Cicada Moving

Chapter 1050: Compare

 Chapter 1050 Comparison

"Xiaolin-kun, please speed up. Mr. Oya has already set off for the dock. We must meet up as soon as possible."

At the Japanese military listening point, the Kwantung Army spy leader who came to check the situation walked up to a monitoring officer who was packing up equipment and whispered a reminder.


The person he was talking about, Mr. Xiao Lin, replied, unplugging the power of a machine and speeding up the evacuation.

Another person in the room put more than a dozen wire tapes into a suitcase, and used a pair of handcuffs to cuff one end of his wrists and the other to the handle of the suitcase.

 This is the standard procedure for escorting important information. If the box is in the box and the person is there, the person will die if the box is lost.

 Soon, all traces of life and belongings in the three-story villa were cleared away. Several Kwantung Army agents leaned against the window to guard the courtyard door.

At the feet of these people, a Type 96 light machine gun was placed impressively. The 30-round magazine above the gun body reflected a dark light under the candlelight.

This kind of machine gun is the masterpiece of Nanbu Kejiro. It is more unreliable than the bizarre Taisho 11 light machine gun, but at least it does not require five rounds of reloading ammunition, and its firepower sustainability is much better.

Just as Zuo Zhong and others feared, the Japanese had indeed prepared heavy firepower and were ready to open fire to seal the courtyard gate at any time.

Soon after, equipment boxes were stacked in the middle of the living room, and the Japanese began to perform final cleaning and inspection.

Xiao Lin and the Kwantung Army special agent leader walked up from the basement to the first floor, counted the items according to the list, lowered their heads and talked quietly.

A Japanese spy heard the sound and glanced at the two of them, then turned to look at the courtyard gate. Suddenly he saw something that seemed to be glowing under the iron gate.

 The next second, his eyes widened, and he shouted with all his strength while throwing himself at the Type 96 light machine gun on the ground.

 “Enemy attack!”

Before he finished speaking, several M24 grenades with smoking tails flew into the yard from outside the courtyard wall and landed near the window sill with a clang.

One of them hit the window without missing a beat, smashed the glass and threw it into the living room, rolling quickly on the wooden floor.


 Along with the shock wave, a deafening explosion exploded in the enclosed space, and the two Japanese spies were immediately knocked to the ground by the air wave.

  The fragments of the M24 grenade body were like razors, flying in all directions mercilessly, and screams came one after another.

No matter how elite the Kwantung Army was, they were still made of flesh and blood. They suffered heavy casualties immediately. Before the other dizzy Japanese soldiers could react, an even more violent explosion occurred at the gate of the courtyard.

The thin iron door was torn into pieces by three grenades and thrown high into the sky. A loud noise broke the tranquility over Hong Kong Island.


 At almost the same time as the second explosion sounded, Zuo Zhong, who was leaning against the left corner of the courtyard wall, made a gesture to the three-man team opposite.

Before the smoke from the explosion had dispersed, six people dressed in black and wearing masks stepped over the remains of the iron gate and rushed into the yard in a battle formation.

At this time, apart from the painful groans, there was only the crackling sound of burning wooden windows in the villa, and the scene was in a mess.

Seeing this scene, Zuo Zhong cursed secretly. Who would have thought that they could throw grenades into the house through the wall? If the evidence was blown up, their visit today would be in vain.

Now he could only hope that the Japanese who kept the tapes would be lucky and not be affected by the explosion. Thinking of this, he decisively issued the order.

 “Break down, clean up.”

Hearing the order, Chao Hou immediately came to the door of the living room, kicked on the door lock, then turned around and hid out of the shooting range.

The door opened in response and hit the wall hard. A thick smoke came out from the door. In the chaos, someone could vaguely hear someone shouting something in Japanese.

Chao Hou glanced sideways into the room, took a deep breath, held the gun using the "left-hand" movement technique, and walked in with small steps.

 Zuo Zhong and Kuang Fuan followed closely behind. The three of them started searching from the left side of the living room, while another team of three people moved from the right toward the stairs.



A bullet flew out of Chao Hou's gun and opened a **** hole in the forehead of a Japanese agent who fell to the ground. The cursing stopped abruptly.

In indoor operations, according to military commander’s operational habits, automatic firepower such as submachine guns should be used, but this operation is different.

What Shancheng needs is evidence. The scattering area of ​​the submachine gun is too large and difficult to control. If it hits the tape, the meaning of the action will be lost.

Furthermore, six pistols firing together can form a firepower advantage in a short period of time. Coupled with the operational quality of the personnel, it is enough to clear the listening point.

However, Zuo Zhong made an unexpected discovery, that is, Kuang Fuan also knew how to move in the "Zuo style".

 Although the other party concealed his movements, as the "inventor" of the "left-style" movement technique, he could not hide this from him.

How did Kuang Fuan learn it?

You must know that this is a professional course for the military unification special training class. The teaching materials are strictly confidential and only internal personnel can access them.

Are there underground party members among the instructors of the special training class, or are there underground party members who have infiltrated the students in the special training class, or are they both?

And why did Kuang Fuan reveal that he knew "left-style" actions?


The other party may have guessed about his identity and wanted to use this method to test himself. Zuo Zhong instantly thought of many possibilities in his mind.

On the other side, everyone kept firing at the Japanese agents who fell to the ground, shooting as they walked, leaving corpses on the ground, and the living room was cleaned up in a blink of an eye.

Chao Hou leaned against the entrance to the basement and quickly replaced the magazine with a new one. He quickly counted the bodies in his mind and found that the number did not match.

  Previously, a group of Japanese came from Juade Town and Li Fengzhou's villa, numbering 7 to 8 people. Including the personnel at the monitoring point, there were at least 10 people. Now there are only 5 corpses on the ground, which proves that there are still alive.

"Alert!" He immediately turned around and shouted to everyone, then picked up a wooden board from the broken furniture on the side and slowly extended it out of the corner.

Dim moonlight shines into the house through the broken window, casting the shadow of the wooden board on the wall, making it look like a human figure.

At the corner of the basement entrance, a black gun was pointed at the shadow, and a finger suddenly pulled the trigger in the darkness.


 “Enter the enemy!”

The wooden board in Chao Hou's hand was smashed to pieces. The next second he shouted a warning, took off a flash bomb from his waist, pulled out the safety bolt and threw it down.

Flash bombs are the military commander’s trump card. After the war between China and Japan, every district station had them stored, and Gangcheng Station was no exception.

With a clang, the flash bomb hit the wall and bounced into the stairs extending downward, and then several frightened shouts in Japanese were heard.

The familiar sound of explosions sounded again. Under the bright light of hundreds of thousands of lumens, the Japanese agent who tried to sneak attack Chao Hou dropped his weapon, covered his eyes and let out a painful wail.

The Kwantung Army agent who led the team was a little further away. At this moment, he endured the severe pain in his eyes and ran staggering towards the stairs regardless of the tears on his face.

As soon as the grenade exploded, he moved the monitoring personnel and the suitcase containing the recording to the basement, preparing to use the terrain advantage to hold off the attackers.

 In just 15 minutes, the British they bribed would bring police officers to support them, but they did not expect that the other side would have such immoral bright light weapons.

While groping toward the stairs, the leading agent turned his head and shouted at Xiao Lin, who was trembling with fear, ordering the other party to destroy the recording immediately.

  The attacker used grenades when breaking down the door, but never used them again after entering the room. He was obviously worried about something, most likely the recording of the negotiation.

 “Hai, hai.”

Hide behind the bunker, Xiaolin, who was not affected by the flash bombs, nodded repeatedly, tremblingly took out the keys from his pocket, and crawled towards the person escorting the recording.

However, the visibility in the basement without the light source is very low. With the moonlight reflected from the stairs, only the shadows of people can be seen, and it is impossible to see where the keyhole is.

Xiao Lin tried several times, but failed to put the key into the keyhole. Just as several gunshots were heard upstairs, his hand shook and the key fell to the ground.

The prisoner who was escorting the recording anxiously reminded him of "lighter." Xiao Lin, who was fumbling for the key, then realized what he was doing and quickly took out his lighter and pressed it hard.

A weak flame illuminated the basement. The agent leading the team on the stairs clung to the corner and cautiously poked his head out, wanting to see what was going on outside. However, he froze in place.

—A dark pistol was pressed against his head. The gunman wore a mask and had cold eyes.


The sound of gunshots was passed back and forth on the narrow staircase, and a **** arrow was shot from the back of the head of the leading agent and splashed on the wall. The firelight seemed to be dyed red with blood and became extremely bright red.

Before the body here fell to the ground, Chao Hou aimed the muzzle of the gun still smoking at the Japanese agent who had not yet recovered his eyesight, and pulled the trigger again.

At the same time that he fired, Zuo Zhong and Kuang Fuan rushed into the basement from his side. One on the left and the other on the right, they opened fire one after another with the pistols in their hands.

Xiao Lin, who was holding a lighter, had just opened his suitcase when he was shot several times in the left side of his back. He fell down without saying a word and fell into a baby-like sleep.

The **** responded very quickly. He drew his gun and prepared to fight back, but Kuang Fuan did not give him a chance and calmly punched several bullet holes in the opponent's chest.

  In less than two seconds, all the Japanese in the basement were shot dead.

Zuo Zhong walked quickly to the two corpses, raised his hand and shot Xiao Lin and the escorting personnel several times in the head, completely cutting off the life of each other. Then he pulled out a dagger and slashed hard at the handcuffed arms.

“Five minutes left, add more guns and support upstairs.”

He cut the escort's wrist indifferently, glanced at his watch and said to Chao Hou, who was checking the other corpses, while blood spurted out in streams.

Chao Hou swallowed his saliva, fired two shots to help the Japanese agent stop breathing completely, turned around and ran up the stairs. He was not afraid of killing people, but it was really hard for him to accept cutting people like pigs.

However, Kuang Fuan's expression remained normal. He walked to Zuo Zhong and opened the box. He picked up a lighter and looked at the tape to make sure that the most important goal of the trip was intact.

Having killed so many people and caused such a big commotion in the port city, if there is no evidence that Yan Baichuan made peace, it will be difficult to take action in the future.


On the other side, the creepy cutting sound lasted for dozens of seconds. The dagger successfully cut off the escort's hand, and the handcuffs were released with a clatter.

Zuo Zhong threw the severed hand aside, closed the box and carried the handle to the first floor, where he bumped into Chao Hou who was helping an action worker downstairs.

"How about it?"

“I was shot in the arm. It’s not a big problem. All the enemies upstairs have been cleared.”

 “Place a time bomb and retreat.”

Zuo Zhong┴ nodded and replied, now that the evidence is in hand, there is no need to stay at the scene any longer. The police station or the Japanese will come to the rescue at any time, so it is better to leave as soon as possible.

But sometimes we are afraid of what will happen. As soon as he finished speaking, a police car siren sounded outside. The police station that was supposed to arrive in 15 minutes arrived in less than 10 minutes.

Those who use p-shares also know that there must be a tacit understanding between the Japanese and the British. In the gold-dollar society of Hong Kong City, money can buy anything, including the services of the police station.

Listening to the sirens getting closer and closer, Zuo Zhong suddenly took off his hood and showed a smile. He asked Kuang Fuan three words in a relaxed tone, and the other party's answer was extremely affirmative.



 My great-uncle has passed away. Please understand that some comments are slow to respond to and try to update as often as possible.

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