Cicada Moving

Chapter 113: plot

Chapter 113 Conspiracy

The search for Fuyuan Printing Factory came to nothing. The underground party only rented the factory building and equipment, and the owner of the factory is said to have some connections. The clues found here have basically been cut off.

After Xu Enzeng learned about this, he immediately found Director Chen and spoke very fiercely. He accused Dai Chunfeng of colluding with Wang Aofu, causing an **** failure and must be severely punished.

To be honest, when Xu Enzeng learned about Dai Chunfeng's cunning operation, he almost laughed out loud. He was really a fool who rushed to block the gun. At the same time, he hated Wang Aofu to his core.

He has now figured out that Wang Aofu will never be an underground party. Unlike Dai Chunfeng, he knows that the underground party will never use such despicable tactics as deliberately sacrificing his own people.

 And Zuo Chong’s **** Japanese speculation is even more nonsense. The purpose is to divert his attention, confuse his thinking, and cover up Dai Chunfeng’s evil plan.

The fact is that Dai Chunfeng instructed Wang Aofu to leak the **** plan and lure the underground party to come for armed rescue, so the other party could evacuate so easily and bypassed the checkpoints one after another. Next, taking advantage of the lack of power of the underground party, the Secret Service cracked down on the underground party in one fell swoop. printing factory.

This chain of tactics struck not only one place but also the underground party. However, Dai Chunfeng did not expect that the underground party was on guard against him and directly kidnapped Wang Aofu, leaving behind a message of "comrade Wang Aofu".

This speculation was reasonable and well-founded. Anyway, Zuo Zhong thought it was true after hearing about it. Dai Chunfeng was speechless when faced with Director Chen's accountability and could only bite him to death. Wang Aofu was captured by the Secret Service and also by the underground party. Rescued.

The position of deputy director was so controversial that Director Chen simply dismissed the matter. Xu Enzeng could no longer be deputy director anyway, so Dai Chunfeng could not be given an advantage.

The "Prisoner Robbery Case" and the "Wang Aofu Collusion Case with the Underground Party" ended hastily, but Xu Enzeng and Dai Chunfeng secretly issued death orders. They must find Wang Aofu and see his body before death.

It's a pity that Jinling City is so big that no one knows where "Comrade" Wang Aofu went. Maybe he was in an abandoned well or under a big tree. In short, he disappeared without a trace.

 The relationship between the Secret Service Headquarters and the Secret Service has become more tense as a result. Both sides are holding back to teach the other a lesson. As Xu Enzeng's criminal accomplice, Zuo Chong is a thorn in the Secret Service Headquarters' side and a thorn in the flesh.


"Huaibei, you are finally back from Nanchang. Brother, I am looking forward to the stars and the moon. I am relieved when you, a master of action, come back." Xu Enzeng's expression was very sincere.

Huaibei in his mouth smiled and said, "Director, what are you talking about? I, Ding Huaibei, am a soldier under your command. If you need anything, just speak up."

Xu Enzeng felt very comfortable when he heard this, but he would not really give orders to Ding Huaibei. The other party was a close confidant of the Chen brothers, and his qualifications in one place were much older than his own.

Xu Enzeng whispered: "Have you heard about Wang Aofu? It's a shame."

Ding Huaibei looked solemn: "I heard that the Secret Service uses underground parties to attack colleagues. Such a fight for power and profit is too despicable. The great cause of the party and the country will be ruined in the hands of these people."

Hearing the words "struggle for power and profit," Xu Enzeng's old face turned red. The first thing he said was that Ding Huaibei was qualified. The other party gave up his easy job at the headquarters and invited himself to go to the southwest to conduct intelligence operations. He was indeed serving the public good.

Xu Enzeng thought for a moment and said his plan: "We must teach the Secret Service a lesson, otherwise Dai Chunfeng will become even more arrogant. I want to leave this matter to you in Huaibei."

Ding Huaibei frowned: "Director Xu, now that the matter has passed, if we act rashly, will it lead to a war between the two departments? Then we will be in trouble."

Xu Enzeng's ears twitched unconsciously when he heard the words "Director Xu". Ding Huaibei rarely called him this. It seemed that the other party really didn't want to get involved, but he had a lot of snoops around him, and he really didn't have many operational experts. He must be convinced.

It’s just that Ding Huaibei is very stubborn and has a stubborn personality. Although he is a bit greedy for money, he can’t bribe his subordinates as a division chief. Xu Enzeng rolled his eyes, thinking that Ding Huaibei was not very ambitious, so he thought of a good idea.

Xu Enzeng pretended to sigh and said: "Forget it, you are not in Jinling during this period, and you don't know that the Secret Service has a good intelligence expert. This person helped Dai Chunfeng and disgraced us several times. It's a pity that I don't have any talent." ah."

Ding Huaibei's eyebrows rose. He didn't expect that some kind of intelligence genius would appear after he had been away for a few months. However, he didn't pay too much attention to it, and he had seen many such young people who were touted as powerful.

Xu Enzeng took out a stack of documents from the drawer: "Take a look first. This young man named Zuo Zhong is indeed very powerful. I have the heart to dig him out. In it are some of the cases he solved."

Ding Huaibei took the document casually and started reading it in Xu Enzeng's office. He was shocked to see that Zuo Zhong had captured so many Japanese spies.

The reasoning and thinking used in the investigation are very clever, and the action skills are also professional. This makes Ding Huaibei feel a little strange in his heart. He has always been better than others. This Zuo Zhong

Xu Enzeng was beating the drum on the side: "This man is very hateful. He colludes with Dai Chunfeng and attacks us everywhere. That's why I want to teach him a lesson. What do you think of Huaibei?"

Ding Huaibei pondered for a while: "If this is the case, it would not be a bad idea to teach him a lesson. More training would be a good thing for the young man. We are responsible for him."

 Xu Enzeng was determined, knowing that what Ding Huaibei said sounded nice, but in fact it was just an act of jealousy of talents and talents. He usually looked at other people's arrogance and thought they were unfair, but now it seems like that. Ding Huaibei then said: "No one must be killed. Just let him go to the hospital and lie down for a few months."

Xu Enzeng also nodded. If Zuo Zhong was really killed, Dai Chunfeng would definitely fight him desperately. If he was just injured, the two sides would at most start a squabble lawsuit. He knew the seriousness of the matter very well.

Zuo Zhong had no idea about this. After work in the evening, he drove back to his residence in Chaotian Palace. It was the rush hour after get off work, and there was a traffic jam in Jinling City in the 1930s.

The cars were honking their horns, and the pedestrians and bicycles passing by looked at these upper-class people with gloating eyes. They suddenly felt that the day's hard work had been wiped away. This made the driver even more irritated, sticking his head out and shouting curses in front of him.

Zuo Zhong was not in a hurry, looking at this picture of life in boredom. At this time, a man on a bicycle glanced at his car, then lowered his head and rode away unsteadily.

His movements were a bit deliberate, as if he was specifically trying to confirm something, which aroused Zuo Zhong's alert, but he immediately laughed at himself. He had really done too much intelligence work, and everything he looked at was suspicious.

The man disappeared into the crowd in the blink of an eye, and the traffic began to move slowly. Zuo Zhong regained consciousness and continued to drive towards his residence, but in his mind he felt that he had seen that man somewhere.

This is also Zuo Zhong's tip for training his memory. The brain can only be more flexible if it is used more frequently. As he was thinking about it, Zuo Zhong suddenly remembered that he had seen this person at Mi Genshen's house.

At that time, the other party also said a few words to him. He told him that Mi Genshen was kidnapped by Huang Xinshan. He was scared to death at the time, so it left a little impression on Zuo Zhong.

Could it be a coincidence that he turned out to be from the secret service headquarters? Zuo Zhong slowed down the car and thought about it. He remembered Yu Xingle's words, accept your doubts and don't convince yourself.

 An excellent agent must trust his intuition. When you feel something is abnormal, you should not use excuses to convince yourself, but use evidence to rule it out. If no evidence can be found, it is the fact.

Zuo Zhong glanced at the rearview mirror. There seemed to be nothing wrong behind him, but he had not forgotten that Gu Qi was following Li Shudong. This kind of observation was unreliable. When he saw the intersection ahead, Zuo Zhong had an idea.

Not only did this intersection have traffic lights that were rare in the Republic of China, but there were also several traffic police on duty. The car on the left was going very slowly, and the cars behind him were honking their horns, but he was unmoved.

Until the green light started to flash and pulse, Zuo Zhong stepped on the accelerator and rushed across the intersection. There was a lot of curses in the traffic behind him, and the people in two of the cars jumped anxiously.

“Damn it, I told you to keep an eye on me, now the guy named Zuo has run away.”

“Who knew that the person named Zuo was so cunning that he would have to do anti-stalking even when he got home?”

“It’s not like they discovered us.”

 “No, we are so far away from him.”

Shaking off the possible tail behind him, Zuo Zhong did not go home. Instead, he drove into a small road and accelerated in one direction. It was not his style to be passively beaten. If someone from the secret service headquarters was following him, he would definitely be followed. Go back and report.

Zuo Zhong rushed to the secret service headquarters as quickly as possible, drove the car to the alley opposite, and waited patiently. After a while, two cars drove into a yard.

Zuo Zhong took out the binoculars in the car and saw through the iron fence a man scolding the agents who got out of the car. Xu Enzeng stood next to the man and was also furious. He took a photo with his mobile phone with a sullen face.

It seemed that people from the secret service headquarters were really up to something. Zuo Zhong was furious. Knowing that this was the follow-up to the Wang Aofu incident, they didn't dare to target Dai Chunfeng, so they thought they were soft persimmons?

He had no intention of going home and drove directly back to the secret service office. He took a photo of the phone with his camera and asked someone to develop it immediately. He wanted to see who the leader was.

Zuo Zhong came back with a dark face. Everyone in the intelligence department saw it and didn't know what happened. Gu Qi usually left late, so he came over to take a look after hearing about it.

“Section Chief, what’s wrong with you, why are you so angry?”

"That gang of **** sent people to follow me. Do you think I should be angry?"

Gu Qi's mouth opened wide. The Secret Service Headquarters sent people to follow Zuo Zhong. They were going to start a war with the Secret Service. Thinking that he had never paid attention to safety issues, it made him feel cold all over.

 (End of this chapter)

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