Cicada Moving

Chapter 1051: Take care of yourself

Chapter 1051 Take Care

Hearing Kuang Fu'an's answer, Zuo Zhong smiled with satisfaction, turned and walked outside the villa, looked at the dark road and asked Chao Hou.

 “Where are the things I asked you to prepare?”

"Please wait."

After Chao Hou finished speaking, he put his fingers in his mouth and whistled. A small agent appeared from the darkness, trotted to the crowd and put down a wooden box.

Upon seeing this, Zuo Zhong squatted down and opened the box, took out two Thompsons from inside, threw one to Kuang Fuan and pulled the bolt of the other.

Confirming that the submachine gun was working well, he kicked the suitcase with the tape next to his feet and motioned for Chao Hou to take the others first.

"You take the boxes and retreat. Don't go to the hospital or see a doctor for the wounded. Let the doctors at the station operate. Okay, go ahead."


“Let’s go, a few colonial police officers can’t keep me here.”

 Interrupting Chao Hou's persuasion, Zuo Zhong handed several 100-round drum magazines and several hand grenades to Kuang Fuan, and the two were rearmed to the teeth.

Hearing what the headquarters commander said, Chao Hou reluctantly shut his mouth and disappeared into the night with the evidence of Yan Baichuan's surrender and a few operatives.

Kuang Fuan looked at the brand new American original Thomson and exclaimed with joy that these Fruit Party agents were really willing to spend money. In Shanghai, such a submachine gun was worth several small yellow croakers.

With such an expensive price, even the patrol house in the concession cannot afford to equip it, he thought as he loaded the drum and loaded the gun skillfully.

“You are on the left and I am on the right, let’s see who can kill more enemies.”

On the other side, Zuo Zhong, who was ready for battle, raised Thomson with one hand, pointed to the bunkers on both sides of the road, and said with a smile.

Kuang Fuan raised his eyebrows, held the **** of the gun under his arm and moved behind a bunker in a low posture, pointing the muzzle in the direction of the siren.

Zuo Zhong shrugged, quickly came to a corner and leaned against the wall, listening quietly to the sound of car engines getting closer and closer on the road.

Reality is not like movies and TV shows. If you stand in the middle of the road and shoot like Azu (New Police Story), you can easily become a trapeze artist or a target.

 In the distance, on a car approaching at high speed.

 Winston, Inspector of the Criminal Investigation Division of the Hong Kong Island Police Station, was sitting in the passenger seat, constantly urging the red-headed Ah San who was driving to speed up, while looking at his watch anxiously.

He doesn't care about the life or death of those Japanese dwarfs. What he cares about is that the balance has not been paid. If they all die, who will he go to get the remaining money?

 Without money, how can he get promoted?

  Whoever attacked the Japanese was blocking his way. The murderous Winston looked gloomy when he thought of this, and turned around to tell his men in the back row.

“After arriving at the scene, shoot directly without warning. The majesty of the British Empire cannot be provoked.”

 “Yes, Sir.”

 Several plainclothes officers from the Criminal Investigation Department happily agreed, but secretly complained in their hearts that it was no problem for them to extort money from gangsters, but it was really impossible to do it by fighting with others.

The explosion just now could be heard throughout Hong Kong Island. The other party must be a group of ruthless gangsters, and they act without scruples. It is scary to think about dealing with such people.

However, their superiors had orders, and they had to obey them. At worst, they could just pretend to be cool when they arrived at the scene, and raise their guns a little, so the other party would not rush to kill them all.

The few people winked at each other and reached a tacit agreement secretly. With a salary of dozens of yuan a month, what kind of life are they playing?

After Winston finished speaking, he stretched his head and looked at the two cars behind him. Suddenly he thought of something, and he frowned and asked.

“Where’s Dong Qiang? Why didn’t you see him when we just gathered?”

 Although Winston didn't like this descendant of the Huayong Corps, he was still very relieved. After all, he was a descendant of the imperial colonial troops.

The plainclothes men were also from Lu Province. When they heard that the foreign devils wanted to cause trouble for their own people, they quickly explained to Dong Qiang.

“Sir, Dongqiang asked for leave this morning. I heard he was not feeling well.”

Winston snorted coldly, but did not say any more. After all, plainclothes officers had a certain status compared to ordinary Chinese police officers, so they could not be too harsh.

After thinking about it, he was about to give a few more warnings to his men. Since he had received the money, he had to do the job well, but before he could speak, gunshots suddenly rang out.

 “Da da da~ da da da~~”

Two three-shot rounds hit the car that was occupied by Winston and others. The windshield was immediately covered with white cracks and bullet holes, as well as several clouds of blood mist.

The red-headed Asan who was driving fell down on the steering wheel and released his foot from the accelerator. The speed of the car suddenly dropped and it slowly slid forward.

“FxxK! Get off! Get off! There are enemies!”

Most of the white police officers in Hong Kong Island are retired from the military. As a former army officer, Winston's reaction was not slow. The moment the gunfire rang out, he ducked and hid under the bridge.

After warning the plainclothes officers, he pushed open the car door with all his strength. Not caring whether he would be injured, he jumped out of the car and rolled towards a stinking ditch on the side of the road.

 Many people say that the combat effectiveness of the British Army is weak. The reason is that out of considerations of controlling global colonies, the priority development target of Britain's military construction has always been the navy.

Comparing the two, the British Army has received very little funding and manpower, and cannot be compared with the armies of land-power countries in the traditional sense.

This conclusion sounds okay, but in fact it is completely wrong.

The British Army is weak, so it depends on who it is compared with. Compared with the Germans, the Lobster Soldiers (the red uniforms of the British Army) are naturally their younger brothers.

Even compared with the Japanese Army, whose equipment level was at the level of the last European War, the third-line British Army stationed in the colonies was no match for the Japanese.

 But the frontline British troops in Europe are definitely elite, as can be seen from Winston's series of actions. Defense, escape, and finding bunkers were all done in one go. This was a former officer. If he were an active-duty officer, his reaction would probably be even faster.

As he rolled towards the stinking ditch, gunshots rang out non-stop, and the drivers of several cars behind him were also beaten into pieces. The convoy slowly stopped, and the scene was filled with shouts in various languages.

 Cantonese, Lu provincial dialect, Asan dialect, and English. After getting off the car, the police officers all drew their weapons and aimed randomly at the surroundings.

Pingshi is used to taking things easy, but when something like this suddenly happened, they still don’t know where the bullet came from.

 “Bang bang~”

There were two more gunshots, and a white police detective lying in the engine compartment with his **** stuck out, blood splattered on his upper body, and he collapsed on the ground without making a sound.

This made the remaining people even more frightened. In the panic, some people fired wildly with the 0.38-inch Webley MK.5 revolver in their hands, regardless of whether they saw the target.

 The result was a lonely fight, except for some flowers, plants and bricks, there was nothing gained.

Compared with the panic at the police station, Kuang Fuan and Zuo Zhong played very calmly in the dark, constantly changing positions and shooting at the target with short bursts.

 On the battlefield, continuous use of fully automatic strafing not only results in a low hit rate, but also wastes bullets extremely. If the bullets run out at a critical moment, the outcome is likely to be bad.

However, controlling the rate of fire is not a simple matter. It tests the shooter's skills and only experienced veterans can do it.

With Zuo Zhong and Kuang Fuan's tactical level, there is no problem in doing this. While shooting, the two silently counted the number of targets hit by each other and themselves.

 One, two, three.

The plainclothesmen fell down like logs one after another. Some tried to escape, but were beaten to death on the road before they could even take a few steps.

Winston, who had just rolled into the ditch, heard the screams of his men. He gritted his teeth and secretly poked his head out, trying to use the muzzle flash and sound to find the gunman's location.

Two seconds later, he retracted expressionlessly, squatting in the water with his knees in his arms, pretending not to see or hear anything.

As a retired officer who has been on the battlefield, Winston heard that the gunmen used submachine guns, and they were two veterans with superb shooting skills.

 The automatic firepower that people use, what do they hold? It is a revolver that fires one bullet at a time, and its ammunition capacity is only 6 rounds.

 What should I hit? Should I hit him with my head?

With no one taking the lead, the ambush turned into a one-sided massacre. A few minutes later, all the civilians who followed Winston were lost, and the scene was horrific.

The bodies of the detectives were lying all over the road, and a few injured people were leaning on the cars, wailing feebly, and they were about to die.

  After finishing a drum and replacing it with new ammunition, Zuo Zhong simply gave up hiding and shouted something in Japanese to Kuang Fuan across the road.

“Friend, now I have one more number than you. Do you want to admit defeat?”

Although Kuang Fuan couldn't understand what the Kuang Party agent was shouting, he could probably guess what it meant. He didn't say anything, but took out a grenade and pulled off the fuse, waited for a few seconds and threw it away. .

 In the smelly ditch.

Winston, who was cold and frightened, was trembling all over. He cursed the Japanese in his heart. What the gunman just said was clearly in Japanese. This was a conspiracy!

Before he could greet Tian Locust's relatives, something rolled in from outside the pit and fell into the water, hissing and emitting white smoke.


Winston only had time to say two letters before his face was deformed by the strong air waves, a dazzling light shone on his retina, and then nothing happened.

Amidst the dull explosion, a column of water rose into the sky, and Mr. Inspector’s **** flew out with smoke, and he didn’t know where he landed.

Zuo Zhong cursed in his heart when he saw this. He walked to the side of the convoy with an unhappy look on his face and fired at the corpses and wounded to prevent any fish from slipping through the net.

He didn't know what the protagonists in the movies and TV shows thought. Are bullets expensive? Why they were obviously enemies of life and death, but they didn't know how to last-ditch the opponent after defeating them.

 After dealing with the Japanese reinforcements, most of the operation is completed.

Kuang Fuan looked at the Fruit Party agent opposite with a complicated expression, walked over slowly, stretched out his hand to hand Thomson back, and said goodbye to Zuo Zhong in a deep voice.

 “We have a draw this time, and I will definitely beat you next time.”

Zuo Zhong glanced at the other person and raised the corner of his mouth: "Take the gun away. I have a habit of not taking back what I gave away. Next time, I will definitely win."

 After speaking, he looked at Kuang Fuan who was still smiling, the coldness on his face gradually dissipated, and he stretched out his right hand and said seriously.

 “Goodbye, take care.”


Kuang Fuan was a little surprised, but he still shook hands solemnly to express his gratitude to Zuo Zhong, turned around and walked into the alley, and quickly disappeared from Zuo Zhong's eyes.

 In fact, both of them understand that they don't know when they will meet next time. Even if they can meet again, their identities may change from "friends" to enemies.

But no matter what, at least now they are on the same front, fighting side by side for the future and destiny of the country and nation, and this is enough.

Watching the opponent's figure gradually disappear, Zuo Zhong determined the direction and walked towards the north of Hong Kong Island. He also wanted to understand the completion of the second and third parts of the operation.

At this time, near the Sheung Wan Pier, which is a few dozen minutes' drive from Bethany Seminary, several cars with Japanese flags parked quietly in front of a police checkpoint. The cars were covered with bullet holes and the ground was full of leaks. of gasoline and gold bullet casings.

Wearing a police uniform, Gui Youguang walked to the back of one of the cars, pulled the briefcase from Oya Masaharu, who was bleeding from the mouth and nose, turned around and waved.

The next moment, several Gangcheng Station agents pulled the triggers of their submachine guns to the end. Thomson fired countless fatal bullets, and bright red blood seeped out of the cracks in the car door drop by drop.

The moment the gunfire stopped, a violent explosion occurred in Yan Yiting's room a few kilometers away. Flames shot into the sky, glass fragments flew everywhere, and the apparent Jin army negotiator was killed on the spot.

In a dark alley dozens of meters away, Dong Qiang looked back at the scene of the explosion and sneered. He held up the top hat on his head, stepped through a patch of water, and strode out of the chaotic street.

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