Cicada Moving

Chapter 109: Aofu (thanks for 14 more updates)

Chapter 109 Aofu (Thanks for the 14th update)

Zuo Zhong was lying on the bed looking at the time on his phone. He didn't know whether the route would be temporarily changed at one point, whether the **** force would be increased, and whether the operation would encounter any accidents. All of this was unknown.

This feeling of neither going up nor down made him toss and turn until he heard several explosions in the distance. Zuo Zhong knew that this was the action of the underground party, which meant that at least the **** route had not changed.

Not long after, it seemed like all the police cars in Jinling were dispatched, howling and wandering around. Zuo Zhong looked out the window with a smile. This was a manhunt, and now it was time to see if the retreat went smoothly.

Zo Zhong knew that after Jinling City was under martial law, the one, two and three kilometers of roads where the incident occurred would be strictly blocked, and even those with special passes would be investigated. These are the three most dangerous blockades.

The first and second encirclements are blocked at key intersections, which are easy to avoid. Just transfer through small alleys, but the third encirclement cuts off all main roads and blocks them all.

With so many underground party members unable to cross the main roads, they would be closely watched as long as they showed any signs of their whereabouts. Zuo Zhong thought of the complicated river ravines in the city, which were loopholes in the blockade.

 So the underground party will be safe if they get on the ship, unless even the navy's gunboats join in the search, but this is impossible. The navy's bosses are very arrogant, so how can they listen to the orders of the police and garrison.

"Jingle Bell."

At this time, the phone rang. Zuo Zhong stopped thinking and took the call: "Hello, this is Zuo Zhong."

“Shen Zhi, something big happened, hahaha!” Dai Chunfeng’s devilish laughter came from the phone.

Zuo Zhong pretended to be stupid and said, "What happened? I heard an explosion just now. Teacher, are you okay?"

Dai Chunfeng laughed again: "I'm fine, but Xu Enzeng is in bad luck. All the underground party members have been robbed. God is really wise. Let's see how he explains to the committee now."

Dai Chunfeng was ecstatic now. He originally thought that the deputy director had said goodbye to him. Who would have thought that the underground party was so ferocious that they used grenades and machine guns in Jinling City, killing dozens of spies and kidnapping people.

This is no longer a spy operation, but an urban battle. As far as Dai Chunfeng knows, grenades alone exploded twice, and the ground at the scene is full of machine gun shells. Even the fire has not been extinguished.

Zuo Zhong immediately congratulated: "Teacher, now the position of deputy director belongs to you. Xu Enzeng committed such a big crime, let alone deputy director, it would be good if he could guarantee his current position."

Whether Dai Chunfeng's promotion will affect the underground party is unknown to Zuo Zhong, and it is beyond his control. However, the higher Dai Chunfeng's status, the more intelligence information he will have access to as a student, which is a good thing.

Dai Chunfeng pretended to be reserved: "It depends on the chairman's opinion. Shen Zhi, please don't tell anyone. Director Xu and I are just a gentleman's dispute. When I hear something goes wrong, I feel very anxious, ha."

Lao Dai couldn't help laughing after all, and Zuo Zhong also laughed out loud. Thinking of Xu Enzeng being so arrogant before and driving others out of the conference room, now he was even thinking of committing suicide.

An idea flashed through Zuo Zhong's mind, and he smiled and said, "Teacher, would you like us to go take a look at the scene? After all, we are all from the same bureau. If there is any difficulty at the Secret Service Headquarters, our Secret Service can also help."

He wanted to go to the scene and keep an eye on it so that he could get first-hand information. After all, everything now was just rumors.

Dai Chunfeng immediately agreed: "Shenzhu, you are right. We are all doing things for the party and the country. We have to help. You can wait for me at home. My car will be here in a minute."

 Dai Chunfeng was very fast. Not long after Zuo Zhong put down the phone, his car arrived. After Zuo Zhong got in the car, he found that Lao Dai had a bright smile on his face. It seemed that he was really happy today.

Dai Chunfeng kept talking about the latest information along the way, and laughed loudly when he talked about happy places. Zuo Zhong also cooperated very discerningly, and the car was filled with a happy atmosphere.

After passing through the blockades, the car stopped. Zuo Zhong quickly got out of the car and opened the door for Dai Chunfeng. Then he heard Xu Enzeng's hysterical roar, with a hint of despair in his anger.

“Trash, all trash! Even if there are more than twenty pigs, they will grunt a few times and resist.”

“Get me the city defense headquarters and let them search throughout the night. No underground party member can be spared.”

Dai Chunfeng got out of the car, straightened his collar, and walked towards Xu Enzeng at a fast pace. Zuo Zhong followed behind him. When the passing military police and special agents saw this scene, they gave way one after another, for fear of harming Chi Yu.

Xu Enzeng, who was furious, felt that something was wrong in the atmosphere. He looked up and saw Dai Chunfeng and Zuo Zhong walking towards him. He knew that these two people were here to watch the fun, but a loser would not lose a battle, and a tiger could not be defeated in a fight, so he endured it. Unhappy greeted him.

“Director Dai, why are you free to come to my office today?”

“Director Xu, brothers came here uninvited to see if there is anything I can help you with.”

Xu Enzeng's face turned even uglier. Dai Chunfeng was too much. If he accepted help from the Secret Service today, what would happen to the Secret Service Headquarters? So he immediately rejected Dai Chunfeng's "good intention". “No need, I have a lot of things to do here, so I won’t accompany you.” After Xu Enzeng finished speaking, he wanted to leave.

Dai Chunfeng said calmly: "My student Zuo Zhong is a top student at the police academy. He is good at case investigation and counter-espionage. Do you really don't need help? You know that the commissioner is coming back soon."

Zuo Zhong didn’t expect that there was something of his own in this, but why did Dai Chunfeng want to help Xu Enzeng? Didn’t he make fun of him in the car before? What on earth was he planning?

Xu Enzeng was also stunned. He didn't expect Dai Chunfeng to be so generous. Of course he knew Zuo Zhong's abilities. He was indeed a good detective. With his help, he might be able to find some clues.

As for face, only the living need it, not the dead. The Chairman will return to Jinling soon. If there is any progress in the case, he can at least get away with it.

Xu Enzeng figured it out, and his expression changed from cold to approachable: "Then I'll trouble Brother Zuo. My idiots have been looking at it for a long time and found nothing."

Zuo Zhong's goosebumps were rising. Brother Zuo, Xu Enzeng is really flexible and flexible. No wonder he still stands tall at the secret service headquarters. He looked at Dai Chunfeng to see what the other party meant.

Dai Chunfeng nodded to Zuo Qian, feeling very proud. Since Xu Enzeng was no longer able to compete for the position of deputy director, why not help him? It would not only show that he had the overall situation, but also demonstrate the capabilities of the Secret Service.

Since Dai Chunfeng nodded, Zuo Zhong was not polite and immediately drove all the military police out of the scene. Then he took a flashlight and pretended to investigate the scene. He lay down and closed his eyes for a while, making the people around him unclear.

Xu Enzeng looked at Zuo Zhong with some jealousy, and said sourly: "Director Dai, your men are indeed elite soldiers. Otherwise, if you lend Zuo Zhong to me, I will never treat him badly."

Dai Chunfeng laughed angrily: "This is absolutely impossible. Shen Zhi is my student and will inherit my career in the future."

While the two were scheming, Zuo Zhong came back with a heavy face. Before reporting, he looked at the military police around Xu and Dai. Xu Enzeng knew that he had important clues to tell, and immediately drove away the people around him.

 Dai Chunfeng asked: "Shen Zhi, have you discovered anything?"

“The opponent had a large number of people and acted very decisively. The road was blocked in front and hit in the rear. The people in the two cars behind immediately lost the ability to move. At the same time, they quickly used grenades to blow up the two cars in front. The people in the cars had no time to react.

 There were at least eight to ten machine guns strafing the vehicles, using 7.92mm rifle ammunition. I guessed it was Czech style. I doubt whether the underground party has such a powerful force. "Zuo Zhong said nonsense seriously.

 Xu Enzeng and Dai Chunfeng listened in silence. This style was very ferocious and was indeed different from the underground party's previous style. Is there any problem in this? They both had doubts in their minds.

Zuo Zhong said again: "The reason why the opponent's operation was so smooth was not the weapons and the number of people, but the accurate intelligence. They knew the route, weapons, the number of escorts, and even the distribution of personnel, so they used grenades unscrupulously."

Xu Enzeng immediately denied it: "It's impossible. Only Director Chen and I know about the **** plan. Some of the other insiders have been killed in the attack. There will never be a traitor in my place."

This is very funny. The previous place has almost become an underground party branch. I don’t know where Xu Enzeng got his confidence.

Zuo Zhong just wanted to muddy the water, so he said doubtfully: "That's not right. Director Xu, think carefully. Who else knows about the **** plan besides you and Director Chen."

It seemed that Zuo Zhong was no more than that. Xu Enzeng felt that he could almost drive them away, but suddenly a person flashed in his mind, and then he shook his head. How could it be that person? It was absolutely impossible.

Zuo Zhong looked at his expression and found the matter interesting. He said very seriously: "Director Xu, do you have any suspects? If so, please tell me. This is very important for the investigation of the case."

Xu Enzeng smiled bitterly and said: "It's Wang Aofu. He was supposed to be responsible for escorting the team today, but he left first because he felt unwell. However, he captured these underground gangs, so it is definitely not his problem."

Zuo Zhong sneered after hearing this: "This is not necessarily true. I just said that the underground party really has such great strength? Czech style, grenades, standard military style, what if those people are not rescuing people, but arresting them?" Where are the people?”

These words stunned Dai Chunfeng and Xu Enzeng. When they heard that the underground party had been robbed, they subconsciously thought that this was an armed rescue by the underground party, and they never thought of the possibility of arresting people.

Zuo Zhong continued to talk nonsense: "The underground party activities in North China and Northeast China are very frequent. Not only the party and the country are suffering from it, but the Japanese are also very angry. If they have the opportunity to capture important cadres of the underground party, I don't think they will refuse."

Xu Enzeng's face changed, and he felt that his mind was a little confused. By the way, it has been so long since the incident happened, why didn't Wang Aofu come to see him? He immediately put his hands on his hips and shouted: "Call Wang Aofu quickly!"

 (End of this chapter)

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