Cicada Moving

Chapter 115: Lower set (middle)

  Chapter 115: Settlement (Part 2)

There is a line of writing on the envelope, indicating that this letter was written by an old man named Zhang to his nephew. His surname is Zhang? Could it be that his previous resident's surname was Zhang, which was the same as his pseudonym? Ding Huaibei seemed to understand a little bit.

Opening the letter, Ding Huaibei found that besides the piece of letter paper, there were several U.S. dollars. He calmly took out the letter paper and read it. The U.S. dollars were left untouched in the envelope.

The letter contained words from an elder urging the younger generation to study hard. He said that the harvest at home was good this year, so he went to the foreign bank in the concession to exchange a few U.S. dollars to fund tuition.

Ding Huaibei even saw traces of ink stained by his beard on the letter paper. He must have had a beautiful beard. Looking at the dozens of dollars in the envelope, Ding Huaibei smiled at the woman who delivered the letter.

“Thank you so much, auntie. I should have invited you to come in and sit down, but I’m just feeling a little unwell. Just take this little money as a thank you.” Ding Huaibei took out a silver dollar from his pocket.

A trace of greed flashed in the woman's eyes, and she waved her hands quickly: "Don't dare, if Mr. Zhang finds out, he will definitely blame me."

Ding Huaibei was completely relieved when he saw this, and put the money into her hand: "It's okay, just say it was given by me. My second uncle won't even blame me, so don't worry about taking it."

The woman left with a lot of gratitude. Ding Huaibei closed the door with a smile, looked at the letter in his hand and laughed: "There is such a good thing."

 After saying that, he took out the U.S. dollars from the envelope. As for the letter, he threw it on the table. Even if the previous tenant came back, wouldn't he still be afraid?

It's just that Ding Huaibei didn't notice that from the moment he opened the door, a camera began to record all his actions, including receiving letters, giving money, and closing the door, a complete intelligence handover procedure.

 “Old Song, did you take the picture clearly?”

“Don’t worry, Section Chief Gu, the photo was very clear. I didn’t expect the Section Chief to use the excuse of being a Japanese spy, hehe.”

“Silence! It’s clear that the Intelligence Section was tracking a Japanese spy and found her exchanging information with others.”

Gu Qi was also full of doubts. They found detailed information about Ding Huaibei, and then the section chief asked them to wait for the Japanese spy here, but would this be enough? Will the woman who sent the letter recant her confession?

But this had nothing to do with him. Gu Qi and Song Minghao retreated quietly. They wanted to return to the Intelligence Section to "report" this unexpected gain to Zuo Zhong, and they had to act it out as if it were real.

“What, you discovered that Japanese spies have contacted important cadres at the secret service headquarters! I’ll be right back.”

After Zuo Shige "learned" the news on the phone, he immediately rushed back to the Secret Service and saw several pieces of evidence that made him very satisfied. Hase Ryosuke did a good job.

"Look at the hateful face of this traitor. Lao Gu will arrest this Japanese spy immediately. He must pry her mouth open to find out what the relationship between this Ding Huaibei and her is."

Looking at the righteous Zuo Zhong, Gu Qi felt that he still needed to learn more, and immediately led people to prepare for an arrest operation, but it was a little strange that Wu Chunyang and Gui Youguang actually came for a pretentious arrest.

  Gu Qi set off with the action crew. This time, the target lived in a shanty town. When they arrived at the outskirts of the action site, he skillfully allocated his manpower to block roads and containment, treating it as a drill.

The agents who carried out the arrest were led by Wu Chunyang and Gui Youguang. Gu Qi ordered him to stand there and wait for the news, thinking about the section chief's plan. He always felt that there was something strange. He needed to be curious to get information, but he didn't need to be curious, but pursuing The truth is nature. If this matter is not clarified, Gucci will feel like it is stuck in its throat.

Suddenly, a small spy came to report: "Report to Deputy Section Chief Gu, the Japanese spy has been captured, and a pistol, a radio, and a secret code have been recovered."

Gucci nodded: "Oh, okay, I know. What! There is a radio station!"

 Gu Qi felt dizzy. Wasn't this a holiday spy arranged by the section chief? Where did he get the radio station and the secret code? He ran towards the target's house.

After arriving at the target's house, Gu Qi felt a wave of heat rush to his forehead due to the evidence there and the woman who was still looking fiercely after being pinned to the ground. She was really a Japanese spy. Damn it.

How did the section chief know that there would be Japanese spies going to see Ding Huaibei? Was there something wrong with Ding Huaibei himself, or could the section chief command the Japanese spies? Thinking about the scene of cracking the last radio station, Gu Qi was completely confused.

 Gui Youguang looked at the bite marks on his arms: "Bah, this woman's reaction is so fast. She would bite her collar when she saw us coming in. If I hadn't stretched out my hand, she would be dead now."

Wu Chunyang glanced at Gui Youguang and said nothing. In fact, he felt that it would be better if the spy died. Although there was no proof of death, Ding Huaibei could not escape the guilt based on the existing evidence.

Gu Qi was silent for a while: "Take all the people and things back. Don't let her die."

When the team returned to the Secret Service, Gu Qi directly found Zuo Zhong with a very serious expression and closed the office door.

Zuo Zhong was a little confused: "Lao Gu, what are you going to do? Has something happened?"

Gu Qi said sadly: "Section Chief, since I came to the Intelligence Department, thank you for taking care of me. So there are some things I shouldn't say, but I must say that cooperating with the Japanese is playing with fire and burning yourself!" Zuo Zhong held his head: "Wait. Yes, since when did I cooperate with the Japanese? "

Gu Qi stamped his foot: "Chief, please don't hide it from me. What's going on with that Japanese female spy? If you hadn't cooperated with the Japanese, would they be willing to throw out a spy?"

Zuo Zhong finally understood. He was a little dumbfounded, but also very happy. Lao Gu was a kind person. He was worried about himself. If he had ulterior motives, he would have reported it earlier.

Seeing that Zuo Zhong was silent, Gu Qi gritted his teeth and said, "If you let Virgo know that you are cooperating with the Japanese, your life will be in danger and the female spy must be eliminated."

Zuo Zhong smiled and patted Gu Qi on the shoulder: "Old Gu, there are no permanent enemies in our business, only permanent interests. Do you understand the meaning of this sentence?"

 Gu Qi felt that Zuo Zhong was a bit strange. How could he say such a thing? Didn't he hate the Japanese the most? Now he was talking about interests. This made Gu Qi feel very disappointed.

Looking at his expression, Zuo Zhong knew that Gu Qi was thinking wrong again, so he pulled him to the sofa and whispered: "As long as there are enough benefits, the Japanese can also be our people, are you right?"

 Gu Qi trembled and looked at Zuo Zhong in disbelief, hoping that Zuo Zhong would give him a response. Zuo Zhong smiled and nodded to him, which was regarded as acknowledging his suspicion. This was Zuo Zhong's long-awaited plan.


The Japanese have our moles in their intelligence agencies! Gu Qi finally understood. No wonder the Intelligence Department had cracked down on the Japanese spy team again and again. This was actually the reason. In fact, he still wanted to cross the border, but Zuo Zhong was not prepared to explain.

 Gu Qi slapped his thigh: "Oh, section chief, I shouldn't have thought so wildly that I thought you were cooperating with the Japanese."

Zuo Zhong laughed heartily: "It's okay, we have a heart-to-heart talk today. This is what comrades need to be honest about."

 The two laughed again, and then Gu Qi asked for instructions: "What should we do next? Do we need to interrogate the spy first?"

"No need." Zuo Zhong said meaningfully: "We should investigate it ourselves, so as not to prevent others from thinking that our secret service is seeking revenge, are you right?"

Gu Qi suddenly realized: "Then there is no need to arrest Ding Huaibei. The problems of one place can be solved by the other place."

Zuo Zhong and Gu Qi looked at each other and said in tacit understanding: "Heroes see the same thing, hahahaha."

 Xu Enzeng suddenly felt a little cold in his sleep. He pushed the beauty beside him out, grabbed a quilt and wrapped himself in it. He muttered: "Zuo Zhong, Zuo Zhong, let's see how proud you are."

The beauty sighed helplessly, but she didn't know who the name of the person beside her was. Could it be her new sweetheart? She wrote down the name specially and decided to ask someone if she had a chance.

The next day, a refreshed Xu Enzeng walked into the office. Before he could ask Ding Huaibei about the operation, he was scolded by Director Chen on the phone.

"Xu Enzeng, what are you doing? How did Ding Huaibei become a Japanese spy! Do you want me to count for you? Your secretary and his two good friends, Chen Jianzhong, Mi Genshen, Wang Aofu, and now there is another one Ding Huaibei.”

Xu Enzeng listened to Director Chen's rage and didn't even react. Who is the traitor? Ding Huaibei? But wasn't Ding Huaibei following Zuo Zhong? Why did he become a Japanese spy?

He quickly explained: "Director Chen, Ding Huaibei can't be a Japanese spy. You know him.

Director Chen roared angrily: "I don't know anything about it. Both offices have sent us photos. It's clear how he was photographed communicating with a Japanese spy. The Japanese spy is already in the hands of the Secret Service, as well as the radio station."

Xu Enzeng argued: "This must be a trick of the Secret Service. Director, you must believe in Huaibei."

Director Chen was very happy: "The Second Division just caught the spy. Director Dai is afraid of misunderstanding and is going to hand over the spy to you, so you can verify it yourself. Are you thinking too much?"

 If Dai Chunfeng hadn't been so open-minded, Director Chen would have been a little suspicious. But now that they won't investigate, you will be asked to investigate on your own. What's the problem? There can't really be such a thing as a dead soldier.

Xu Enzeng knew something was wrong. This must be the little thief Zuo Zhong seeking revenge. He quickly told the whole story without caring about others. Director Chen made no move after hearing this.

Xu Enzeng looked at the phone in confusion, as if he hadn't hung up, so he put the phone to his ear again.

"Xu Enzeng, you bastard! Director Dai is here with me now. Please explain to him why you want to follow Zuo Zhong!" Director Chen hung up the phone with a bang.

Xu Enzeng fell down on the stool, it was over. Now not only Ding Huaibei was in danger, but also the matter of monitoring and tracking Zuo Zhong was exposed. Why was his life so miserable?

   If you can, help to promote this book, and the rest will be up to you, okay?



 (End of this chapter)

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