Cicada Moving

Chapter 114: Lower set (upper)

Chapter 114: Set up (Part 1)

The news that Zuo Zhong was being followed spread quickly, and all the agents from the Intelligence Division were called back. This was not targeting Zuo Zhong alone, but a slap in the face of the Intelligence Division and even the Secret Service.

 Dai Chunfeng called Zuo Zhong to the office: "Shen Zhong, thank you for being alert, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous."

His tone was calm, but in fact he was furious. This time Xu Enzeng had touched his bottom line, and he decided to seek justice for Zuo Zhong no matter what, even if the lawsuit went to the chairman of the committee.

Zuo Zhong said expressionlessly: "Teacher, since Xu Enzeng wants to fight, then fight."

He was scared when he thought about it now. What would have happened if he hadn't noticed the abnormality? Whether he would be buried somewhere, or thrown directly into the Yangtze River to feed the fish. Xu Enzeng could definitely do such a thing.

It is not a gentleman not to take revenge. No matter what Dai Chunfeng decides, Zuo Zhong will fight with Yi Chu and Xu Enzeng. It is not impossible for the masked robber to return to the world. He knows where Xu Enzeng's wife, children and children are.

Dai Chunfeng did not hesitate: "Fight, we must fight! The other party has already put the knife on his neck. I will leave the operations department to your command. We must beat the people in one place until they are sore."

Being able to hand over the beloved Operations Section shows that Dai Chunfeng is serious. After a long period of training, the Operations Section's combat effectiveness is still very strong. They lost the Nine-Headed Insect King Aofu because they had no intention to fight and no preparation. .

But Zuo Zhong shook his head: "Teacher, the students don't want to beat Jinling into a pot of porridge. Being so reasonable has turned into unreasonable. In the end, each of them will be beaten fifty times."

Dai Chunfeng was a little surprised by Zuo Zhong's calmness. Thinking about it, he thought it was right. After all, the other party was covered by the giant Buddha of Director Chen, so he said: "Then just do it. No matter what happens, the teacher is here."

The implication is that he acknowledged this matter. Even if Zuo Zhong caused a big trouble, Dai Chunfeng would not ignore it. Zuo Zhong was still very moved by this. He said that Lao Dai had nothing to say to him in some aspects.

 “Yes, teacher, students are going to prepare now.”

Back in the Intelligence Section, Zuo Zhong called all his subordinates over. He Yijun and Fu Ling had angry faces, Wu Chunyang and Song Minghao had sullen faces, and Gui Youguang was gearing up, as if they were waiting for Zuo Zhong to give an order.

“You all know about the section chief, right? What do you think we should do?” Gu Qi asked for Zuo Zhong.

 “Hit.” Wu Chunyang’s words were concise and concise.

"A tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye." Fu Ling said something elegant.

"They did the first day of the new year, and we did the fifteenth day, and **** their wives, children, and children." Gui Youguang was a ruthless man.

“I know a person who is desperate for his life. He dares to blow up even the secret service headquarters. I have everything.” Song Minghao showed the domineering power of a new generation of arms tycoon.

 Everyone expressed the desire to fight in unison, which moved Zuo Zhong very much. Although there was a relationship of interest mixed in, it was not a risk to be willing to stand with him to deal with one area.

Zuo Zhong waved his hand: "Okay, there is no need to be so murderous. This time we are going to fight with our brains. Have you got the information about the man in the photo? Does anyone know him?"

This kind of thing must depend on Song Minghao. He was originally a veteran of the Fruit Party's intelligence system. He had a wide network of friends. In addition, he recently got into the arms business, and he had connections with all kinds of monsters and snakes.

Song Minghao did not disappoint Zuo Zhong. He immediately said: "The person in the photo is called Ding Huaibei. He is the director-general of the First Division. He was doing intelligence work in the southwest some time ago. He is deeply trusted by the Chen brothers. He is their deputy director of the First Division. Absolutely confidant.”

 “Ding Huaibei.” Zuo Zhong muttered to himself.

"Yes, I have come into contact with this person in the Camp Investigation Department. He is a meticulous intelligence expert. He has captured several lurkers and is very difficult to deal with." Gu Qi actually knew this person.

The trust of the Chen brothers, this time was so powerful by the secret agent office, Xu Enzheng was invited to save the soldiers. Zuo Zhong sneered, then look at the color of Ding Huaibei.

After listening to what Song Minghao and Gu Qi had said, Wu Chunyang felt that the matter was a bit difficult to handle. Since Zuo Zhong did not allow the use of force, it was nothing more than a frame-up. However, Ding Huaibei had the Chen brothers as his backers, so he had to find a good excuse.

 After thinking about it, he said to Zuo Zhong: "Section Chief, do you need to find some underground parties?"

Others also understood what he meant. It was a good idea to find someone unlucky to identify Ding Huaibei. The bald man's attitude towards the underground party was well known to the world.

Zuo Zhong was very pleased after hearing this. Wu Chunyang's idea was right, but he had picked the wrong target. If he wanted to kill Ding Huaibei, he had to have solid evidence or witnesses, but he couldn't let the underground party cooperate with him.

He motioned for everyone to sit down: "Okay, I have considered this aspect, and now I will give you a few tasks. Chunyang, you and Youguang have been working harder recently to protect my safety in secret."

Everyone nodded. A good man cannot defeat four hands, and a tiger cannot defeat a pack of wolves. They are relieved to have two good men of action protecting Zuo Zhong, especially He Yijun. She has not spoken until now, but her eyes are full of worry.

At this time, Ling Sanping suddenly walked in and looked at the surprised people and shrugged: "Although I am a doctor, Zuo Zhong is my friend, so I also join."

Zuo Zhong smiled: "Okay, as far as the mobility skills of your three-legged cat are concerned, they are not as good as Fu Ling."

Everyone laughed, and the solemn atmosphere dissipated a lot. Zuo Zhong gave everyone a few more instructions and announced that the meeting was adjourned. After the meeting, he took He Yijun to a place where there was someone who could help him.

In the secret service headquarters, Xu Enzeng was smoking a cigarette, while Ding Huaibei looked indifferent. The two had differences about the next action. Xu Enzeng felt that he should take it slow, but Ding Huaibei insisted on continuing.

Xu Enzeng poured the cigarette **** into the ashtray: "Huaibei, it's not that I don't trust you, but this guy Zuo Zhong is very slippery. He must have sensed something, so he deliberately threw away our people. Let's take action after a while. " Ding Huaibei's answer was not polite at all: "Director, if you make a big effort, then it will fail again, and then it will be exhausted. This is something that all children know. If we stop our efforts, what will the people below think? We should be bolder. "

Seeing that Xu Enzeng seemed to want to say something else, Ding Huaibei helped him light another cigarette and said, "I don't think Zuo Zhong has discovered our people. If he did, he would have come to the door with his style." Bar."

 Xu Enzeng glanced at Ding Huaibei and pondered for a moment: "Okay, since you have decided, then go ahead and do it."

He felt that what Ding Huaibei said was reasonable. Those who are serious and small will be punished. If he really found someone following him, he would probably kill a few people on the spot and then call him a remnant of Japanese spies.

Ding Huaibei felt really tired. It was clearly Xu Enzeng who first proposed the lesson, but now he had to persuade him himself. Ding Huaibei finally knew why the Secret Service Headquarters could not defeat the Secret Service.

Over the next few days, Ding Huaibei personally led people to follow Zuo Zhong. Zuo Zhong seemed unaware, which convinced him that things were exactly as he imagined, and that following Zuo Zhong that day was just an accident.

Ding Huaibei also found that they had no chance to arrest anyone. Zuo Zhong was either working at the Secret Service or going home to sleep. Except for drinking with two police school classmates, he was rarely alone outside.

Seeing Zuo Zhong walk into the house again, Ding Huaibei cursed in the car: "This Zuo Zhong must be an underground party. How can there be such a stoic young man? He must be interrogated after he is caught."

The agents in the branch looked at each other. They knew that Officer Ding was jealous. The smiling tiger was more capable, smarter, and more self-disciplined than him. No wonder he was so angry.

Ding Huaibei didn't want to delay it any longer: "No, we'll start on the road in two days."

A special agent's junior, then the car stopped, shot, and took away. Who would know that it was done by the agent headquarters. The other party caught so many Japanese spies. Maybe the Japanese revenge.

Yes, Ding Huaibei had murderous intentions, just like a special agent. Ding Huaibei was not prepared to let Zuo Zhong leave alive because he was smarter, more capable, and so self-disciplined.

For someone like him who has ambitions, plans and means, any potential rivals must be eradicated. This is very similar to Tang Cong, except that Ding Huaibei is more vicious.

Now that he has decided to force it, there is no point in following him any further. Ding Huaibei said to the agents: "Go back first, don't follow me."

 After saying that, a man drove away in a car, and the agents were not surprised. Officer Ding was very suspicious and never let anyone know his address. They had become accustomed to it these days.

Ding Huaibei watched the car circle around a few times and found that he was very clean behind him, so he slowly drove towards home. He had done many harms to others over the years, and he always felt that someone was trying to harm him.

Back home, Ding Huaibei ate something randomly and lay on the bed with his hands behind his head, imagining that one day he would be like Dai Chunfeng and Xu Enzeng, and fell asleep after thinking about it.

In the dream, he succeeded Director Chen and became the chairman's confidant, with power, money, and beauty. But just when he was about to become one person, Zuo Zhong suddenly appeared and kicked him down. He woke up from his dream.

 “Can’t keep him, absolutely can’t keep him.”

Ding Huaibei said to himself, "I learned Prime Minister Cao's bad habit without a teacher - I like to kill people in my dreams."

 “Deng Deng!”

At this time, someone knocked on his door. Who would find him here? Ding Huaibei suddenly woke up. He reached into the pillow and took out a pistol. He rolled and hid by the door.

 “Deng Deng!”

 “Open the door, there is your letter.”

letter? Ding Huaibei sneered. Absolutely no one knew that he was here and who gave him the letter. Did the other party regard him as a fool? Thinking of this, he slowly cocked the hammer.

“Mr. Zhang, I just saw that you are back. Here is your letter.”

The neighbor's voice suddenly sounded outside the door. Ding Huaibei frowned and opened the door a crack, with his right hand behind his back, as if he had just woken up, half of his body exposed.

There were two people standing outside the door. One was Mrs. Liu, the neighbor next door, and the other was a strange woman. She looked very simple and did not look like she had any weapons hidden on her body.

Ding Huaibei rubbed his eyes and pretended to be tired: "Thank you, Mrs. Liu. I just fell asleep and I disturbed you."

Mrs. Liu covered her blood basin and said with a sweet smile: "I saw you are back. You should pay attention to your health at such a young age, otherwise your brothers and sisters will have objections." After saying that, she twisted her hips and walked back to her home.

Ding Huaibei breathed a sigh of relief. This Mrs. Liu was too scary. He turned to look at the middle-aged woman: "You said you have a letter, who is it for?"

The woman said timidly: "This is a letter from your second uncle. I came to Jinling. He specifically gave me the address and asked me to come to you."

 Second uncle? Ding Huaibei was even more vigilant. His second uncle had gone to sell salted duck eggs a long time ago. Could it be that this letter was sent from the underworld? The fingers of his right hand behind him were on the trigger, and he took the letter awkwardly with his left hand.

Sell ​​salted duck eggs: Cantonese means dead.



 (End of this chapter)

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