Cicada Moving

Chapter 1081: Turn your back to the light, face the darkness

 Osmanthus Alley, hotel.

Mou Zhiye, who was disguised as a woman, stood by the window. He lifted a corner of the curtain and looked outside. He saw a group of black men searching the residents in the alley. His heart suddenly jumped and he turned around to ask the old lady.

“Mom, do you remember clearly what I told you earlier?”

The old lady sat on the bed, packed her baggage, and nodded silently. At this point, she had no choice but to follow her son, and she couldn't really destroy the family.

 A play is a play after all. In reality, it would be very difficult for a mother to betray her own children. After all, a tiger's poison cannot eat its own children.

Ten minutes later, as a sound of footsteps approached, the door of the room where the mother and son were staying was banged on, and at the same time, someone shouted in the mountain dialect, with an extremely bad attitude.

 “Open the door and check!”

Hearing the scolding from outside, Mou Zhiye felt relieved. If he had been exposed or the other party was preparing to arrest him, he would definitely not speak like this.

Thinking of this, he walked slowly to the door and opened it. He immediately saw two black men standing shoulder to shoulder in the corridor, and smelled a strong smell of alcohol, which was very pungent.

This scene made him more relaxed, drinking in broad daylight and during the execution of his duties, something only a real mountain town police officer could do.

One of the police officers looked at Mou Zhiye sleepily, burped while swaying, then stretched out his right hand and said vaguely.

“Sign up, you came from this place and are going to this place.”

 “Yes, certificate.”

Another police officer also chimed in, raising his eyebrows at Mou Zhiye while speaking, with a very dishonest look in his eyes. He seemed to like Director Mou who was dressed in women's clothing.

Mu Zhiye suppressed his nausea and anger, but still took out two documents from his bag, handed them to the first police officer, and answered in Chengdu dialect while holding his throat.

“Sir, the person inside is my mother. She can’t speak. We came from Rongcheng to Shancheng to look for relatives, but we couldn’t find anyone. We are going to leave today.”

The old lady in the room made a babbling sound and acted very naturally. The police officer outside the door did not have any suspicion and took the certificate casually.

 Since ancient times, any document has an anti-counterfeiting mark that only insiders know. It may be a word or a small pattern, and it is difficult for outsiders to forge it perfectly.

 But this is not a problem for Mou Zhiye. The certificate he used is more authentic than the real one. Even if the other party calls Rongcheng to verify, the result will be true.

The first police officer put the ID in front of his eyes and looked at it carefully. All the secret marks were consistent. He was about to ask a few more questions when the second police officer next to him took the ID and threw it back. He said carelessly.

“What are you asking about? The one we want to check is a man. Do you think there is a man in this room? After asking, go to Xiaotaohong’s place for a drink~”

Speaking of Xiao Taohong, this person's face flushed. He pulled the first police officer and hurriedly walked to the next door, as if he couldn't wait a minute.

“Let me take another look, this is the work of the Central Government. If something goes wrong, your head and mine will not be saved.”

The first police officer was quite conscientious. After saying this, he shook off the other person's hand, walked into the house, checked under the bed and in the cabinets, and found no problems before walking out and knocking on the door in another room.

Finding that they couldn't leave for the time being, the second police officer cursed the **** Zhongtong in a low voice, making them unable to even drink properly and wasting their time in this ghost place of Zhangbei.

“Well, those special agents are coming to conduct spot checks tonight. If we miss someone, it will be troublesome.” The dedicated police officer looked a little helpless.

Listening to the conversation of the police officers, Mou Zhiye closed the door, turned around and frowned. He could not stay in Shancheng any longer and had to leave immediately.

 Although he was confident in his disguise and documents, his mother was an ordinary person, and if she was inspected by professional intelligence officers, there might be flaws.

And the incident occurred more than 24 hours ago. The Central Military Commission should have obtained the mother's photo by now. It would be terrible if the next wave of inspectors have the photo.

Mou Zhiye thought quickly for a moment, and listened to the police's voice getting farther and farther through the door. He walked quickly to his mother, took out scissors and some small tools, and began to help the old lady disguise her face.

It is not difficult to change a person's appearance. As long as you slightly adjust the shape, length, and hairstyle of your eyebrows, you can quickly transform into a different person, at least without being recognized at a glance.

Half an hour later, Mou Zhiye straightened up and looked around at the old lady, then took out a stack of IDs from the bottom of the cabinet and read through them one by one.

After searching for a long time, he finally found an ID with a photo similar to his mother's appearance after disguise, put the other IDs back, and then continued to stand by the window and look out.

Pedestrians and vehicles passed by in a hurry on the road. The hands of the alarm clock in the room kept turning. Time passed by and the sky slowly turned dark.

 Around five o'clock in the afternoon.

 A semi-new Chevrolet sedan drove slowly through Osmanthus Alley. It stopped at the end of the alley and flashed its lights. The engine kept running, as if it was waiting for someone.

Mou Zhiye's eyes lit up in the hotel. The car to pick them up finally arrived. However, he did not go out immediately. Instead, he carefully observed the surroundings to make sure it was safe.

Until he was sure that there was no suspicious person nearby, Mou Zhiye supported his mother, said hello to the manager at the front desk, left the hotel with his luggage and walked to the car. Arriving at the car, he first stood outside the cab and chatted with the driver, then took the old lady to the back seat, and the car quickly started and drove out of the city.

 At the temporary command point, Dai Chunfeng was still a little worried as he listened to the real-time report from the little agent. He was silent for a while and turned to ask Zuo Zhong.

"Shen Zhi, are you sure that your goal is to go from Wanxian County to the occupied area? This matter is very important and must not make any mistakes."

“Teacher, don’t worry, you will definitely be right.”

Zuo Zhong's answer was very affirmative, and he repeated his reasons for judging that Mou Zhiye escaped from Wanxian. Wu Chunyang, Gu Qi, Gui Youguang and others on the side all agreed.

At this time, the leaders of the Military Unification Office, the Second Office and the Special Operations Team gathered together. If the Japanese dropped a bomb into this room, the national intelligence system would be paralyzed immediately.

Not only that, Zhu Liuxian and Xing Hanliang were also in the room. Everyone was waiting for Mou Zhiye to take action before they could make the next plan.

Dai Chunfeng nodded after thinking seriously, and suddenly smiled. He glanced at the two police officers in the corner who had sobered up and were shivering, and made a joke.

“Be cautious and let uninformed police officers determine the situation. This is a good method. The target will definitely not think that this is one of our people.”

Zuo Zhong nodded slightly. Mou Zhiye had worked in Zhongtong. If he sent an agent there, it would be easy for the other party to detect the same kind of smell.

Seeing that he was silent, Lao Dai raised his hand to look at his watch and said, "Okay, let's follow the plan and set off to Wanxian by boat!"


The military commanders raised their chests and responded to the order, and then left the headquarters separately. Zhu Liuxian and Xing Hanliang followed silently behind them and went to Ganbian to take the steamer.

According to Zuo Zhong's plan, since he knew the final destination, there was no need to follow Mou Zhiye all the way. Just wait on the only road from Wanxian to the occupied area.

 Different from being in the city, tracking on wild roads or at night carries a high risk of exposure, especially if the target is a former professional agent.

Mou Zhiye would never have thought that the military commander would predict his trajectory in advance and wait for him, so that Xing Hanliang's appearance would appear more real, provided that Zuo Zhong's guess was correct.

 Three o'clock in the morning.

 A small steamer with searchlights turned on was sailing on the Changjiang River. Zuo Zhong walked out of the cockpit, walked slowly to the bow of the ship, and stood next to Xing Hanliang.

Looking at the dark Qianmian and the mountains on both sides, Zuo Zhong handed out a cigarette, lit another one and put it in his mouth, and asked in a low voice.

 “How are you, are you a little nervous?”

“Fortunately, this is your first mission behind enemy lines. Have you ever been scared?”

Xing Hanliang took the cigarette without smoking. He put his hands on the fence and asked. He was indeed a little curious about this old classmate's experience after entering the military command.

Zuo Zhong smiled, shook his head slightly and did not answer. The less you know about some things, the safer it is, so he took a long puff of cigarette and said lightly.

“Han Liang, remember what I said, you have to be curious in this business, but you can’t have too much curiosity. Too much curiosity will put you in danger.

You need to grasp the appropriateness yourself, others cannot teach you. Once you fail to grasp it, it will not only be easy to be exposed, but also affect the tasks you perform. "

"I see."

Xing Hanliang replied solemnly, no longer asking Zuo Zhong about the missions he had performed in the past, but instead asked about his views on intelligence work.

“Many people say you, no, it’s us now, living in darkness, like rats in a hole in the ground, unable to see the light.

 How do you feel that you can't do anything serious except sneaking around and listening to others all day long? "

Zuo Zhong pondered for a while and did not answer his question directly. He pointed at the dark night and expressed his inner feelings in a low tone.

“It doesn’t matter what others think, but we ourselves must know that you and I turn our backs and stay away from the light in order to face the darkness, and more importantly, to block the darkness!

Even if it is a surreptitious job, someone must do it. As for the merits and demerits, let’s leave it to future generations to comment. We just want to be clear in our hearts. "

 With a clear conscience

Xing Hanliang silently recited these four words, as if he understood them, but also as if he didn't understand them. He stood on the bow of the boat facing the cold wind and had a lot of thoughts.

"Okay, let's go back. We still have an hour to dock. I want to talk to you about the details of my actions after seeing Mou Zhiye. The process is very dangerous and there can't be any mistakes. Then you have to..."

Finding that the other party's mood was a bit off, Zuo Zhong put his hand on Xing Hanliang's shoulder and pulled him toward the cabin. Their backs were stretched very long by the moonlight.

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