried into the store.

The driver put the car down with a simple smile, sat down on the pedal, took a towel from his neck and wiped the sweat on his head, and waited quietly for the other party to come back.

After the **** entered the door, the manager of "Dongzhai" immediately came up to him and greeted the fellow villager he had just met two days ago in the Shan dialect, very warmly.

Outside the door, a few bad guys squatted on the roadside, lighting cigarettes, chatting about something with playful smiles. This kind of scene can be seen everywhere in Hong Kong City, and no one would take a second look.

Not long after, the guard came out with a smile and a big jar in his arms, followed by a boy. Seeing this, the coachman quickly got out of the way and watched as the two of them worked together to put the jar on the car.

 “Thank you very much.”

 “Okay, come often.”

The guard strictly followed the orders of Li Fengzhou and Juade Town. He simply said hello to the driver and motioned the driver to go back without saying a word nonsense.

The wheels were speeding on the cement road. The rickshaw followed the original road for a while and turned into another small street, moving towards the villa.

The roads are full of idle gangsters and refugees. These people run wild under the batons of red-headed Asan and Chinese police officers, and the public security is extremely chaotic.

The guard in the back seat didn’t ask the coachman why he took the detour. In fact, he had forgotten the route he took when he came, and he only remembered looking at his legs.

After all, there are beautiful girls watching, and no serious person will remember the route. As soon as they arrive in the port city, they are restricted to one place and cannot go out. After finally going out, they must have a good time.

 Wandering back to the villa, the guard took out a Hong Kong dollar and paid for the fare. He knocked on the door with a jealous jar and walked into the yard. He immediately discussed the female ghost with the others.

The driver looked at the slowly closing door and wiped his sweat with a towel again, then raised the handlebar and turned around to leave. His pace was slightly anxious, as if he was in a hurry.

 Crossing an alley, the rickshaw stopped next to a car.

After carefully looking around, the coachman ducked into the car and reported in a low voice to a middle-aged man in a dress and a top hat in the back seat.

“Your Excellency Oya, Yan’s people went out to buy some vinegar, and there was nothing suspicious on the way.”

His Excellency Oya, as he was called, waved his hand after hearing this, and drove the driver out without politeness, and then the car drove away quickly with the sound of the engine.

The real owner left, and the driver dragged the rickshaw and left quickly. After a long time, a big bald head stuck out from the corner of the wall, and then slowly retracted.

That night, Gui Youguang returned to the hotel where he was staying without stopping, knocked on Zuo Zhong’s door, opened the door and walked in after hearing the invitation.

 “The target’s whereabouts have been found!”

Seeing Zuo Zhong, the big bald man reported the good news with excitement. Without waiting for Zuo Zhong to react, he kept mumbling.

“Vice-in-Chief, please ask me to find Chao Hou and ask him to inform Gangcheng Station to cast a net in several blocks around the “Dongzhai” to track suspicious people who go to buy vinegar.

Due to the low operational quality of the personnel at the Gangcheng Station, in order to prevent them from being discovered by the enemy, I asked them to dress up as gangsters and monitor them at various intersections in the Western Ring Road.

Three hours ago, Yan Baichuan's people went to the "Dongzhai Hao" to buy mature vinegar. Our people used the relay method to find the nest of those people from Shanxi Province.

In addition, the Japanese placed surveillance personnel near the target, and the rickshaw driver of the Jin soldiers who came out to buy supplies was a Japanese agent.

Do you want to take action, as long as 20 people, no, 10 people, I promise to bring you the heads of Li Fengzhou, Jiade Town and those Japanese. "

Looking at the eager bald man, Zuo Zhong was furious. What would he do with the Japanese head? Play it as a ball? It would dirty his own feet.

He decisively told the other party to shut up and walked around the room with his hands behind his back. First of all, the underground party must be notified of this matter as soon as possible. The two parties now have a "cooperative" relationship.

Also, you have to contact Lao Dai and ask the Jin army's negotiators what Shancheng is going to do, whether it is secret sanctions or secret arrests.

 After a moment, Zuo Zhong stopped thinking, slowly raised his head and looked at Gui Youguang, who looked unconvinced, and gave an order seriously.

 “Inform Shancheng that the target is locked.”

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