Cicada Moving

Chapter 1054: inform

Chapter 1054 Reporting

 It was early one morning a few days ago.

 Xu Enzeng was lying on the bed, with one hand behind his head and a cigarette in the other. He seemed to be thinking about something, sometimes gnashing his teeth, sometimes cursing in a low voice.

His little wife, no, Li Xia, who is now the real wife, looked at this scene and sighed secretly, knowing that her husband was thinking about what happened not long ago.

 The military commander and the man named Zuo were so despicable that they blamed her and Lao Xu for the breakdown of the relationship between the government and the Red Russia. They were really deceiving them.

Those who can participate in the military aid business are not high-ranking figures. If Er Chen hadn't moderated the situation, the two of them would have been beaten to death long ago.

Even so, the two of them paid all their property to those people. Now in the Xu Mansion's warehouse, even a mouse would run out in tears.

“En Zeng, you can’t let go of Dai Chunfeng, yes, and Zuo Zhong.”

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became. She lay on Xu Enzeng's chest crying, and made a request to Lao Xu.

She betrayed the underground party and the northwest, and committed herself to Xu, not to live a hard life. The wife of the dignified deputy director of Zhongtong was so poor that she didn't even have a big yellow croaker. Is there still king's law, is there still heavenly justice?

Xu Enzeng, who was the groom for the third time, took two puffs of cigarette and nodded solemnly. Even if Li Xia didn't say anything, he would definitely avenge him.

This is not only because of money, but also because this incident almost ruined his future. Someone has not summoned him for many days.

Working as an errand in the government, losing the trust of the other party means that you are not far from death. How can Xu Enzeng swallow this breath?

He stubbed out the cigarette butts in the ashtray, hugged Li Xia, her fat face full of murderous intent, and comforted her with gentle words.

“Don’t worry, the military command has become more and more powerful recently, and Shangfeng is not worried. He has given the power of internal purges to the Central Command, and I am the person in charge.

As long as Dai Chunfeng or Little Wang Ba Dan, surnamed Zuo, shows a flaw, I will kill both the master and the disciple completely. No one can protect them, I say so! "

 Xu Enzeng was madly angry, no, it was a domineering aura, which made Li Xia's heart surge and the tenderness in her eyes almost turned thick.

Just when the two were about to turn off the lights and take a rest, the phone on the bedside table suddenly rang. The ringing sound made Xu Enzeng tremble in fright, and he secretly cursed the caller.

 “Hey, what happened?”

Xu Enzeng reluctantly picked up the phone and asked in a deep voice. Only members of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China knew his home phone number. The caller must have urgent business to report.

I don't know what was said on the other end of the phone. His expression changed again and again. Finally, he slammed his right hand on the bed, shouted "Hello" with a big smile and warned the other party.

“Immediately conduct an investigation around the target’s relationship network. If the other party is really colluding with dissidents, you will definitely be able to find clues.

In addition, this matter must be kept strictly confidential. Neither Zhu Jiahua nor Shen Dongxin can reveal it. This is the principle of avoidance. Do you understand? "

After hanging up the phone, Xu Enzeng jumped to the ground, walked to the clothes rack and started to put on clothes. He hummed an unknown tune and seemed to be in a good mood.

Lixia rubbed the sore spot where he just slapped her, frowned quietly, then turned over and supported her head with her hands, lying on her side on the bed to ask about the content of the phone call.

However, Xu Enzeng did not answer. Instead, he quickly came to the bed and kissed him goodbye. He put on his windbreaker and left the room quickly, pretending not to hear Li Xia's cry behind him.

After one hour.

East Sichuan Normal School, the latest headquarters of the Central Military Commission in the mountain city, was as quiet as usual, with only a few special agents on duty standing outside the gate and dozing off.

The general trend in the past two years is to unite to resist Japan, and the Zhongtong, which is specifically responsible for dealing with the underground party, is naturally free, but this is just an appearance.

Xu Enzeng drove around the city several times and finally arrived at the entrance of a bamboo factory a few kilometers away from his residence. After the driver flashed his lights twice, the door slowly opened.

The car then drove into the yard, and saw a faint light coming from the gaps in the doors and windows of the newly renovated factory building. There were also teams of armed agents patrolling around the yard wall.

This place is Xu Enzeng’s secret office, and it is also the secret prison of the Central Unification Committee, specially used to imprison underground parties and other democrats who oppose the Kuomintang Party.

 Opening the car door and getting out of the car, Xu Enzeng took a look at his secret base and showed a satisfied smile. This was the capital for his comeback.

Each encounter makes a wise man, and he has suffered so much from military rule. If he can no longer learn how to keep secrets, he might as well resign and go into business.

At this time, a man walked out of the factory, jumped to the side of the car in three steps and two steps at a time, nodded and bowed and began to report to Xu Enzeng.

“Director, please come in, we are sorting out the target’s relationship network, and we will find out soon.”


Xu Enzeng heard that the director did not use the subtitles, so he gave a gentle greeting, raised his eyelids slightly to glance at the other person, and walked slowly towards the factory building.

As soon as they entered the factory, a wave of noise rushed toward the two of them. Countless agents were making phone calls or accessing information in a space of several hundred meters.

 Obviously the factory has been professionally soundproofed. No movement can be heard from the outside. The people around have no idea what is going on in the bamboo factory.

 After walking around the work area twice to make sure that everyone was working seriously, Xu Enzeng spread his legs and stood with his arms akimbo on the spot and said energetically.

“Mou Zhiye, your opponent this time is a professional agent. You must be careful in your screening work and you must not be careless.

Your intelligence chief is only a temporary appointment. If you want to remove the word temporary, you must make a huge contribution.

I promise you that as long as the target can be brought to justice, I will personally go to Minister Chen to ask for credit for you and I will never break my promise. ” ˆ ˆ ˆ After saying that, he patted the shoulder of the special agent who came to greet him, as if he was very optimistic about you, and casually drew a big pie.

Mou Zhiye, who was across from him, trembled in his heart. He thought of those seniors who either disappeared or were shot, and he always felt chilly on his body.

However, thinking about the power of the Director of the Central Intelligence Division, he gritted his teeth and nodded. If you don't enter the tiger's den, you won't get the tiger's cubs. You have to fight hard.

Seeing the other party taking the bait, Xu Enzeng raised the corner of his mouth slightly. He was not surprised at all. Who in this world can escape the word fame and fortune? The danger is simply that the benefit is not big enough.

Thinking of this, he immediately took Mou Zhiye into his office. The heavy door blocked all sounds.

Xu Enzeng sat on the chair and raised his hands: "Sit down, you said someone called you to report Zuo Zhong's collusion with the underground party. Have you checked the number of the caller?"

 When it came to Zuo Zhong's collusion with the underground party, the joy on his face could no longer be concealed and he almost laughed out loud. What a coincidence.

Just when he wanted to deal with the other party, someone handed him a reason. God finally opened his eyes.


Mou Zhiye sat down with half a p-share and replied cautiously: "The call was made from a hotel, but the boss is sure that no one borrowed the phone during that time. I think someone set up a private line."

“Well, this is normal. Those who can obtain the target information must be the middle and high-level people of the military command. Setting up temporary communication lines will not be difficult for such people.”

Xu Enzeng speculated confidently, and then the general's head went through it in his mind and quickly locked on a suspect.

 Li Qiwu!

The person recommended by the other party sold the Juntong Shanghai District for nothing. This matter has spread, and it is said that Dai Chunfeng slapped him several times.

The reason why this matter is such a big fuss is that Zuo is the one who added fuel to the flames. Otherwise, given the relationship between Li Qiwu and Dai Chunfeng, the situation would never have been so embarrassing.

If Xu Enzeng were Li Qiwu, he would have to give Zuo Zhong some color in whatever he said. Reporting to the Central Commander-in-Chief would be the best way.

 After thinking quickly for a moment, he asked the reporter in detail what he said on the phone, preparing to find a breakthrough.

It would be easier if he could find evidence that it was Li Qiwu who made the call. Then he would want to see how Dai Chunfeng dealt with the military commander's quarrel.

After hearing the order, Mou Zhiye immediately went out to get a tape recorder, put it on the table and turned it on. The tape slowly rotated, and after a few buzzes, sound appeared in the speaker.

"Is it Director Mou? I want to report that someone is colluding with dissidents."


“Deputy Director of the Military Command Zuo Zhong.”

 “What? Is there any evidence?”

“Zuo Zhong is cooperating with the underground party in Hong Kong City.”

The conversation came to an abrupt end here. The tape idled for a few times and stopped. Xu Enzeng reached out and flipped the switch and listened carefully several times.

After a long time, he crossed his hands on his stomach and began to analyze the recording with his many years of experience in intelligence work.

“Male, about 30 years old, his voice must have been disguised, his accent is indiscernible, and the other party is very professional.

By the way, where did the recording come from, and how did the other party know your phone number? Who did you contact after arriving in Shancheng? "

 Xu Enzeng became suspicious again. After experiencing so many betrayals, he now believed no one but his own eyes.

Mou Zhiye's expression changed when he heard this. If he couldn't explain this clearly, it would cost someone his life, so he quickly stood up and explained timidly.

“Reporting to the director is my habit. Firstly, it prevents me from forgetting important work, and secondly, it can be used as evidence to prove my innocence when needed.

 The local battles are fierce. If you are not careful, you will fall into someone else's trap. Even if you are in a humble position, you can't do anything about it. You just want to protect yourself. "

 At this point, he smiled bitterly, as if thinking of some bad memories, and paused for a moment before continuing to answer Xu Enzeng's question.

“So after being promoted to the headquarters by you, I haven’t had any contact with anyone except the new colleagues in the department. You can send someone to investigate.

As for why the other party knew my phone number, maybe someone in the bureau leaked it because I did not keep it secret. "

 Very reasonable explanation.

But Xu Enzeng decided to send someone to check, but before he could pick up the phone, there was a knock on the office door.

A little secret agent opened the door, waving a document in his hand, and informed the two of them of the latest information.

“Director, Director, the target’s friend defected three days ago and is probably heading to the northwest. No one else knows about this yet.”


Xu Enzeng shouted "Hello" again, stood up abruptly, his eyes were shining, "Zuo Zhong, Zuo Zhong, let me see how you are going to quibble this time."

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