Cicada Moving

Chapter 1049: caught you

 Chapter 1049 I caught you

Following Zuo Zhong’s order, one of the masked men took out a flashlight covered with red cloth, pointed it toward the northwest and pressed the switch several times.

Dim lights flashed by, and on the side of the road connecting Bethany Monastery to the city, a person jumped out of the darkness, climbed up the telephone pole nimbly, and clamped the wires and telephone lines firmly with the pliers in his hands.

 After the crackling fire, the power supply and telephone lines in the surrounding residential areas were instantly cut off, and the lights went out almost at the same time.

The living room of the nursing home villa was also plunged into darkness. Masaharu Oya, Judezhen, and Li Fengzhou, who were celebrating the agreement, were knocked down by guards from both sides and pulled behind the bunker before they could react.

 “What’s going on! Go out and have a look.”

Judezhen suppressed his fear and shouted to the guard captain, repeating one sentence in his heart, the military commander is coming, the military commander is coming...

As soon as they finished talking, there was a power outage outside. What a coincidence. Military commanders or agents from the northwest were outside the door now.

Thinking of the military commander's methods of dealing with traitors, the former Jinshi couldn't help but his legs were shaking, and he regretted accepting this fatal mission.

Hearing his frightened shouts, the guard captain rolled to the door, reached out and pushed the door open, but did not go out immediately, but watched carefully for a while.

At this time, the guards in the courtyard and on the rooftop had already occupied key positions, pointing their guns at the walls and courtyard doors, staring intently at the outside of the courtyard.

I have to say that the tactical level of the soldiers of the Jin Army's pistol company was indeed very high, and no one made any movement during their actions.

The elite Kwantung Army who accompanied Oya Masaharu were on alert to the outside world while carefully observing the Jin army's actions to prevent them from being attacked from both sides.

After a long time, there were some foreigners yelling and cursing outside, but otherwise everything was normal.

Li Fengzhou, who was surrounded by guards, stretched out his head to look, with a trace of disdain flashing in his eyes, feeling that Judezhen and Oya Masaharu were making too much fuss.

It's just a power outage. It makes it seem like people from Shancheng and Northwest are going to rush in at the next moment. I'm really scaring myself.

As a professional soldier, what you have to do when encountering danger is to fight back. Hiding behind a bunker is what a coward does.

Thinking of this, he broke away from the guards and stood up directly. He walked slowly to the door and stepped out without hesitation, issuing orders at the same time.

“We work in pairs to check whether the surroundings are safe. If there is danger, you are allowed to fire back. We all have gun licenses from the police station, so don’t be afraid.”


After receiving the order, the Jin army guards covered each other and jumped out from the courtyard gate, quickly controlling several nearby intersections, but found nothing.

There were no military agents or underground assassins, just some foreigners in pajamas standing on the roadside and scolding the electric lighting company.

Upon seeing this, the guards quickly hid their guns under their clothes, wandered around Bethany Monastery, and finally returned to the villa with relaxed expressions.

A man trotted up to Li Fengzhou, saluted, wiped the sweat from his head, and reported to him with a smile.

“Report to the Chief of Staff, there seems to be a problem with the line, and those foreign devils are cursing.”

Li Fengzhou nodded. The situation was as he expected, it was just a power outage. Then he turned around and shouted into the house.

“Mr. Jia, Mr. Daya, please come out. There is no danger.”

Judd Town learned that there was no danger and sat down on the ground. He had been working as a civil servant and staff member for most of his life. The power outage just now really scared him.

 Compared with him, Oya Masaharu's performance was slightly better, but it was also limited. He staggered up from the ground with the help of his bodyguards.

The next moment, he suddenly thought of something, grabbed the collar of the Kwantung Army Intelligence Department agent sent by Doihara, and shouted loudly.

“Hurry, go to the prison and ask them to organize their equipment and evacuate immediately.”

Swallowing the words "listening station" that he almost blurted out, Oya Masaharu shook the other person's body, and his eyes became red.

  The equipment of the listening station cost the military a lot of money, and the listening personnel are experts who have received many years of training. If something goes wrong, he is the primary person responsible.

Besides, without recordings and recordings, the means to blackmail and counter Yan Baichuan would be reduced by more than half, and he could not afford to take the blame.

The Kwantung Army agents also understood this and immediately ordered a team of operatives to check the listening point not far away. The group of people rushed out of the villa in a hurry.

Judezhen and Li Fengzhou saw this scene in their eyes and looked at the ceiling and surroundings of the living room thoughtfully, but didn't ask anything.

 It was expected that the Japanese would eavesdrop, so they had previously communicated outside the room when discussing the content of the negotiations.

As for the negotiation process, the Japanese can record it if they want. Now that they have decided to negotiate with the Japanese, Yan Baichuan has long been prepared to be manipulated.

After a moment of silence, Jia Dezheng and Li Fengzhou asked someone to bring candles and light them. The two parties shook hands by the candlelight and exchanged a few final words.

 The current situation is obviously not suitable for further celebrations. It is best to act separately and bring the agreement back to Shanxi Province and Tokyo as soon as possible.

 A few minutes later, Oya Masaharu hurriedly got into the car, and under the protection of his bodyguards, drove away towards Sheung Wan Pier.

There is a small cruise ship waiting there, ready to return to the Japanese mainland at any time. Once on board, they will be safe.

At the same time, the Kwantung Army agents who were dispatched rushed outside the listening point in the dark and cautiously circled around the wall.

 Until it was confirmed that there was nothing abnormal, the leader knocked on the courtyard door rhythmically and at the same time looked around vigilantly.

"caught you."

On the hillside in the distance, Zuo Zhong looked at the sneaky Japanese agents, muttered to himself, and then turned to ask the person next to him. "It's okay to move later. If you're afraid, you can wait here for us to come back."

Kuang Fuan glanced sideways at him, took out a Browning 1911 from his waist, loaded it with a click, and answered with action.

As the most elite intelligence personnel in the northwest, raiding a surveillance point is an extremely simple task, and there is no danger at all.

Even if another group of Japanese spies have just entered, it will only delay some time at most. This is not an underestimation of the enemy, but the self-confidence brought by countless actions.

 Zuo Zhong is naturally clear about Kuang Fuan's level of action.

Back in Shanghai, when the other party used two pistols to beat the secret service headquarters, everyone in the secret service was watching the show on the roof.

The reason why he asked this was just a little joke, and by the way, he showed that he did not understand Kuang Fuan's past and ability to act.

 “Report, architectural drawings of a target.”

At this time, a masked man came over with a blueprint and said, the voice was Chao Hou, the deputy captain of the Gangcheng Station Action Team.

The Japanese arranged Judd Town and Li Fengzhou in Bethany Monastery. The advantage was safety, but the disadvantage was that there were too few residents around them.

Through the "businessmen" in the British Hong Kong government, Gangcheng Station easily obtained the drawings of all nearby buildings, and the payment was only a few pounds.

 As long as they have money to take, those white civil servants who are dawdling around don’t care who the buyer is, let alone the buyer’s purpose.

"Let's go and discuss the action plan. We have to speed up. The target will shift at any time."

Zuo Zhong also took out his pistol and quickly pulled the slide to check whether the gun was running smoothly. Then he raised his head and called Kuang Fuan.

The three of them came to the bushes and squatted down, covering their heads with a raincloth. Chao Hou turned on the flashlight and shined it on the drawings on the ground, and introduced them.

“The goal is a wooden villa with complete water and electricity, three floors, a total of 14 rooms, and a basement of more than 30 square meters.

The homeowner is a church priest who returned to the UK last year due to health reasons. The house was rented by a mysterious person a month ago.

According to our judgment, the listening point should be in the basement, because it is relatively hidden and has better sound insulation.

 The strange thing is that we asked people from the electric lighting company that the electricity consumption of the villa has not increased suddenly recently. I think there are two possibilities for this.

 One possibility is that the other party used a generator, and the other possibility is that the other party connected the wires of the monitoring equipment to the lines of other houses.

It should be noted that the target's wall is very high, made of cement and a large number of stones, and there are many glass fragments at the top of the wall.

There is only one exit in the whole building. If we want to quickly enter the main body of the villa, we can only break through the courtyard door. There is no other way. "

Chao Hou gave a briefing on the situation in the villa as quickly as possible. Zuo Zhong and Kuang Fuan frowned at the same time after listening. The terrain was very unfavorable for the attack.

In the event of a heavy weapon, such as a machine gun, the other party only needs to seal the packet door with firepower, and how many people go to death will die.

 “Is the courtyard gate strong?”

After thinking about it, Zuo Zhong asked a question. Since we can only attack from the front, we should just blow open the courtyard door and rush in without giving the Japanese time to react.

The most important thing in this operation is speed. It does not give the Japanese a chance to destroy the recording, and it also prevents the Hong Kong police from hearing the sound of crossfire and blocking them at the scene.

“I walked around the neighborhood several times during this period. If I remember correctly, the target yard uses a thin iron gate, which is not very strong.”

Chao Hou immediately replied that since he was taught by another headquarters commander last time, he decided to go through the scene personally no matter what the task was.

Zuo Zhong nodded with satisfaction and asked Kuang Fuan if he had any different opinions. For cooperation, naturally he had to ask his partners.

Kuang Fuan's eyes paused on the drawing for a few seconds, and finally shook his head slightly. Blasting open the courtyard door was the best option at the moment, although the noise was a bit louder.

Seeing that the other party had no objection, Zuo Zhong looked at his watch and did not order immediate action. He confirmed one thing with Chao Hou again.

“Have you tested it two days ago? How long does it take to get from the nearest police station to the scene?”

 “It has been tested and it takes 15 minutes when the traffic is smooth.”


Zuo Zhong pondered for a moment, turned off the flashlight and put away the raincloth, pointed at Kuang Fuan and Chao Hou and issued combat orders to the other three operatives.

“For a while, we will form a group of three people and use grenades to blow open the iron door. After entering the scene, I will lead the two of them to search the basement, and you will be responsible for the upstairs.

 Note that the entire operation should be controlled within 10 minutes, leaving five minutes of maneuver time to prevent the British from arriving early.

 Let me emphasize again, I don’t want any survivors in this raid, I only want the tapes. Be careful not to damage the evidence during the exchange of fire. "


Hong Kong City Station agent and Chao Hou whispered back, while Kuang Fuan smiled slightly, holding the Browning in his pocket tightly with his right hand, his eyes firm.

 (End of this chapter)

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