Cicada Moving

Chapter 1077: Do you still have room to fail? (I have something urgent during the day)

 Mountain City, Dachen’s official residence.

The Chen brothers were sitting in the middle of the living room with gloomy faces, smoking silently and saying nothing. In the smoke, Xu Enzeng could be seen kneeling on the floor, crying and saying something.

“Minister Chen, I was wronged. I really didn’t know that the Industrial School belonged to Dai Chunfeng. It was all fake news given by Li Qiwu, a bastard. By the way, this must have been a trap set by Dai for me.

 Otherwise, there would be no such coincidence. Two cousins, you must make the decision for me. I promise that I will do my job carefully in the future and will never embarrass Minister Chen again, nor will I fail again!

There is also Mou Zhiye. I am really not familiar with my cousin. He was recommended by the grassroots. I have spoken to him a few times at most. How can such a despicable villain be mine? I hope my cousin will understand. "

As Xu Enzeng spoke, he stretched out three fingers and swore at the ceiling. At the same time, he secretly observed his biggest backstage manager, Minister Chen, with his eyes rolling around.

After receiving the news of Mou Zhiye's defection at the Industrial School, he did not return to Zhongtong according to Zhu Liuxian's order. Instead, he left a group of his men behind and ran here in a hurry.

Although I don’t know the details of Mou Zhiye’s defection, he recommended the other party. No matter what, a person who does not recognize people cannot escape the crime. It is easy for him to go back, but it is difficult to come out again.

So he must find a way to escape the blame as soon as possible. After thinking about it, Xu Enzeng once again had to use his unique skill that has dominated the officialdom for more than ten years - cousin to save his life.

Faced with his sophistry, Xiao Chen laughed angrily. He stood up from the sofa and pointed at the unfulfilled relative and mocked him.

“Xu Enzeng, Xu Enzeng, will you never fail again? Let me ask you, do you still have room to fail? How many times has this happened? Do you want me to count it for you?

Your intelligence section chief, intelligence department chief, is either a mole or a dead ghost. This time it is even better. He openly defected. When this news gets out, where do you want to put the face of the committee members?

 The government is not run by the Chen family. We can't help you this time. I suggest you go back and admit your mistake to Zhu Liuxian, and accept whatever punishment you deserve. "

Er Chen was indeed very kind to his aunt, Xu Enzeng's mother, but everything had a limit. This blame was too big for the Chen family to bear.

 Xu Enzeng panicked when he heard Xiao Chen's words, and quickly looked pitifully at his eldest cousin, hoping that he would give him a hand for the sake of his relatives.


Opposite him, Da Chen leaned on the back of the sofa with his eyes closed, his left hand resting on the armrest and tapping lightly. After a long time, he slowly opened his eyes under Xu Enzeng's expectant eyes and asked lightly.

“En Zeng, are you sure that Li Qiwu is pretending to cooperate with you, but is actually setting a trap for you to fall into? Do you have any evidence?

In addition, you must answer honestly whether the documents Mou Zhiye snatched are important or not, otherwise don’t blame me for being unkind. "

 Different from Xiao Chen’s anger, Da Chen knew that they had to take care of this matter. Relationship refers to the state of interaction and mutual influence between things, including people.

 The Chen family and the Xu family are close relatives. If there is a big problem, they cannot be separated by just ignoring them. Even if they hate Xu Enzeng, they must first deal with the immediate trouble.

He has also made up his mind to take his aunt back from the Xu family as soon as this matter is over. An old lady, the Chen family, can still afford to support her. From now on, whether Xu Enzeng lives or dies has nothing to do with him.

Xu Enzeng didn't know the other party's inner thoughts, and thought that Da Chen had softened his heart, so he immediately nodded and patted his chest to make a guarantee.

“Cousin, Dai Chunfeng is also planning to put Li Qiwu in charge of anti-corruption in the military. Think about it, when did a man named Dai spend so much time? There must be something wrong with it.

As for Mou Zhiye, this guy has just arrived in Shancheng to take up a post. How could I give him important documents? It's just some ordinary official documents at most. Don't worry.

Moreover, the urban area of ​​Shancheng City is surrounded by water on three sides. If you want to run away, you can only run to the Shaci District. You have to cross the river to go to Nan'an and Zibei County. In this case, you can't run very far. "

He came to Erchen in a hurry and did not ask the person who reported the news about the specific situation. If he had asked, he probably would not be so sure.

 The list of intelligence personnel, or the list of intelligence personnel lurking in enemy-occupied areas, is top secret no matter which country it is in, and has nothing to do with ordinary official documents.

 Crossing the river is not difficult for an intelligence officer. Even in early winter, as long as Mou Zhiye is determined, he can still swim across the river and escape to Zibei County or the south bank, and then escape to other places from these two places.

 Da Chen knew his cousin's character and did not easily believe Xu Enzeng's lies. He turned to Xiao Chen and motioned to Xiao Chen to call and ask about the situation, so as not to be tricked again.

“Hello, is this Director Zhu? I am.”

Xiao Chen picked up the phone and asked for Zhu Liuxian's number, and started chatting with him. As he spoke, his expression changed a little, and his lowered left hand clenched tightly into a fist.

 A few minutes later, he put down the phone and walked slowly to Xu Enzeng. His eyes were full of murderous intent and anger, and then he suddenly kicked the other person on the shoulder hard.

 Xu Enzeng, who was unprepared, rolled out with an ouch, his mind went blank, he had no idea why his cousin was so angry, and he felt a little aggrieved.

Da Chen was also puzzled by his brother's actions. He frowned and asked, "What's going on? Why do you do it?"

 “Do it? I can’t wait to beat this **** to death!”

Xiao Chen cursed excitedly with his hands on his hips, and then shouted loudly: "Brother, do you know what documents Mou Zhiye took away? That is the list of all the intelligence personnel of the Central Command in the occupied areas!

With this thing in hand, Mou Zhiye must have wanted to join the Japanese or Ji. Once this traitor's plot succeeds, our arrangements in the enemy-occupied areas will be in vain. "


Da Chen could no longer maintain his composure, and suddenly stood up, his face became extremely ugly, and his fists felt a little itchy when he looked at Xu Enzeng, who was curled up on the ground pretending to be dead. Zhongtong first came from the Party Affairs Investigation Section of the Organization Department and is the most important intelligence force in his department. Even if the current director is Zhu Liuxian, this cannot be changed.

In order to firmly control the central government, he helped Xu Enzeng wipe his **** again and again. Otherwise, even with his aunt's face, he would not forgive him so many times.

 But as a result, the people promoted by Xu Enzeng actually snatched away the list of the most important agents of the Central Government.

This was like a slap in the face of Da Chen, making him feel that all the things he had done before had become a joke, and he felt a huge pressure.

 After the war, especially after the puppet government was established, he arranged for some intelligence personnel to use various identities to lurk inside the enemy, waiting to be awakened at any time.

Recently, high-level officials have begun to pay attention to the party and government intelligence of the enemy and puppets. This was originally a good opportunity for the Central Government to show its talents. As long as these informants were used, the movements of Mr. Ji and his party members could be grasped, and he could also show his face in front of the committee.

It's okay now, all the family information has been leaked, and there is also information about P. Whether the personnel can be evacuated is a problem.

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became. He no longer cared about whether he was a relative or not. He kicked Xu Enzeng until he howled like a ghost, completely losing Pingri's calmness and elegance.

Xiao Chen, who was already angry, joined in. The two brothers kicked the little cousin from left to right, and then from right to left like a ball.

 Xu Enzeng, who was at the feet of the two men, felt what Mou Zhiye was feeling, and burst into tears. However, despite being aggrieved, he kept rolling over and skillfully avoiding key positions. This was considered an experience.


Da Chen has always been in poor health. He had tuberculosis when he was young. After "exercising" for a while, he exhaled heavily, his forehead was covered with sweat, and his expression was very painful.

Seeing his brother like this, Xiao Chen quickly helped him sit down next to the sofa, and asked the servant to get pills and warm water. He gently patted Chen's back and gave him the medicine.

Even Xu Xu Enzeng stopped wailing, cautiously came to the two of them, and pressed Da Chen's chest, fearing that his backer would be **** to death by him.

After taking the medicine and panting for a long time, Da Chen weakly raised his right hand and pointed at Xu Enzeng as if he wanted to curse again. After hesitating for a while, he finally sighed and spoke slowly.

“You return to Zhongtong immediately, assist Zhu Liu in arresting Mou Zhiye, recover the documents, and then give Director Shen a sum of money to avoid being stabbed in the back.

I heard that the other party is Zuo Zhong’s friend, right? Then give Zuo Zhong some apology. You can’t fight Zuo Zhong, so you have to bow your head when you should.

As long as these two people don't target you, Zhu Liu will give me some face first, and the matter will be over. Go quickly and be sure to catch that Mou Zhiye.

If you can't catch anyone and can't recover the list, issue an early warning as soon as possible and withdraw all lurking personnel. Don't let these warriors lose their lives because of your mistakes. "

  At the end of the story, Da Chen looked so ferocious and his sinister gaze made Xu Enzeng tremble. He didn't dare to talk nonsense anymore and turned around and left the residence. He got in the car and went straight to East Sichuan Normal University.

 At this time, the mountain city has entered a state of high alert.

 Groups of soldiers from the garrison headquarters put up barbed wire fences and barricaded horses at various exits from the city, and conducted interrogations of people and vehicles, including cars with government and military license plates.

The remaining naval forces of the government risked being bombed by the Japanese and turned on their searchlights, patrolling the rivers north and south of the city, intercepting all ships and guarding against anyone swimming across the river.

Even the Central Commander-in-Chief and the Military Commander-in-Chief, who had never dealt with him, joined forces to launch an investigation under the strict orders of the superiors. Countless spies shuttled through the complicated streets and alleys, looking for traces of the target.

Xu Enzeng looked at such a big scene outside the car window and felt more and more unsure. All of this was caused by him and Mou Zhiye. Coupled with the incident at the industrial school, he knew that he was in big trouble.

 When his car drove into the gate of Zhongtong, Dai Chunfeng, Zhu Liuxian, and Zuo Zhong, who were talking downstairs in the office building, immediately turned their heads. The three of them looked at each other as if they were dead people.

After someone learned that the Central Command’s agent list had been stolen, he was so angry that he smashed several teacups and was speechless for several minutes. This shows how angry he was. Even if the arrest of the “culprit” has not yet been ordered, it will happen sooner or later.

Perhaps it won’t be long before they can enjoy Deputy Director Xu’s performance of catching a bullet in the chest. When the time comes, they must have a good seat to see their “old friend” off for the last time.

Looking at Xu Enzeng who got out of the car seriously and pretended that nothing happened, Zuo Zhong secretly sneered twice, and then saw Wu Chunyang walking over quickly.

“Vice-in-Chief, that person didn’t say goodbye to anyone two days ago. He went to the mountain city alone from his hometown. Our people monitored and followed him throughout the process. He is currently in a hotel in Zibei County.”

Seeing Zuo Zhong, Wu Chunyang leaned against his ear and whispered something, which did not sound to have anything to do with Mou Zhiye who was being traced.

However, Zuo Zhong was very excited after listening to the report. He muttered a few words to Lao Dai and Lao Zhu. Soon the three of them got into the car and left quickly with smiles on their faces. Xu Enzeng, who was ignored, touched his chin and felt surprised. indefinite.

 (My friend is getting married the day after tomorrow, I will help with the arrangements tomorrow, update regularly, take a day off)

I have n’t seen it for many years, but I have been in contact. This time he returned to his hometown to get married. I asked me to help arrange a new house. It was really difficult to refuse, just one day.

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