Cicada Moving

Chapter 1093: tortured

Chapter 1093: Punishment


In the interrogation room, a basin of cold water was suddenly poured on Meng Ting's head. Although it was approaching early spring, the temperature in the mountain city was still around 0 degrees. The biting cold instantly enveloped his whole body, making him shiver involuntarily.

Soon, the fine cotton hood became wet and stuck tightly to his face, which greatly hindered his breathing, and the feeling of suffocation became stronger and stronger.

Meng Ting's hands and feet were tightly handcuffed to the corners of the table and armrests of the interrogation chair. A ball of rags was stuffed in his mouth. His chest heaved violently as he tried to breathe air through his nostrils through the hood.

But all this was in vain. After a few minutes, he fell into a state of hypoxia and his thinking slowly became sluggish.

The level of Zhongtong's business is indeed questionable, but when it comes to torturing people, these guys, who have been fighting against the underground party for more than ten years since the Republic of China, have extraordinary experience and know how to inflict pain on interrogation subjects.

Water drops slowly dripped along the seams of the hood, forming a small puddle in the pit on the cement floor, reflecting the light bulb on the ceiling. With the sound of dripping water, the atmosphere was extremely depressing.

Xu Enzeng walked up to the other party with a shy belly, looked at him with a smile for a moment, reached out and pulled off his hood, bent forward and looked at Meng Ting, who was breathing heavily, and said with a smile.

“Mr. Meng, when you fled with those **** dissidents in Jiujiawu a few years ago, didn’t you think you would be where you are today?!

When you took advantage of the friendship between colleagues and colluded with the underground party to kill so many investigators, you didn't expect that you would be where you are today, right? !

Do you know that after that incident, I thought about you day and night, and even in my dreams wanted to see you again and say hello to you! "

  When speaking of the words "hello", Xu Enzeng's smile disappeared instantly and he gritted his teeth, looking like he wanted to eat Meng Ting alive.

This cannot be blamed on him. The battle of Jiujiawei was the Waterloo of the national intelligence system, with countless warlords watching from the sidelines.

—In the capital of the country, the most virtuous place, at the feet of the emperor, hundreds of serious criminals were kidnapped, which is the most outrageous thing in the world.

The higher-ups have lost face, and naturally they have to make up for it elsewhere. Therefore, Xu Enzeng, as the first responsible person, became the chicken that killed the chicken to scare the monkeys. He made countless self-examinations and received countless scoldings.

Yesterday's various "grievances" can be reported now. How can I not be excited and excited? He said that he grabbed Meng Ting's collar to close his face close to each other, word by word.

“So, whether you recruit today or not, you can’t escape from this beating. If you are smart, confess honestly after the torture is over, otherwise I will make you regret living in this world.

Come here, please help our Mr. Meng relax his muscles and bones first. Don’t be polite or stingy. Use your skills to show the old-timers whether we have made any progress in technology. "

 After saying that, Xu Enzeng pushed Meng Ting away, stood up and waved his hands to the spies next to him, indicating that he would take action immediately. He wanted to watch Meng Ting being tortured with his own eyes to vent his hatred.

To deal with an old colleague and a professional intelligence officer, the Central Unification agents knew that simple torture was useless, so after receiving the order, they directly put Meng Ting on the tiger bench and placed four turning heads on it.

 In other interrogations, this was already the last resort, but facing Meng Ting, they knew that this was just an appetizer and the other party would not speak so easily.

The crunching sound of his knees twisting sounded in the interrogation room. Meng Ting's eyes widened and his brows furrowed. The muscles on his face kept twitching, but there was no trace of pain. He stubbornly resisted the enemy's torture.

Doing so might indeed anger the Central Unification agents, but he knew that he must not show any weakness, as that would be very dangerous.

 When the enemy discovers weaknesses during interrogation, the results are often not good. Once there is a breakthrough, the interrogator can follow the breakthrough and completely break down the psychological defense of the victim.

 “Add more!”

Xu Enzeng, who was watching coldly, glared and ordered the little agent to continue adding bricks. He didn't believe it. Is it possible that the underground party was invincible? Even if it was, he would melt the opponent today.

Five pieces of swiveling head was placed under his legs. Meng Ting finally couldn't help but snort. This signal made the torturers of the Central Military Commission breathe a sigh of relief and use the winch to tighten the rope again.

The rope became tighter and tighter, and with two clicks, Meng Ting's joints were violently broken, and his legs showed a creepy and weird posture. At the same time, the huge pain triggered the body's self-protection mechanism, making him completely unconscious. past.

Coupled with the fingers that were broken during the arrest, his hands and legs are now broken. Even if such a serious injury is treated in time, it is impossible to recover as before, and it is very likely that he will become disabled like Mark.

Even so, the brutal agents did not give Meng Ting a chance to breathe. Another bucket of cold water was poured on his head. Under the stimulation of the ice water, Meng Ting suddenly woke up, and the blocked pain came like a tide. .

 Veins suddenly appeared on his forehead, and his body couldn't help but tremble. Agents are humans, not machines. They will have normal physiological reactions even if they suffer huge injuries.

“Let him go and hold him tight. This guy is very cunning. Don’t let your guard down.”

 Xu Enzeng interjected, with a ferocious smile on his face. He was not merciful.

When the victim is put down from the tiger bench, although he regains his freedom, the sudden release of his legs from the stiff state will cause great pain, which is even more severe than when he got on the tiger bench. After hearing the order, the little agent quickly untied the hemp rope that bound Meng Ting's leg. Just as Xu Enzeng thought, Meng Ting, who had just woken up, fell into a coma again.

Xu Enzeng adjusted the glasses on the bridge of his nose and slowly raised the corners of his mouth. This scene appeared countless times in his dreams. Now that he finally got what he wanted, he felt naturally happy.

After letting out a sigh of relief, he began to think about how to start the next step. Meng Ting is an important figure in the underground party. He must get the other party to speak as soon as possible and completely destroy the northwest's intelligence network in mountain cities and other places while the iron is hot.

This is not to undermine the Anti-Japanese War. According to the agreement reached between the national government and the Northwest, when public military and political personnel from both sides are operating in their respective territories, as long as they declare in advance, neither side is allowed to arrest and target them at will.

Agents engaged in secret intelligence work are obviously not included in this list. No force or country will put its hopes for peace on an agreement, let alone give up intelligence collection completely.

 So, an agreement is an agreement.

Whether it is the national government or the underground party, there are a large number of agents active in the Western jurisdiction. This is an open secret, but everyone pretends not to know.

  In the absence of conclusive evidence, the national government turned a blind eye to the northwest agents. After all, the northwest was not someone to be trifled with.

But this will be different. They have caught the culprit of Jiujiawei. Once the other lurking underground parties are caught through Meng Ting, the northwest side will have nothing to say. It will be the other side that sabotages the war of resistance. , not the government.

Therefore, this matter is not only about intelligence, but also the political accounts must be settled.

Xu Enzeng's eyes rolled around, thinking about the storm of public opinion that the underground party was about to receive, and then thinking that he would be praised by the top management for it, he felt like a cat scratching his head, and he immediately brought a basin of water to wake Meng Ting up.

Looking at Meng Ting who woke up leisurely, he threatened without expression: "Meng, you and I are working together after all. Don't say that Mr. Xu won't give you a chance. As long as you honestly tell me where your accomplices are, I will Let the doctor treat you immediately.

If not, have you seen Mark’s leg? Your end will be worse than that. Mark at least still has a good leg to use. As for you, if you don’t treat it, both of your legs will be useless!

Think about it, you have been worthy of the underground party for being able to hold on until now. Faith is certainly important, but there is no need to sacrifice your life for it. When you die, you will die. It has nothing to do with what you believe in. "

Xu Enzeng turned into an intimate big brother at this time, and persuaded Meng Ting amiably, patting the other man's shoulder constantly with his hand, and pretending to consider the other man.

“If you die, what will happen to your ideals of serving the country and the people? I understand you. You want to drive away the foreign warships that are rampant on the Huangpu River, and you want the children to go to class with peace of mind.

  Actually, I am too. When Xu returned from the United States, he could have lived a prosperous life with no worries about food and clothing. Why did he step into this muddy water? It was not for the rejuvenation of the country.

  When the Japanese are driven out, under the leadership of the commissioners, our country will surely prosper in all industries, and the government will be harmonious and harmonious. We will be the plan for future generations and abandon factions and sects. Do you think I am right? "

As he spoke, he beat his chest, his eyes were slightly red, and he seemed to be telling the truth that even a fool would not believe. No wonder the shrewd Chen was repeatedly deceived by his little cousin.

It is a pity that as a rival for many years, Meng Ting knew this man's virtue too well and was not affected by those words at all. He even wanted to laugh a little, as if he saw a clown.

He raised his head vigorously, whined twice, and signaled the little agent to take away the piece of rag from his mouth. The little agent looked at Xu Enzeng and noticed that Xu Enzeng nodded slightly, and then took away the piece of cloth.


Meng Ting, whose mouth had been blocked for a long time, spat **** saliva on the ground, but it happened to hit Xu Enzeng's shoes. Before the other party got angry, he said a few words with a smile.

“Oh, I’m so sorry, Deputy Director Xu, these Italian leather shoes are quite expensive. If you really become an engineer when you return to China, I guess you won’t be able to afford them.

 Do you know the difference between you and us? We are fighting for the people of the whole country, but you are fighting for yourself and your master, so what do you think I will choose?

Stop talking nonsense, just do it, use whatever means you have. From the moment I was caught by you, I never thought about getting out alive. At worst, I would die. "

He stared at the red-faced Xu Enzeng, his eyes full of ridicule. This approach was a bit impulsive, but it was also in line with the reaction of underground party intelligence officers when faced with recruitment and surrender.

Xu Enzeng, who was originally smiling, was so angry at these words that he couldn't care less about being gentle. He raised his short arm and pointed at Meng Ting and shouted loudly.

 “Fight! Keep fighting!”

  (Not even tomorrow. I have to go for a physical check-up, buy clothes, medicines and other things needed on the road for traveling and shooting. Also, I can’t eat or sleep recently, so I feel much better.)

 (End of this chapter)

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