Cicada Moving

Chapter 1083: Hijack

“MD, hurry up, don’t wait, just move forward.”

“All goods must be inspected. Those with warrants and approval slips should go to the front for verification.”

“Everyone should take off their hats and turbans and raise their heads for inspection.”

In front of the last checkpoint on the war readiness highway, a military uniformed agent shouted loudly in the queue waiting to pass. When he heard what he said, the smugglers who were still a little worried were instantly relieved.

 Just verify, as long as the military still recognizes the warrant and approval note, otherwise they will spend so much money in vain. However, everyone is also speculating on what happened and why the inspection into the occupied area has become so strict.

There was a businessman who often walked this road. He handed a cigarette to the officers and soldiers he knew well and chatted for a few words. After returning, he revealed a piece of news to everyone.

The reason why the military made such a big fuss today is because a police officer from the Ministry of Internal Affairs defected and was seen in Wanxian County, so the checkpoints checked passing pedestrians and vehicles one by one.

As he spoke, the man also pointed to the wanted notice posted on the trees on both sides of the road. On it was a mimeographed photo of Xing Hanliang in uniform, with a reward of up to two thousand oceans.

What is quite darkly humorous is that after hearing this, the black marketeers immediately cursed traitors with righteous indignation, and blurted out all kinds of sweet words, as if this could clear away the suspicion of being an enemy.

Amid the commotion, Mou Zhiye, who was wearing a coarse cotton-padded jacket, quietly withdrew from the crowd, returned to the carriage to straighten his saddle, and glanced around the checkpoint with concealed eyes.

While making sure that the environment was safe, he secretly cursed Xing Hanliang for causing great harm to others. If the other party had not defected, he would not have offended Zuo Zhong, and was humiliated by Xu Enzeng many times.

Now, because of the other party, his road to "freedom" is full of twists and turns. Under such strict inspection, once the weapons hidden in the carriage are found, his identity will be exposed immediately.

 Mou Zhiye took a look around, took out a small baggage from under the bicycle frame, then squeezed into the crowd again, and came back empty-handed a few minutes later.

At this moment, a second lieutenant of the Fruit Army and his men surrounded the carriage, roughly opened the wooden box on the carriage, took out perpetual calendars and New Year pictures and threw them on the ground.

The old lady sitting next to her was sitting in the corner with her eyes closed. Her right hand resting on the fence trembled slightly, which proved that she was not at peace in her heart. Fortunately, no one noticed this scene.

Mou Zhiye, who was not far away, was shocked when he saw this. He quickly stopped the second lieutenant and explained: "Sir, sir, don't scare the old man. I am a villager nearby. I make a living by selling groceries in Pingshi.

It's not the New Year, so I'm going to sell some New Year's goods across the street. My old mother is worried about me going to the Japanese territory alone and insists on following her. If you don't believe me, look at this, here is our ID. "

As he spoke, he took out the documents and road notes issued by the local police station and garrison in Wanxian County, and at the same time skillfully inserted several banknotes in the middle of the documents, like a small businessman struggling to survive.

The second lieutenant opened the document and smiled when he saw the hundreds of French coins inside. Then he quietly put the money into his pocket, asked a few casual questions and handed the document back. He raised his hand to beckon his subordinates to check the next car.

After walking a few meters, the man took off his military cap and scratched his head. A man dressed as a salesman in the team's eyes lit up, and he secretly changed the direction of the almonds under his feet, aiming at Mou Zhiye, who was lowering his head to pick up the goods.

Xing Hanliang, who was lurking in the woods beside the road, saw the agreed-upon signal. He took a deep breath and walked out. He swaggered among the crowd and slowly approached the carriage without attracting anyone's attention.

The sun is gradually rising, and the queue waiting for inspection is moving forward little by little.

When a truck full of rice was inspected, the searching soldiers found a bag in the compartment, which contained a loaded pistol that was ready to be fired at any time.

Although the military needs money from smugglers, there is a red line that cannot be crossed, that is, the transportation of weapons is strictly prohibited. After all, this is related to their own safety, and no one dares to be careless.

The officers and soldiers at the checkpoint immediately became more vigilant, pulling the bolts of their guns one after another, looking at the crowd coldly with sharp eyes, and placing their fingers on the triggers.

The owner of the truck turned pale with fright. He was just selling some grain to the Japanese. How could something like this happen to him? He jumped on his feet and swore immediately.

"Misunderstanding, this is not my goods. Someone must want to frame me. If I tell a lie, God will accept me."

For his explanation, the Guojun officer in charge of the inspection ignored him at all, ordered all the people and goods in the convoy involved to be detained, and announced a stricter interrogation of the remaining personnel.

Groups of heavily armed soldiers surrounded the area from different angles. They were ready to shoot immediately if they found suspicious persons. Several barriers were placed at the intersection leading to the occupied area to prevent anyone from forcing their way through.

Everyone in the queue was dissatisfied, but they did not dare to object, so they had to stand there and wait obediently. Mou Zhiye, the instigator, was unusually calm, and even took out a water bottle and drank a few sips of water.

 “Please give way.”

Suddenly, a beggar squeezed out of the crowd and came not far away from him. His accent did not sound like he was from Wanxian County. Mou Zhiye turned his head and glanced out of curiosity, and then his eyes widened.

The person who came turned out to be Xing Hanliang, who was on the wanted list. Although the other person had disguised his face and looked rather embarrassed, he could not hide it from him, a professional intelligence officer. Mou Zhiye was furious when he saw his "enemy", but then he realized that something was wrong. Xing Hanliang must be frightened now, and he shouldn't look at him.

Sure enough, perhaps sensing that someone was spying on him, Xing Hanliang suddenly turned his head to look at Mou Zhiye, a fierce light flashed in his eyes, he rushed over with a quick stride, and pressed a handful of Zilaide against his abdomen, murmuring a threat in his mouth.

“Don’t move, shut up if you want to live. As long as you can take me out of confinement, when we get to the Japanese-occupied area, I can give you an endless amount of money, otherwise don’t blame the guy in my hands for not being smart.

You just said that the old lady in the car is your mother. If you don’t want anything to happen to her, just be obedient. Let me say it again, I just want to go to the occupied area and will never hurt innocent people unless necessary. "

  After saying the harsh words, Xing Hanliang poked Mou Zhiye with the barrel of his gun again to remind him not to play tricks. Then he retracted his right hand holding the gun into his sleeve and prepared to jump on the carriage.

Mou Zhiye gritted his teeth, new and old hatreds welling up in his heart. He wanted to expose Xing Hanliang on the spot, but his reason told him not to act rashly. The worst he could do was to kill this **** in the Japanese-occupied area.

If it weren't for the fear of being exposed, he could subdue the opponent's three-legged cat with one hand. Even if Xing Hanliang had a gun, it would be useless. The gun is powerful, but it depends on who is holding it.

Unexpectedly, he wanted to open, but a thief's head of the head of the head didn't know where he came out, and pointed at the two of them and shouted.

 “They have guns!”

 The sound of a gunshot caused the originally crowded crowd to disperse immediately. Everyone looked at Mou Zhiye and the others in horror. Mou Zhiye, who was worried about his mother's safety, even had the intention of killing someone.

Did he and Xing Hanliang have a grudge in his previous life? The other party not only made him cornered, but also held the person he cared about the most hostage. Even if this guy was shot dead, his "associate" as a wanted criminal would definitely be severely investigated afterwards. Now, It's all over.

Looking at the soldiers surrounding him, Mou Zhiye was filled with anger and fear in his heart. He decided to fight with Xing Hanliang and let his mother leave safely no matter what.

Just as he moved his feet and tried to jump up and pounce on the opponent, Xing Hanliang pulled off his coat, revealing the densely packed explosives. He raised the gun with his right hand and pointed it at the old lady, and firmly grasped the fuse with his left hand and shouted.

“Whoever dares to run away will detonate the bomb, and no one will survive. If you don’t believe it, you can try it and see if you can outrun the explosion. If you don’t want to die, just come close to me.

And those officers outside, please don’t shake the guns in your hands. This fuse only has a burning time of 2 seconds. As long as Xing is not killed by a single shot, everyone here will die. "

The people who were just about to flee for their lives stopped wisely when they heard the above words. It wasn't that they didn't want to run. The soldiers around them blocked all the ways and couldn't escape even if they wanted to.

Moreover, this bunch of **** Qiu Ba didn't know if they wanted to use them as human shields. They shouted not to get away from the spies while driving the crowd towards the wanted criminals.

Looking at the ferocious wanted criminals and soldiers, under the threat of death, someone finally moved slowly towards the carriage. Anyone with no military knowledge knew that it would be impossible to escape the explosion range in 2 seconds.

Mou Zhiye was stunned. He didn't expect that Xing Hanliang was so well prepared. Not only did he have weapons, but he also got explosives. The other party might actually be able to escape.

Thinking of this, he thought that this was too much of a coincidence. He met Xing Hanliang just as he was about to enter the occupied area. Could this be a trap?

He looked at the soldiers who came after hearing the sound suspiciously, and found that all their attention was on each other, and no one paid attention to him at all, so he temporarily put aside his suspicion.

However, Mou Zhiye was still not completely reassured, and still looked at Xing Hanliang intently. If it was really a trap, as Zuo Zhong's friend, the other party would be a good shield.

At the same time, he quietly took the reins of the horse. The carriage itself was not important, but something on the carriage was important. Whether he would be rich or spicy in the future would all depend on it.

“Everyone, follow me and slowly move closer to the Japanese side. Remember, as long as one person runs away, I will die with everyone, so you must watch the people around you!”

At this time, Xing Hanliang loudly ordered the people who were being held hostage to go to the checkpoint, and he hid behind the crowd to avoid possible sharpshooters. His reaction was very professional.

While moving towards the occupied area, he did not forget to warn the soldiers who wanted to block the road: "Brothers from the Guo Army, there are so many people here, and if you cause a lot of casualties, the matter will be serious.

When the time comes, public opinion will not let you go, and neither will the people at the top. There is no need to risk your life for a few yuan of military pay a month. As long as Xing can reach the other side safely, I promise not to hurt anyone. "

Hearing these words, the soldiers blocking the road looked at each other and hesitated for a moment. The crowd took advantage of this gap to cross the border. The people in front moved away from their horses, and the people behind them followed immediately.

Mou Zhiye was surprised and happy at the same time. There was a risk of being discovered by using a fake identity to pass the checkpoint, but when Xing Hanliang's incident came out, he got a blessing in disguise.

As for his mother's safety, he is not worried. According to the previous Zhongtong investigation, Xing Hanliang is not a bad person and should not be able to shoot. Besides, there is no point in hurting an old man.

Looking at the Japanese-controlled area getting closer and closer, Mou Zhiye's pace involuntarily accelerated a bit. At this time, a faint fire suddenly flashed on the hilltop in the distance, and a bullet flew toward everyone at high speed.

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