Cicada Moving

Chapter 110: Danger

Chapter 110 Danger

But after waiting for a long time, Xu Enzeng did not wait for Wang Aofu, and the atmosphere at the scene became strange. Dai Chunfeng did not expect that something seemed to go wrong again. A section chief might be a Japanese spy. The joke was too big.

Zuo Zhong was dumbfounded. He was just talking nonsense. Why was Wang Aofu so cooperative with him? Didn't he know that once he ran away, the blame would be 100% on his head? Such a smart person shouldn't do it.

An agent from the Secret Service Headquarters came and shouted: "Director, Chief Wang went to the hospital, but there was no one in the ward. We went to the office, and the belongings and guns in the safe were gone!"

This is a standard fear of crime and absconding. Xu Enzeng was sweating like rain, and his fingers were trembling slightly: "Wang Aofu is wanted in the city immediately, life or death, immediately!" After saying this, he was furious.

Dai Chunfeng sighed at the side: "It's really hard to guard against. Be careful. In the future, our Secret Service will also strengthen personnel review. We must not become a thief and let others see the joke."

Zuo Zhong lowered his head and said, "Don't worry, teacher, I will definitely pay more attention."

 In fact, Xu Enzeng was not that angry on the surface, but felt relieved in his heart. Before he arrived, Wang Aofu had already been appointed as the deputy section chief, and the problem of unclear people was not his problem.

Now that the prisoner robbery has occurred, Xu Enzeng urgently needs someone to take the blame. After several rounds of calculations, Wang Aofu is a suitable person because he has the conditions and opportunity to leak secrets, so he might as well run away.

Xu Enzeng pretended not to have heard the sarcasm of the master and apprentice, and ordered the agents from the first department to clean up the scene. The scene was the main road of Jinling City. It was about to be dawn, and there would be many people coming and going by then, which was not conducive to confidentiality.

Dai Chunfeng and Zuo Zhong also said goodbye. It was enough to watch the excitement for one night. If they stayed any longer, they would be deliberately provocative. Lao Dai had a sense of restraint, but he still wanted to do something.

 In the back seat of the car, Dai Chunfeng asked: "Shen Zhong, where do you think Wang Aofu is now?"

Zuo Zhong, who was in the front row, thought briefly: "He will do two things, one is to escape, and the other is to take revenge."

Dai Chunfeng nodded after hearing this. Revenge was very possible. If it was enough to simply abscond and take away the property, why risk going back to the office to take the gun? It seemed like this guy wanted to kill a few enemies.

For example, Xu Enzeng, even Dai Chunfeng and Zuo Zhong will be his targets. Who told the Secret Service to ruin his affairs several times? This is a bit troublesome. There is no reason to guard against thieves for a thousand days.

Dai Chunfeng suddenly asked: "Are you sure you can find him? I just want him alive."

Zuo Zhong understood what he meant. If the Second Division could capture the traitors from the First Division, it would not only damage Xu Enzeng's prestige, but also give the Chairman a good impression in the competition for deputy director.

Zuo Zhong seemed very cautious: "It is not difficult to catch him, but whether he is the one who leaked the secret, I think this matter needs further investigation and cannot be judged arbitrarily."

A trace of strangeness flashed in Dai Chunfeng's eyes, but he said: "No way, Xu Enzeng believes that it can only be him. The dignified director will not frame Wang Aofu. Please tell me your specific thoughts."

Zuo Zhong shook his head: "These words are all Xu Enzeng's words. If there is a deeper underground party in a place, the information can be leaked. It is also easy to change the operational style. It can be used as evidence for the time being."

Dai Chunfeng tapped his fingers back and forth on his knees. He suddenly stopped when he heard this, glanced at Zuo Zhong in the front row, and showed a satisfied smile. As a student, he was still very honest.

The carriage seemed extremely quiet, Zuo Zhong's heart was beating loudly, and Dai Chunfeng was a little strange tonight, why did he ask such a low-level question, and what on earth was he planning.

Suddenly, Zuo Zhong found that the car drove onto a dark road. This was not the route back to Dai Chunfeng and his residence. Zuo Zhong felt nervous, pulled out his gun and pointed it at the driver, speaking slowly.

 “Stop the car and don’t make a mistake.”

Zuo Zhong's finger was on the trigger. The speed of the car was not very fast. Even if he shot the driver to death, he would still have time to control the car. However, the driver was Dai Chunfeng's old subordinate, so how could something go wrong.

The driver obediently stopped the car and raised his head with both hands. He was also helpless. This was the route arranged by Virgo. As a little driver, he had no choice but to be smart.

Dai Chunfeng smiled and lowered the gun in his hand: "Shen Zhong, don't be nervous. I will take you to meet someone. I promise to scare you, haha."

Zuo Zhong looked very surprised and put away the pistol without asking Dai Chunfeng about his arrangements. He had a vague guess in his heart. Only in this way can he explain Dai Chunfeng's abnormality today.

The car drove a long way and finally stopped next to an old house. Dai Chunfeng asked the driver to wait in the car and took Zuo Zhong to the door and knocked on the door. Zuo Zhong heard a rhythmic code.

Soon the door was opened. The person who opened the door was a man wearing a civilized hat with the brim held low. Zuo Zhong could not see his appearance clearly, but the man's figure looked very familiar.

Dai Chunfeng walked in directly without speaking to the other party. Zuo Zhong put his hands on his waist and followed suit. The mysterious man immediately closed the door and then took off his hat to reveal his true face.

The man smiled proudly and said: "Chief Zuo, you didn't expect it to be me. We meet again."

Zuo Zhong looked at Dai Chunfeng and then at the mysterious man, looking shocked: "Wang Aofu, I didn't expect it to be you. Why are you here?"

Wang Aofu laughed loudly: "We will be colleagues from now on. I hope Section Chief Zuo will take care of me." Looking at the proud Wang Aofu, Zuo Zhong was very calm. In fact, he had already noticed something was wrong in the car. Why did Dai Chunfeng get the news so quickly? Uncharacteristically do yourself a favor, why ask stupid questions.

 It turns out that Wang Aofu has been Dai Chunfeng's man for a long time. All this can be explained. It was Wang Aofu who notified Dai Chunfeng, and Dai Chunfeng was not kindly helping. He was testing himself.

Since Wang Aofu can be accepted by Dai Chunfeng, he must have gone through background screening. He cannot be a Japanese or an intelligence agent of the underground party. If he insists that Wang Aofu is a Japanese, then his own motives are worth questioning.

Zuo Zhong was glad that he had saved a trick. He noticed that something was wrong and immediately stated that Wang Aofu was probably wronged. Otherwise, he would have fallen into the trap of Dai Chunfeng, this old fox, unknowingly.

The three of them walked into the living room. Dai Chunfeng sat at the top naturally, pointed at the stools for Zuo Zhong and Zuo Zhong to sit down, and then asked: "Wang Aofu, have you ever thought about who else has the opportunity to go underground besides you?" The party revealed the **** plan.”

Wang Aofu made a grimace: "Virgin, I am really unimaginable for my humble position. Apart from Xu Enzeng telling Director Chen, I am the only one who knows the specific plan, but I really haven't disclosed it to anyone."

 Zuo Zhong listened to the conversation between the two and was curious, when exactly did Wang Aofu hook up with Dai Chunfeng, and why did he betray Xu Enzeng? There are still many mysteries in this matter.

Dai Chunfeng was dissatisfied: "If you want to clear your suspicion, you must find the suspicious person. How can people believe you with empty words? Shen Zhong is a famous detective master. You two need to communicate first."

Wang Aofu turned his face and said flatteringly: "Chief Zuo, do you have anything to ask me?"

 Left key nodded: "Why didn't you take part in the operation? It was said that you were feeling unwell?"

Wang Aofu's expression changed when he mentioned this. If it weren't for Zuo Zhong, how could he have drank so much that he suffered from vomiting and diarrhea, and ended up becoming a fugitive? Of course, he could only keep this in mind.

After thinking about it, Wang Aofu said dejectedly: "The doctor said it was food poisoning. It's really unlucky."

Zuo Zhong looked surprised: "You believed it when the doctor said it, but didn't you think that you were poisoned? As intelligence officers, we have to think about everything from the worst perspective, what do you think?"

Wang Aofu blushed when he was told that, and then he became furious: "You mean that doctor poisoned me? Damn it, I'm going to kill him now!"

Zuo Zhong sneered: "Stupid pig, can the doctor poison you in advance? Think about what you have eaten and drank in one place, and then tell them one by one. Don't miss any one."

Dai Chunfeng regretted a little. Why did he find such a stupid informant and want to rely on such a person to bring down Xu Enzeng? Now it seems that he was careless and must make other plans.

Wang Aofu didn't see Dai Chunfeng's expression change, and thought about his movements in the past two days, but except for going to the tavern to drink, he and the other agents ate and drank the same, and everyone was fine.

That's why he thought he had a bad stomach after eating in a small hotel, and didn't think about it in other directions at all. As he thought about it, Wang Aofu remembered something. He seemed to have had a cup of tea in Xu Enzeng's office.

Wang Aofu was unsure: "I just had a cup of tea at Xu Enzeng's place. Could he be an underground party member?"


Zuo Zhong couldn't help but laugh: "I'm sorry, you might as well say that I am also an underground party member."

Although he wanted to mislead Wang Aofu's thinking, this path was too crooked.

Dai Chunfeng glanced at Zuo Zhong in embarrassment. Before today's test, he was really a little unsure, because Zuo Zhong didn't seem to be enthusiastic about arresting underground party members, and he asked the Secret Service to focus on Japanese spies, which made him unavoidable. Doubtful.

Zuo Zhong saw Dai Chunfeng's actions and sighed in his heart. At that time, he had just entered the Secret Service, and he didn't know the heights of the world and wanted to influence Dai Chunfeng. This was probably the reason why Lao Dai was testing today. Now that he thinks about it, he was really naive.

Does Dai Chunfeng really care about the development of the Secret Service? In fact, he doesn't care. The Secret Service is just a tool for him to please the bald head, not the purpose. If the bald head wants to fight against the underground party, then he must please the bald head in this aspect.

It seems that the strategy must be changed in the future. Zuo Zhong thought about a lot of things in his mind in an instant. It is a good thing that he passed the test today. Dai Chunfeng will trust him more in the future, otherwise he will not bring him to see Wang Aofu.

Seeing that there were indeed no clues about the prisoner robbery, Dai Chunfeng didn't want to waste any more time: "Wang Aofu, you said you have a secret stronghold of the underground party. Where it is, don't hide it."

Zuo Zhong's hair stood up. How did Wang Aofu know about the underground party's secret stronghold? However, he looked at Dai Chunfeng with confusion on his face, hoping that the cheap teacher could explain it to him.

Li Yu traveled to the world of immortal martial arts and became the senior brother of a small sect that was not popular. It happened to be a troubled time when the righteousness was declining and demons were rampant. He planned to survive until he was invincible before leaving the mountain.

Unexpectedly, the Tiandaobang suddenly came to the world, and Li Yu became famous all over the world overnight.



 (End of this chapter)

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