Cicada Moving

Chapter 1060: Secretary of Police and Residence

Chapter 1060 Police Secretary and Residence

“Gui’er┴zi, these spies are really ruthless in beating people.”

 “Rice rice with dog stuffing!” (Any Zhangzhou book friends can comment)

 “Go to the street, get some red potion quickly.”

“The injury is very serious, I think it’s better to send him to the hospital.”

In the room, fragrant words from all over the place kept ringing, and it sounded like someone was scolding the secret agents. This made Deputy Director Yang a little embarrassed and smiled at Zuo Chongqian.

Zuo Zhong doesn’t care. Who would not criticize spies? If you do this, don’t expect to have a good reputation. If you want a good reputation, don’t do this.

He listened carefully to the noise inside, and it seemed that someone had been injured by the agents. He turned to look at Gu Qi and Song Minghao, who immediately shook their heads, indicating that they had not heard anything.

Similarly, those who can be captured by the military commander cannot come out with injuries, because basically they have been executed, and there is no need to send them to the hospital at all, just send them directly to Yizhuang.

So the injured person has a high probability of being beaten by the Central Military Commission, which is interesting. Why did Xu Enzeng beat the people of the Police Department when he had nothing to do? Could it be related to Xing Hanliang?

 After listening for a while, Zuo Zhong motioned to Song Minghao to knock on the door. Among the four of them, the other person had the lowest position.

Song Minghao received the signal and raised his hand to knock on the door twice. The sound in the room suddenly stopped, and not long after, someone said in a deep voice, please come in.


With the sound of the door shaft rubbing, the door was pushed open by Song Minghao. Several people filed into the room and immediately smelled the smell of blood.

Several Police Department staff members wearing police uniforms were sitting or standing around a young man who was covered in bruises. They looked at everyone with vigilant eyes.

“Deputy Director Yang, I don’t know what you are doing in our Police Department.”

 One of the middle-aged men with a star on his collar saw Deputy Director Yang and thought of this man’s status in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. He forced a smile on his face and asked.

Deputy Director Yang waved his hand, pointed at Zuo Zhong and the others and introduced: "Hey, what can I do for you? Why don't I come over with the three military commanders to take a look."

As soon as this was said, the police officers’ expressions became even angrier, and they seemed to have deep resentment towards the word spy.

Seeing the other party's reaction, Deputy Director Yang quickly explained: "Don't get me wrong, these guys are not here to hold people accountable, but they think there is something fishy about Sheriff Xing's affairs, so they came here to investigate."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zuo Zhong walked up to the injured young man, checked his injuries, and said hello with a smile.

“Officer Ning, long time no see. How are you? Do you want me to send someone to take you to the hospital?”

The injured person was Xing Hanliang’s friend in the Police Department, police officer surnamed Ning. At this moment, he had several wounds on his body and his face was bruised and swollen. It looked like he was seriously injured.

Hearing a somewhat familiar voice, Officer Ning slowly opened his eyes, looked at Zuo Zhong who lowered his head to ask, smiled bitterly, and replied with difficulty.

“No, thank you, Deputy Director Zuo. It’s just a superficial injury. Those **** from Zhongtong knew the seriousness and didn’t kill me.”

 The case was solved.

It was really Zhongtong who did it. If he couldn't find Xing Hanliang, he would attack the people around him and hurt innocent people.

However, it was not easy to find the "clues". How could the person named Xu let him go so easily? Zuo Zhong was a little confused. Could there be something else going on here?

Soon, the middle-aged man with a flower badge on his collar answered his question.

It turns out that it was the senior officials of the Police Department who came forward to ask for someone from Zhongtong so that Officer Ning could escape and ascend to heaven. Otherwise, with Zhongtong's methods, the other party would definitely not survive.

  In any case, the Secretary of Police is in charge of the violent institution of the police system, and his words still have some weight. Xu Enzeng does not need to go against the police officers of the Republic of China.

Zuo Zhong thought for a while, then looked up at the police officers around him. Apparently he had something to say to Officer Ning in private, and it was inconvenient for other people to be present.

Deputy Director Yang immediately understood what he meant and whispered a few words to the middle-aged man. The middle-aged man decisively led the man out of the office. There were some things that ordinary people couldn't interfere with.

After everyone left, Gu Qi and Song Minghao helped Officer Ning adjust his sitting posture so that he could sit more comfortably and answer the deputy director's questions properly.

 “Sir Gu, Sir Song, thank you.”

Officer Ning had worked with Xing Hanliang and the Secret Service before, and had helped perform tasks. He was no stranger to them. He sat up straight and expressed his gratitude to the two of them.

Then he took a long breath and said to Zuo Zhong with a pale face: "Deputy Director Zuo, just ask whatever you want to ask, and I will answer truthfully."


Zuo Zhong replied softly, sat down on the stool next to him calmly, and asked the other party a question.

“Officer Ning, has Xing Hanliang done anything unusual recently, such as being dissatisfied with his current life, work or even the government?”

 “Absolutely not!”

Officer Ning shook his head vigorously and answered firmly: "You and Hanliang are good friends. You should know what kind of person he is. He has no complaints about his current life.

And his suspension period is coming to an end next year, and he is expected to be promoted to another level. In this case, why would he defect? ​​I think someone restricted his freedom and kidnapped him. ” ˆ ˆ Kidnapping a police chief, what is the purpose? Is it for confidentiality? Don’t be kidding, what secrets can a low-level official of the Police Department know?

In short, this possibility is unlikely, Zuo Zhong thought to himself, ostensibly patting Officer Ning on the shoulder, smiling and comforting him.

“Don’t get excited, I don’t believe that Han Liang will defect, so I came here to investigate. If he is really kidnapped, I promise to rescue him.

 Except for his mutual friend Ban Jun and me, no one can escape from the military commander and me. You can rest assured about this.

By the way, has he investigated a lot of internal cases? I'm a little curious, when did this guy become the master of Qingtian who makes the decisions for the people?

He targets the local police station for no reason and investigates corruption and perversion of the law by his own people. Do you, the senior officials of the Police Department, have no objection? "

When this matter was mentioned, Officer Ning's expression became helpless. After being silent for a few seconds, he slowly opened his mouth and told the inside story.

“Of course I have opinions, but everyone knows that Hanliang and you are good friends, and since these cases are not sensitive and do not involve high-level officials or powerful people, the higher-ups will ignore them.

 The reason why I suspected that someone had kidnapped him was because I thought he might have offended someone while handling the case. Unfortunately, the Central Command did not believe me at all and forced me to admit that he had dissident tendencies.

As for why he wanted to investigate the case, I'm actually not sure. Maybe it's for a promotion next year, or maybe he saw or heard something disturbing and felt that he had to do something.

Recently, he took time off to wander around the city when he had nothing to do. When asked, he didn't say the reason. He just said that he was bored. You can follow this line to check, and you may gain something. "

Zuo Zhong squinted his eyes, did Xing Hanliang often take leave to go to the city? It did sound a bit suspicious, and then asked suddenly.

“Recently? Did he change around Double 10?”

After hearing this, Officer Ning recalled it for a moment, and finally nodded. After all, it was the anniversary of the death of Xinhai and the National Day, so he remembered it clearly.

 After getting the answer he wanted, Zuo Zhong was not ready to ask any more questions. Defection was not just a play, and it was impossible for Xing Hanliang to reveal too much to the other party.

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, Xing Hanliang and Officer Ning are in the same group.

Zuo Zhong glanced at the weak Officer Ning and asked Gu Qi to call Renxin Hospital to pick him up. After all, they were all acquaintances and couldn't watch the other person sitting here.

Since the government pays for the treatment anyway, there is no need to save this money for someone. Spending it on Officer Ning is better than spending it on eating, drinking and having fun.

Within half an hour, the ambulance drove into the Ministry of Interior and took away Officer Ning, who was about to fall into coma.

During this period, Zuo Zhong and the others once again inspected Xing Hanliang's office, but found nothing, which is normal.

This place was cleaned up once by Deputy Director Yang, and searched again by the Central Command and the Second Division. It is impossible to leave any valuable clues.

 So after taking the call records of Xing Hanliang's office phone, Zuo Zhong said goodbye to Deputy Director Yang and led Gu Qi and Song Minghao to Xing Hanliang's residence in Shancheng.

Xing Hanliang's hometown is also from Zhejiang Province, but the Xing family did not move like the Zuo family, and he was not married, so he lived alone.

The car drove in the Shaci area for a while and stopped in front of a small wooden building. Children were running around in the yard, and several women were washing and chatting by the well.

Although Zuo Zhong did not come here with Xing Hanliang, he remembered the address. After getting off the car, he walked up the stairs to the second floor in a familiar manner. The small agents accompanying him quickly dispersed to guard.

Seeing his behavior, the residents lowered their heads one after another. Even the children stopped playing and hid behind wooden pillars to peek quietly. In the past few days, spies have come one after another, and they have learned how to protect themselves.

 Striding to the door of the room where Xing Hanliang lived, Zuo Zhong looked at the double seals of Zhongtong and Juntong on the door and was too lazy to move. He raised his hand and waved to Gu Qi behind him.

 Gu Qi stepped forward and tore off the seal, then cautiously looked inside through the glass to make sure there was no trap, and then opened the door.

Xing Hanliang's salary was not high, but he had a lot of money. He generously rented half of the second floor, a total of 3 rooms. The living room was at the door, and the study room was first and then the bedroom.

At this time, the room was in a mess. The ground was full of torn and smashed clothes, books, and furniture, and most of the floor had been pried open.

Gu Qi was afraid of being misunderstood by the deputy director, so he quickly explained: "Deputy Director, this was done by Xu Enzeng's men. This was the way the house was when we came here."

If it were to search the residence of the Japanese spy, the two offices would be more thorough than the Zhongtong, but Xing Hanliang was not an ordinary person, and he had to make this clear to avoid taking the blame for the Zhongtong.

 “It doesn’t matter, everyone is gone, it’s useless no matter how well-protected the house is.”

Zuo Zhong walked around the room with his hands behind his back and replied lightly. After looking around for a while, he looked up at the cobwebs on the roof and fell into thought.

Xing Hanliang's residence, like his office, was searched twice. If there was obvious evidence, it would have been discovered long ago and would not have been left until now.

But as a friend, he remembered that the other party had called him during non-working hours, obviously not using the phone in the office.

There is no phone in the room at this moment, so how did Xing Hanliang contact him? Finding the answer to this question will also find a breakthrough in the case.

Of course, the other party may also be looking for a random public phone.

 The problem is that there are no other clues now, so we can only treat the dead horse as a living horse. Eliminating the possibility is also a way to investigate the case. Zuo Zhong looked at Gu Qi and gave an order.

“Give Xing Hanliang’s photo to all phone users within a radius of one kilometer, no, two kilometers, to identify it. Be sure to find out the phone number that the other party usually uses!”

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