Cicada Moving

Chapter 1092: unlucky name

 Chapter 1092 The name is unlucky

 Headquarters of the Military Unification Bureau.

Zuo Zhong put a signed document aside, glanced at Wu Chunyang standing in front of his desk, and asked lightly: "Have you found out clearly? What is the situation over there with Meng Ting? How did you catch the person named Xu? The opponent's?"

 “It’s clear.”

Wu Chunyang nodded, bowed and whispered back: "Xu Enzeng sent people to monitor the residence of Zhou Yujun, a suspect in the Supreme National Defense Conference leak case. One of the personnel was Meng Ting's subordinate when he was at the secret service headquarters, or one of the Nine A survivor of Jiawei, this person discovered Meng Ting near the surveillance location."

 Is it luck again?

This is the first time. Every time Xu Enzeng gets into a big disaster, either Minister Chen pleads for mercy or he relies on luck. If it were placed in a storybook, I don’t know how readers would scold the author Shui Wen, but the reality is like this, indeed A bit evil.

Zuo Zhong frowned, put down the pen in his hand and raised his head: "What is that person's name? Do you have detailed files? I thought all the people in the secret service headquarters in Jiujiawei were dead. How come there is another survivor?" ?”

Upon hearing this, Wu Chunyang handed over a document and introduced: "This person's name is Mark, from Jinling, with a high school education. This is his file and the specific process of his arrest. I asked Dongxin to find it.

According to the files, the other party entered the secret service headquarters in the 21st year of the Republic of China and was responsible for guarding the perimeter during the Jiujiawu incident. Therefore, he escaped with his life, but his leg was injured and he became a lame. "


Zuo Zhong repeated it, and after receiving the information, he snorted coldly: "You can tell by hearing this name that he is not a serious person. He is only one word different from the so-called mentor whom the underground party believes in. I think this guy will rebel sooner or later."

Wu Chunyang quickly agreed with the deputy director's unfounded speculation. The word "Mark" is indeed a bit taboo, and if not done well, it will affect his future.

For example, if the other party has made a meritorious service this time, and Xu Enzeng writes a merit report for him, when he receives the report and sees the name of the top meritorious official, he feels as if he has eaten a fly.

On the other side, Zuo Zhong flipped through Mark's file and found that he was one of the earliest investigators at the secret service headquarters. He was very senior and experienced, and was not an easy person to deal with.

Looking at the arrest process, this person made proper arrangements, acted decisively, and responded quickly. Otherwise, he would not have been able to capture Meng Ting.

After pondering for a long time, Zuo Zhong silently listed Mark as an extremely dangerous person. An opponent who is both capable and forbearing, and has experienced the horror of life and death deserves attention and attention.

Then he looked at Wu Chunyang: "Okay, you go back first, keep an eye on Xu Enzeng and Mark, and report to me immediately if there is any situation. If Meng Ting is caught, these two dogs must have back-ups.

Although it is unlikely that the Central Command will pry open Meng Ting's mouth, there are always surprises. If Meng Ting spits out and confesses to the underground party's stronghold, we will take action first! "

As he spoke, he patted the table to strengthen his tone. It was impossible to arrest people. It was only true after receiving the information and forwarding it to Old K, so that the other party could warn his superiors.

Jie Hu, and it was Hu who was the leader of Zhongtong. Wu Chunyang naturally had no objection to this kind of thing that he liked to hear and saw. He saluted and hurriedly left Zuo Zhong's office.

After Wu Chunyang left, Zuo Zhong looked at the documents on the table and fell into thinking. Meng Ting had been lurking in Shanghai since the early years of the Republic of China. He had extraordinary influence both in the Chinese community and the concession.

It is hard to believe that such a smart and capable agent who is good at dancing would be arrested for wearing the wrong shoes. It is too funny.

And this was such a coincidence. Just after Zhou Yujun was beaten to death by Xu Enzeng, the guy named Mark discovered Meng Ting near the other party's residence. This was just as planned.

 Could it be said that Meng Ting did it on purpose?

 But why did he do this?

 Could it be that he wanted to take advantage of the opportunity of being arrested to penetrate into the core of the Central Unification Committee again? It is impossible for Xu Enzeng to trust a red agent like him who has had lurking experience and also killed Kuomintang agents.

Even if someone, Er Chen, Zhu Liuxian and Xu Enzeng are all confused, I believe that Meng Ting is willing to change things anyway, but don’t forget that surrender requires a certificate of surrender and blood on your hands!

If you don't kill a few underground gangs with your own hands, why should your cunning and cruel enemies trust you? Just because you look handsome, doesn't everyone have a big spy leader, a teacher, and a fellow leader? If they want to win the Central Unification Because of the trust of his superiors and subordinates, Meng Ting could not help but kill his own people.


Confused Zuo Zhong tapped the table with his knuckles, his eyes lingered on the three words "Zhou Yujun" in the document for a long time, and finally called He Yijun and said in a deep voice.

"Help me check the whereabouts of Meng Ting and.... This must be done by you alone. You must not leak the information. If you need help, you can ask the Ge Lao Association in the south bank for help. The flag bearer there is our affiliated organization and will obey your orders. ”

He leaned towards the other party and spoke in a low voice. He vaguely mentioned a name in his words. He Yijun looked very surprised after hearing the name, but he nodded immediately and walked out.

 No matter from any perspective, He Yijun and Zuo Zhong are one and the same. Anyone may betray Zuo Zhong, but He Yijun will not. Even if we don't take into account the vague relationship between the two, with Zuo Zhong as his backer and "concubine", her status within the army is extraordinary, even Dai Chunfeng will put on a kind face to treat this proud disciple's "confidante" ".

If someone else comes to power, she will not only lose the "companions" she depends on for life, but also her current position, so some important things can only be done by He Yijun.

Sent He Yijun away, Zuo Zhong lay on the chair, took out his cell phone and rubbed it in his palm. After waiting for the contact time, he typed a line of words and pressed send.

five minutes later.

 Shancheng Party Headquarters Building.

Xu Weiming, the deputy director of the Personnel Department, walked out of the archives room at the attic with a calm expression. He closed the heavy iron door and took out the key from his waist. He turned and inserted it into the keyhole and turned it gently. With a sound, the door was locked, and he walked slowly downstairs.

On the way downstairs, he smiled and nodded from time to time to the passing party members, and kept returning to his office. As soon as the door closed, Xu Weiming took out a note.

On the note was a long string of secret codes. He quickly walked to the bookshelf and pulled out a copy of "The Founding Strategy" by the former president and quickly compared it. The expression on his face gradually became serious.

“I hope to know that Jiao Zhonghang, director of the management department of Zhengzhong Bookstore, was arrested and sentenced, Zhou Yujun, secretary-general of the Sino-French Birui Cultural Association, was seriously injured and died, and Sun Qitai, vice president of the Eastern Association, confessed.

In addition, Meng Ting, the former chief of the Intelligence Section of the Secret Service Headquarters, was arrested by Xu Enzeng near Zhou Yujun’s residence and is currently in custody. If he needs to cooperate with the next communication time, please contact Qiu Chan. "

Looking at the contents of the intelligence, Old K Xu Weiming threw the note into his mouth and chewed it gently, thinking a lot in his mind.

After the joint anti-Japanese war, the relationship between the northwest and the central government became harmonious on the surface. Most of the intelligence provided by Qiu Chan was routine intelligence, which was used to help his hometown understand the trends of the government. The amount of emergency intelligence was much smaller.

Unexpectedly, the other party sent several urgent messages in succession in the past two days. First, the Central Military Commission found out that the records of the highest national defense meeting were leaked. Now, Meng Ting and other unknown personnel were arrested. The situation seemed to have returned to a few years ago. Before the war started.

Xu Weiming knew about Meng Ting. He once successfully lurked at the secret service headquarters, played a cruel trick on Xu Enzeng, and rescued many captured comrades. Then there was no news about him.

Although this person's position and position in the organization are not clear, he must be an important person to be able to perform such an important task, and he most likely has a large amount of confidential information.

Thinking of this, Xu Weiming swallowed the note that had turned into pulp. After thinking quickly, he decided to report it to his superiors immediately and inform his hometown to take countermeasures.

Of course, you must trust your comrades, but you must also be prepared. Contact persons related to Meng Ting must evacuate. If an unexpected situation occurs, the loss can be controlled to a minimum.

He took a file and walked out of the office again to the personnel archives room. As the deputy director in charge of the daily work of the personnel department, the archives room that only he could access became the best place for hiding and using radio stations.

Whether it is an electronic reconnaissance vehicle from the Central Command, the Military Command, or any other organization, even if it finds that there is signal reception here, it will only think that this is normal communication and will not associate it with other aspects.

 After entering the archives room and closing the door, Xu Weiming walked through the rows of file racks and walked to the corner. He groped on the floor with his hands for a while, then pulled open a piece of floorboard and took out the tightly wrapped radio station and its accessories.

In just a few minutes, he skillfully assembled the radio, connected it to the switch in the archives room, turned on the power and turned the **** to find the band to establish contact with the northwest, and quickly pressed the key with his right hand to send the secret message.

Outside the door, party workers in a hurry were unaware that someone in the room across the wall was informing dissidents.

Only the electrician from the logistics department lay on his chair and frowned at the spinning electricity meter, but he soon felt relieved and stopped caring about it. It was not his own electricity anyway.

At the same time, Xu Enzeng's secret camp was heavily guarded. The "invited" executioners stood in front of the windows of the temporary residence and watched cars driving into the yard from outside.

After the car stopped, a man wearing a black cloth mask, shackles, and handcuffs was pushed out of the car, and walked into the interrogation area under the surveillance and **** of hundreds of agents.

Xu Enzeng, who was carried away with his emotions, was laughing aside with his hands on his hips. There were countless folds of laughter on his old face. Anyone could tell that he was in a good mood now.

  Everyone who witnessed all this was talking about who the Central Government had captured and why it was such a big battle. I was afraid that the arrests of those in the northwest were just like this.

In one of the rooms, Joanna looked worried but did not act rashly. Instead, she gently closed the curtains and returned to the bed to sit down, quietly waiting for the further development of the situation.

She always remembered the words of the head of the Special Section, lurking in the heart of the enemy. The more critical the situation, the more calm she must stay. Only calm can help herself and her comrades in danger.

  (The next update will be unstable, please see the notice in the previous chapter for the reason)

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