Cicada Moving

Chapter 1094: Mark takes over

 Late at night, Zhongtong’s secret camp.

Joanna was lying on the simple camp bed, her two bright eyes staring at the dark roof, her ears listening to the movement outside, and silently counting the time in her heart until the mysterious man was sent to the interrogation room.

Since ancient times, there has been a saying in the trial of cases, "What can you ask for under three trees", which means that as long as the torture can keep up, you can get whatever you want from the criminal.

Although the officials in the feudal era were shady, they were still quite "tolerant" towards criminals. Even if they were punished severely, they still had to show their love for the people as their own children. The so-called severe punishment was not too outrageous.

Compared with the trial of an official, the intelligence organization does not have the restriction of "loving the people as one's own children" when it comes to interrogating spies during the war. As long as the intelligence can be obtained, various methods can be used without any moral pressure, including the use of drugs, torture, and trickery. , using the other person's relatives to blackmail...use any extreme measures.

Therefore, once an intelligence officer is arrested, the hope of survival is very slim. Even if he escapes by chance, the possibility of regaining trust is very small. He may even be severely interrogated by his own people, and will not be recognized or understood for life, and his innocence cannot be proven. .

This is also inevitable in a cruel war or struggle environment, because spies are too destructive, and if you are not careful, it is likely to bring disaster to your own organization.

The problem is that intelligence officers are also human beings and they also want to survive. If they are not given a way to survive other than surrender, these people are likely to choose to cooperate with the enemy as soon as they are arrested. This is a result that no one wants.

 Therefore, after an agent is captured by the enemy, as long as he can be sure that the upline and downline have retreated, he can reveal some unimportant or agreed-upon false information to the enemy.

Of course, sometimes the arrested person cannot be sure of this, which requires the arrested person to delay as much time as possible. The longer the delay, the greater the probability that the companion will receive the news and withdraw.

 The mysterious man has persisted for 13 hours.

For 13 hours, Joanna could imagine everything that happened to the other party. When the Central Committee interrogated Jiao Zhonghang, Zhou Yujun and Sun Qitai could see that these agents had no humanity at all and were extremely vicious.

Faint moonlight shone into the room through the curtains. She bit her lips but didn't make a sound, because she didn't know if the enemy was listening, so she could only hide her worries deep in her heart.

The bright moon slowly sets, a faint red appears on the horizon, and the sound of roosters crows in the distance, indicating that a new day has arrived.

In the early morning, a dozen agents walked out of the interrogation area with their mouths covered and yawning. Their bodies, faces, and hands were covered in blood. As they walked, these people cursed and said something.

“MD, Meng Ting’s words are too harsh. He even burned the electric chair, but he still didn’t say a word. Tell me, what are these dissidents trying to do?”

“Yes, if you say it’s taboo, I’ll accept it. Forget it, let’s leave this job to Ma Laizi. He and Meng Ting have a senior-subordinate relationship.”

 “Duiji, Duiji~”

As he spoke, everyone came to the dormitory area and banged the door. A sleepy-eyed Mark opened the door and heard great news - Xu Enzeng asked him to lead a team to take over the interrogation.

Since Meng Ting was captured near Zhou Yujun’s residence, he, the biggest hero, has become like a man who is neither loved by his father nor loved by his mother. Not to mention participating in the interrogation and detection, he will be chased away by the guards even if he comes near the interrogation area.

He originally thought that his role would end here, but unexpectedly, there was a twist. These losers failed to pry open Meng Ting's mouth. His chance came again, and Mark almost laughed out loud.

After saying a few words casually and sending the other person away, Mark quickly got dressed and called the "Loser Alliance". With his shoulders raised and lowered, he walked into the interrogation room with his men in a hurry.

 “Director, here comes the humble post.”

As soon as he entered the door, he bowed to Xu Enzeng. This man, if he wants to climb up, he has to step into the mud first. A man can bend and stretch, so there is no shame in it.

Xu Enzeng, who was sitting on a chair with his eyes closed to rest, opened his eyes, glanced at the other party, and said slowly: "Mark, I'll give you a chance. As long as you can get Meng Ting to confess, I will give you the position of Director of the Central Unification Intelligence Division. "

 Chief of Intelligence!

Hearing that he had the chance to become a "living dead", Mark's head buzzed, and a stream of blood rushed from the soles of his feet to the sky, but he was not scared, but happy.

So what if the Chief of the Central Intelligence Division is prone to death? It would be better for him to live like this and die. Others are afraid of this position, but he is not afraid! Isn't it just an interrogation? He did it!

Mark puffed up his chest and assured loudly: "Director, don't worry. If Meng Ting's mouth cannot be pried open, you don't need to speak. Ma will find a place to commit suicide by himself to apologize, so as not to dirty your eyes."

 “Okay, okay.”

When Xu Enzeng heard this, he waved his hands helplessly and found a place to commit suicide to apologize. The other party might as well say with his head that he would be grateful if you don't defect like Mou Zhiye.

   Interrupting Mark's swearing, he rubbed his slightly swollen head, turned to look at Meng Ting, who was already in human form, pondered for a moment and then stood up to give instructions.

"I will leave the man to you. As long as he is not beaten to death, you are allowed to use any means. I want to know where this guy's superiors and subordinates are, as well as the arrangements of the underground party in mountain cities and other places.

 We are running out of time. We must obtain information within 24 hours after the opponent is arrested, otherwise the dissidents will grow wings and fly again. Mark, you only have this chance. If there is really no other way, I will not use your taboo name. Now I will give you a chance to make a comeback. Whether you are a dragon or a worm depends on you. "

 With these words, Xu Enzeng quickly walked out of the interrogation room and prepared to go back to the office to lie down. If he didn't rest, he would fall down before Meng Ting could confess.

Looking at the fat figure walking away, Mark, with an excited look on his face, clenched his fist and smashed his palm, then shook his head at his temporary subordinates, indicating that the interrogation would begin. There were less than 5 hours left in the 24 hours, and they couldn't wait a minute. Can't waste it.

“The electric chair is broken. Replace the surgical forceps and help Chief Meng check the wound.”

“If the chili water doesn’t work, double the amount and ask someone to change the water pipe to a thicker one. As long as it is thinner than the nostrils, go quickly.”

“Prepare cardiac injections and adrenaline. Don’t let anything happen to Section Chief Meng. He is our treasure.”

Walking around the interrogation room, Mark confidently issued three orders, each one more vicious than the last. While hanging around in the prison and at the bottom, he was preparing for this day.

 Surgical forceps, used to expand wounds, can reuse the original interrogation "results" to save time.

The function of the water pipe is to pour pepper water from the nasal cavity into the respiratory tract of the interrogated person, using the simplest method to cause the greatest pain, which is cheap and easy to use.

  Cardiocardiac shots and epinephrine can not only save people, but also amplify Meng Ting's five senses, making the already severe pain even more unbearable.

  Hearing his words, the "Loser Alliance" were convinced and hurriedly prepared according to the order. At the same time, they secretly felt sad for Meng Ting. When they met such an old subordinate, the other party was also unlucky.

However, Meng Ting was very calm. Looking at the resolute Mark, he raised his blood-stained head and smiled with difficulty: "Yes, he does look a bit like the director of the intelligence department, but if you want to deal with me, these alone are not enough. ”

 “Really, let’s give it a try.”

Facing the provocation of his old boss, Mark replied coldly, casually took the shiny metallic surgical forceps in his hand, looked at Meng Ting carefully up and down, and finally stopped at the other man's right arm.

There was a hideous wound torn by a steel whip. It was relatively far away from the aorta, but it was also covered with abundant pain-sensing nerves. It was a good location for torture.

Mark didn't waste any time. He directly clamped the side of the wound with pliers and pulled hard. The wound that had stopped bleeding instantly gushed out blood, instantly staining Meng Ting's arm and the ground red.

 “Inject him!”

Appreciating his "masterpiece", Mark asked Meng Ting to be injected with adrenaline. Although this seemed a bit eager for quick success, he didn't want to lose the chance to turn around.

If you want to pry open the mouth of a professional agent within 5 hours, you can only use the most ruthless means. Any psychological offensive is fake. He does not believe that someone can remain silent under such torture.

 Four hours later.

The tired Mark stood in the middle of the interrogation room, looking at the empty buckets and empty medicine bottles, as well as Meng Ting, who was unconscious for the ninth time. His right hand was shaking slightly, and the surgical forceps clenched in his hand fell to the cement floor with a clang.

There are indeed lunatics in this world who risk their lives for their so-called beliefs. He was shocked and anxious. In one hour, he and his men would go back to the past. This is absolutely unacceptable.

Like an ant on a hot pot, Mark circled around Meng Ting several times, thinking desperately about what to do next. It was naturally impossible to commit suicide and apologize. Did he also want to imitate Mou Zhiye and defect?

 No, it can’t be done.

Not to mention that Xu Enzeng must have sent someone to monitor the interrogation process. Even if he didn't, he couldn't defect. It's not that he is more patriotic, but compared with Mou Zhiye who stole the agent list, he has no use value to the Japanese.

After thinking for a few minutes, he suddenly looked at the sunlight shining through the ventilation window of the interrogation room, and an idea came to his mind. The next second he left his equally anxious men and ran wildly outside.

At this point, he can only hope that the plan he suddenly came up with will succeed, otherwise all of them will have to stay in a dark corner of Zhongtong until they die, with no future.

This is still good. If Xu Enzeng wants to find someone to take the blame for this matter, no one is more suitable than him. Who made his name taboo?

I don’t know how long it took, but a frustrated Mark returned to the interrogation room. It seemed that his plan was not supported by Xu Enzeng, and he immediately ordered someone to water the unconscious Meng Ting again.

 Meng Ting woke up faintly and saw the setting sun outside the window. A stone suddenly fell to the ground in his heart. His whole body relaxed, and then he opened his lips and said feebly to Mark.

 “I’ll recruit!”

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