Cicada Moving

Chapter 1078: Mother

Chapter 1078 Mother

The galloping Changjiang and Jialingjiang meet in the mountain city. Chaotianmen and Gambei City are formed on both sides of Jialingjiang respectively. Like the Yuzhong Peninsula, Gambei has always been an important political, economic and cultural center in the mountain city.

Since the government moved westward to the mountain city, the local area has received many refugees and evacuated factories. Zibei County has become more and more prosperous, with a constant flow of merchants and various small hotels that have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain.

There is an alley located in the north of the city. It is called Osmanthus Alley because it is full of osmanthus trees and the fragrance drifts for miles every time the flowers bloom. There are several high-end hotels converted from private houses in the alley.

This evening, a tall young woman walked into this alley. After walking around a few times, she walked briskly into a hotel and chatted with the shopkeeper at the front desk in the mountain dialect.

Then, the shopkeeper flipped through the register, pointed to the corridor and said something. The young woman smiled and nodded, turned around and walked to the door of a certain room, took a deep breath and raised her hand to knock lightly on the door.

After a long time, the door was slowly opened. An old lady squinted her eyes and looked at the knocker for a few times, then closed the door halfway, her eyes looking a little confused and unbelievable.

The young woman saw the other party's expression of surprise. She immediately looked left and right to make sure there was no one around. She took a step forward and spoke in a low voice. Her voice was clearly male.

 “Mom, it’s me, Zhiyazi!”

Who would have thought that the dignified director of the Intelligence Department of the Central Military Commission would actually disguise himself as a woman? No wonder the military police and special agents who were checking along the way did not notice it. As for the identity documents, this was not a problem at all for Mou Zhiye.

The fake documents produced by the intelligence agency are no different from those issued by the police station. They can even be filed if necessary. No matter who comes to check, they will not find any flaws.

Hearing what Mou Zhiye said, the old lady quickly opened the door and let Mou Zhiye in. She closed the door behind her back and grabbed her son's hand, asking excitedly.

 “Zhiyazi, have you gotten into trouble? You sent someone to deliver a message, telling your mother not to tell your uncle that you came to the mountain city yourself and what happened.”

No one knows a son better than a mother. No one in the world knows a son better than a mother, so as soon as she received the message from Mou Zhiye’s friend, she immediately packed up some clothes and money and rushed to the mountain city.

It was pity to see the old lady. She had never traveled far in her life, and her small feet were bound. She had to go through enemy-occupied areas from Hunan Province to the mountain city, and she endured countless hardships along the way.

But when they met, she didn't blame her son. Instead, she cared about whether something happened to him. She really felt sorry for the parents in the world.

In response to his mother's inquiry, Mou Zhiye first leaned against the door and listened to the noise outside, then lowered his head deeply, his eyes red and he didn't know what to say.

How could he tell his mother that he had robbed the government's confidential documents and wanted to defect to the enemy-occupied area and become a traitor who had betrayed his ancestors?

Seeing that her son was silent, the old lady became anxious, with tears streaming down her eyes. She raised her fist and hit Mou Zhiye repeatedly, trembling and crying.

“Mom has long said that you can’t be a special agent, but you don’t want to listen. She won’t let you come to the mountain city to be the director, but you still don’t listen.

Zhiyazi, we are just ordinary people in Pingtou, and we have no destiny to be officials. The director can’t promote anyone. He is planning to promote you~"

She knew that her son was capable and arrogant. He was bullied by the superior when he was working as an errand in his hometown, and he was never promoted. Finally, he found "noble support" and asked him to go to the mountain city to be the director of the department.

Although she has never gone to school and has little knowledge, the old lady is like Ming Jing in her heart. There are no good things in the world without a reason. Even if there are, they are not something that a family like theirs can encounter.

Director, I heard that he was the same as the county magistrate in the past and the county magistrate now. For such a big official, why didn't those officials' children become the ones? But no matter how she persuaded her, her son would give it a try.

Go, go. As a mother, she can't block her son's future. All she can do is burn incense and worship Buddha at home, praying for God's blessing, until she received the news a few days ago.


The old lady sighed, released her fist that hit Mou Zhiye, helped him straighten the wig on his head, and asked softly where the mother and son were going next.

She knew that she must have committed a heinous crime, and she couldn't stay in the mountain city for long. She had to leave her hometown at this age, and she couldn't stop crying when she thought about it.

Seeing his mother like this, Mou Zhiye recalled Xu Enzeng's humiliation to him. He suddenly felt so sad that he knelt down, banged his head on the ground, and cried bitterly.

“It’s because I mistrusted people, and I insisted on coming to this mountain city to be a dog. My son had no choice but to rebel against the country and find another way.

Mom, don’t worry, I have already made arrangements. A car will pick up our mother and son tomorrow, and then we will go to Shanghai or Jinling. Once there, we, mother and son, will be safe. "

As he spoke, he wiped his tears, looked up at his mother, and promised word for word: "Mom, I will definitely become a master and let you live a good life!"


At this time, a dull thunder suddenly sounded outside. The old lady's hands were trembling. She had betrayed the government and was going to Shanghai and Jinling. It was obvious what Mou Zhiye wanted to do.

She pointed at Mou Zhiye and moved her lips, as if she wanted to speak, but in the end she shook her head, walked to the bed alone and sat down, muttering the "Auspicious Mantra to Eliminate Disasters" in her mouth. Mou Zhiye knelt on the ground dejectedly. The mother and son were on both sides of the room, but neither of them spoke. The sound of wind and rain outside the window gradually became louder.

 In a rice shop a few hundred meters away from the hotel.

Wearing a poncho, Wu Chunyang walked up the stairs to the second floor. He saluted Dai Chunfeng, Zhu Liuxian and Zuo Zhong who were talking quietly, and straightened his back to report.

“Reporting to the second bureau chief and deputy chairperson, Mou Zhiye entered the hotel ten minutes ago and met with his mother. This guy disguised himself as a woman. If he hadn’t stared at the old lady in advance, he would have gotten through.

Now arrest can be arrested at any time, but the list of intelligence personnel is not on him. It is temporarily unable to determine. Human suggestions are waiting for the first or later. "

Dai Chunfeng and Zhu Li first looked at each other and nodded slightly. That was indeed the case.

Whether Mou Zhiye wants to surrender to the enemy or sell intelligence, he cannot do without the Zhongtong agent list. Only by keeping such an important thing with himself can he feel at ease.

 After thinking for a while, Zhu Li first looked at Zuo Zhong with a confused expression: "Shen Zhong, why did your military commander monitor Mou Zhiye's mother? Did you already know that this person was going to rebel?"

Dai Chunfeng, who was next to him, also looked over after hearing this. He was in charge of the overall situation and had not been in charge of specific business work for a long time. He was also very curious about this matter.

Zuo Zhong looked helpless and could only reply honestly: "The old principal was joking, Shen Zhong has no such ability to predict the unknown. This incident is purely coincidental.

Last time a student was invited to Zhongtong by Mou Zhiye and Xu Enzeng, I asked my subordinates to touch each other's private parts, and the target of surveillance included the other party's mother. This was also common practice and was not deliberately targeted.

Later on, when things got busy, I forgot about this matter. I didn’t want to report to the brothers who were on assignment two days ago that someone had brought a message to Mou Zhiye’s mother.

Then the old lady secretly went to the mountain city. I felt there was something wrong here, so I arranged for someone to follow her. You two know the rest. "

What a coincidence.

Dai Chunfeng and Zhu Liuxian couldn't laugh or cry. If Xu Enzeng hadn't gone crazy and went to the airport to "catch" Zuo Zhong, the Military Command Bureau would not have paid attention to the family of a temporary intelligence chief, and Mou Zhiye would not have been discovered so quickly. They can only say that they were wrong.

After satisfying the curiosity of the two mentors, Zuo Zhong motioned to Wu Chunyang to take off his raincoat and talk, and then asked about the investigation of the person who reported the message to Mou Zhiye's mother. This matter was very important.

If the other party is a spy, it will be troublesome.

If the people who cooperated with Mou Zhiye to defect were Japs, the list of Zhongtong intelligence personnel would have probably been passed on. If that happened, there would be a P check, and everyone should go back to their homes.

The two directors also perked up when they heard this, especially Zhu Liuxian, who stared at Wu Chunyang intently, secretly praying that it would never have anything to do with the Japanese.

Although the loss of the list has nothing to do with him directly, as the person in charge of the Central Unification Committee, a joint liability is enough for him to have a headache. Whether the list can be retrieved is of great importance.

Wu Chunyang obeyed the order and took off his poncho, handed it to the little agent beside him, wiped the rain from his face, and spoke in front of everyone's nervous eyes.

“It was found out that this person was a businessman. The year before last, he was arrested by the Party Investigation Office and the Xiang Provincial Station of the Central Unification Committee for a dissident case. He was later found to be unjust and released.

The person in charge of investigating the case at that time was Mou Zhiye, and the two got to know each other and had a good relationship. After all, Mou Zhiye could help the other person escape from the underground party case, which was equivalent to a life-saving grace.

After the fall of Hunan Province, the other party kept a distance from the traitors of the Maintenance Association and even the Japanese garrison. No one heard or saw that he had any abnormal exchanges with the Japanese and puppets. "

 It turns out that this is the case. Zhu Liuxian finally let go of his worries. As long as he is not a spy, there is still hope to retrieve the list.

Zuo Zhong thought for a moment after listening to the report, and then asked another question, that is, besides this businessman, does Mou Zhiye have any other friends in the mountain city or surrounding cities.

Wu Chunyang shook his head and said that Mou Zhiye was withdrawn and had no friends since he was a child. He only had casual acquaintances with his classmates, and he had no acquaintances in mountain cities.

“Let people keep an eye on the person reporting the message, and there will definitely be movement from the other party!”

 After hearing what Zuo Zhong said, it was easy for Mou Zhiye to escape alone, but it was difficult to leave the mountain city with his old mother who had limited mobility. He needed the cooperation of other people.

 And his relationship network is very simple. If defection is a matter of life and fortune, you must find a reliable person to help. According to the existing intelligence analysis, the most likely person is the messenger.

Everyone present agreed. Only Dai Chunfeng blinked his eyes as he listened to the noise of military and police searches around him, as if he had thought of something.

 (End of this chapter)

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