Cicada Moving

Chapter 1074: Fainted very peacefully

Chapter 1074 Fainted very peacefully

 “Vice seat?”

 “Zuo Zhong?”

Xing Hanliang and Li Ya were startled when they heard the sudden sound. Then, with a look of surprise on their faces, they turned their heads following the sound and shouted at the same time.

As subordinates and good friends, the two of them heard that it was Zuo Zhong who was speaking. Seeing each other meant that they were completely safe. They would not dare to attack the deputy director of the Military Command Bureau even if they gave the attackers a hundred courages.

Sure enough, before he finished speaking, Zuo Zhong walked out of the forest with Gu Qi and Song Minghao with smiles on his face, and a group of small spies immediately dispersed to perform security duties.

"Hahaha, you two are going to be Tu Xingsun? Why are you in such a mess?"

Seeing the two men with gray faces, Zuo Zhong couldn't help but joke, and looked at Xing Hanliang with a hint of concern.

Since he started working in the intelligence industry, he has been used to seeing life and death, and is used to hiding his emotions. He has not revealed his true emotions in front of others for a long time.

 Because having feelings means having weaknesses, which is dangerous for intelligence personnel. Therefore, those who have achieved great things since ancient times have paid attention to keeping their emotions and anger hidden, and their likes and dislikes hidden.

 Keren is not a cold machine after all. It is a natural reaction to be happy when he sees his long-time friend safe and sound. Zuo Zhong feels that there is no need to be too indifferent, even though it is safer that way.

The reason is very simple. For an emotionless boss, your subordinates will respect you and be afraid of you, but they will not truly believe you. No one wants to work with such a person and become a victim to prove the other person's "selflessness".

Xing Hanliang rolled his eyes when he heard this, wiped the dust and sweat from his face, sat down on the ground, retorted and asked a question.

"You can stand and talk without pain in your back. If you crawl underground for half an hour, you might not be as good as us. By the way, why are you here?"

After the attack on the Industrial College, all power and communication lines were cut off, making it impossible to warn the outside world. Even if the sound of a firefight spread, the military commanders should not have rushed so quickly upon hearing the noise.

Zuo Zhong took the two kettles from Gu Qi's hands, handed them to Li Ya and Xing Hanliang, then sat down next to Xing Hanliang, and replied half-truthfully.

"Our people found out that Xu Enzeng was taking people to Geleshan. Director Dai guessed that this guy was probably heading for the training camp. He also guessed that someone would retreat from the secret passage, so he ordered me to bring people to pick you up.

How is the situation at the school? I heard that Xu was well prepared this time. Not only did he have police dogs, but he also borrowed a four-wheel armored vehicle from the garrison. Are the casualties serious? "

  The attacker is really the Central Commander!

 Hearing this, Xing Hanliang's reaction was not bad. He had escaped safely anyway. More importantly, it might be a blessing in disguise that he didn't have to go to the northwest to perform the dog P lurking mission.

Li Ya's reaction was much greater. Seeing that the "Fuzi Plan" was about to take action, his long-cherished wish to serve the country was about to be realized. However, all of this was ruined by the Central Government. How could he not hate Xu Enzeng deeply?

He clenched his fist and punched the big tree next to him, and a piece of the rough bark was immediately knocked off. Blood slowly dripped from the wounds on his knuckles, which showed how aggrieved he was.

Zuo Zhong saw the other party like this, raised his hand and patted his shoulder: "Okay, don't be upset, things have not reached the worst point yet, and the "Fuzi Project" may have a turn for the better."

"what do you mean?"

Li Ya was a little confused. If the Central Military Commission caused such a big incident, the training camp affairs would inevitably be leaked. The underground party was well-informed, so it wouldn't take long for them to know.

In this case, sending people to the northwest is tantamount to death. Why does the deputy chairperson say that there is still a chance of improvement? Is the deputy chairperson sure that he can control the situation and prevent the news from leaking?

Xing Hanliang also looked at his old friend nervously. To be honest, he really didn't want to go to the northwest. He heard that there wasn't even a dance hall there. He didn't want to live such a hard life.

 “You guys wipe your face first and drink some water.”

Zuo Zhong gestured to the two of them to open the kettle, and then looked at the Central Unification agents on the hilltop in the distance who were arresting the escaped students, as well as Wu Chunyang, Wu Jingzhong and others who were ambushing beside them, and started talking slowly.

“It’s probably unrealistic for students to try to lurk again. You all know our confidentiality level. I’m afraid the Northwest Office has already received notification of the whole thing.

 The other party may know some details better than I do, and there is nothing we can do about it. Since the Yangcheng period, the relationship between the two parties has been that you have me, and I have you.

 But your identity is top secret, and your relationship network is simple, so you can continue to lurk in the bandit's nest. I'll give you a few words. Just hibernate, don't activate it, and it will work wonders when you're ready for battle. "

As he spoke, he looked at Li Ya calmly. Everyone knew that the government would not give up targeting the underground party. Even if this plan failed, there would be another one.

Since this matter cannot be avoided, it is better to actively participate and take the development of the situation firmly in your own hands, which is worse than not knowing anything.

 The previous situation must never happen again. If this group of students successfully enters the border area, there is no telling how much damage it will cause to the northwest.

Since Li Ya wants to be loyal to the Guo Party and someone, let this guy go, and he will pass the information to Old K later. A spy with a one-way identity and transparent identity cannot cause much trouble.

The underground party can also use this person to deliberately disclose some false information to the enemy. A large amount of true and false information, false and true information, will greatly confuse the government's judgment.

"Only dormant, not activated, waiting for war, miraculous results... I understand the humble position." Li Ya whispered what Zuo Zhong said in a low voice, and responded with excitement, without any excuse or fear, and seemed to want to set off immediately .

It can be seen that in terms of belief, he is indeed firmer than most members of the Kuomintang Party, even the party and state officials who shout doctrines in their mouths but care about business in their hearts.

This is not because he is stupid and cannot see the essence of the Kuomintang. In this era, many people think that as long as they defeat the Japanese, everything will be fine.

It is a pity that after the 16th year of the Republic of China, the national government became a standard comprador government. Its nature determined that it had to transfer the interests of the country and the nation in order to continue to maintain its rule.

 Otherwise, those big plutocrats and Western countries will abandon it at any time and select another person or organization. Nothing will change except changing the name and title.

 Zuo Zhong, who was feeling complicated, nodded and persuaded Li Ya not to be anxious, saying that he would report the matter to Lao Dai first and then talk to him after confirming the specific details.

As the three of them were talking, Wu Chunyang, Wu Jingzhong and a group of people came over with the Central Unification agents and police dogs. A dozen escaping students followed behind, with expressions of shock on their faces.

"you go first."

Zuo Zhong stood up and reminded Li Ya that he had to perform a complete performance. The other party would soon go to the northwest to lurk, so his appearance could not be exposed, at least not openly.

Li Ya immediately replied yes, stood up and walked in the other direction with his head lowered, and quickly left the scene, leaving only a familiar figure behind the students.

“Vice-in-Chief, Xu Enzeng’s **** and dog have been brought back. What should I do with them?”

Wu Chunyang walked up to Zuo Zhong and saluted, pointing at the dejected Zhongtong agents and police dogs and asking, his eyes full of disgust, and he said in his heart that they are really a bunch of trash.

As soon as they rushed out and before their identities were revealed, the Zhongtong people skillfully dropped their weapons and raised their hands. They were even worse than the police dogs. At least the police dogs barked twice.

If it were an underground party, they would probably die in Geleshan based on their performance. What else could these people do except listen to the wall and waste public funds.

Perhaps there was a mental connection between master and disciple, Zuo Zhong and Dai Chunfeng thought of it together. After hearing Wu Chunyang's inquiry, they immediately issued the order with a cold face.

 “Hit me! Keep the police dog.”

Training a qualified police dog costs a lot, not to mention that these dogs are all excellent breeds imported by Xu Enzeng from Germany, and the price is even more expensive. Now that they are in his hands, he will accept them.

Amidst the wails of the Central Unification agents crying for their father and mother, Zuo Zhong touched the head of one of the police dogs. The furry police dog stuck out its tongue and waggled its tail, lying on the ground excitedly.

Suddenly he seemed to have thought of something. He looked at the wolf dog with its belly exposed and begging for caressing. Then he looked up at Xu Enzeng's men who were kneeling and begging for mercy. He smiled and made a pun.

“Chunyang, Lao Gu, you see, as long as you use the right methods, even a dog that barks fiercely can be tamed. Yes, it is indeed a good dog.”

Everyone knew who the deputy was scolding, and they burst into laughter. No matter whether the joke was funny or not, as subordinates, they must praise it. Song Minghao even burst into tears with laughter. In terms of acting skills, he must be Lao Song.

More than ten minutes later, the bruised and swollen Central Unification agent left. Zuo Zhong also took Xing Hanliang and his men to the industrial school to see what the situation was like there.

But as soon as he reached the school gate, he heard a familiar cry from the school, and his expression became strange. Could it be that the person named Xu was also beaten by a cheap teacher?

Zuo Zhong hurriedly walked into the door and immediately saw Chang Wei. No, it was a light hitting Xu Enzeng.

"Dai Chunfeng! Dai, please stop this bald man. I am the deputy director of the Central Unification Committee. Beat me to death. Minister Chen will not let you go. Ouch, ouch."

Xu Enzeng rolled like a lazy donkey to avoid being kicked, while speaking harsh words to Dai Chunfeng who was standing next to him. If it weren't for his pair of panda eyes, he would have looked a bit majestic and unyielding.

 Hiss, Lao Dai is really mad~

Seeing the scars on Director Xu Da's face, Zuo Zhong took a deep breath. He was afraid that something would happen if he continued to be beaten like this, so he quickly walked to Dai Chunfeng and gave some words of advice.

  In any case, Xu Enzeng is a senior intelligence officer officially appointed by the government. If he is beaten, Lao Dai will definitely bear full responsibility.

Dai Chunfeng also regained his composure at this time, waved his hand and ordered the spies to stop, then walked to Xu Enzeng, whose face was covered with blood, squatted down, threw a handkerchief to him and smiled coldly.

"You have to be lucky that you have a good cousin, otherwise you will never leave alive today. Take your people and get out of here. If you dare to undermine the mission of military unification in the future, hum!"

Faced with Lao Dai’s threat, Xu Enzeng chose to lose the battle rather than lose. He threw his handkerchief aside, raised his sleeves and wiped the blood from his nostrils, and swore a sinister oath.

“Dai Chunfeng, I lost this time. I also took this beating, but don’t be complacent. One day I will let you know how powerful Mr. Xu is. I tell you…”

Just as he was about to take advantage of his words, a car drove up outside. After the car stopped, a Central Unification agent rolled over and ran over, crying and reporting a piece of shocking bad news.

"Deputy Director! Something bad has happened! Mou Zhiye stole the confidential documents from the headquarters and defected! Before leaving, he attacked Director Shen Dongxin and Shen Shen. Director Zhu asked you to go back immediately."

 Mu Zhiye defected?

 Shen Dongxin is injured?

 Listening to the report of the visitor, everyone had different reactions. Dai Chunfeng, who was watching the excitement, almost laughed out loud, Zuo Zhong's expression changed drastically, and Xu Enzeng simply fainted.

What should I do if I don't faint? The head of Central Intelligence Intelligence was either a short-lived ghost or a traitor. The curse came true again. Thinking of someone and Minister Chen's anger, he leaned back and fainted unusually peacefully.

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