Cicada Moving

Chapter 1080: "pangolin"

Chapter 1080 “Pangolin”

In the conference room at No. 29 Luojiawan, Xing Hanliang was sitting in his seat, holding a teacup in his hand, looking at the little spies walking around outside, feeling secretly happy in his heart.

Yesterday in the training camp, he heard the cry of someone from the Central Command. Not only did the intelligence director of the other party really defect, but he also took away secret documents.

From that time on, the military and police forces in the entire mountain city were in a state of chaos. On the road from Gele Mountain to Juntong, heavily armed searchers and checkpoints could be seen everywhere.

If he really goes to the northwest, if his identity is exposed, the underground party will probably hunt him more intensively. In this case, he will not be able to escape even if he has wings.

Fortunately, thanks to the Zhongtong attack on the industrial school, the disaster was finally over. Xing Hanliang breathed a sigh of relief when he thought of this, and brought the teacup to his mouth and blew on it.

 “Han Liang.”

Just as he was about to take a few sips of hot tea, Zuo Zhong walked in from the door and said hello. He shook the net bag containing the lunch box and asked with a smile.

"You haven't eaten yet. I brought you some food from the canteen. How about it? Have you finished the transcript?"

With that said, Zuo Zhong sat down next to Xing Hanliang, took out the lunch box and opened it. The rice was covered with a layer of meat slices, and a scent filled his nostrils.

Looking at the food full of oil and water, Xing Hanliang, who had been hungry for a long time, did not hesitate to pick up his chopsticks and started eating, sighing while eating.

“Your military commander still has enough funds and the food is good. After the westward migration, the canteen of the Police Department was used to feed rabbits. It is rare to see meat and fish in Pingshi.”

 “Haha, if it tastes good, just eat more.”

Zuo Zhong heard his ridicule and replied, but thinking of Dai Chunfeng's plan, he suddenly looked embarrassed. He opened his mouth several times but didn't know how to speak.

After all, they are old friends for many years. Xing Hanliang noticed this scene, put a piece of meat into his mouth, turned his head and looked at Zuo Zhong and said calmly.

"Have things changed? Do you, Director Dai, still want me to go to the northwest? It's okay. Since I have become a police officer, it is my bounden duty to obey orders, so I will go."

 You don’t have to worry about me. With the training in the police academy and the secret camp, even if there is a problem with the operation, I will still have no problem escaping. Don’t worry. "

He comforted Zuo Zhong with a few words, but what if he didn't comfort him? People in public houses had a lot of things they couldn't control. After all, they had received too many benefits.

Just like now, people outside can't even eat refined grains, let alone meat, but they can eat delicious food comfortably in the conference room.

Since you enjoy a life that others cannot enjoy, you have to bear pressure that others cannot bear. This is very fair. At worst, you will just surrender if you are found out.

 After staying in the Police Department for several years, Xing Hanliang heard a lot of rumors about the underground party. As long as he cooperated honestly, the other party would not abuse the prisoners.

Zuo Zhong didn't know about his old classmate's "rebellious" thoughts, so he hesitated for a moment and said slowly: "Han Liang, do you know what is going on with your distant uncle?"

 “My distant uncle?”

Xing Hanliang was a little confused at first, but then said with a sad expression: "I'm not sure. After he was transferred from the Ministry of Interior, I lost a lot of contact with him.

When the government moved to Qicheng, we completely lost contact. If something happened to my uncle, tell Zuo Zhong, I can bear it. "

In this era of war and chaos, people have become accustomed to bad news and death. For example, the obituary notices on the Chaotianmen bulletin board are posted one after another.

In response to his question, Zuo Zhong shook his head slightly, took out the file Dai Chunfeng gave him and handed it to the other party, briefly introducing the situation.

“Let’s take a look first. Recently, Shangfeng attaches great importance to the puppet government. Director Dai wants to use your uncle’s relationship to let you lurk in the Japanese and puppet forces.

  It happened that Zhongtong Mou Zhiye defected yesterday. If the two of you can defect to the Japanese together, with each other as cover, your defection to the enemy will be more credible.

 Han Liang, this job is very dangerous. If you are unwilling, I will try my best to persuade the bureau chief to let you continue to serve in the Police Department. "

Zuo Zhong looked at Xing Hanliang seriously. These were not polite words. As long as the other party nodded, he would handle the matter well even at the risk of being scolded by Lao Dai.

On the other side, Xing Hanliang quickly read through the files and found out that his uncle was a traitor and became the deputy minister of the interior of the puppet government.

As a relative of a big traitor, I don’t know how many people are watching him. If he hadn’t known Zuo Zhong, I’m afraid he would have been arrested by now.

After being silent for a while, Xing Hanliang raised his head with a bitter smile, raised his fist and lightly hit Zuo Zhong on the shoulder, making a joke.

"You guys are looking down on me too much. It is our duty to be loyal to the country. Isn't it just to go and hide in the Japanese puppets? It's no big deal, I'll just go."

 Besides, Shanghai and Jinling are more prosperous than the northwest. You know me, as long as there is dancing and drinking, it is the same everywhere to me.

 What is my specific task and code name? You can tell me once. After several months of special training, I also want to test whether I am qualified. "

Having been in the officialdom for so long, Xing Hanliang is very aware of the embarrassment and sensitivity of his identity, and he doesn't want to cause trouble to his old friends. Going lurking in Japan is the best solution at the moment.

Zuo Zhong forced a smile, took out a document again and pushed it in front of the other party. His expression immediately turned serious, because the next words were very important.

"Han Liang, your code name is "Pangolin". According to our analysis, because of your uncle's relationship, the Japanese are likely to place you in Jinling. So I set the meeting point at the Tycoon Dance Hall in Confucius Temple, where The manager is the contact person. The contact password is in the file and is destroyed immediately after reading it.

At this stage, your most important task is to gain the trust of the Japanese. There is no need to collect any intelligence. Even if the intelligence is in front of you, don't bother with it.

I will contact you for the first time based on your actual situation. The waiting time may be long. You don’t have to worry. You must learn to be patient and protect yourself.

As for the contact information, you have to listen to Shanghai No. 2 Commercial Radio at 8 o'clock every morning to hear that someone is looking for Mr. Ban, and go to meet the contact person at 8 o'clock that night.

 Attention, the time must be accurate, one minute earlier, one minute later, the other party will assume that you have been exposed and cut off all contact according to the procedure. "

 He told Xing Hanliang the meeting place, contact person, first contact method and task content one by one, and then looked at Xing Hanliang with a complicated expression.

Given the paranoia of the Japanese, people who voluntarily defect will definitely be screened for a long time, and they may even be tested by torture, and they don’t know whether the other party can survive it.

 It's okay if you can get through it. At most, you will suffer a little bit. If you can't get through it, it's okay.

So Zuo Zhong tried to persuade Xing Hanliang again, but Xing Hanliang immediately lit a match and destroyed the document, and declined his help in an extremely firm tone.

"You don't need to persuade me. I must repay the sins my uncle committed against the country and the nation. But how can I contact Mou Zhiye? Didn't this guy run away?"

Hearing that the other party even said things like atonement, Zuo Zhong naturally couldn't say anything more, so he had to introduce the case and show that Mou Zhiye was already under surveillance.

However, it was not explained how the two people came into contact with him, because they did not know the time and method of Mou Zhiye's escape, which required further investigation.

 Subsequently, Zuo Zhong called a few spies and asked them to conduct simulated dialogue training and makeup on Xing Hanliang to make preparations for the action.

 Simulated dialogue, simulating the questions that the other party may ask after Xing Hanliang and Mou Zhiye meet. If you want to deceive a professional agent, there must be no questions in the conversation.

Makeup is also indispensable. Xing Hanliang has "defected" for such a long time, and his health and hairstyle are naturally different from those of normal people.

details make a difference.

Mu Zhiye has been working hard at the bottom for so many years. This time he not only managed to trick Xu Enzeng around, but he also had the ability to escape from Shen Dong's newbies. This person is not simple, and all details must be impeccable.

Thinking of this, Zuo Zhong realized that he had not visited Faxiao who was recovering in the hospital. He had no choice but to do it. One thing had happened one after another in the past two days. It seemed that he could only wait until the case was over before visiting.

After chatting with Xing Hanliang for a few more words, he returned to the temporary headquarters in Zibei County and saw Dai Chunfeng and Zhu Liuxian. The two old foxes had smiles on their faces and seemed to be in a good mood.

 Xu Enzeng is finished!

Zuo Zhong immediately realized that Zhu Liuxian should have accepted Lao Dai's suggestion and asked Mou Zhiye to take away the Zhongtong list in order to provide Xu En with eye drops.

Sure enough, Dai Chunfeng saw him and gave him a hidden wink. The meaning was very simple. The second difficulty of the latent plan was solved, and it was time to deal with the first one.

It's better to come early than to come by chance. At this time, Wu Chunyang hurried in and brought a piece of good news. The surveillance on the messenger was discovered.

“Second Bureau Chief, Deputy Chief, the target opened a goods store. Our people found out that a car from this store passed through the mountain city tonight, and its destination was Chang’an.

After crossing Chang'an and then crossing the Yellow River, the other side is the Japanese-controlled area. Mou Zhiye probably wants to go to the occupied area through this route. We can set up an ambush halfway. "

Dai Chunfeng was overjoyed when he heard this. He figured out the retreat time and route. As long as he performed a random act and created a coincidence, Xing Hanliang could contact Mou Zhiye.

 But Zuo Zhong was not so optimistic. He frowned and thought for a long time, then shook his head slightly. No, it was too easy. This result came too easily.

 Mou Zhiye is an insider and knows very well the measures that the national intelligence agency will take after he defectes. Screening the network is the most basic investigation method.

In this case, every move of the messenger will be monitored. As long as the vehicle of the shipping company under the other party's name moves, you can follow the clues and find Mou Zhiye without any effort.

Moreover, Mou Zhiye’s mother is old and frail. It’s a thousand kilometers from the mountain city to the Yellow River. The roads are in poor condition, and there are bombings from Japanese aircraft from time to time. This is not an escape, but a death.

Then there is only one possibility. The truck is a deception used by the other party, not a real escape route.

Mou Zhiye is a filial son. For the sake of his mother's health, he must choose a safe and stable retreat path, and the speed should be faster.

 Because the more time spent on the road, the greater the probability that the Zhongtong agents on the agent list will receive the message and retreat, and then the list will be worthless.

Zuo Zhong straightened out his thoughts and immediately brought a large-scale map. He lowered his head and looked at it for a long time, and finally put his finger on a place.

 Ten thousand counties!

This place is only 300 kilometers away from the mountain city and only one step away from the occupied area. If you board a boat from nearby and go down the river, you can reach Jinling and Shanghai in a few days.

If he were Mou Zhiye, he would definitely evacuate from here. Zuo Zhong took a picture of the map, called Wu Chunyang, whispered a few words, and sent someone to pick up Xing Hanliang.

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