Cicada Moving

Chapter 1053: Take a trip with me

Chapter 1053 Take a trip with me

 Two days later, in the evening.

Kwong Fook-on changed his clothes and re-disguised his face, and appeared in a store on Connaught Road in Central. The signboard above the store door read "Lianhe Store".

  (Do you know what company this is?)

The store owner stood up immediately when he saw him, put down the account book in his hand, walked outside the counter, cupped his hands and asked politely.

 “Sir, what do you need?”

“I want 2,000 kilograms of rice, 100 boxes of matches, and 500 kilograms of foreign nails. The ship will sail the day after tomorrow.”

Kuang Fuan, who was opposite, replied slowly, glanced at the store's furnishings, and finally landed on an old photo of a Shanghai street scene on the wall.

“There is no boat the day after tomorrow, is it okay tomorrow? Please go upstairs and chat.”

The boss smiled, pointed to the stairs in the corner, winked at the boy, and walked up the stairs first, followed by Kuang Fuan.

Arrived on the second floor, the boss walked to the window and looked at the road outside. After confirming that there was nothing suspicious, he closed the wooden shutters, turned his head and stretched out his hand and said excitedly.

 “Chief, long time no see.”

"Long time no see, Lao Yang. It's been seven or eight years since we last saw each other, right?"

Kuang Fuan held the opponent's hand and shook it vigorously a few times. Looking at the old comrade he had not seen for many years, he felt equally excited.

When the shop owner named Lao Yang heard this, he nodded vigorously: "Yes, it has been eight years. I didn't expect that the person sent by the organization was you. Come on, sit down quickly."

As he spoke, he pulled Kuang Fuan to sit down. The two looked at each other and smiled, as if they had returned to the days when they fought side by side in Guangdong Province and Shanghai a few years ago.

 At that time, as members of the Special Branch, they traveled between the southeastern coast and port cities, transporting supplies, passing information, and escorting important personnel to the southwest, forming a profound life-long friendship.

Eight years have passed in a blink of an eye, and it is natural to be happy to see each other again in Hong Kong City. After all, their work is full of dangers, and every reunion may be a farewell. It is indeed rare to see old friends.

After regaining his composure, Lao Yang chatted with Kuang Fuan for a while, then put his arm on the table and began to ask about the completion of the task.

"Chief, have you found any evidence of Yan Baichuan's peace agreement? My hometown attaches great importance to this matter. Once the Japanese army and the Jin army join forces, it will be very detrimental to us."

"found it."

 Kuang Fuan nodded and gave a detailed report on the past few days. It is the discipline of underground work to make a report after the operation is completed.

Even if he and the other party are old acquaintances, there is no exception, because the content of their conversation will be formed into written materials and reported to Northwest to help the superiors make judgments on the situation, and no carelessness is allowed.

Lao Yang nodded while listening. When he heard that the Kuomintang agent gave him a Thompson submachine gun worth a few small yellow croakers, a strange look flashed in his eyes, and he interrupted Kuang Fuan's report.

“Wait a minute, Chief, you said that the Guo Party agents not only did not play any tricks, but also gave you such expensive weapons. This is not like the style of those gang of agents. You have to be careful.”

As an old underground party member who has experienced the disaster in the 16th year of the Republic of China, Lao Yang’s views on the Guo Party can be imagined. His first reaction when he heard about this incident was doubt.

This is not unfounded worry. This is a lesson learned with the blood and lives of countless comrades. Once they relax their vigilance, they are likely to pay an extremely painful price.

Facing the warning, Kuang Fuan carefully recalled the contact process with the Fruit Party agents and made sure that he had no flaws before continuing.

“Yes, I was also surprised at the time, and the other party is definitely an intelligence expert in the Kuomintang intelligence system. He has a sharp mind and tough methods. I suspect..."

 At this point, he frowned and did not finish the sentence. He seemed a little unsure.

 “What do you suspect?”

Lao Yang asked curiously, the chief has never been an indecisive person. Why is he so hesitant in speaking today? He is not as decisive as before.

What happened to the intelligence experts in the party's intelligence system? It couldn't be Dai Chunfeng who came to Hong Kong in person. As a result, Kuang Fuan's next words made him stand up.

"I suspect that the other party is Zuo Zhong, the deputy director of the Military Command Bureau. I heard that the other party is from the front line and has led teams to perform missions behind enemy lines and overseas, so it is not surprising to appear in the port city."

Kuang Fuan whispered his guess softly, and his mind quickly flashed to the underground party's investigation report on Zuo Zhong, and his tone became more and more certain.

In the Kuomintang intelligence system, if there are people worthy of vigilance, Dai Chunfeng is one, Xu Enzeng is one, and this person is the other one.

Dai Chunfeng is cunning and cunning, Xu Enzeng is scheming, and Zuo Zhong is both. At the same time, according to the words of the old head of Special Branch, he has a good view of the overall situation.

This is very consistent with the performance of the mysterious fruit party agent. Both the handling of Li Fengzhou and Juade Town and the action plan fully illustrate this point.

 Left heavy, left heavy…

On the other side, Lao Yang silently repeated this not-unfamiliar name several times in his mind. There were many rumors about Zuo Zhong, someone's fellow countryman, a student in the special class and higher education class of the Army Officer Academy, and the deputy director of the major general.

 Since the 22nd year of the Republic of China, he has been in charge of the counter-intelligence work of the Secret Service. He has captured and killed many Japanese spies and is deeply trusted by someone and Dai Chunfeng. Considering the serious consequences of Yan Baichuan's attempt to surrender to the enemy, it makes sense for the national government to send this ace agent to Hong Kong City.

Thinking of this man's past glorious achievements, Lao Yang sighed. It's a good thing to have such a helper against the Japanese now, but what if he becomes an opponent in the future.

 In the case of joint operations, the two sides will more or less intersect. If the two parties are at odds again, what awaits them will be a more ferocious attack than in 4┴12.

Having such a "friend" is really not a pleasant thing. He seriously expressed his worries to Kuang Fuan, but then reported a piece of good news.

“But you don’t have to worry too much. We are not unprepared. Our superiors have long foreseen this situation and have redeployed underground organizations in the Kuomintang-controlled areas for this purpose.

 Northwest decided to use public units such as offices and Xinhua Newspaper as the first line, the former provincial and municipal underground party organizations as the second line, and then establish a top-secret third-line organization.

In case the situation changes suddenly and the first line is forced to retreat and the second line is hit and paralyzed, the third line can still take root in the Kuomintang-controlled areas and continue to fight, providing intelligence to the front line and organizations. "

If Zuo Zhong were here, he would definitely lament that compared with the slowness of the upper-level government to respond to changes in the situation, the northwest responded very quickly and responded in a very timely manner.

 One side is tight at the front and tight at the rear, and the other side is concentric, so winning or losing is actually already determined.

 Besides, after Lao Yang introduced the changes in the organizational structure, he paused for a moment, leaving Kuang Fuan enough time to think, and then spoke again after a while.

"Your group and my "connection trip" belong to the third-line organization. From now on, they will be directly under the command of the old leader, adopt a single line of contact, and will not have horizontal relationships with local organizations and personnel.

You are not allowed to associate with leftist figures, you are not allowed to reveal your identity even in front of your family or even your wife, and you are not allowed to use your legitimate career and identity to make friends, especially high-level officials of the Kuomintang and the Japanese puppets.

We must hide in a gray face for a long time, and be good "capitalists" and "doglegs" when talking about business, but at the same time, we must stay with the flow and not be tainted, and stay out of the filth.

This time you return to Shanghai, except for work and urgent tasks, you have tried to go out as little as possible recently, firstly to avoid being recognized by the Fruit Party, and secondly to lie dormant for a period of time to avoid suspicion.

  After all, you caused too much noise in the past few days. So many police officers died, and you still openly ambushed them on the road. Even European newspapers reported on it. "

Lao Yang conveyed the latest order from the northwest with a helpless expression. Why had he never seen the "chief" being so bold before?

The underground party is not afraid of the British, but the "Northwest Office" in the port city responsible for raising funds and materials is under the opponent's nose. Once this matter is exposed, the comrades in the office will be in big trouble.

Kuang Fuan naturally obeyed the order and immediately decided to return to Shanghai as soon as possible. When he walked downstairs, he suddenly stopped and touched the old photos on the wall.

This photo was taken when he, Lao Yang and another old comrade were in Shanghai Teko. After so many years, I don’t know if the other person is still alive.

But at this moment, he had a mission on his shoulders and could not tolerate too much love between his children. He slowly put down his hand, turned around and left without looking back.

Looking at his back getting further and further away, Lao Yang opened his mouth and wanted to tell Kuang Fuan that everything was fine with his old comrade-in-arms. He had even been here a few hours ago, but in the end he said nothing.

at the same time.

At Kai Tak Airport across the sea from Central, Zuo Chong and Gui Youguang completed the ticket check and entered the terminal smoothly. After observing the surroundings for a while, they entered the toilet.

When they came out again, they had a suitcase in their hands. They walked to the simple boarding gate with calm expressions and waited for the flight to the mountain city.

 Due to the Japanese blockade, if you want to fly from the port city to the mountain city, you need to go around Southeast Asia or Guilin. The air flight distance is about 1,200 kilometers and the flight time is about 7 hours.

At the same time, the plane had to take off in the early morning, with the purpose of flying over the Japanese air defense lines in the dark to avoid being attacked by Japanese planes. Due to the extremely high risk and high ticket price, there were not many passengers.

So there were only Zuo Chong and another Chinese businessman in front of the boarding gate. When they saw them, the other party enthusiastically handed over his business card, claiming that his surname was Lu and that he was the owner of "Guangda Bank" in Shanghai.

Zuo Zhong inexplicably felt that the name sounded familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere. After thinking for a long time to no avail, he put the matter in his mind, exchanged a few words with the businessman named Lu, then leaned on his seat and closed his eyes.

The businessman surnamed Lu didn't care when he saw this. He lit a cigar with a smile, crossed his legs and looked at the tarmac, looking like a standard businessman.

It was getting darker and darker. I don’t know how long it took. The staff shouted to board the plane. Together with the passengers who came later, Zuo Zhong and more than ten people boarded a Douglas DC-2 passenger plane.

With a deafening roar of engines, the plane soared into the night sky in the dim moonlight and flew southwest across the Hong Kong and Kowloon peninsulas.

Passengers stretched their heads to overlook Hong Kong Island through the port windows. They saw lights dotted on both sides of the strait, separated by a layer of light mist, and the scenery was like a dream.

Zuo Zhong also took a look pretending to be curious, and then continued to close his eyes and rest. These days, from Anqing to Shanghai and then to the port city, the tasks were one after another. Under the huge pressure, he was inevitably a little tired.

The Douglas DC-2 under him stopped at Guilin Airport for 50 minutes after flying for 3 hours, and then flew for more than 3 hours before arriving at Shancheng Airport in the morning.

At the beginning of the red sun, the plane landed safely on the runway and slowly taxied to the apron. Zuo Zhong carried the suitcase and walked down the ramp, waving to Wu Chunyang and others who were picking up the plane.

  Everyone in the old intelligence department was happy to know that the deputy director was coming back. Although everything went well during this period, they always felt a little uneasy without the deputy director in charge.

 So early in the morning, a group of division chiefs, deputy division chiefs, colonels, and lieutenant colonels came to the airport to greet them. When they saw the left heavy weight on the gangway, everyone immediately walked over quickly.

At this moment, several cars with Party license plates suddenly drove up at high speed and screeched to a stop in front of the plane. Then an old friend with a heavy left hand got out of one of the cars.

The other party tightened his belt, walked up to Zuo Zhong in groups of five and six, and shouted sternly: "Zuo Zhong, your collusion with dissidents has been revealed, come with me!"

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