Cicada Moving

Chapter 1084: The hero has no name (the story ends)

Chapter 1084 The Hero Is Unknown (End of this episode)

 A few hours ago, in the cabin of the small steamer.

“Han Liang, when you coerced passers-by and the target mother and son to go to the occupied area, you saw someone among the rounding soldiers doing this, and immediately moved a step to the right.

 At that time, someone will shoot. Moving one step will not only ensure that you will not be shot, but also create an illusion that you missed the bullet. Do you understand? "

Zuozhong pointed at a little agent whose body was leaning to the right, and said solemnly to Xing Hanliang, and then looked into the other person's eyes and added a few words seriously.

“You must remember that this is related to your life. I will let Gui Youguang, who has the best shooting skills, be responsible for this. You must cooperate well.

 We must convince Mou Zhiye that the government is intent on killing you and then kill you. Only in this way will the Japanese believe that your surrender is true. "

Xing Hanliang looked at the little agent's face and nodded seriously. Bullets don't have eyes, and no one will joke with their own lives.

He also knows Gui Youguang. He is an operational expert from the Military Command Bureau. With such a sharpshooter participating in the operation, as long as he cooperates well, there will be no risk.

 But can a passing shot really deceive Mou Zhiye and the cunning Japanese? Will it be self-defeating and make the enemy doubt himself?

The small steamer staggered towards the downstream. He listened to Zuo Zhong and Gui Youguang discussing in low voices, leaned against the bulkhead and fell into deep thought, silently closing his eyes.

 Time returns to the present, and the crowd moves slowly towards the occupied area.

Xing Hanliang recalled what Zuo Zhong said to him, watched the little agent dressed as an officer tilt his body, and made a decision in his heart. He gritted his teeth and only took half a step to the right. He did not move a step as planned. .

He is gambling with his own life. If he succeeds, he can infiltrate the Japanese and puppets smoothly. If he loses, he can at least clear his relatives of being traitors. It’s not a loss!

Muzzle flashes flashed on the hilltop in the distance, and the bullets spun and flew hundreds of meters, passing through the trapped people and hitting the carriage frame, sending sawdust flying everywhere.

 A few seconds later, the dull sound of gunfire was heard, scaring the people to scream and squat on the ground. The Japanese checkpoint opposite also sounded the alarm and entered a state of combat readiness.


Blood slowly dripped onto the ground, and a hideous wound appeared on Xing Hanliang's left arm. His sleeves were soaked with bright red blood, and a strong smell of blood assaulted his nostrils.

Looking down at the wound, severe pain came over him like a tide. So this is what it feels like to be shot. Xing Hanliang endured the severe pain and straightened the fuse and shouted at the soldiers.

"Have your people stop shooting immediately. If you shoot again, I will detonate the explosives. I won't say it a second time, otherwise I don't mind taking everyone with me to death!"

The little agent responsible for sending the signal immediately turned around after hearing this, raised his hands and waved violently towards the hillside, indicating not to shoot, and at the same time ordered everyone to stop the pursuit.

 This is normal. At this time, the team has entered the buffer zone between the Chinese army and the Japanese army. If they approach rashly, it will easily cause a larger conflict.

The common people heaved a sigh of relief and quickly stood up and continued to move towards the Japanese side. Mou Zhiye led the carriage and walked among them, and took a deep look at Xing Hanliang.

Just now, if there was a gust of wind or the gunman's hand shook, Xing Hanliang would have been shot in the chest. This could not be a trick, no one would risk their lives.

 Since we have determined that the other party is reliable, can we cooperate?

Xing Hanliang is a good friend of Zuo Zhong and knows a lot about Zuo Zhong’s situation. The Japanese must be very interested in this information, so he has another bargaining chip.

However, he still wanted to find an opportunity to ask why the other party defected and where he had been during the past few days. Mou Zhiye narrowed his eyes.


At this time, someone from behind shouted, and the team stopped again. Then a Guo army officer ran to the crowd, stared at Xing Hanliang and said coldly.

“Officer Xing, you are also a talented person trained by the party-state for many years. As long as you can prove that you have no contact with your distant uncle, today’s matter can be forgotten.

We have just contacted Shancheng. Deputy Director Zuo of the Military Command asked me to tell you that it is not too late to turn back now. He is willing to vouch for you and ask you to wait here for his arrival. "

 What's worse, Zuo Zhong must not be allowed to come back!

Mou Zhiye, who had been calm before, became anxious. If the man named Zuo saw him, he would be left behind even if all the people present died.

 Unlike Xing Hanliang, who defected empty-handed, he had a list of all intelligence personnel of the Central Command in the occupied areas. Compared with an old friend, such a great contribution was enough for Zuo Zhong to force an attack.

 It seems that he must reveal his identity to Xing Hanliang. The two of them are grasshoppers on the same rope. Either they go together or they are caught together.

Mou Zhiye recognized the current situation clearly, so he no longer hesitated, and immediately took a few steps forward and walked to Xing Hanliang, who was sweating in pain, and lowered his voice to persuade.


After you disappeared, your good friend led a team to search the Police Department and your residence. He was not trying to save you at all, but to arrest you.

I will help you bandage your wound first, and then go to the Japanese-occupied area. With the intelligence we two have, you will definitely be put to good use when you go to the Japanese. "

Xing Hanliang showed a surprised expression and took a step back vigilantly. The gun in his hand was vaguely pointed at Mou Zhiye, with murderous intent in his eyes. He didn't seem to believe what the other party said.

 Mou Zhiye was not afraid when being robbed, but felt more at ease. If Xing Hanliang didn't doubt him, then there would be a problem. They all ran away from the mountain city. He knew Xing Hanliang's mental state at the moment.

 Suspicious, nervous, sensitive, and will not trust anyone easily.

He raised his hands and explained sincerely: "Mr.

 Besides, if what I told is a lie, what I should do now is to entangle you and wait for Zuo Zhong to come and take you away. In this way, I will be safe. Think about it, is this the truth? "

Hearing these two sentences, Xing Hanliang's face looked better. After thinking deeply, he motioned for the other party to come over and bandage him, but he still held the fuse and pistol tightly in his hands.

Mu Zhiye has received professional first aid training. He skillfully tore off a strip of cloth from his own clothes and used battlefield bandaging techniques to stop the bleeding. This knowledge is also not accessible to ordinary people.

Xing Hanliang seemed to believe it a little more. He relaxed his tense arms slightly, glanced at Mou Zhiye from the corner of his eye, and asked with curiosity as planned. "You said you were the intelligence director of the Central Unification Bureau. Why did you defect? ​​No one can get this position. Zuo Zhong also rose from the intelligence director to the deputy director."


Mou Zhiye, who was tying the strip of cloth, paused, raised his head and sneered, his face full of disdain, and asked Xing Hanliang a question.


 In addition, he was born into a wealthy family in Zhejiang Province, and with such a heel, even if he was a pig, he could still ascend to a high position. As for me, I only had a widowed mother to depend on, no one to rely on, and struggled to make a living at the bottom.

 The mission was successful, and the credit belongs to the commander. If it failed, the responsibility belongs to me. Tell me why I ran away. If I didn’t run away, if something went wrong, that **** Xu Enzeng would definitely let Mou Mou take the blame. "

After speaking, Mou Zhiye tugged on the knot, wiped his blood-stained hands on his clothes, and took two steps back to keep a distance to show that he had no ill intentions.

Xing Hanliang on the opposite side smiled awkwardly, moved his arms twice, and nodded with satisfaction when he found that he could move freely. He apologized and comforted Mou Zhiye.

“Sorry, I understand this feeling. When he entered the Ministry of Internal Affairs, although Xing had an uncle who was a director as a backer, he was also sent to the street to work as a patrolman for a period of time.

Thanks to Zuo Zhong’s help, Section Chief Yang from the Ministry of Internal Affairs came forward to coordinate and transferred me back and promoted me to sergeant that same day. Otherwise, I’m afraid I would still be a stinky patrolman until the war started.

Director Mou, Prince General Xiang Ning has a lot of talent. With your talents, you will definitely have a bright future there. My uncle is now the deputy minister of the Ministry of Interior in Jinling. I will speak for you. "

MD, you don’t have to speak if you don’t know how to speak!

Mou Zhiye wanted to curse, but in vain he thought that Xing Hanliang was also desperate and a member of the same group. He did not expect that the other party was a relative who was a high official in the new government.

At the same time, he was also a little excited. He surrendered himself and was introduced by a deputy minister of the interior, but the results were very different. It was really a wise move for him to reveal his identity.

However, he didn't notice that when Xing Hanliang spoke, he raised his chin and then lowered it gently, sending a signal for action. The most critical step of the plan had arrived, and it was related to the "insurance" Zuo Zhong mentioned.

 Hundreds of meters away.

Gui Youguang was lying on the slope. Even though he had just hit the deputy director's friend, his mood did not fluctuate at all. He calmly aimed at a target and pulled the trigger.

 He ​​was using an uncommon rifle. It was a batch of m1924 heavy barrel rifles imported from Germany by the government in the name of shotguns and "sporting equipment" before the war.

More rifling than ordinary rifles, a thicker barrel, and a Zeiss scope also imported from Germany, making this rifle the most accurate sniper rifle of this era.

Several sharpshooters from the special operations team lined up with Gui Youguang, holding the same weapons, and fired simultaneously at the moment the gunfire rang out.

After a few bangs, several black marketeers standing next to Mou Zhiye and Xing Hanliang were shot. The packhorse pulling the cart also neighed and fell to the ground. The old lady in the car staggered and rolled away.

  Gui Youguang, who successfully killed the horse, pulled the bolt of the gun, and the bullet casing flew high and fell to the side. Then he aimed the scope at a figure and fired again without hesitation.

Other sharpshooters also adjusted their targets, using precise shots to create a fire net that separated the old lady from the surrounding crowd, and hit one or two smugglers from time to time.

Mu Zhiye’s mother was Zuo Zhong’s insurance for this operation and Xing Hanliang.

 At a critical moment, the military commander can use the old lady's life to threaten Mou Zhiye. This is indeed despicable, but intelligence work is unethical.

The bullets made several craters in the mud beside the old lady, and the dust was blown away by the wind. His mother, Mou Zhiye, who was about to come to help her, saw this and shouted.


After shouting, Mou Zhiye ignored the whizzing bullets and wanted to rush over to rescue his mother, but Xing Hanliang on the side hugged him tightly and refused to let him pass.

"Director Mou, don't be impulsive! Even if you die, my aunt will not be able to live alone. Run away quickly. As long as you are still alive, Zhongtong will not dare to do anything to her!"

The sudden shooting scared the trapped people and sent them running around. Xing Hanliang roared next to Mou Zhiye's ear and dragged him towards the occupied area.

The old lady who was only a dozen steps away seemed to have heard his words. She slowly raised her head, her gray hair was extremely messy, and shouted to Mou Zhiye.

“Zhiyazi, run quickly. If you are caught, you will die. Run quickly!”


Mou Zhiye burst into tears listening to his mother's cry, and let out a shrill roar. After a brief hesitation, he pushed Xing Hanliang away, took out a notebook from the saddle, and followed Xing Hanliang and ran towards the Japanese army.

He knew that what the other party said was true. If they were trapped here, both mother and son would be in danger. On the contrary, if he escaped alive, the Zhongtong would not dare to do anything to his mother.

The two men mingled in the crowd, lying down and rolling from time to time, dodging close shots again and again, and successfully rushed through the buffer zone, raising their hands high towards the Japanese in the post.

 “Surrender (surrender)!”

The Japanese army, who were on high alert, heard these two words and immediately sent a group of soldiers to surround the two men and **** them into the defense zone, ignoring the furious Guo army.

The moment they walked into the enemy-occupied area, Mou Zhiye and Xing Hanliang glanced behind them at the same time. After staring for a moment, they turned their heads and quickly disappeared into the outpost.

Zuo Zhong in the bushes put down his telescope and quietly watched his friend walk into the "darkness". His myriad emotions finally turned into a long sigh, and he followed Dai Chunfeng and Zhu Liuxian leading the cows slowly away from the top of the mountain.

There is such a group of people who lurk among their opponents and are always tied to the cliff. The wind is trembling everywhere, they hear the thunder in the silent place, leaving only the nameless hero...

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