Cicada Moving

Chapter 1071: Dog bites dog (1) (Monthly off tomorrow)

Chapter 1071 Dog bites dog (1) (Tomorrow is the first day off every month)

 “Enemy attack!”

In the industrial school in Geleshan, Li Ya, who noticed the flash of reflection, turned around and kicked Xing Hanliang, who was about to go out, back into the room. Then he lay forward, dragging the opponent to roll and hide behind the wall.

As soon as they left the uncovered doorway, several bullets accurately hit the exact location, stirring up clouds of dust. The two of them had a brush with death.

 But the luck of others was not so good. Several elites of the 34th Group Army patrolling the courtyard heard the warning and wanted to move, but as soon as they raised their feet, they were hit by several bullets and fell to the ground.

Almost at the same time as the gunshots were fired, the lights in the classroom were instantly turned off, and the school's power and even communication lines were cut off. This was a standard intelligence capture procedure.

Li Ya leaned against the wall, breathing heavily. If he had not experienced the brutal street fighting in Shanghai during the Battle of Songhu, he would probably be dead now.

After forcibly suppressing the body tremors caused by adrenaline, he glanced at the students who were at a loss what to do, secretly shook his head and roared loudly.

“Distribute weapons, rely on buildings to fight back, and wait for support!”

The students then reacted and hurriedly took out submachine guns and rifles from their desks and weapon cabinets. They nervously looked out with the guns, their hands trembling.

There is no way. Training is just training and cannot replace actual combat. No matter how good you perform on the training field, you will still be at a loss on the real battlefield.

On the contrary, the veterans of the 34th Group Army quickly adjusted their mentality and skillfully used various tactical actions to rush out and move towards the walls and gates.

These people have been fighting the Japanese for more than two years, and they know very well that if they do not have sufficient buffer space, once they are surrounded by the enemy, they will only die.

So even if you are facing a hail of bullets, you have to rush out and hold back the attackers. This is a mountain city, and soon there will be garrison troops who hear the sound of gunfire and come to support.

They are worthy of being the elite who fought fiercely with the underground party in the southwest, and fought through the Battle of Songhu, the Battle of Jinling, the Battle of Lanfeng and the Battle of Chicheng.

Faced with the whizzing bullets, the veterans looked normal. Even if their comrades beside them were shot and fell to the ground, they did not pause. They bent down and sprinted straight towards the wall with all their strength to minimize the impact area.

The attackers seemed to be aware of their plan, and the gunfire became more intensive, but in the end they could not stop this group of proud soldiers crawling out from the pile of dead people.

 After sacrificing several lives, the veterans quickly occupied the favorable terrain, using Czech rifles and rifles, using cement buildings and earth slopes as bunkers, and firmly blocked the entrance and exit.

 In defensive battles, especially in defensive battles where the defender has terrain advantages, the attacker's numerical advantage is greatly weakened, and bunkers and firepower are the key to victory or defeat.

 The top of the mountain opposite the industrial school.

Xu Enzeng looked at the "underground party" who had established a defense line through the telescope. He suddenly became very angry. He raised his hand and wanted to vent his anger on the men next to him.

But when he turned around, he found that the little agents who had been tightly surrounding him had already run away eight feet away, each of them raising their heads and pretending to admire the clouds in the sky.

This made Xu Enzeng very angry, but now was the critical moment and he couldn't do too much, so he could only point at the school in the distance and curse.

"Send the order, everyone gather around. The number of dissidents is small. As long as we rush in, we will win. The sharpshooters will continue to suppress and supervise the battle. Anyone who retreats will be shot!"


The surrounding agents replied weakly and continued to enjoy the scenery. After waiting for a long time, one of them ran to convey the order, but still no one dared to approach Xu Enzeng.

Everyone has seen what Mou Zhiye has been through. With such a boss, whether he has made meritorious deeds or not is secondary. The most important thing is not to be beaten for no reason.

The most comfortable ones are the sharpshooters. Their previous round of shooting killed several "underground gangsters". Even if the operation failed, the boards could not hit them.

As a result, some sharpshooters decisively turned their guns and targeted the front-line operators, preparing to gain another credit from their own people.

Under the "supervision" of the supervising team, the agents huddled in the woods and behind stones bravely ran towards the wall, shouting indiscriminately to embolden themselves.

“Da da da~~ da da da~~”

But in the sound of Czech light machine guns, this method of boosting morale had no effect, and courage seemed worthless in front of the 7.92×57 mm Mauser rifle bullet.

The veterans who operated the machine guns set up the machine gun position on the roof of the cement building that was destroyed by the Japanese air raids. There were strong bunkers on the front, back, left and right, so they could spray bullets without fear of the opponent's counterattack.

The machine gunner placed the **** of the gun firmly on his shoulder, shook his body from side to side, and released his index finger when he pulled the trigger. He shot and killed a large number of incoming attackers with extremely precise bursts.

From the perspective of the machine gunner, in the circle-shaped rear sight on the left side of the Czech gun, the trident-shaped crosshair was constantly aimed at the figures rushing from all directions. After a few gunshots, the figures fell down like logs.

 At a rate of fire of up to 744 meters per second, any tactical action is useless. If you want to survive, you can only rely on luck or running faster than others.

The Zhongtong agent put all his energy into feeding, stuck out his tongue, and ran quickly towards the target with his head buried in the air. He frantically greeted Xu Enzeng's ancestors in his heart.

 “Save your ammunition and shoot the ones closest to you first!”

Li Ya observed in the classroom for a while, stood by the window and shouted outside to wake everyone up, then turned back and looked at the nervous Xing Hanliang and smiled.

"Chuanwu, don't worry, someone will come to support you soon." As soon as the battle started, Li Ya left the other party by his side. Others didn't know it, but he knew that this was the deputy director's best friend and nothing could happen to him.

He was also prepared. Once the people of the 34th Army could not resist, no matter what others did, he had to protect them and rush out.

Xing Hanliang next to him nodded when he heard this. He was holding a Type 24 rifle produced by the government in his hand, and he couldn't help but sigh when he heard the gunshots like fried beans.

“Instructor, the underground party is so courageous, even the rest of us dare to make such a big noise.”


These words touched Li Ya's heart. Who would have thought that dissident elements would be so rampant and openly attack the military commander's secret training camp? This kind of thing has never happened before.

Moreover, using so many armed personnel to deal with a group of students who are halfway to becoming monks is like using anti-aircraft guns to swat mosquitoes. The underground party doesn't care about the loss of personnel at all.

Also, how did the news leak out?

Except for the bureau chief and the people involved in the operation, no one here knew about it. Could it be that there was a spy around the bureau chief? Li Ya couldn't help but feel nervous when he thought about this.

If this is the case, reinforcements may not arrive so quickly if the inner ghosts sabotage it, and they must be prepared to break out.

Not far from Gele Mountain is a market town with a garrison and police station. No matter how effective these people are in combat, they can at least block bullets.

After thinking clearly, Li Ya looked around, leaned towards Xing Hanliang and whispered a few words in a low voice, and then continued to observe the exchange of fire with the surprised eyes of the other party.

At this time, the outside was already in chaos. After leaving the corpses on the ground, the Zhongtong finally occupied the gate and part of the wall and began to try to assault the courtyard.

A little spy walked into the school tremblingly under the threat of his superior. Suddenly he heard a crunching sound under his feet, as if he had stepped on something. When he lowered his head in confusion, the next second the person disappeared completely in the violent explosion.

When the flames dissipated, a large pit appeared at the originally neat gate. All the agents within a radius of more than ten meters flew out far away and lay motionless there, not knowing whether they were alive or dead.

A strong shock wave blew in all directions. Even Xu Enzeng, who was on the top of the mountain in the distance, felt the hot air waves and took several steps back. His meticulous hairstyle was blown to pieces, making him look extremely embarrassed.

Looking at the thick smoke rising into the sky, he opened his mouth wide and his blood ran cold for a moment. He was stunned for a long time before he raised his trembling hand, pointed at the scene and shouted.

“Hurry! Go to support, you dare to use bombs in the mountain city, we must not let these madmen go.”

Xu Enzeng knew that if such a big incident occurred, if he could not wipe out all the underground parties, he would have to accept the "baptism of saliva" from the commission again.

In desperation, he forgot the lesson of Jiujiawei and rushed down the hillside with his gun in hand, preparing to take the lead and show his subordinates that he, Xu Enzeng, was capable.

But just after running a few dozen meters, the sound of Czech gunfire inside the school woke him up. He turned around nimbly and ran back again, with a rather vigorous posture.

This little agent followed, rush, the deputy director ran away, don't rush, it seems a bit shameful.

Thinking about it, the agents thought it was shameful to be embarrassed. Face was not as important as life. The team suddenly stopped and the front team changed to the rear team, and the rear team changed to the front team, and started a reverse charge.

 Xu Enzeng, who had finished his work, was too lazy to get angry again, and ordered the dispatch of killers with a dark face. He had failed so many times at the hands of the underground party, and a fool should learn to save a few tricks.

 “Boom, boom~”

Several engine sounds rang out, and a four-wheeled armored car with black smoke coming out of its exhaust pipe sped out of the woods and drove straight towards the industrial school.

 Since the early 1930s, the national government has used imported American GMC3/4 "Dodge" medium-sized jeeps as chassis to modify a large number of four-wheeled armored vehicles.

This kind of car has a steel plate on the outside and is equipped with 2-3 Czech type. It was used on many battlefields after the war between China and Japan. The effect can only be said to be better than nothing. The Japanese heavy machine gun can easily penetrate the car body. Its only function is to The Japanese gave away their heads.

 But at this moment, armored cars are undoubtedly a big killer.

Xu Enzeng did not believe that the underground party would have heavy machine guns, so he asked people to transport heavy firepower into the capital. If this really happened, the entire garrison headquarters would have to commit suicide and apologize.

This is also true. In the final analysis, the industrial school is just a training class, not a front-line combat unit, and there is no need for heavy machine guns at all.

No matter how elite the veterans of the 34th Group Army were, they could not fight against steel with their flesh and blood. They were immediately suppressed by the machine guns and could not raise their heads. They could only watch the armored cars burst into the gate and could do nothing.

Li Ya, who was watching the battle, saw the bright Fruit Army logo on the car and cursed the garrison in the mountain city bloody. He dared to sell such a thing to the underground party. He was really crazy.

Just when he was about to give the order to break out, he suddenly discovered something strange - although the attackers wore various clothes, they all had the party emblem of the Fruit Party on their chests.

what happened?

 Isn’t the other party an underground party?

This scene confused Li Ya, and he swallowed the word "retreat" that was already on his lips. After a moment of silence, he shouted towards the enemy who was getting closer and closer.

  I couldn’t bear it any longer and even fell asleep while sitting there (-ι_-)



 (End of this chapter)

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