Cicada Moving

Chapter 1076: fight

Chapter 1076 Fighting

 Shen Dongxin has been inconspicuous since he was transferred from the military commander-in-chief to the central commander-in-chief. His daily words and deeds are very low-key, and he does not seem to be good at action, but this is just an illusion.

He was born in France's Saint-Cyr Military Academy. This military academy is the highest military academy in France. Its military education level is considered to be world-class, and its courses naturally include self-defense and combat skills.

Among them, the most powerful and effective in actual combat is a modern fighting technique called Sarvat, or French kickboxing and French kickboxing.

This is a kicking technique that uses hands and feet as weapons, mixed with Western boxing. It is a compulsory subject for French military, military and intelligence personnel.

There are different opinions about its origin. Some say it was invented by sailors at the port of Marseille in the 19th century. Some say it was formed by the French who learned Muay Thai from Thailand in the 18th century and then integrated boxing after returning to France.

But regardless of the source, Sarvat showed its prowess during the last European War. Many French intelligence agents relied on it to escape capture by German counterintelligence agencies and killed many German agents with their bare hands.

As a student of the Saint-Cyr Military Academy, Shen Dongxin not only received systematic Savate training, but also learned the Guojun fighting technique at the Hangcheng training class, and is the essence of Chinese and French fighting techniques.

The result of the combination of the two is that his ability to act is not weak at all even compared to Gui Youguang, but when he first came to the Central Government, he chose to deliberately hide his clumsiness and confuse Xu Enzeng and others.

 So when he saw Mou Zhiye stabbing the pen into the secret officer's neck and trying to attack himself with a dagger, Shen Dongxin did not run away, but suddenly raised his foot and used Vasat's move to kick the opponent's wrist.

There is an old saying in the martial arts of the Republic of China that boxing has two doors, and you rely entirely on your legs to hit people.

If we use modern science to explain it, kicking is a method of exerting force by contracting the abdominal and psoas muscles and using the power of turning the waist to kick the legs out. Therefore, it is powerful, fast, and has the best effect against the enemy.

With a bang, Shen Dongxin's right foot hit Mou Zhiye's right wrist hard. Under the severe pain, Mou Zhiye subconsciously let go of his hand, and the dagger was thrown out and fell into the window.

 In order to ensure the safety of the archives warehouse, the windows of the archives room have iron bars, and the entrances and exits also need keys to open. Mou Zhiye lost his weapons in an instant and became bare-handed.

However, Mou Zhiye is not a vegetarian. He can stand out from many grassroots Central Unification spies. He relies on his achievements in fighting the underground party with real swords and guns, and has very rich practical experience.

As soon as the dagger came out of his hand, he endured the pain in his wrist and turned his palm into a fist, raised his elbow and swung it back, suppressing Shen Dongxin's close attack and looking for an opportunity to turn around.

 In combat, it is extremely dangerous to point the back of your head towards the enemy. Once you are hit in the back of the head, especially by a professionally trained intelligence officer, you will quickly lose your combat effectiveness.

Facing the powerful elbow blow, Shen Dongxin still did not retreat. He chose to raise his right forearm and used his Wing Chun hand to block the opponent's attack. He also used his left hand to press against the opponent's waist to prevent Mou Zhiye from exerting his strength.

This is the soul of the traditional martial arts of the Republic of China. It is to destroy the enemy's waist strength, and use the martial arts thinking of "cutting off its tips, pressing its roots, and breaking its core" to move a thousand pounds with four ounces.

At the same time, Shen Dongxin bent down and gathered strength, pushed Mou Zhiye to the wall with both legs and pressed him firmly against the wall. He put his knees against the opponent's popliteus, completely controlling Mou Zhiye's actions.

 All fighting arts require space and points for exerting force. Without these two necessary conditions, no matter how powerful your action skills are, you will be trapped.

By this time, if Mou Zhiye still didn’t know that he had been deceived by Director Shen, then all these years of intelligence work would have been in vain. Gou P’s hands were powerless and he was clearly a first-rate operational master.

With his head pressed tightly against the wall, and his facial muscles somewhat deformed, he gasped and chuckled, "Director Shen, Mou lost. He is indeed a top student from St. Cyr, he is really awesome."

Hearing the other party's teasing, Shen Dongxin did not relax at all. He clasped Mou Zhiye's right wrist with his right hand, pressed Mou Zhiye's neck with his left arm, and asked with a cold face.

"Director Mou, what on earth do you want to do! Stop resisting now and I can give you a chance, otherwise don't blame Shen for being ruthless."

 “Stop resisting? Haha, I have no way to turn back!”

Mou Zhiye laughed twice, a trace of determination flashed in his eyes. He judged the position of Shen Dongxin's head through the sound, and banged his head back, as if a dog was jumping over a wall, trying to die together.

Out of instinct, Shen Dongxin raised his chin slightly to avoid the impact, and his body involuntarily moved a small step back. It was this small step that gave Mou Zhiye the opportunity to fight back.

He raised his left arm and swung it back, and used his elbow to attack Shen Dongxin's left rib again. Shen Dongxin was caught off guard and was hit several times in the stomach, and his body became stiff for a short time.

The human stomach does not have pain-sensing nerves in the general sense, but the gastric mucosa inside the stomach is hit or irritated, which can cause very severe left abdominal pain symptoms.

Even though Mou Zhiye's force stroke was short and the force of the elbow strike was not great, Shen Dongxin still activated his body's self-protection mechanism under the pain and released his left arm that was holding Mou Zhiye's neck.

Mou Zhiye immediately regained his freedom, turned his body around smoothly, and then used his height and weight advantages to strangle Shen Dongxin's neck and tried to throw him in a bear hug, forcing Shen Dongxin to the ground.

The purpose of his doing this is the same as when Shen Dongxin pressed him against the wall just now, which is to limit the opponent's space and point of exerting force, so as to gain an advantage. Shen Dongxin, who had not yet recovered from the pain, felt his neck being strangled. He immediately guessed what the other person was thinking, calmly gave up the struggle, and used his strength to kick against the wall.

This force coupled with the trajectory of Mou Zhiye's force, Shen Dongxin rose into the air and performed a beautiful backflip and fell, once again pressing Mou Zhiye under him. In an instant, he changed from passive to active and regained control. situation.

 (If there are Easter eggs, if not, it’s under review)

 Learning from the previous lesson, Shen Dongxin decided to fight quickly. He pressed the opponent's right shoulder with his left hand, and used the Qiangzi fist with half-clenched fingers of his right hand, hitting the throat hard.

The throat is one of the most vulnerable parts of a human being. If he is hit, Mou Zhiye will inevitably lose his ability to resist, and the fight will basically be over.

 Mou Zhiye, who was hit with stars in his eyes, reacted quickly. Without thinking, he flipped his left hand to cover his throat, hooked his right foot on Shen Dongxin's foot and pulled hard, causing both of them to fall to the ground.

With one move successful, Mou Zhiye used his right arm to strangle Shen Dongxin's neck, grabbed his left hand tightly, and used a back-and-throat choke move in Western fighting techniques, preparing to strangle the opponent to death.

 Under hypoxic conditions, the supply of oxygen necessary for the human body is reduced, and physical strength and strength will be consumed rapidly. No matter how strong the body is, it cannot last long.

Shen Dongxin’s face turned red, his mouth opened wide, his retinas slowly became congested, his eyes became blood red, and he was about to die from suffocation.

In a trance, the words of the teacher from the Military Unification Special Training Class appeared in his ears. He used his last bit of strength to open the opponent's right thumb, then rubbed his feet on the ground and slid to the right with his head as the center of the circle.

 (If there are Easter eggs, if not, it’s under review)

The smooth floor was a big hindrance, and Shen Dongxin soon moved to Mou Zhiye's side, gaining valuable space for movement and escaping from the strangulation with his head.

Just escaping is not the end, he stood up with his feet, and Mou Zhiye, who also stood up, grabbed each other's shoulders, and the two of them faced each other and tried their best to knock down their opponent.

Both parties are professional agents, about the same age, and about the same strength, and the situation has reached a stalemate.

The problem is that Shen Dongxin can afford this situation, but Mou Zhiye can't afford it. Once someone discovers that the archives has been attacked and raises the alarm, everything will be over.

Thinking of the consequences of being caught, Mou Zhiye suddenly decided to fight. He raised his head back and slammed it forward, playing a headbutt that hurt both sides.

Shen Dongxin was caught off guard. He felt his head buzzing, his vision went dark, and he felt a strong sense of vomiting. The strength in his hands naturally weakened.

 In line with the principle of taking advantage of your illness to kill you, Mou Zhiye pushed his head down and grabbed both sides of Shen Dongxin's waist with both hands, trying to push him up and throw him on his back.

Being thrown from your back on such a hard ground will cause a series of consequences such as dizziness and coma, which is fatal in a close-range life-and-death fight.

Sensing the other party's intention, Shen Dongxin bit his tongue and forced himself to wake up. Then he grabbed Mou Zhiye's collar, fell backwards, and pressed his right foot against Mou Zhiye's abdomen, like a rabbit kicking an eagle.

Before Mou Zhiye could react in time, he was thrown several meters away. He let out a painful groan and then immediately got up and ran outside.

Shen Dongxin, who had just stood up, felt his heart skip a beat when he saw this scene. Without any time to think, he rushed to the door on his knees, grabbed the half-open iron door and swung it hard.

 After the door was slammed shut, he rolled several times and hid in the corner. During the transfer, he also pulled down several tables and chairs as temporary shelters, all in one movement.

Moreover, Mou Zhiye, who ran outside, stepped over the armed agent who fell on the ground, picked up the weapon hanging on the wall and pulled the bolt. He turned back with murderous intent, preparing to end the battle completely.

But the door was closed, and Mou Zhiye had no key and could only stand in front of the door and stare. He could not clearly see where Shen Dongxin was, and he scratched his head and ears anxiously.

As for shooting without fire, although this place is underground and the sound insulation effect is very good, if you shoot too many times, there is no guarantee that someone will hear the sound of gunfire and come to check.

 “Dingling bell~~”

Just at this time, the phone in the archives warehouse rang. Mou Zhiye, who was eager to escape, knew that he had little time. He glanced at the iron door with hatred, touched the secret documents in his arms, and turned around to leave the archives room.

Five minutes later, a group of heavily armed agents rushed into the archives room, opened the iron door of the reading room, and saw Shen Dongxin, who was almost comatose due to the adrenaline fading, and the corpses lying on the ground.

 Ten minutes later, after hearing the news, Zhu Liang hurried over, had a brief conversation with Shen Dongxin, listened to the preliminary survey results, and issued two orders with a dark face.

The first order is to tell Xu Enzeng to bring his people back quickly. The other is to immediately block all stations, docks, and roads in and out of the mountain city. Mou Zhiye must be captured alive and the list of intelligence personnel must be recovered!

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