Cicada Moving

Chapter 1087: Use both soft and hard tactics

 Hours ago.

 Zhongtong’s secret office, bamboo factory.

The small warehouse originally used to store bamboo utensils was converted into several interrogation rooms. In the largest interrogation room, several shirtless Central Unification agents were tortured on a suspect, and shouts and curses were heard constantly.

“Tell me! Who gave you the document? Are you an underground party member?”

“It’s unfair. I am the vice-president of the Northeast China National Salvation Association, not an underground party. Please let me go!”

 “If he is dishonest, give him the electric chair.”

The ferocious-looking agents of the Central Government placed the subject on the electric chair. They did not shave off the subject's hair and directly turned on the electric switch. The lights in the room flickered on and off, and a burning smell slowly spread out.

In front of the one-way glass of the observation room, Xu Enzeng looked at this scene with a smile, then slowly turned his head, his eyes swept over the faces of a group of torture observers wearing high-end clothing, and said lightly.

“Everyone, a few days ago, on a truck traveling from Shancheng to Chang’an, we seized a number of important documents from a secret mezzanine, related to the Supreme National Defense Conference held a few days ago.

In addition to the driver who was arrested and shot to death, we caught three people on the spot. These three people all have some identity and are not ordinary people. You may have heard of or seen them before.

One is Jiao Zhonghang, the director of the management office of Zhengzhong Bookstore, the other is Zhou Yujun, the secretary-general of the Sino-French Birui Cultural Association, and the last one you see is Sun Qitai, the vice president of the Eastern Association.

I think it won’t be long before he confesses, because no one can remain silent under the Central Government. If someone wants to say something, please do it as soon as possible, otherwise it will be too late.

You are all close confidants of the superiors and have a bright future. You must not go all the way and take risks with your own life and that of your family. This is very dangerous. "

He was saying threatening words, and he was extremely proud. Who would have thought that a wrong arrest operation could lead to the discovery of leaks of the Supreme National Defense Council.

God finally opened his eyes. So what if Mou Zhiye ran away, so what if the list of agents was lost.

As long as he can find out the spy hidden in the top government officials, he can still make meritorious service and receive awards, and he can still securely sit in the position of deputy director. This time he will make a wonderful turnaround!

Compared with Xu Enzeng's pride, the onlookers looked horrified. Some people couldn't stand the fishy and burnt smell, so they covered their mouths and ran out, vomiting outside the door.

As secretaries and clerks around the chief, they often attended high-level meetings or dinner receptions. How had they ever seen such a **** and barbaric scene?

Only a few officers in military uniforms looked at the other side of the one-way glass expressionlessly, with very calm expressions. Some even lit cigarettes and watched the excitement.

These people are the personal bodyguards of the big bosses of the Army Weihui. They are all elite men selected from the army. They are used to seeing death and blood, so they naturally don't care about this kind of childishness. Fighting on the battlefield is much harsher than torture. Ten thousand times.

One of the officers watched for a long time, yawned lazily, looked at the unconscious Sun Qitai, and said to Xu Enzeng slowly.

“Deputy Director Xu, if you want to scare us, you may be disappointed. I and the brothers around me once fought with the Japanese in Luodian, Shanghai for many days, sleeping and eating with corpses on our pillows every day.

 The situation is so tragic that people like you cannot imagine it, so don’t waste time. Just ask what you want to ask directly. Everyone present is busy with official duties and has no time to watch the performance of you and your men. "

If you want to say which battle in the Battle of Songhu was the most difficult, it was the battle for Luodian.

In the battle that lasted for half a month, China and Japan deployed nearly 100,000 of their most elite troops to fight fiercely in Luodian, a small town with an area of ​​only 2 square kilometers.

At the end of the battle, the small Luodian was filled with the corpses of both armies, leaving no open space. The blood of soldiers on both sides soaked the land, and the rivers they passed turned a strange red.

After this battle, even the single-minded Japanese army could not bear such heavy casualties and turned to seek a breakthrough elsewhere. This shows how **** the scene was.

In that kind of place, a weak-willed person will probably go crazy in a short time. For those who can crawl out of this kind of **** on earth, watching torture and extorting confessions is really no different from watching a civilized drama.

Xu Enzeng smiled awkwardly when he heard the officer's words. It didn't matter if he didn't smile. The people behind him and the committee members could spar with each other. He, a little deputy director, didn't even have a P.

 Besides, when inviting these people back, Minister Chen had already told them that he must not take action without conclusive evidence. He originally wanted to scare them, but he didn't expect them to be afraid at all.

It seemed like we were about to get straight to the point. If we continued like this, time would only drag on longer. Seeing that everyone's expressions were getting more and more irritable, Xu Enzeng straightened his face and raised his hand to pat them.

"Okay, let me tell you straight. Shangfeng suspects that the leak is related to the underground party. It is impossible for the documents to end up on the truck bound for Chang'an for no reason. There must be dissidents among the people who attended the meeting that day, and among you among.”

Having said this, he narrowed his eyes and said word by word: "You all know the party-state's policy towards dissidents. It has always been that they would rather kill a thousand by mistake than let one go.

Although you have people behind you, once we find out that there is a problem, the person who wants you to die the most is your backstage. I don’t think anyone has any objection to this, right? "

As soon as these words came out, everyone present fell silent. Politics can be about human feelings, but political struggle is not about human feelings.

The official career is like sailing against the current. Even if you are in a high position, you must walk on thin ice. Otherwise, once your opponent catches you in a wrong position, your boat will be destroyed if you are not careful. In this case, not to mention the confidants at work, even the biological children, as long as they hinder their future, the superiors will kill them mercilessly.

Seeing that everyone was shocked by his words, Xu Enzeng slightly raised the corner of his mouth with pride and chose to strike while the iron was hot. He changed the topic and started talking softly again.

“Do you know why I invited you here instead of arresting you directly? This is Shangfeng giving you a chance to repent. You must seize it.

I guarantee with my honor that as long as the surrenderers honestly explain their problems, publish a public confession, and assist the government in arresting dissidents, all past events will be forgotten. "

As he spoke, he raised his right hand and made a vow. As for whether these words were true or false, even thinking about them with his heels would tell them they were false.

Having finally caught the tail of the underground party, how could Xu Enzeng let go without squeezing out the value of the surrenderers? Anyway, he has no such thing as reputation and is not afraid of being scolded.

However, the effect of these words was not good. Some of the onlookers had blank expressions, some frowned, and some didn't care, but no one stood up to admit it.

 In the crowd, several female secretaries and clerks were crowded together. They turned their backs and did not dare to look at the interrogation room. They were talking nervously in low voices.

“Do you think these spies will torture us?”

“Humph, if Xu Enzeng dares to take action, my father will not spare him.”

“I can’t tell, but this case is related to the underground party.”

 “Yes, Anna, who do you think is the dissident?”

One person looked at her companion who had been silent from beginning to end and asked her opinion on this matter. The Anna she mentioned was none other than Joanna, the stenographer in someone's official residence.

Hearing this, Joanna smoothed her hair around her ears, shook her head slightly, looked at Xu Enzeng who was showing off his power not far away, and replied calmly.

"Then I don't know. As you know, I am busy taking shorthand every time we have a meeting. I have no time to observe who is more suspicious, and the underground party may not be among us.

The meeting has been over for so long, and many people have access to the records. Xu Enzeng invited us here just because he thought we were easy to handle. Otherwise, why didn't he go to the superior to ask questions. "

“Yes, the person named Xu is really not a good person.”

 “Bah, you don’t know, this guy likes to find a married man most”

 “Oh, I know, that sister-in-law of his.”

 There is a saying in the West to describe women, saying that one woman is equal to 500 ducks, and there is also a proverb in the Republic of China called "three women, one play".

It was so lively when so many women gathered together and talked about Xu Enzeng's love affairs. The car drove so fast that the wheels almost hit their faces.

The men around him were made red-faced by the many sarcastic comments, or else they said that once a woman starts driving a car, nothing will happen to the men.

Looking at the noisy observation room and listening to the "rumors" about himself, Chief Xu's nose was twisted with anger, but he did not dare to get angry. The official positions of these women were indeed not as good as those of the superiors, but they were not something he could offend.

For example, the woman who happily told the story that he and his sister-in-law had to tell, her father was a high-ranking general in the Military Council, her brothers were all powerful officers in the front-line troops, and as the youngest child, she was quite favored by the family. If he If you dare to show your teeth to the other party, you will be shot tonight instead of tomorrow.

There is also the woman with permed and curly hair next to her. Her husband is the deputy director of the attendant's office. Going in and out of the leader's official residence is just like going to his own home. Her family is the biggest gangster in the mountain city, with thousands of thugs under her command. It's also difficult to deal with.

Xu Enzeng was now like a rat in the bellows - he was angry at both ends, and he was so angry that he chewed his teeth. His sinister eyes slowly moved to Joanna, and then he gave up the idea of ​​revenge again.

Compared with the previous two, although this one does not have an admiral father and a deputy director husband, he is the most trusted stenographer of the committee and his wife. He lives in the Huangshan official residence in Pingshi, and his wife treats him like a junior.

What is even more disturbing is that Joanna has a very good relationship with Miss Kong Er. The two often go shopping together. Some people say that the two of them are married to Jinlan and are sisters with different surnames.

If he offends the other party, just a few casual words in Madam's ear will be enough for him. Even if Madam doesn't care, he will die without knowing how the legendary Demon King of the State appears.

After thinking for a long time, Xu Enzeng sadly realized that he could not offend anyone. He immediately stopped caring about these women and prepared to start with other torture observers, not wanting to gain anything in the interrogation room.

Sun Qitai, vice president of the Northeast National Salvation Association, finally relented after being severely tortured: "I admit that there are underground gangs in the Northeast National Salvation Association, but I really am not!"

He was dying, but when he said the last few words, he suddenly raised his head and shouted at the top of his lungs, as if he had been greatly wronged.

Joanna in the observation room appeared to be calm and composed, chatting with her companions with a smile, but her ears were quietly perked, and she listened intently to Sun Qitai's confession.

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