Cicada Moving

Chapter 1079: High, really high

 The next morning.

In order to confuse Mou Zhiye, the apparent search did not stop. Xu Enzeng, who knew nothing, led his people to search everywhere in the city, but the cronies of the military commander and Zhu Liuxian had already gathered around Osmanthus Alley.

Dai Chunfeng designated the rice shop last night as a temporary combat headquarters, and decided that Zuo Zhong would be the person in charge, with full authority to coordinate and direct all operational personnel to execute the operation.

 The first thing Zuo Zhong did after being ordered was to deploy Lao Zhu's people to the outside to prevent Mou Zhiye from seeing acquaintances. The most important thing was that he did not believe in the ability of the Central Unification agents.

 Subsequently, he ordered veterans from the first, second, and special operations teams to approach the hotel as vendors, refugees, etc., to monitor people entering and leaving the hotel.

At the same time, technicians from the Telecommunications Department set up more than a dozen temporary telephone circuits to connect various surveillance points and command headquarters so that messages could be delivered quickly and efficiently.

It only took an hour, with the efforts and coordination of many parties, a dragnet was set up inside and outside Zibei County, just waiting for Mou Zhiye to rush in headlong.

Looking at the orderly actions of the military commander, Zhu Liu first opened his eyes. Then he thought about Xu Enzeng's subordinates and couldn't help but sigh. It's really annoying to compare people to each other!

Dai Chunfeng sat on a stool by the window, saying nothing from beginning to end, frowning as if he was thinking about a problem, as if he had something difficult to decide.

Zuo Zhong, who was arranging the monitoring work, secretly glanced at Teacher Biandi a few times and silently increased his vigilance. Something was wrong with Lao Dai.

Since last night, the other party has looked very worried. I don’t know what they are planning. Could it be that they are dissatisfied with their actions?

Countless speculations flashed through Zuo Zhong's mind, and then he saw Dai Chunfeng walking over. The other party called him outside the command room and asked him a question.

“Shenzhu, your old classmate Xing Hanliang has returned to the Police Department?”

Zuo Zhong was stunned for a moment. Lao Dai asked what Xing Hanliang was doing. The training class was already over, so he shook his head and replied.

“No, according to the rules, he is still taking notes at the headquarters. Teacher, is it the Fuzi Project?”

He only spoke half of what he said, and his heart suddenly rose. He finally rescued Xing Hanliang from the fire pit, but he must not jump in again.

Dai Chunfeng did not answer immediately after hearing this. After pondering for a moment, he raised his head, looked at the police car speeding downstairs with his hands behind his back, and asked two more questions.

“Our training camp was destroyed, and the intelligence director of the Central Unification Bureau defected. It’s such a troubled time. Shenzhu, how long will it take for the Japanese to receive relevant news? Will they take Mou Zhiye seriously?”

 Xing Hanliang, Japanese, Mou Zhiye?

Zuo Zhong seemed to have guessed what Dai Chunfeng was going to do. He groaned secretly in his heart, but a smile appeared on his face and he answered in the affirmative.

“We have mastered most of the moles of the Shanghai Special Higher Education Course and the Special Committee on China in the mountain city, but there must be fish that have slipped through the net, and the Japanese should have received the information.

Even though Mou Zhiye has not been the director of the Intelligence Department of the Central Military Commission for a long time and his status is not high, his intelligence is of great value and the Japanese can learn some of our internal information through him.

 For example, the appearance of the students, the internal structure of the military and central unification, personnel appointments, and past action records are all of interest to the enemy.

Moreover, he also has a list of Central Commander-in-Chief's agents in the occupied areas. It is impossible for the Japanese to ignore a traitor who has no escape route and is familiar with the national intelligence agency. "

“Yes, if you make such a big noise, the other party will have no way out.”

Dai Chunfeng muttered to himself, motioned to Li Wei who was not far away, took a document from the other party and handed it to Zuo Zhong, speaking lightly.

"Let's take a look. This is the information collected last year. Your old classmate's home is not simple."

 Zuo Zhong, who was confused, took the document, lowered his head and read it, and found that it was the information and investigation records of Xing Hanliang's distant uncle, and the content was very detailed.

He was no stranger to this person. When they were separated at the police academy, Xing Hanliang said that he was assigned to the Police Department only because of the help of his uncle who was the director of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Later, the other party failed in the political struggle and was transferred from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. For this reason, Xing Hanliang was even sent to the street as a patrol policeman. If he hadn't come forward, Xing Hanliang would not have been able to get ahead.

 According to the files, the other party did not follow the government to move westward after the war between China and Japan. Instead, he took refuge with the Japanese, and later got involved with Ji.

With the support of the Japanese, this former director of the Ministry of the Interior is now the deputy minister of the puppet Ministry of the Interior. He controls the two core departments of the General Affairs Department and the Civil Affairs Department, and holds great power.

 So Xing Hanliang had an uncle who was a traitor. Zuo Zhong silently closed the document after reading it. Combining his previous guesses, he finally confirmed Dai Chunfeng's plan.

—Lao Dai wanted Xing Hanliang to lurk with the Japanese and puppets.

After the war on the front line slowed down, a certain person gradually focused his energy on the puppet government and the underground party. Whoever can master the intelligence of these two aspects will be able to make a big face in front of the other party.

Since the plan of military unification to lurk in the northwest was destroyed by the central unification, why not change the target to the Japanese and traitors? It doesn’t matter who is targeted anyway, the important thing is to claim credit upwards. Although the matter of the industrial school cannot be hidden from the outside world, not many people know that Xing Hanliang is one of the students. Most people only know that the other party has defected, which does not affect his mission in the occupied areas.

It happened that Mou Zhiye snatched documents and committed treason. If the two men could be allowed to defect to the Japanese together, with Mou Zhiye endorsing Xing Hanliang, and Xing Hanliang's uncle acting as guarantee, the military commander would be able to infiltrate the top levels of the puppet government.

At this time, Dai Chunfeng waved Li Wei to leave and told him his plan. It was exactly what Zuo Zhong thought. Then he spoke seriously and sincerely.

“Shen Zhong, I am doing this for the benefit of your old classmate. With such an uncle here, his future in the government has been ruined and he can only waste time in the Police Department.

 After the Japanese are driven out in the future, the family members of traitors like him will also be liquidated. It will not even be possible to draw a clear line. Even if you come forward, it will be useless.

For Mr. Ji and his party members, the committee wants to kill them quickly and will never let them go easily. If Xing Hanliang wants to survive, he can only prove his loyalty with actions. "

Lao Dai told the inside story, then lowered his voice and revealed something to Zuo Zhong in a serious tone, which shocked Zuo Zhong who was thinking about it.

“Shen Zhi, someone has reported to the committee that one of your friends is an underground party member and one of your friends is a relative of a traitor. It is recommended that you be transferred from your post and undergo an internal review.

Of course, the leader and I don’t believe this nonsense. If you have a problem, there are not many reliable people in the government, but people’s words are terrible.

 In order to protect you, I have added Xing Hanliang to the Fuzi Project. One is to help him, and the other is to help you eliminate the bad influence. Do you understand? "

So, Zuo Zhong finally understood why Lao Dai chose Xing Hanliang to lurk in the northwest. After all, there were many reliable people in the government, and Xing Hanliang, a small police department employee, could not be ranked.

However, Lao Dai’s words cannot be fully believed. There is another unexplainable reason why the other party chose Xing Hanliang, and that is the relationship between Xing Hanliang and himself, this old fox.

It's just a hardship for Xing Hanliang. He escaped the fate of going to the northwest, but he has to go to the Japanese and puppets to lurk again. This time it will be even more dangerous.

Zuo Zhong couldn't help but worry about the safety of his old classmates. On the surface, he squeezed out a few tears and looked at Dai Chunfeng: "Thank you teacher, students have absolutely no two hearts for the leaders and the party and the country, and their sincerity can be learned from heaven and earth."

He immediately expressed his gratitude to Lao Dai, and greeted the person who made the report through gritted teeth. If he guessed correctly, this matter was closely related to Xu Enzeng.

 I've let him go so many times, but this guy dared to "repay kindness with evil". Zuo Zhong was so angry that he quickly thought of a way to get revenge.

Not only could Mou Zhiye not be arrested, he had to let the other party take away the list of agents!

If not, someone would not really punish Xu Enzeng harshly. If not, he would not be able to teach Xu Enzeng a profound lesson.

As for whether this will affect the overall situation of the anti-Japanese war, what important information the Zhongtong gang of losers can get back is nothing more than tidbits and gossip.

And it can gain the trust of the Japanese and Ji. If they say that these people don't have the blood of their own people on their hands, no one will believe it. Then it depends on their own lives.

 Besides, if you are not ruthless, you cannot stand firm. If you are messing around in the big dye vat of the Fruit Party, no one will take you seriously. If you want to be a good person, don't engage in the intelligence industry.

After thinking about the countermeasures, Zuo Zhong stopped touting and turned the conversation to Lao Dai's plan, saying that there were two difficulties that needed to be solved, otherwise the operation would be difficult to succeed.

 First, Xing Hanliang and Mou Zhiye defected to the enemy together, which can indeed reduce the Japanese's suspicion. The problem is how to get these two people together quietly.

It is too blunt and can easily arouse Mou Zhiye's suspicion, which will lose the original meaning of the plan. For the sake of Xing Hanliang's safety, the whole process must be natural.

 Second, if they recover the list of agents, Mou Zhiye's intelligence value will be greatly weakened, so can they consider giving the list to the Japanese?

Just doing this will definitely offend Zhu Liuxian, who is waiting to recover the list and make atonement. If Lao Dai's plan is known, the two sides are likely to break up.

After listening to Zuo Zhong’s analysis, Dai Chunfeng thought about it for a while, and soon thought of a way to persuade Zhu Liuxian, and waved his hand confidently.

“The first point is your job. I won’t ask any more questions. The second point can be easily solved. In the worst case, we will share the intelligence Xing Hanliang obtained from Japan with Director Zhu in the future.

 With this harvest, Director Zhu is enough to explain to the committee members. I think he is not willing to wipe out the P shares for the mistakes Xu Enzeng made, but he is just forced to do so. "

 Political problems, political solutions.

 When you live among the public, no matter your status, you only care about interests. As long as the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, all problems will be solved.

Hearing Lao Dai’s solution, Zuo Zhong quickly pretended to be convinced, stretched out his thumb and patted Mr. Cheap’s horse flatteringly: “High, it’s really high~”

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