Cicada Moving

Chapter 1048: protocol

 Three days later.

Outside the door of the villa of Bethany Monastery Sanatorium, three cars slowly drove into the yard, and the two large iron doors were immediately closed by Jin army guards.

When the car stopped, Oya Masaharu, the person who had previously interacted with the rickshaw driver and was also the Japanese negotiator, stepped out of the car.

 “Your Excellency Oya, welcome.”

Jiadezhen and Li Fengzhou, who had been waiting for a long time, quickly stepped forward and extended their right hands, smiling and saying hello to each other.

 Whether the Jin Army can get more benefits depends largely on this person's attitude, and the two of them are naturally enthusiastic.

 “Jasang, Lisang, hello.”

 Oya Masaharu bowed deeply and shook hands with the two of them respectively, showing impeccable etiquette.

The Japanese are like this. No matter how dirty they think in their hearts, they do a good job on the surface and are very deceptive.

Seeing him like this, Judezhen and Li Fengzhou were secretly happy as expected, and invited the Japanese negotiators into the house with smiles.

At this time, the spacious living room on the first floor has changed its appearance. The original sofa and various furniture have been cleared away, leaving only a long table and two rows of chairs.

 “Your Excellency Oya, please.”


After a while of greetings, Judezhen and Li Fengzhou sat on one side of the long table, while Oya Masaharu and the accompanying translator and assistant sat on the other side.

Although Oya Masaharu's Republic of China dialect is very authentic, in diplomatic situations, negotiators must speak in their own mother tongue.

 This involves a position issue, and is also to prevent mistakes in certain professional vocabulary. It is more professional to be accompanied by a translator.

In addition, since one side is a sovereign country and the other side is a local power, there was no national flag placed on the negotiating table, only a few bouquets of flowers.

 In this formal yet informal atmosphere, Oya Masaharu was the first to speak, telling the whole story about the surrender price and conditions given by the Japanese side.

According to the wishes of Tokyo and the New Government, in line with the purpose of coexistence and co-prosperity in building a new East Asia, the Jin army should immediately cease war with the Japanese army and cooperate with the New Government.

At the same time, according to the cooperation framework between Ji and the Japanese, the political and military affairs of Jin Province were handled by the Republic of China, and the Japanese were only responsible for "guidance."

 The jurisdiction of the Jin army will first be Jin Province, and can be expanded to all of North China in the future. When the strength is strong, it will also have the power to take over the new government.

In order to help the Jin army resist the mountain city and northwest, the Japanese army will provide assistance in soldiers, weapons, and training, and will not interfere in the internal affairs of the Jin army.

 As for Yan Baichuan personally, the Japanese side will "assist" him to become Ji's deputy, and support Yan Baichuan to serve as the head of the North China Administrative Committee and the commander-in-chief of the North China National Defense Force at the appropriate time.

 Finally, Japan and the new government hope to end the war between the Japanese and Jin armies as soon as possible, achieve peace in East Asia, and jointly resist the oppression of European and American countries.


 Military assistance.

 Ji someone’s deputy.

 End the war.

 Jiadezhen and Li Fengzhou were extremely excited when they heard these four points. If what the Japanese said is true, Yan Baichuan will become the de facto king of the north.

There is even a chance to kick someone out of Ji, live like a CEO, upgrade the Jin army from a local force to a central army, and achieve the unfinished goal of the Central Plains War.

However, no matter how good the Japanese are, they still have to make clear their demands and bottom line, and clarify the division of future interests.

Judezhen, in accordance with Yan Baichuan's intention, formally proposed the four principles of "Asian alliance, joint prevention of the epidemic, diplomatic unity, and self-care of internal affairs".

And asked the Japanese army to cede the Duijiuyu, Hujiayao, Gaoyang Town and other strongholds in Xiaoyi County and hand them over to the Jin army, in order to persuade the army's lieutenants.

Aiming at the underground party military forces in Lishi County, the Japanese army must assist the Jin army in carrying out military strikes to prevent the spread of certain ideas.

Specifically: the Japanese army will be responsible for the operations in the areas north of Lishi and Jundu Highways, and the Jin army will be responsible for the areas south of Lijun Highway. If necessary, both sides will carry out joint suppression.

In addition, Japan should provide a rough amount of military and economic assistance, and deliver some supplies in advance after the agreement is reached to show sincerity.

  To the Jin army's request, Oya Masaharu agreed without any hesitation.

 Using a few insignificant strongholds in exchange for the cooperation of the Jin army, this matter does not require Tokyo's approval, he has the right to decide.

As for the four principles, they had no intention of getting involved in the internal affairs of the new government, and it was enough to retain the right of "guidance."

Attacking the underground party is what the military wants to do. Moreover, the more blood the Jin army has on their hands, the less they can turn back.

 It is just the amount of military and economic assistance that needs to be discussed again. After all, the landlords do not have any surplus food.

 In more than two years of fierce fighting, it is the wealthy chaebols who have made a fortune, but the Japanese government’s economy is on the verge of collapse. It can save whatever it can.

Just when Oya Masaharu was about to bargain, in a building two hundred meters away from the villa, several Japanese people wearing headphones communicated quietly.

“Test, bedroom 1 is normal.”

 “Test, the kitchen is fine.”

 “Test, the corridor is normal.”

“Test, bedroom 2 is normal.”

“Living room 1, amplify the sound, living room 2, reduce the volume.”


 In the basement without any windows, more than a dozen electrical equipment flashed with lights, and wires extended to the outside. The smell of burnt food filled the nostrils. The layout here is very similar to the "Ting Ting" work area on the ground floor of No. 76. Obviously, this place is the Japanese monitoring point for the villa.

As Zuo Zhong and Kuang Fuan guessed, the negotiation process in the villa was monitored by the Japanese side, and every word spoken by both parties was recorded by a wire recorder.

With these recordings, the Japanese took the initiative in the negotiations. If Yan Baichuan regretted or made excessive conditions, the Japanese could release the recordings at any time to counter the other party.

 Jiadezhen and Li Fengzhou are important figures in the Jin army, and more than one or two people are familiar with their voices. Once this matter is known to the outside world, Yan Baichuan will definitely become the target of public criticism.

Under the current situation, if Yan Baichuan wants to surrender smoothly, he can only create the established facts first, and then find a way to convince his men and confuse the people under his rule.

 Otherwise, not to mention the outside world, even within the Jin army there would be people who would oppose him.

After fighting for such a long time and killing so many people, China and Japan have long forged a blood feud. A simple word of cooperation cannot convince everyone.

 “Da da da da…”

The wire recorder rotates rapidly, converts the sound signal into a magnetic field signal through the magnetic head, and records it on the wire. The advantage of this recording method is that it is stable, but the disadvantage is that there is a lot of noise.

The Japanese in charge of monitoring listened intently to the monitoring effect and adjusted the volume of the monitoring equipment from time to time. This process may last for a long time.

Negotiation is essentially no different from buying food at the market, but because the content involved is related to the fundamental interests of both parties, it will not end in a short time.

In the evening, Oya Masaharu frowned and got into the car and left the villa. The negotiations were temporarily suspended, and both parties needed to report today's progress to their superiors.

 In the following days, the Japanese came every morning and left at night. The negotiations fell into a tug-of-war, and no one wanted to let go easily.

Judezhen and Li Fengzhou carried forward the Shanxi merchants' style of spending every penny and started rounds of negotiations with Oya Masaharu around various small clauses.

 Finally, after ten days of intense exchanges, the Jin army and the Japanese reached a preliminary consensus and decided to gradually complete "cooperation" matters in three stages.

 Eight agreements were stipulated in the first phase, from which the Jin army received a lot of benefits. The details are as follows.

 1. The Jin army concluded an armistice agreement with Japan.

 Second, after the armistice agreement was established, Xiaoyi County was handed over to the Jin army, and the Jin army immediately advanced to the area with Xiaoyi as the center. Yan Baichuan moved to Xiaoyi County or Xi County to cooperate closely with the Japanese army.

Three, after the cooperation was achieved, the Japanese army concentrated its forces in surrounding strategic military areas to protect the Jin army from intrusion by the Guo army, underground parties, and any other forces.

 The Jin Army is responsible for the local public security in Jin Province, but relevant actions and deployments need to be negotiated with the Japanese Army at any time.

 Fourth, the Jin army was allowed to expand to 300,000 troops. The missing troops would be supplemented from strong men from Lu and Hebei provinces, totaling about 100,000. The rest would be settled within Jin Province.

 The weapons and equipment involved will be supplemented by the new government according to the following numbers:


 Light machine guns—8,000

 Heavy machine guns—900

 Hand grenades—four thousand

Various cannons—three hundred

 And all kinds of ammunition required.

 Food and clothing were requisitioned on site, and the missing parts were provided with assistance by the Japanese military.

 Fifth, in order to organize Jin banknotes, an overdraft loan of 50 million yuan was granted.

 Sixth, during the implementation of the agreement, Yan Baichuan had to secretly contact the Guojun generals from various places who opposed the underground party, and at the same time, he had to meet with Ji in Taiyuan or Xiaoyi to agree on cooperation.

 7. The new government will provide military expenditures of 12 million yuan per month.

 8. The above provisions must be implemented secretly and as quickly as possible.

If the first-phase agreement is still somewhat veiled, then the second- and third-phase agreements that follow are even more explicit, and are outright traitorous agreements.

The Japanese asked Yan Baichuan to urge Yamashiro to stop resisting Japan and accept a series of surrender conditions. If Yamashiro did not agree, he would need to declare "independent action" to China and foreign countries.

The Jin army will cooperate with the Japanese army to first eliminate the underground parties in Jin Province. To this end, the Japanese army will temporarily pay 20 million yuan for military horses and weapons, and an additional 20 million yuan for monthly military expenses.

The Japanese also allowed the Jin army to expand to 500,000 men, and the Taiyuan arsenal that was occupied and destroyed after the war would resume production as quickly as possible to supply military supplies.

In this way, the original squad leader can become a platoon leader, and the platoon leader can become a company commander. Although the combat effectiveness will be reduced, it can win over Yan Baichuan's junior officers in disguise.

On the other hand, the Japanese army "suggested" that troops above the Shanxi barracks hire Japanese as advisers and instructors, and cede the small boat dens at the Yellow River crossing leading to Shaanxi Province to the Japanese army for garrison.

 In order to achieve this goal, the Japanese have come up with several benefits.

For example, the resolution of the Chahar, Suiyuan and Mengdi issues will be decided through discussion between Ji and Yan Baichuan.

For example, the Northwest Industrial Company, the Tongpu Railway, and the factories under the jurisdiction of the Shanxi Provincial Public Utilities Board, which were ostensibly public properties but were actually private properties of the Yan family, were returned to Yan Baichuan in their entirety.

If the Japanese conspiracy succeeds, the Jin army will become a puppet army, and the entire northern part of the Republic of China will be in danger of falling. The government will be trapped in the southwest by the Japanese army.

Even though the conditions were so harsh, after receiving a telegram, Juadzhen and Li Fengzhou still signed the document. In their eyes, national interests were far less important than their own interests.

 According to diplomatic practice, the agreement will take effect from the date of signature by representatives of both parties. Two copies will be made in Japanese and Chinese, and the two sides will exchange and keep one copy each in Japan and Shanxi.

Judd Town pushed the Chinese copy to Oya Masaharu, then stood up, shook hands with the other party, and asked someone to bring champagne to celebrate the successful negotiation between the two parties.

Oya Masaharu happily accepted the wine glass. It was a rare achievement for him to successfully lead the major strategic action of the Jin army's surrender.

 “Cheers and happy cooperation.”

 “It’s a pleasure to work with.”

With a clang sound, Oya Masaharu, Judezhen, and Li Fengzhou clinked their glasses, drank the wine in one gulp with a smile, and the laughter floated far away through the window.

It was getting dark at this time. In the woods on the hillside in the distance, Zuo Zhong put down the telescope in his hand, put on his mask, turned around and nodded to the other masked men and said two words.

 “Do it!”

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