Cicada Moving

Chapter 1086: Shit luck

Chapter 1086 Shit Luck


Zuo Zhong took Wu Chunyang and Gu Qi to the Shancheng Army Hospital, pushed open one of the wards, shouted, and strode in.

Then they saw a little nurse sitting beside the hospital bed, feeding Shen Dongxin with a smile, a little bit affectionate.

Finding that someone was coming, the little nurse quickly put the lunch box on the bedside table, said something to Shen Dongxin and then ran out blushing. She looked quite good and had a quiet temperament.

 Haha, Dongxinyan is so blessed.

The three of them smiled slightly when they saw this, and stood staring at Director Shen who was pretending to be nonchalant. It wasn't until the other person coughed a few times that Zuo Zhong put down the gift box with a smile and started teasing this guy.

“Oh, we came at the wrong time. I asked you why you are so reluctant to leave the hospital. It turns out you are hiding your love in the ward, hahaha.”

Before he finished speaking, Gu Qi interjected: "Deputy Chairman, I want to check to see if Director Shen has used his power for personal gain and forced a nurse to feed him. This will lead to beheading. "

“Yes, Dongxin is poaching our military, we must not let it go easily.” Wu Chunyang also joined in the fun, grinning and teasing.

Juntong is nominally affiliated with the Military Wei Committee. It practices military law, wears military uniforms, and its members all have military ranks. They are part of the military, while Zhongtong is affiliated with party affairs. There is nothing wrong with him saying so.

“Zuo Zhong, Lao Gu, Chunyang, please stop making fun of Shen.”

Shen Dongxin couldn't hold back any longer. He clasped his hands together and begged for mercy, but looked outside the door with a look of nervousness and embarrassment, fearing that what the three of them had just said would be overheard.

Seeing his appearance, Zuo Zhongsheng sat down on the stool, waved his hands and said seriously: "What are you afraid of? Men are unmarried and women are unmarried. If you like them, just pursue them. The cause of the party and the country also needs successors.

 Besides, the Central Government does not have the family law that the Military Command prohibits marriage. Tell me, how long have you two been together and what is the background of the other party? Don’t lie. You know that the three of us are very good at interrogation. "

 He pointed at himself, Wu Chunyang, and Gu Qi, stared closely into Shen Dongxin's eyes, and asked about the woman's situation half-truthfully.

The Shen family and the Zuo family are family friends, and now they have followed the Zuo family to Australia and New Zealand. As a child, he must intervene in this matter to prevent the other party from knowing someone they shouldn't know.

The chief secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China is a very sensitive position. He has the opportunity to have access to various confidential information. If something goes wrong with someone close to Shen Dongxin, someone will be killed. Zuo Zhong doesn't want to lose another friend.

Perhaps hearing the temptation in his words, or perhaps knowing the seriousness of the matter, Shen Dongxin shook his head seriously.

“Don’t worry, her father is the director of the Supervision Department of the Party Department. There is no problem with her background. She just met me. She is a very simple girl and has never asked me about my work.”

 “That’s good, the current situation is not good, so be cautious.”

Zuo Zhong reminded him with a hint of meaning, and then patted the gift box: "Here, I brought you the New Year gift that Lao Gu and Chunyang gave me. It's stuffed with lentils. Don't throw it away."

Shen Dongxin was amused by this sentence of lentil filling. Of course he knew what was in it. He smiled and cupped his hands to Gu Qi and Wu Chunyang to express his gratitude. As for Zuo Zhong, there was no need to be polite due to their relationship.

 After talking about this, the four of them continued chatting for a while, mainly Zuo Zhong asked questions and Shen Dongxin answered. The content of the discussion was about the situation on the day Mou Zhiye defected.

With regard to this matter, the Central Government has kept a tight lid on the matter, and the complete story has been kept strictly confidential. Now that they have the opportunity to directly ask the parties involved, they naturally want to ask clearly.

Faced with the problems of Zuo Zhong and the others, Shen Dongxin did not hide anything. He told the whole story from the information obtained from the informants and his own personal experience, including the process of his confrontation with Mou Zhiye.

"So, Mou Zhiye's defection was entirely caused by people named Xu who did not treat each other as human beings and often beat and scolded him? This **** really succeeds more than he fails!"

After listening to Shen Dongxin's story, Zuo Zhong was very moved. Zhongtong finally found a capable person, but in the end he was made to surrender to the enemy. If Minister Chen knew about it, he would probably want to kill his little cousin.

Thinking of this, he asked the Central Unification Committee and the Party Department for their opinions on how to deal with Xu Enzeng. The intelligence director defected and took away the list of agents. The higher-ups should deal with the other party seriously this time.

With such a big scapegoat, even the Chen family could not protect Xu Enzeng, but Shen Dongxin's answer left Zuo Zhong stunned and he couldn't help but wonder who was the protagonist.

"Nothing happened to the person named Xu. On the day Xing Hanliang escaped from Wanxian County, Xu Enzeng led a team to intercept a truck on the road from the mountain city to Chang'an, and found the minutes of the Supreme National Defense Conference in the mezzanine of the truck.

According to analysis, this matter was probably related to the underground party. Relying on this credit and Minister Chen's kind words, the party gave Xu Enzeng an opportunity to make meritorious deeds and asked the Central Committee to dig out the mole hidden in the top brass of the government. "

Shen Dongxin did not know that Jun Tong and Zhu Liangxian deliberately let Mou Zhiye go. He only knew that Xing Hanliang broke through the card and fled to the enemy-occupied area. He introduced the situation with a wry smile and said that the matter was top secret and few people knew about it.

 The road from Shancheng to Chang'an?


Zuo Zhong, Gu Qi, and Wu Chunyang looked at each other in confusion. This seemed to be a smoke screen thrown by Mou Zhiye when he escaped. It seemed that Xu Enzeng was fooled again and wanted to intercept and capture him halfway.

 But why are there minutes of the National Defense Conference on the truck? Is it a coincidence? This is too incredible. Is the person named Xu really a lucky person? After being silent for a long time, the three of them could only admit that Xu Enzeng was unlucky. This kind of thing could be encountered by the other party. The ancestral grave of the old Xu family did not smoke, but exploded.

Chasing secretly that God has no eyes, Zuo Zhong spoke out to test: "Dongxin, do you know what the content of the meeting minutes is? Has Xu defined the scope of the suspects?"

Although it was unclear whether the meeting minutes had anything to do with the underground party, he decided to tell Lao K as soon as possible and notify the northwest department to investigate. This matter should not be taken carelessly.

A mole who has access to this level of intelligence must have a very important status. If he is one of his own, he must carry out rescue or take countermeasures in the shortest possible time.

In addition, for some reason, he suddenly thought of the female stenographer he saw in someone's official residence - Joanna. This was a senior underground party member who was personally recommended by Zhu Liuxian to the top officials of the government. Could this matter have something to do with her?

At this time, Shen Dongxin, who was on the hospital bed, nodded, lowered his voice and leaned towards Zuo Zhong's ear, speaking mysteriously.

“I know that the record requires Chief Hu and the First War Zone to pay close attention to the movements of the underground party, wait for opportunities to instigate rebellion, eliminate the local northwest troops, and curb the spread of red ideas.

Xu Enzeng used the meeting sign-in record and invited the grassroots staff who participated in the meeting to his secret camp, located in a bamboo factory in the city, and was questioning them one by one. "

“Are you sure it’s an inquiry, not an interrogation?”

Zuo Zhong asked a key question. Even though it was just a word difference, the meaning was completely different. The person being questioned was a witness, victim or insider, while the person being questioned was a criminal suspect.

Moreover, the investigation will not involve torture. The investigation is basically conducted by questioning, which takes a long time. If you deal with intelligence personnel, it will be difficult to make a breakthrough in a short time.

Interrogation is different. Torture is a normal operation, so there is not much time left for him and Old K. Once the tactics are started, even professional agents cannot hold on for too long.

Shen Dongxin thought that by asking this question, he was judging how long it would take for Xu Enzheng to make a breakthrough and prepare to sabotage the interrogation, so he didn't care and immediately gave an affirmative answer.

“It is certain that those who can attend the Supreme National Defense Conference are either senior officials or their personal secretaries and bodyguards. They are not ordinary people. Xu Enzeng cannot afford to offend him.

Let alone torture, if Minister Chen had not coordinated, he would not have been able to restrict the actions of these people. I guess this time it is likely to be the same as before, and nothing will happen in the end.

Because there was a full half-month difference between the time the meeting was held and the time the documents were intercepted, it was almost impossible to trace back the channel of intelligence leakage.

Everyone knows that it is said to be the Supreme National Defense Meeting, but given the confidentiality level of the government, I am afraid that the contents will be leaked as soon as the meeting is over, and there will be no way to trace it. "

 Okay, there’s nothing wrong with that.

 Every time the government holds a high-level meeting, within three days, even the sesame cake vendor in the mountain city can talk about the deployment of the military or the direction of the party and government.

This is not because the military commander or the central commander is useless. The people who leak the news are often the group of people on the main stage of the meeting. This leaves Dai Chunfeng and Zhu Liuxian no matter how they deal with it, they can only pretend that nothing happened.

Zuo Zhong thought for a while and couldn't sit still. Whether it was the meeting minutes themselves or the fact that the records were intercepted by Xu Enzeng, the intelligence value was very high and they had to be reported immediately.

The next moment, he stood up slowly and said goodbye to Shen Dongxin. After the two chatted for a few words, he left the hospital with Gu Qi and Wu Chunyang, got in the car and returned to No. 29 Luojiawan.

 On the road.

As Wu Chunyang drove the car, he turned his head and asked, "Passenger seat, do you want me to send someone to follow Xu Enzeng? Maybe we can cut off his beard."

 Gucci, the co-pilot, also agreed. As the saying goes, a toad lies on the feet and does not bite but responds to others. This describes the current Xu Enzeng.

"No, let the Zhongtong investigate first. Didn't Dongxin say that there will be no results in this case? I don't believe that Xu Enzeng's luck will always be so good."

 He glanced at the screen of the phone in his hand, pressed the send button, raised his head and snorted coldly. Solving crimes requires evidence and logic. It's so easy to get lucky, so he didn't believe it.

But sometimes the slap in the face comes so quickly. As soon as the car drove onto a main road, the three of them saw Xu Enzeng. The other party led a group of spies and pinned a mysterious man to the ground.

While struggling desperately, the mysterious man's face was revealed. Looking at the familiar face, many things flashed through Zuo Zhong's mind like a revolving lantern, and he shouted out a person's name in surprise.

 “Meng Ting?!”

This former famous detective in Shanghai and the former head of the Intelligence Section of the Secret Service Headquarters had tricked Xu Enzeng in Jiujiawu a few years ago, rescued hundreds of underground party prisoners and then disappeared without a trace. Top of the Zhongtong wanted list.

Unexpectedly, after so many years, the other party would still fall into the hands of Zhongtong. Zuo Zhong felt a little heavy. He casually closed the curtains of the car window and signaled Wu Chunyang to return to the headquarters quickly. He must contact Old K again!

   (I didn’t want to write my name originally, for fear of being scolded)

 (End of this chapter)

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