Cicada Moving

Chapter 1059: Deputy Director Yang

Chapter 1059 Deputy Director Yang

After the second move of the government to the west, a large number of government agencies moved to the mountain city. Due to the complex terrain and small area of ​​the main urban area of ​​the mountain city, it was unable to accommodate so many departments. Therefore, many agencies moved to the Shaci area in the west, including the Ministry of Interior. .

 Shaci District was a newly planned administrative area in 1938. It gathered many Party organizations, factories and schools, making it an important place in the rear area of ​​the Anti-Japanese War.

Zuo Zhong and his party drove all the way west and underwent several inspections and interrogations. After a lot of effort, they finally arrived at the Ministry of the Interior's headquarters—several Chinese-style two-story buildings made of rammed earth from the outside.

The guard at the door checked everyone's documents and the inside of the car one by one, returned to the post and made a phone call, and then asked everyone to wait outside the cordon.

Had it been during the Heping period, the guards would never have dared to treat military agents like this. However, after several years of war, everyone has become accustomed to endless alarms and complicated security measures.

 Trouble is better than dead, right?

A few minutes later, a person walked out of the courtyard quickly, waved to the convoy, glanced at the other party, laughed, got out of the car and walked over to say hello.

 “Hahaha, Lao Yang.”

“Deputy Director Zuo, I haven’t seen you for a long time, but you still have the same style.”

The visitor was Deputy Director Yang, Zuo Zhong’s old acquaintance in Jinling. The two came together, shook each other’s hands tightly, and exchanged a few pleasant greetings.

 After completing the process, Deputy Director Yang nodded at Gu Qi and Song Minghao, then turned to look at Zuo Zhong, and asked furtively.

“Deputy Director Zuo, you are here this time because of the matter concerning Sergeant Xing Hanliang. Alas, this matter has spread in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and even I was questioned by the Central Military Commission.

I don’t know which **** spread the word that Sheriff Xing is one of my men. Isn’t this harmful to others? I’m about to give up the title right now.

Furthermore, Chief Xing is staying well in the Police Department. I heard that he will be promoted to another level in the near future. How could he suddenly defect to the underground party? I think there is something wrong with this. "

Deputy Director Yang gritted his teeth when he talked about someone spreading gossip. It was now a critical period for him to be promoted to Director. After this incident, he probably had little chance of getting promoted.

Zuo Zhong heard Xian Zhi's intention and felt a little embarrassed. After all, the other party had helped Xing Hanliang just for his sake.

As a result, the person who was implicated this time even lost his position as director. He must give some compensation, otherwise he will not be able to make friends in the future. Thinking of this, he lowered his voice and said.

“Lao Yang, don’t worry. Brother, I will contact Minister Song later to help you implement the matter of director.

With this person coming forward, you can just wait for the letter of appointment with peace of mind. Zuo owes you a favor this time. If you have anything in the future, just say hello. I will definitely help if I can. "

 This is not Zuo Zhong’s boasting. Currently, half of the military’s replica Japanese yen is flowing out of Minister Song’s hands. The two parties are cooperating very happily, and the other party will definitely give him this face.

 The position of the director of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is only limited to one person. It is not given to anyone. It is better to give it to one's own people than to others. It is beneficial to everyone to have a friend in the core department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Deputy Director Yang's eyes widened. He didn't expect that Zuo Zhong could even talk to Minister Song now. He was his brother-in-law, a first-class powerful person.

With such a big shot speaking, not to mention a small division chief, even a department director or deputy director can do it. It is really killing a chicken with a sledgehammer.

 “Alas, Brother Zuo.”

Ma P didn't take the picture now and would wait for a while. Deputy Director Yang choked with sobs and held on to Zuo Zhong's hand, expressing his loyalty with tears in his eyes.

“Don’t worry, your business from now on is Yang’s own business. Let’s go, I’ll take you to my office first. There will be some things there that you will definitely be interested in.”

I learned about Chief Xing through my friends, and before those **** from Zhongtong arrived, I hid some of Chief Xing’s belongings at the Police Department.

As well as the case files he handled during this period, I also asked people to sort out the information on the people he came into contact with. The people who handled it were my own people and I would never talk too much. "

 Hmm, what an unexpected gain.

Zuo Zhong looked at the other party in surprise. Lao Yang had something. Not only did he protect the evidence first, but he also hid it from the subsequent agents of the Central Command and even the Second Division.

With such means and psychological quality, working as an errand in the Ministry of Internal Affairs is really overkill. Based on the opponent's performance, it is very easy to become a deputy director of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. As expected, no one can make it in this world. No one is a simple person.

The next moment, he looked at Gu Qi and Song Minghao, who were blushing, with a smile. Without saying anything, he let them understand and followed Deputy Director Yang slowly towards the office building.

On the way, Deputy Director Yang introduced the layout and secrets of the Ministry of Interior, such as the office building that looked like it was made of rammed earth, but was actually covered with a layer of soil outside the cement.

I have to say that these Fruit Party officials put a lot of effort into saving their lives. There is something special about this operation. Who would have thought that there is something going on in a few shabby houses.

Everyone walked and chatted until they arrived at the office. Zuo Zhong and three others walked in. The accompanying agents vigilantly set up guard around the office to prevent anyone from eavesdropping or approaching.

“Deputy Director Zuo, Director Gu, and Deputy Director Song, please sit down first.”

As soon as he entered the room, Deputy Director Yang led Zuo Zhong and others to the sofa, then moved a bench to stand on, and reached out to remove a piece of the ceiling.

 I saw him groping in the ceiling for a while, and took out a large suitcase and dozens of files from it. He was sweating profusely from exhaustion.

Upon seeing this, Gu Qi and Song Minghao rushed up to help. The two offices were tricked by a bureaucrat. If they didn't pay attention, they would inevitably be scolded when they went back. Zuo Zhong ignored the two of them and opened the suitcase in front of him. There were some papers, pens, books and other items inside, as well as a wooden photo frame.

Slowly picked up the photo frame, Zuo Zhong looked at the group photo of police academy trainees in the frame, feeling a little confused. There were Xing Hanliang and Ban Jun on it, but not him.

Ever since he knew that he might enter the Secret Service, he had consciously avoided taking photos. Even the photos he had taken with his classmates were taken back by him using various excuses.

 As an intelligence officer, you must not only be anonymous, but also faceless.

 Otherwise, once the appearance is leaked, the risk of exposure will increase exponentially. Facial disguise is just a modification and cannot completely transform into another person.

 After a moment of silence, Zuo Zhong put the photo frame aside, picked up a few more books, and flipped through them quickly, finding that they were all magazines and vernacular novels.

There is nothing related to the underground party in it. Most of them are the innocent moans of young bourgeoisie, or love stories about obsessed men and women, which are the most popular among educated young people nowadays.

  Carefully observing the creases of the books and the wear and tear on the pages, it can be seen that Xing Hanliang did not check a certain page multiple times, indicating that they are not code books.

As for other daily necessities, they are extremely common and can be purchased at any grocery store in the mountain city. It can be said that they have no intelligence value.

Zuo Zhong's eyes moved away from these things and fell on the thick files. He was a little surprised that Xing Hanliang had handled so many cases.

 The Police Department is not a business unit. It is mainly responsible for the administration, personnel, and education of the police system in the Kuomintang-controlled areas. It has jurisdiction over various police organizations, and directs and supervises the municipal and county police stations.

This is an aristocratic department. The work is just to drink tea, read newspapers, and occasionally go for a walk and collect some local products. There is nothing serious.

So what kind of case was Xing Hanliang handling? Zuo Zhong opened a file curiously and took a rough look at the case, but soon lost interest.

This is a case of abuse of power by the local police station. The records in the case file are very clear, the chain of evidence is complete, the statements of the people involved are clear, and no high-level officials are involved.

All the people involved in the case have no party background and no suspicious words or deeds. They are as simple as the cases handled by the Police Secretary.

In fact, if it is found that the case is related to dissidents, the Police Department will immediately notify the Central Military Commission or the Military Commander, and will definitely not launch an investigation on its own.

The responsibilities of the Police Department and the Ministry of the Interior are not to counter-espionage. It is impossible for these big men to fight against the underground party.

On the other side, Gu Qi and Song Minghao spread all the overlapping case files on the coffee table to make it easier for the deputy director to check, and arranged them neatly on the table.

Zuo Zhong picked out one of them from time to time and checked it out. After reading them all, he still found nothing. These cases were very ordinary.

 Putting down the last case file, he stood up and walked slowly around the coffee table with his hands behind his back, analyzing the relationship between the case and Xing Hanliang's defection at high speed in his mind.

After a long time, he suddenly stopped, lowered his head and scanned the case handling date on the file. A flash of light flashed in his eyes. Sure enough, there was a problem!

“Lao Gu, please calculate the starting time of the case, accurate to a certain day of the month.” Zuo Zhong gave an order in a deep voice.


Gu Qi immediately replied. After speaking, Deputy Director Yang looked puzzled in his eyes and Song Minghao began to record and write. The two of them also discovered something was wrong.

Looking at a series of dates on the paper, Gu Qi stopped writing, raised his head, and reported seriously: "Deputy Chairman, four out of five cases were started two months ago. They are too concentrated."

Deputy Director Yang was a little confused when he heard this. Is there any problem with this? It's just that there have been more cases in the past two months, so it can't be said to be suspicious.

The Ministry of the Interior's official duties are also very busy at certain times, such as around the Lunar New Year. Thinking of the sensitivity of the matter, he kept his mouth tightly closed. Too much curiosity can easily lead to death.

Zuo Zhong noticed the other party's reaction, and considering that the subsequent investigation was inseparable from the other party's help, he slowly walked over and asked a simple question.

 “Lao Yang, what were the last two months?”

Deputy Director Yang was stunned, and four numbers popped up in his mind: 10.10, the anniversary of the death of Xinhai, and the National Day of the Republic of China.

He immediately realized that investigating internal problems on such a day would be a slap in the face of the government and the committee members. No one with brains in the government would do it.

So what made Xing Hanliang risk offending his boss and conduct a large-scale internal investigation at such an important time?

 Once this is ascertained, his "defection" will have a reasonable explanation.

 Taking the date statistics sheet, Zuo Zhong signaled Gu Qi to call someone in and take away all the files and items, and then made a new request to Deputy Director Yang.

“We have to ask your brother to take us to the Police Department to have a look.”

 “No problem, let’s go.”

Deputy Director Yang was not afraid that Zuo Zhong would trouble him, but he was afraid that the other party would not open his mouth, which was the most difficult thing to repay the debt of gratitude. He immediately agreed without hesitation, and P Diandian walked in front to lead the way.

A few people passed through several small buildings with "gold and jade in them but ruins on the outside" and walked to a row of flat houses. Just as they were about to knock on the door of one of the rooms, they heard a few curses.

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