Cicada Moving

Chapter 1070: Not a big problem

Chapter 1070: Not a big problem

“Chuanwu, your speed of assembling guns is getting faster and faster, no worse than professional intelligence personnel.”

 “They are all taught well by the instructors.”

“You don’t need to put a high hat on me, the Zhejiang Provincial Police Academy is indeed well-deserved.”

“Yes, the training in the police academy has really benefited me a lot.”

 The timekeeper wearing a mask exchanged a few words with Xing Hanliang. During the conversation, he was not addressed by name, but by code name and identity. This is a way to keep his identity confidential.

The place the two of them were in looked like a classroom, with many tables, chairs, benches, and blackboards. In addition to them, there were more than a dozen pairs of gunners and timers who were also training.

After chatting for a while, the former walked to the podium and clapped his hands. After everyone stopped moving and stood at attention, he glanced around the stage, put his hands on the podium and said with a smile.

"Everyone, you will go to your "hometown" the day after tomorrow and become a real underground party. Haha, I hereby wish you all the best in the northwest!"

Hearing this, Xing Hanliang and others immediately shouted: "Complete the mission at all costs, adhere to the leader's will, and appreciate the leader's hard work!"

  地┴The slogan of the Party, the superiors and the military commander.

There was an indescribable feeling of awkwardness when these three things were mixed together. However, the timekeeper on the stage nodded with satisfaction and continued to talk to everyone.

“You are elites hand-picked by leaders and bureau chiefs. Some of you are related to senior members of the party and state, and some have been in sensitive positions and have a bright future.

This time you are sent to lurk in the bandit's nest. The reason is very simple. The government needs to prepare for a possible future war between the two parties.

In military operations, espionage is the commander's eyes and ears, which determines the quality of combat guidance. The role is not unimportant and cannot be biased. "


Xing Hanliang in the crowd puffed out his chest and responded loudly, with mixed emotions in his heart, and his memory instantly returned to that night more than two months ago.

At that time, he had just returned home from get off work at the Police Department. On the way, he was "invited" to a car with a gun, and saw an important person whose name he had only heard before, but whose person he had never seen.

Although the other person had a smile on his face, his tone was polite, and he seemed to be very kind, what he said was not pleasant.

"Sergeant Xing, I am Dai Chunfeng, the director of the Military Command Bureau. You should have heard Shen Zhong or others mention me, so I just said it directly, the party and the country need you."

 Just saying that the party and the country need you, he changed from the sergeant of the Police Department to a fugitive, and received joint training from the Military Command Bureau and the 34th Group Army.

 The content of the training includes reading and memorizing the underground party’s party affairs books, theoretical books and periodicals, newspapers and magazines.

 Be familiar with the communication methods among underground party members and even their thinking logic.

 Learn to assemble weapons and radios, send coded messages, make explosives and poisons, track and counter-track, shoot, and counter-interrogate.

 Practice photography with Buddhist photographers, practice driving with senior drivers, practice anesthesia and simple treatment with doctors, and practice fighting with veterans in the army.

 Understand and master all spoken language, codes, gestures, and movements within the Military Command Bureau.

 At the same time, one must have a detailed and detailed knowledge of the environment, customs and customs of various regions in the northwest, and understand the local area better than the locals.

 This operation is also different in terms of training methods.

In the beginning, instructors only used phone calls and short meetings to teach skills. Operators need to learn on their own and accept assessments at any time. Only those who pass the test have the opportunity to appear in this secret camp.

As for the unqualified losers, they will either be transferred to the front line and become cannon fodder, or they will stay in an unknown position and slowly pass the confidentiality period.

These methods have only one purpose: to identify the young people with the best learning ability, adaptability, and self-management ability, and turn them into qualified "underground party" and professional agents in a short period of time.

 After completing all training here, the trainees will use various channels to sneak into the northwest to obtain military and political intelligence, assassinate important personnel of the other side, and undermine the stability of the border area.

What they can get, according to Dai Chunfeng, is a three-level promotion after successfully completing the mission and an astronomical reward.

There are many benefits, but Xing Hanliang doesn't like this job, and even has some inner resistance.

His two friends, one is a powerful deputy director of the military command, and the other is a defected dissident, each with their own beliefs.

 As a friend, he does not want to comment too much on the choices of the two of them, and he also consciously avoids political topics in his daily life to avoid causing trouble to himself and others.

 But things in the world are so unpredictable. The more you fear, the more likely you will encounter something. Heading to the northwest to lurk is really not what he wants.

However, facing the powerful Dai Chunfeng, Xing Hanliang had no other choice but to agree. He did not want to trouble Zuo Zhong and delay the other party's future.

Then he could only take one step at a time. Thinking of this, he sighed deeply, and the memories in his mind were immediately interrupted by the instructor's instructions on the stage.

“After arriving in the northwest, you will not only have to fight on the front line with the Japanese, but you will also have to face heavy screening and scrutiny by the underground party’s Ministry of Social Affairs. You must not be careless at all.

For the sake of everyone’s life safety and mission, special attention should be paid to the following during operations. First of all, the intelligence you will collect in the future is mainly divided into two types.

 One type is raw intelligence, which is information collected without any confirmation or verification. This kind of intelligence is mostly obtained from front-line combat troops and can be obtained with a little attention.

 The other type is completed intelligence, which is data generated by the analysis of original intelligence by the northwest intelligence unit and needs to be obtained from the northwest decision-making and staff agencies.

 In actual intelligence work, everyone must follow three steps. The first step is to understand the environment or confirm the nature and characteristics of the event.

 Then you need to evaluate the importance of the development of events, prioritize and reduce invalid information. After all, you face huge risks every time you use the radio.

 The other is to predict the future development of events, such as the chain reaction of military deployment, the outcome of political struggles, changes in relevant personnel, etc.

 In short, due to the complexity of intelligence, the content that constitutes intelligence must contain all or part of the elements such as person, place, time, event, object, number, cause, and effect. "

  The timekeeper stated his understanding and requirements for intelligence work one by one, then waved his hand to continue training, and walked out of the classroom alone.

 If they want to have a deeper impression of something, short-term, high-intensity, and high-density repetitive training is the only way. They must seize all the time.

Walking to the yard, the timer took off his hood and lit a cigarette. If Yu Zecheng and Xu Zhongyi were present, they would immediately recognize the other person as Li Ya, their classmate in Qingpu class.

Among the Qingpu squad and even the military's special agents, he is not considered top-notch in terms of operational skills or intelligence skills. Logically speaking, it would not be his turn to be an instructor for such highly confidential tasks. But he has a very outstanding advantage, which other agents lack or cannot compare with.

That is to be very loyal to the Kuomintang and have firm faith. They believe that the only one who can save the Republic of China is the government, and they are willing to do everything for it.

Today’s military commanders have a complete set of procedures to analyze the ideological tendencies of intelligence personnel through family background, daily words and deeds, and social relationships.

 As a result, Li Ya stood out in the selection and successfully became a mobility instructor, adding a lot to his resume.

At the same time, he will also accompany him to the northwest, taking on a more important task than a student, and using his experience to infiltrate the high-level organs of the underground party.

Looking at the evergreen trees in the distance, Li Ya put on his hood, threw the cigarette **** on the ground and prepared to go back to the house, when out of the corner of his eye he caught sight of a reflection flashing in the distance.

 No. 29, Luojiawan.

Dai Chunfeng introduced the relevant situation, then looked at Zuo Zhong who was "dumbfounded", shook his head helplessly, smiled bitterly and spoke slowly.

“This is probably the situation. Don’t think too much about it. This operation was personally handled by the commission, and no one else knew about it except the participants.

Even the Attendant’s Office and the Second Office of the Military Command Department did not register the matter in order to catch the underground party off guard because there is a mole among us.

 In recent years, the government's actions against dissidents have been repeatedly frustrated. This cannot be explained by coincidence. Only then did the committee come up with this method.

 Secretly select some elite people with reliable backgrounds to lurk in the enemy camp. The plan is called "Fuzi". They are directly under the command of the commission and me, with no intermediate links.

All execution personnel have a drug name as a code name. From the moment they accept the task, all previous files are sealed to minimize the possibility of leaking secrets.

 The name of the plan is because Aconite has the effect of restoring Yang and rescuing the enemy. The leader hopes that they can rely on them to find out the identity of the mole and collect important intelligence. "

 Aconite Project.

Zuo Zhong┴ suddenly realized that what Lao Dai was talking about was not "father and son" but "fuzi". No wonder he was holding a copy of "Shen Nong's Materia Medica" all day long.

 In fact, on the day he returned to the mountain city from the port city, he realized that there might be a problem with Xing Hanliang's defection, and it was related to Dai Chunfeng.

The flaw lies in the phrase "playboy" that Lao Dai said on the way back from Zhongtong. Only people who are very familiar with Xing Hanliang know about this.

  Why Dai Chunfeng, a dignified chief, should pay attention to a small sergeant in the Police Department? Unless it is work-related, there is no other explanation.

Later, they found out that Xing Hanliang had handled many cases in two months, especially during Double 10, and slapped someone and the government in the face. His behavior was tantamount to seeking death.

 But from another perspective, this is not the best excuse for the other party to defect.

A policeman with a conscience clearly realized the corruption of the Guo Party during his work, so he abandoned the dark and turned to the bright side and headed to the northwest. How logical.

 The problem is that these are just speculations and there is no conclusive evidence.

What really convinced Zuo Zhong that the matter was related to Lao Dai was the day when Gu Qi and Song Minghao went to the telephone office to verify the number. After receiving Lao Gu's report, he went to the telephone office in person and found an acquaintance in the hotel opposite.

 Li Ya.

  A trainee from the Qingpu class, he performed well during the training. After the war, he served as an instructor in several training classes. He is a die-hard believer in the Kuomintang Party.

The other person should not have been in that place at that time, but not only was he there, he also tried to use the black market with complicated security to conduct counter-tracking, and his whereabouts were very suspicious.

As the deputy head teacher of the Qingpu class, Zuo Zhong tracked his former students. After all, the teacher was better than the student. He finally followed Li Ya to find Geleshan.

All the above clues point to one answer - Xing Hanliang's defection was probably in preparation for some kind of intelligence operation, and the leader behind it was Dai Chunfeng.

After finding this out, Zuo Zhong originally thought that in order to keep it secret, Lao Dai would call agents from the local district station to participate in the operation. For this reason, he also asked He Yijun to find out the information.

Unexpectedly, Dai Chunfeng had no military commander at all. The old spy looked far away and found a group of people from Chief Hu's command. Thanks to the official document from the Second Office and the Third Office of the Military Command Department, he helped him complete the final puzzle piece.

It is understandable that the other party would do this. Many people in the 34th Group Army have encircled and suppressed underground parties in the southwest, and they have a lot of blood and debt on their hands. Their political stance and combat effectiveness can be trusted.

 Subsequently, the results of the second branch's tracking of the location of the suspicious phone came out. It was also Gele Mountain, which once again proved that this place was closely related to Lao Dai's plan.

In terms of skills, Li Ya may be responsible for professional intelligence training, while the veteran of the 34th Group Army may be responsible for operational training and security work.

Through this calculation, the several elements of intelligence: people, places, time, things, things, numbers, causes, and effects are all complete, and everything matches up.

And one more thing.

He was taken away from the airport by Xu Enzeng. Whether Lao Dai and someone really didn't know, or they pretended not to know, there are many things that cannot withstand careful consideration.

From the perspective of the underground party, the bigger the incident becomes, the higher the credibility of Xing Hanliang's defection. Perhaps his "catch" is also part of the plan.

The next second, Zuo Zhong's expression changed from surprise to fear, and then from fear to uneasiness, and he made a promise to Dai Chunfeng with an anxious expression.

“Teacher, don’t worry, after finding out about Geleshan, in order to ensure that the information is not leaked, the students have implemented strict confidentiality procedures.

Each group of three monitors each other. Everyone’s external communications, including mine, must be monitored. The Aconite Project will never be leaked. "

He skillfully pushed away the responsibility, first putting himself in an invincible position, and then changed the subject and talked about another thing as planned.

“However, yesterday the students called Director Li to the office to ask about anti-corruption matters in the military. At that time, I was discussing the search for mountains with Commander Liu of the garrison.

Li Qiwu probably heard something outside the door. Alas, I really should have made a prompt decision to control the other party. I want to review this matter with you. "

Lao Dai was a little nervous when he heard the word "but", but then he felt relieved. It was a fact that Li Qiwu had private contact with the Central Government, but he still didn't dare to communicate with the Communist Party. It was not a big problem.

After relaxing, he wanted to discuss with Zuo Zhong how to properly handle the exposure of the "Aconite Project". Just as he was about to speak, secretary Li Wei broke in from outside to report something.

“Bureau seat, ten minutes ago, Xu Enzeng led a team to charge into Geleshan. The destination is unknown!”

Dai Chunfeng was stunned for a moment, and then he stood up suddenly, not even caring about the chair falling to the ground. He raised his hand to sweep away the items on the table, and greeted someone in Ganshan dialect through gritted teeth.

 “Li! Qi! Wu! Mother┴Xipi!”

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