Cicada Moving

Chapter 1058: The new scapegoat

 Chapter 1058 The new scapegoat

Zuo Zhong noticed something was wrong with Dai Chunfeng. Before he had time to think about the reason, he saw Lao Dai touching the suitcase between the two of them and asked curiously.

“Shen Zhi, is there evidence that Yan Baichuan made peace with the Japanese?”

Hearing the inquiry, Zuo Zhong opened the box with the key he carried with him, took out a wire tape and several documents and replied.

“Yes, this is a negotiation tape recorded by the Japanese using monitoring equipment, as well as a traitorous agreement signed by Li Fengzhou and Juade Town.”

 After speaking, he paused and asked two questions: "Teacher, did Li Fengzhou and Jiadezhen run away? After the operation, the Jin army lost news.

Also, how should these evidences be handled and used? Do we need our people in the Second War Zone Chief’s Department to send a letter to Yan Baichuan to remind him? "

Dai Chunfeng flipped through the evidence casually, his eyes rested on the agreement signed by the Jin army representative for a few seconds, and he nodded lightly.

“Yes, I just received news that someone saw Li Fengzhou and Juade Town in Southeast Asia. They were probably frightened by your actions and rented a boat to escape.

These old guys can't do anything else. Shuiping is the first place to escape. Forget it, they are just a bunch of homeless dogs. Don't pay attention to them.

How to deal with Yan Baichuan is beyond your control. I will forward these things to the attendant's room and wait for the commission's decision. This will take time.

But the punishment must not be too severe, otherwise Chief Li and Chief Bai will have objections. This is not a simple military issue, but a real political issue. "

Lao Dai did not hide anything and directly stated his speculation. This matter is easy to understand. They are all warlords. If the Jin army is gone, the Guangxi clan will inevitably die.

The overall situation of the war against Japan is very unfavorable, so the government will definitely lift up Yan Baichuan high and put it down gently, at least not in the near future.

To put it simply, as long as the Jin army does not surrender, everything can be discussed. Zuo Zhong looked out the window at the revolving street scene and fell into silence, and did not speak for a long time.

 More than ten minutes later.

The motorcade drove into No. 29 Luojiawan. Dai Chunfeng and Zuo Zhong got off the bus together. Wu Chunyang, Wu Jingzhong and Gui Youguang followed behind them and walked into the office building under the watch of a group of spies.

 The deputy director is back!

Soon, the two deputy directors, Zheng Tingbing and Zhang Yifu, and the chief secretary, Li Qiwu, received reports from their own eyes and ears, and the three people had different reactions.

Zheng and Zhang had no direct conflict with Zuo Zhong, especially since Zheng Tingbing had performed tasks with Zuo Zhong and had a good relationship. They were quite happy to learn about this.

Li Qiwu is different. He has been tricked by Zuo Chong several times since he entered the Secret Service. The conflict between the two parties has become very acute. Maybe this is like repelling like?

Hearing that Zuo Zhong had returned safely, he hung up the phone angrily, sat in the office with a gloomy expression, and secretly cursed the Japanese for being such trash.

Although I don’t know the content of the mission performed by the other party, it must be related to the Japanese. I originally thought that it would bring some trouble to Zuo Zhong, but it turned out that the person named Zuo didn’t even lose a hair.

But this is only temporary. The higher-ups want to carry out anti-corruption in the military, and he has already revealed the news that Zuo Zhong is responsible for this matter.

It's okay for Zuo Zhong to stay in the mountain city. Once he goes to the front line, he will be shot. It may also be artillery shells, explosive packs, and grenades. In short, those division commanders, corps commanders, and commanders are not easy to mess with.

 Not to mention agricultural products such as wood, grain, and tung oil, even strategic materials such as tungsten sand were sold to the Japanese by these bold and profit-seeking guys.

 This is a serious act of supporting the enemy. If Zuo Zhong does not investigate, he will be derelict in his duty. If he investigates, he will be against the military, and there will be no good end in any case.

Destroying people's wealth is like killing their parents. The military leaders will definitely not wait for death, and will definitely let Zuo Chong see their "enthusiasm".

Thinking of this, Li Qiwu showed a ferocious smile, lit a cigar, put it in his mouth, leaned on the chair and took a puff.

Once Zuo Zhong stumbles on this matter, he will be able to take advantage of the situation, and maybe he can replace the other party as the deputy director.

 “Dingling bell~~~”

The phone on the table suddenly rang. Li Qiwu put down his cigar, picked up the phone and put it to his ear. The next second he stood up immediately and kept saying yes.

 After hanging up the phone, he straightened his clothes and went out to Dai Chunfeng's office, secretly guessing the reason why the other party met him.

At the same time that Li Qiwu was summoned by Lao Dai, Zuo Zhong also met with the heads of the first and second offices in his office, and only one person was missing, Gui Youguang.

In this operation, the big bald man not only had to perform intelligence tasks, but also performed bodyguard duties. It was indeed a hard work and he was driven directly back to the dormitory to rest by Zuo Zhong.

 You cannot learn from the British in life. If you find something useful, you will use it to death. That way you will have no friends, and the landlord’s donkey can’t stand such treatment.

 Besides, Wu Chunyang, Wu Jingzhong, Gu Qi, and Song Minghao stood in a row and gave a standard military salute as soon as they entered the deputy director's office.

 “Vice seat.”

Beside him, He Yijun walked in from the outside with tea. After putting down the tea, he immediately turned around and left, closing the door softly.

 “Haha, brother, you’re welcome, sit down.”

Zuo Dao Jin┴ was sitting on the main seat of the sofa in the reception area. He smiled and asked everyone to sit down and talk without any airs of being a deputy director.

  If an officer has to show off in front of his immediate subordinates, he will undoubtedly fail. Such an officer without charisma will not last long.

The four people in Wu Chunyang felt relieved and sat down respectively, and then began to report on the work progress of the first and second offices while Zuo Chong left the mountain city.

After more than a year of hard work, the military intelligence system is now running well, and there have been no recent problems in various regional stations and intelligence networks.

Even several intelligence stations in Shanghai District, Jinling District and Jinling District were restored quickly after reconstruction, and the situation is excellent.

However, as the Sino-Japanese war fell into a stalemate, and the worry of national subjugation was temporarily gone, many military leaders returned to their old ways, and the number of people who drank soldiers' blood and ate empty pay gradually increased.

Not only that, these people also participated in the smuggling of in-demand materials and even took advantage of the convenience of garrison to transport smoke to the Kuomintang-controlled areas.

For example, the commander-in-chief of the Third War Zone stationed in southern Jiangsu Province, southern Hui Province, Zhejiang Province, and Fujian Province has been stocking up on food, cotton, and seafood since the beginning of the year.

Moreover, he knew very well that it was difficult to gain weight by eating alone. In addition to making a fortune himself, he also brought the entire war zone commander to make money together, and lived a very extravagant life.

This commander-in-chief took the lead in finding a famous Peking Opera actor as his wife, and his chief of staff and director of the intelligence office also took one or two wives who were born in a bookstore.

The upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked. How can we win the battle with such an army? What a dream!

In addition, in the Quanjiao and Dingyuan areas of Hui Province controlled by the 11th Army of the New Guangxi Group, the tobacco planting area reached more than 50,000 acres, which caused the local tobacco poisoning to become epidemic and food production to drop sharply.

What is even more outrageous is that despite the severe food shortage in the local area, a large amount of food was smuggled into the hands of the Japanese and puppet troops by the military. According to military statistics, the amount was no less than five million tons. This is still only the third war zone. The situation in other war zones is not optimistic either. The entire Kuomintang-controlled area is in chaos and the people are filled with resentment.

 After roughly introducing the current situation, Gu Qi, as a representative, expressed his worries to Zuo Zhong without any worry.

“Vice-in-Chief, should we go to the top to respond? If we continue like this, the frontline troops will be disheartened before the Japanese attack.

Furthermore, a large number of Japanese and puppet spies were mixed among those smugglers. The intelligence loss in each war zone was serious and the situation was almost out of control. "

As the director of the Second Division specializing in counterintelligence, he doesn't care about smuggling and who marries a mistress. What he cares about is the espionage behind the smuggling.

 There is a saying that you should treat someone who is short-handed and be soft-spoken.

 Trading with the enemy is tantamount to suicide. These black income are poison wrapped in honey. The more you eat, the faster you will die.

Zuo Zhong beside him had finished digesting the information at this time, and his heart did not fluctuate at all, because these things had always existed and everyone in the government was aware of it.

Even someone has said that the battlefields where they suffered disastrous defeats after the war were all close to enemy areas and convenient for smuggling. The Japanese did not need to use much force in these places to kill the Japanese troops!

But so what, after the 16th year of the Republic of China, the Guojun became a feudal warlord force, and the officers were actually a group of politicians rather than soldiers.

 The troops in their hands are their private property and a guarantee of their status and wealth.

 Therefore, they need a large amount of black income and expand their armed forces as much as possible in order to further improve their status and increase their wealth.

 Under such a vicious cycle, it is strange that the combat effectiveness of the Guo army is high. Defeat again and again on the battlefield is an inevitable result.

At the beginning of the war, under the influence of patriotic enthusiasm, these people were still restrained. Now that they have lost the Sword of Damocles above their heads, their behavior has become more and more rampant, and they make money without restraint.

 Actually, someone knows everything, but he cannot prescribe a good medicine to save the fruit party. He can only watch the fruit party rot little by little and be sucked by a group of leeches.

This is not only his personal tragedy, but also the tragedy of the country. This organization is rotten to the core, and no one can do anything about it.

Zuo Zhong felt calm in his heart. On the surface, he let out a long sigh and pretended to be worried and said to everyone.

“Yes, if things continue like this, the country will be destroyed. As the eyes and ears of the committee, we have the responsibility to report this matter to the top.”

Everyone straightened their backs after hearing this and prepared to take the initiative to ask Ying to take charge of the relevant investigation work, but Zuo Zhong immediately changed the topic and made a twist.

“But, the bureau chief is going to hand over the anti-corruption matter in the general to Li Qiwu. If we don’t bother the two masters, let’s not worry about it and let him investigate.

At most, after his investigation is completed, you can add some secret information and materials. You are all colleagues in the same bureau, so doing so is also a way of helping others. "

Wu Chunyang and others looked strange, knowing that the deputy chairperson was trying to trick someone again, but they were not related to Li Qiwu, so they could go to **** with him.

Seeing that his subordinates had no objections, Zuo Zhong showed a kind smile, picked up the tea cup and used the cup lid to skim the tea leaves, and talked about another matter lightly.

“Before I asked you to check Xing Hanliang’s residence and office, and see if any suspicious items were found.”

  Xing Hanliang.

Everyone hesitated when they heard the name. The other party was a good friend of the deputy chairperson. They were very embarrassed about how to deal with this matter.

 Check it carefully. You are afraid of being judged by others, so just do it perfunctorily. It is also your duty.

Xing Hanliang is a police officer. According to the national government’s division of labor among intelligence agencies, the police system is under the responsibility of the military, specifically in charge of the Second Division.

 Gu Qi scratched his forehead with 1/5 of his hair left, smiled wryly and nodded to Song Minghao, deputy director of the Second Division, motioning for him to introduce the situation.

Song Minghao pondered for a moment after receiving the hint. He carefully glanced at Zuo Zhong, the chairperson, and began to report after deliberation.

“Deputy, after learning that Chief Xing was missing at the airport, we sent people to his residence and office, as well as places he frequented daily.

 But these places have been searched by the Central Government, so no valuable clues have been found yet. I think it is debatable whether the other party has really rebelled. "

He spoke very skillfully, calling Xing Hanliang Sheriff Xing, describing the defection as a disappearance, and also questioned the nature of the case.

 Because regardless of whether Xing Hanliang defected or not, the Second Division must handle the matter in a low-key manner to reduce the impact of the matter on Zuo Chong.

A good friend of the deputy director of the military command has defected. It would not be nice to tell anyone about it. As a subordinate, he must solve the problems for his superiors.

Sure enough, after Song Minghao finished speaking, the smile on Zuo Zhong's face became a little brighter, he raised his finger and pointed at him and said kindly.

“Old Song, yes, we must be rigorous in our intelligence work, and we must rule out all possibilities when handling cases. We cannot follow what others say.

I think your opinion is very constructive. We need to be cautious about Xing Hanliang. Human life is at stake, and the morale of the police cannot be ignored.

If it is not handled properly, it will easily lead to conflict with the police system. If this affects the stability of the mountain city, then you and I will die forever. "

Everyone present was smart. As soon as they heard this, they guessed the deputy seat’s intention. Wu Chunyang immediately stood up and made a promise.

"Yes, deputy, I will contact Bai Wenzhi immediately and ask him to be "vigilant" to the police officers' troublemaking behavior and ensure the stability of the mountain city."

 “Hahahaha, that’s good.”

Zuo Zhong laughed heartily, patted the armrest of the sofa happily, raised his right hand and looked at his watch, stood up and said something to everyone.

“Chunyang, Lao Wu, you two went to meet Lao Bai to catch up on old times. I heard that this guy has made a lot of money recently. With so much money, we have to help spend it.

 After finishing the work, I took a look at Xu Enzeng’s movements. He never showed up when he was in the Central Government. I was worried that this old boy was holding back some bad water.

As for Lao Gu, you and Lao Song accompany me to Xing Hanliang’s residence and office to see if there are any missed clues. Okay, let’s go together. "


Everyone replied loudly, and then split up according to the order. Gu Qi and Song Minghao followed Zuo Zhong and walked towards the parking lot.

When they reached the stairs, the three of them happened to see Li Qiwu, who was in a state of despair, walking down the stairs. He looked like his mother had died.

It seems that Lao Dai has handed over the glorious and arduous task to the other party. Zuo Zhong walked out of the building with a smile on his lips.

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