Cicada Moving

Chapter 1075: Mou Zhiye

 Hours ago.

Mu Zhiye walked into Sichuan East Normal School. The little spies who passed by got out of the way when they saw him. No one came forward to flatter him. After all, there is no point in flattering a dead man.

Starting from Wang Aofu, the intelligence section chiefs and division chiefs of the Secret Service Headquarters and Central Unification were either killed or defected. It is dangerous to get too close to such people.

Mu Zhiye knew what these people were thinking, but on the surface he pretended to be indifferent. He nodded to the spies with a smile and walked into the office building.

Although he is only the acting director and his main job is in the bamboo factory, he also has an office at the headquarters. No matter how difficult the national government is, it will not be short of funds.

When he came to the dusty office, Mou Zhiye took water and a rag and wiped it carefully. Then he stood in the middle of the room and looked around. There seemed to be reluctance in his eyes, but he quickly made up his mind and turned around without looking back. He left and headed to the archives room.

As one of the most important back-office departments of the Central Unification Committee, the archives room where many confidential documents are kept is not located above the ground, but in the basement of the office building. It has solid cement walls above, below, left and right.

This is to prevent Japanese air raids, to prevent people from breaking open the windows and stealing intelligence, and to prevent the darkness and low temperature from being used to preserve paper documents.

Not only was the location carefully selected, the Zhongtong Archives also had a set of very strict management procedures to do everything possible to avoid the loss of information.

First of all, there are three 7-person armed special agents teams outside the archives on duty around the clock. Everyone including Zhu Liuxian needs to check their documents when entering or exiting to prevent anyone from being entrained.

Secondly, the archives warehouse, reading room and archives staff office are set up separately. Confidential documents are managed uniformly by confidentiality officers. Reading of confidential documents must be done in the reading room or a safe and confidential place.

 Finally, confidential documents must be kept by dedicated personnel, registered in special books, and stored in special counters. Individuals are not allowed to keep confidential documents and information privately. The entire process of borrowing and returning files must be put on paper for easy tracing.

At the same time, each intelligence officer can only access intelligence that meets his or her own classification level. When accessing or excerpting classified files, they must sign for confirmation. After use, the relevant excerpts and copies will be taken back and destroyed by the archives room.

 This has created a situation where, except for middle- and senior-level intelligence officers of the Central Unification Bureau, few people come to the archives during Pingshi, further reducing the popularity of personnel and ensuring the security of intelligence.

  It can be said that the Central Government’s defense of the archives is watertight.

Xu Enzeng, who is responsible for the daily work of the Central Unification Committee, has suffered too much in keeping secrets secret, and has reached the point where he is in trouble. If the space is not limited, he would like to install the heavy machine gun in the archives room.

However, no matter how good the rules are, they must be enforced by people. Mou Zhiye, who is the director of the Intelligence Division, knows very well what is going on in a file room that has no loopholes in theory.

When he walked to the first iron gate of the archives room, he immediately saw several armed agents gathered around the table, concentrating on playing cards. Weapons and equipment were hung on the wall several meters away, and no one was noticed at all.

If someone really comes to steal information, with their alert state, let alone protecting the files, they will not even be able to protect their own lives, and they will die without knowing how.

Mou Zhiye stood in front of the iron gate and stopped for a long time. When he saw no one came to open the door, he raised his hand and knocked on the railing, making a clanking sound. His expression was very calm, as if he had long been accustomed to the strange thing.

Hearing the sound, one of the armed agents looked over and saw that it was Mou Zhiye. A trace of disdain flashed in his eyes, and he pointed at the iron door and said casually.

"Oh, it's Director Mou. Please come in. The door is unlocked."

  After saying that, he lowered his head and continued playing cards without any intention of opening the door. He also whispered something, which caused everyone to burst into laughter and looked back at Mou Zhiye with bared teeth.

Unexpectedly, another person came down the stairs at this time. The expressions of the armed agents suddenly changed. They quickly put down the cards in their hands - nine, and stood at attention one by one with their heads held high.

The spy who had previously despised Mou Zhiye rushed to the iron gate, opened it, bent down and showed a humble smile, and said respectfully, Director Shen, how could he be as unruly as before.

The person who came was none other than Shen Dongxin, the chief secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. Of course, the secret agents valued him so much not because of the useless position of chief secretary, but because of the small amount of money.

 Since Director Shen was transferred from the Military Command to the Central Command, no matter which staff member had an accident and needed money at home, the other party would send him a lot of yen. You must know that this is hard currency.

After several years of war, legal currency is now like waste paper, and the pension issued by the government cannot even buy ten kilograms of rice. Without Shen Dongxin’s help, many family members of “martyrs” would starve to death.

 As for the business fund Xu Enzeng set up by deducting everyone’s salary, let’s not mention it~~~

 In short, with these acts of righteousness and wealth, Shen Dongxin earned the nickname "Timely Rain". How could the spies be so unruly in the face of such a big benefactor?

  Whoever can guarantee his eternal safety in this business will die if he dies. But what about the surviving family members? There must be a way out for parents, wives and children.

 So even if the other party had a bad relationship with Xu Enzeng, the Zhongtong staff were still very respectful to Shen Dongxin. After all, Xu Enzeng was allowed to take care of the family and the children, so it was easy to take care of him in bed.

On the other side, Shen Dongxin nodded when he heard the greeting, his eyes swept across the cards on the table, then turned around and stretched out his hand to Mou Zhiye, saying hello with a smile.

"Director Mou, hello, why are you free to come to the archives today? Is there any important case?" He had a very gentle attitude towards Mou Zhiye, and at the same time he was not too close. His tone was calm, just like he was treating an ordinary person. colleagues.

But this lukewarm attitude made Mou Zhiye feel comfortable. As Xu Enzeng's "confidant", it would be a problem if the other party was enthusiastic about him.

From the other party's words, he felt for the first time that he was a member of Zhongtong. In the past few days after arriving at the headquarters, other people treated him with either contempt or flattery, but they all kept a distance, as if they were afraid of being implicated by him.

In this case, he was like an outsider, and his life was not yet happy in the local area. At least at that time he had one or two friends with whom he could talk.

 What a pity, I'm afraid I won't have a chance to deal with him again. Mou Zhiye smiled slightly when he thought of this, shook his head and replied.

“You’re welcome, Director Shen, it’s not a big case. Mou is new here and wants to get familiar with our bureau’s intelligence network and staffing in the occupied areas.

Shangfeng may need information from the puppet government at some point, so it is better to arrange it early to avoid being in a hurry and be prepared. "

 The new government established by someone Ji has always been a major concern for Shancheng. Mou Zhiye's explanation sounded fine, but Shen Dongxin knew that this guy was not telling the truth.

Relying on gold and yuan to open the way, Xu Enzeng’s secret base in the bamboo factory was not a secret to him. There were many people who were willing to "abandon the darkness and turn to the light" for money.

Just now, someone from the bamboo factory reported to him that a man named Xu had summoned a large group of spies and police dogs, and also borrowed armored vehicles. They should be doing something.

Mou Zhiye was transferred to Shancheng from the grassroots level by Xu Enzeng. The two had a close relationship. It was hard to ask whether the other person's visit to the archives was related to the operation. It was just that he and Xu Enzeng were in the same situation.

 The smile on Shen Dongxin's face did not change, he nodded slightly as his mind was racing, he took the initiative to say goodbye and walked into the reading room, ready to look for clues from recent official documents.

Seeing him leave, Mou Zhiye breathed a sigh of relief. He ignored the agents who had regained their indifference, went to the cabinet with the duty list and the kettle, opened the record, and read it as if no one else was there.

The armed agents grimaced when they saw this, and no one took the other seriously. They started to push up the card ┴Nine again, but the sound was much lower, for fear of affecting Director Shen inside.

Holding the duty list in his hand, Mou Zhiye glanced sideways at the reading room, and then observed the agents with his peripheral vision. After making sure that no one was paying attention to him, his sleeves flicked, and a small paper bag slipped into the palm of his hand.

Ten seconds later, he slowly put down the documents and walked into the reading room leisurely. He nodded to Shen Dongxin, who was already sitting down, and walked to a window to speak to the security guard.

“Give me the list of intelligence personnel in the occupied areas.”

The security guard looked at Mou Zhiye, turned around and walked into the archives warehouse without saying anything. When he came out again, he handed over a document bag and a notebook, and said coldly.

“Director Mou, please sign the borrowing record. Also, the list of intelligence personnel is top secret. You can only view it here and are not allowed to record it.”

 “Okay, this is the rule, I know it.”

Mu Zhiye said with a smile that it was no problem. He took out the pen and signed the borrowing time and his name on the book. He picked up the document bag and sat down at the table not far from the window. He opened the bag with a natural expression.

Shen Dongxin, who was a few meters away, saw this scene and frowned secretly. Is the other party really here to familiarize himself with the work? What on earth is this guy Xu Enzeng doing?

After thinking for a long time, he stopped observing Mou Zhiye and focused on checking the documents. He made up his mind that he would not leave until the other party left, to see who could outlast the other.

Time passed minute by minute, and the hour hand of the wall clock in the reading room ticked twice. The idle secret clerk lowered his head from time to time and dozed off.

 Mou Zhiye, who looked calm on the outside, glanced at the time and then at Shen Dongxin beside him. He was extremely anxious in his heart, and finally gritted his teeth and made a decision.

At the same time, Shen Dongxin, who had read the latest official document, raised his head, moved his neck, and then paused. The file room was too quiet. Why didn't the group of armed agents outside make a noise?

Just when he was about to get up and take a look outside, Mou Zhiye stood up suddenly and walked towards the window with the document bag, seemingly to return the confidential documents.

Shen Dongxin hesitated for half a second, then grabbed the document and followed him. His eyes were fixed on the other person's movements. He always felt that something was wrong.

At this time, Mou Zhiye was already standing in front of the window. Hearing the footsteps getting closer and closer behind him, the agent who had fought from the bottom suddenly moved.

In a blink of an eye, the pen in his hand pierced the secret clerk's carotid artery. The blood vessels and nerves in the secret clerk's brain were instantly severed, and his body fell to the ground.

Before blood spurted out from the wound, Mou Zhiye put the list of agents in his arms with his left hand, passed his right hand to his waist and took out a dagger, turned around and stabbed Shen Dongxin.

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