Cicada Moving

Chapter 1055: Whirlpool (modified, added a sentence at the end)

Chapter 1055 Whirlpool (modified, added a sentence at the end)

After the war between China and Japan, the Secret Service Headquarters was expanded to the Central Command, and its work content did not change much. It was still responsible for counter-espionage and instigating rebellion within the Kuomintang.

 Secretly crack down on those organizations and individuals that oppose the Kuomintang Party, such as the underground party and the Northwest, and are not responsible for the military's intelligence work.

There is one exception, and that is cases involving "collaboration with bandits". The Central Military Commission has the right to investigate any department and any person.

So in principle, as long as there is evidence and as long as there is suspicion, the deputy director of the Central Military Commission investigating the military commander does not need authorization from a higher level.

This is also a check and balance strategy for someone to prevent the military from gaining unlimited power and thus affecting his control over the Kuomintang and even the Republic of China.

Of course, the investigation is an investigation, and the disposal is a disposal. The Central Government only has the power to investigate, but not to dispose. This is also a balancing game of power.

 The problem is that there are many methods of investigation, including "talking", and this form of investigation has a lot of room for maneuver.

 Where to talk and how to talk is up to the investigators.

Xu Enzeng wanted to seize this loophole and arrest Zuo Zhong for interrogation. The risk of doing so was indeed high, but the current situation was favorable to the Central Unification.

It just so happened that someone handed over the task of internal purges to the Central Commander, and whatever the Central Commander did was justified and there was no suspicion of overstepping his authority.

When it was discovered that Zuo Zhong was about to return to the mountain city, a "capture" operation was secretly brewing and prepared. This time the Central Government could only win, not lose!

 On the tarmac of the airport.

Xu Enzeng looked at Zuo Zhong and showed a proud smile, then raised his short arm and waved hard, ordering his men to control him.

When we get to Zhongtong's interrogation room, he will decide whether the person named Zuo is black or white, guilty or innocent. Dai Chunfeng, Dai Chunfeng, I will cut off your arm!

Mou Zhiye, the acting intelligence director of the Central Unification Committee, was very excited when he heard that he was leading people step by step towards Zuo Zhong. This was the legendary Zuo Zhong!

The other party's name is very popular within Zhongtong. Today, such a big shot will fall into his hands. Just thinking about it makes people excited. After all, the higher the target's status, the greater the credit.

 “What are you doing! So impudent!”

Gu Qi, who has always been kind to others, was furious when he saw this scene. He immediately drew his "good gun" and pointed it at the Central Unification agents who came up and reprimanded them loudly.

He and his team happily came to greet the deputy director. How dare the Zhongtong gangsters come to make trouble. If this matter is not dealt with, who will think highly of their military commander?

With his move, everyone from Wu Chunyang, Song Minghao, Wu Jingzhong to ordinary spies pulled out their guns and pointed them at Xu Enzeng who was standing aside.

If the other party arrests the deputy director, then they will arrest Xu Enzeng, and everyone will be replaced one by one. It is very fair.

Seeing that their officials were surrounded, the Central Unification agents raised their guns and started a confrontation with the military unification side, and the situation was about to break out.

The passengers who had not yet gotten off the plane were so frightened that they hid in the cabin, covering their mouths and not daring to make a sound, for fear that the city gate would catch fire and harm Chiyu.

Only the businessman surnamed Lu, the owner of "Guangda Bank" in Shanghai, quietly observed the movement outside and gently closed his suitcase.

Xu Enzeng, who was at the center of the conflict, never expected that the fire would burn on his head. The military commander ignored Zuo Zhong and instead targeted himself.

Looking at the dark muzzle of the gun, he swallowed, pinched his trembling thighs, and shouted loudly during a violent contraction of his bladder.

“Zuo Zhong! Do you know that Xing Hanliang, your classmate at Hangcheng Police School, left the mountain city privately three days ago and defected to the northwest!

Have your people put down their guns immediately. If you resist the investigation, you will be shot. Do you want to imitate the other party and betray the party and the country? "

 Xing Hanliang defected? !

 Xu Enzeng broke a shocking news. Xing Hanliang, who had not appeared for hundreds of chapters, suddenly joined the underground party. This caught the military commanders present a little off guard.

They were no strangers to Xing Hanliang. They had dealt with each other when they were in Jinling, and the other party had cooperated with the Secret Service on several operations.

This person suddenly defected. According to the rules, relevant people, including family members, friends, and classmates, do need to be screened and reviewed.

 But rules are dead, but people are alive.

As brothers who have experienced life and death together, Gu Qi and others were only slightly surprised. The weapons in their hands did not shake, and they did not believe that the deputy director would "collaborate with the bandits".

 Compatriots from the committee.

 A student of the military commander.

 Disciple of the Chief of Zhongtong.

 The family is extremely wealthy.

No matter from any point of view, the deputy director cannot be an underground party. How can anyone not enjoy the glory and wealth and go out to kill people's heads?

Zuo Zhong didn't know what his subordinates were thinking. He had not yet recovered from the news of Xing Hanliang's "defection" from the underground party. His head was a little dazed, and he always felt that something was wrong.

The other party has a good family background and lives a very bourgeois lifestyle. He always eats, uses and wears the best. He never discusses politics or makes any suspicious remarks.

It is really unimaginable that such a person would "defect" to the underground party without experiencing a major turning point in his life.

But Xu Enzeng ignored this and found that the expressions of the military commanders had changed. Perhaps he felt that the time was ripe for a showdown. He continued to speak righteously, and his tone became more and more high-pitched.

“Another friend of yours, Ban Jun, colluded with the underground party in Jiujiawei to commit a heinous crime, coupled with your unusual behavior in this Hong Kong operation.

I have every reason to suspect that you are secretly colluding with the underground party and betraying the party and the country. If you are smart, you will be arrested immediately, otherwise whoops."

Before he could finish his words, he was kicked down by Gui Youguang who jumped down from the gangway. He let out a scream and rolled away like a winter melon.

Without waiting for Mou Zhiye and others to make a move, the bald man rushed forward and pulled Xu Enzeng into his arms. He pulled out a dagger from his belt and put it against the opponent's neck.

"Xu, tell your people to get out of here. If I shake my hand, your life will be gone."

Gui Youguang threatened in a stern voice, and pushed the dagger forward with force. A few drops of blood slowly dripped from Xu Enzeng's neck, hitting the cement ground and splashing fine dust.

 “Put down the knife!”

“Don’t hurt Director Xu!”


Seeing that their immediate boss was being controlled, the Central Unification agents hurriedly turned their guns to point at Gui Youguang, issuing warnings incessantly, no longer caring about Zuo Zhong. It’s not that they are very loyal, it’s just that if Xu Enzeng dies here, no one present will survive. For the sake of face, Erchen will never let go of the person who killed his little cousin.

Xu Enzeng, who was dizzy after being kicked at this time, also reacted. Feeling the pain in his neck, he quickly raised his hands to persuade Qigui Youguang.

"You are still very young. Don't go down the road of crime. If you kill me, even Dai Chunfeng won't be able to protect you."

 Gui Youguang didn't even blink after hearing this. His mission was to protect the deputy director, no matter whether the enemy was the Japanese, the underground party, or the Central Command.

Moreover, if the deputy director hadn't transferred him from Beiping Station to the headquarters, he might have died on the front line long ago. He must repay the kindness of knowing and saving his life.

“Okay, Guangguang, let go of Deputy Director Xu. It’s not worth giving up your future for this kind of person.”

Zuo Zhong looked at this farce, sighed, and waved his hand to Gui Youguang to let Xu Enzeng go. Since he couldn't really kill the other party in public, holding him hostage was useless.

More importantly, Xing Hanliang's defection has indeed made him very passive. If he continues to openly resist the investigation, he will never be able to get rid of the blame.

The next second, Gui Youguang suddenly released his hold on Xu Enzeng's arm, held the dagger in his backhand, and walked quickly to Zuo Zhong's side.

 “Cough, cough.”

Xu Enzeng, who was almost strangled, coughed several times, gasped for air, and pointed at Zuo Chong and the others, his eyes filled with resentment and malice.

Zuo Zhong pretended not to see anything, turned around and pointed at the surrounding military commanders and central commanders' agents with his fingers, and began to lecture with a solemn expression.

"Everyone, please put down your guns. The country is in a difficult situation now. Your guns should be aimed at the devils, not your own people. Don't let the enemies laugh at you."

 The agents looked at each other. The military commander first put down his gun as ordered, but he still remained alert and was ready for another confrontation at any time.

Seeing that Xu Enzeng remained silent and had no objections, the people of the Central Government breathed a sigh of relief and retracted their weapons. It was a good thing not to fight desperately.

 Temporarily controlling the chaotic situation, Zuo Zhong looked at his old opponent with blood on his neck and spread his hands, pretending to be helpless.

"Old Xu, we are all our own people. If you want to investigate, just speak up. Why bother to start such a big battle? If word spreads, people will think that we are incompatible with each other."

  Okay, I will give you a face today and go back with you to accept the investigation, but you have to remember, it was not you who took me away, but my initiative to cooperate. "

 After saying that, he called Gu Qi over, handed over the suitcase containing the Jin army's negotiation recording and agreement, and whispered twice.

“Lao Gu, the audio tapes and written materials in the box are very important. Back them up immediately after returning. No one is allowed to touch them except the bureau chief and you.

Also check Xing Hanliang to see if this kid has really defected. I will go with Xu Enzeng. Don't worry, no one named Xu dares to do anything wrong. "

“Understood, I think it’s better to let Chunyang and the others accompany you, just in case something unexpected happens.”

Gu Qi knew the seriousness of the matter, nodded seriously and replied, reaching out to pick up the suitcase. Unexpectedly, Xu Enzeng jumped out again.

"Don't move. I suspect that the items in the box are related to dissidents. Come on, take the box away from me!"

 Mou Zhiye, who was eager to get the upper hand, was the most active. After hearing the order, he wanted to **** the box, but Wu Chunyang blocked his way. The two faced each other and butted the oxen.

"Go back, this is top-secret military affairs. What is your identity? Can you get involved?"

“GoP military affairs, I am the director of the Intelligence Department of the Central Military Commission, and I only obey the orders of Director Xu.”

 “Chief of Intelligence?”

Wu Chunyang heard the other party's answer and glanced at Mou Zhiye with sympathy, thinking to himself that this was already the number one, and another one was going to die.

 But sympathy is sympathy, and the box must not be handed over.

Just when he was about to punish this guy, Zuo Zhong next to him spoke again, preventing the conflict from further intensifying.

“Chunyang, since Deputy Director Xu is suspicious, then give the box to Director Mu, and you and others will be responsible for protecting it and ensuring the safety of the physical evidence.

If it needs to be opened for inspection, our military commander must be present to prevent someone from destroying or replacing it. Is it okay for me to arrange this, Lao Xu? "

Zuo Zhong asked with a smile. If Xu Enzeng disagreed, if there was a problem with the evidence, the other party would be the one to take the blame.

Xu Enzeng's heart skipped a beat. When did the little Wang Basan named Zuo become so easy to talk to? Could there be some deception involved?

Frowning and thinking for a while, he waved his hand and told Mou Zhiye not to pick up the box, but to just keep an eye on it. I'm sorry that the other party didn't dare to play any tricks.

As if he had guessed what he was thinking, Zuo Zhong chuckled and walked to Zhongtong's car, opened the door and sat in the back row, and waved to Xu Enzeng.

 “Old Xu, let’s go.”

 “Arrogant! Arrogant! Arrogant!”

 Xu Enzeng cursed secretly with a sullen face, but he walked over obediently and sat next to Zuo Zhong, leaving him under the care of others. He was not at ease.

Wu Chunyang and Mou Zhiye got into another car. Gui Youguang and Wu Jingzhong also accompanied them with a group of special agents to protect the evidence and the deputy director.

The sound of closing car doors sounded one after another, and a dozen cars immediately started to drive away from the airport at high speed, running rampant on the streets of the mountain city.

After the convoy left, Gu Qi and Song Minghao led the team back to the headquarters of the Military Command Bureau at full speed to investigate Xing Hanliang's defection and report to Dai Chunfeng.

If this matter is not handled well and Xu Enzeng's frame-up succeeds, the resulting political vortex will swallow everyone into the torrent and twist them into pieces, leaving no place for burial.

The strife in the officialdom does not matter whether there is evidence or not, and whether you have any merit or not, as long as you block other people's way, countless people will swarm forward and drag you into hell.

There may be many readers who are students and don’t quite understand some things, but they are afraid of being criticized if they write too much, so let’s take a comprehensive look.

One more thing, the protagonist’s contribution is great, but this does not mean that the protagonist can sit back and relax. Xu Enzeng made mistakes again and again, but it was fine because he had countless blood debts on his hands, and they were real blood debts. Even so, he was kicked in the 45 He was kicked away, so Zuo Zhong had to be careful again and again. This was not a double standard, because wrong words could be corrected, but he would die if he made a mistake.

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