Cicada Moving

Chapter 116: Set (below)

Chapter 116: Settlement (Part 2)

Xu Enzeng really didn't want to see Dai Chunfeng, but he had to obey Director Chen's orders. Without Director Chen as his backer, he would not be able to survive in the Bureau of Statistics. He was so helpless that he asked the driver to drive slower. It would take one second to feel comfortable. .

Just as the car drove out of a gate, Xu Enzeng happened to see Ding Huaibei with a smile on his face. He sighed in his heart, Brother Huaibei, I hope you can laugh in the future.

“Director Xu, are you going to the bureau headquarters?” Ding Huaibei greeted him with a smile.

Xu Enzeng said vaguely: "Yes, let's put the matter at Zuo Zhong aside for now. I'll come to you if I have anything to do when I come back."

Dai Chunfeng said that Ding Huaibei was in contact with Japanese spies, and there were photos to prove it. Regardless of whether this was true or not, he definitely couldn't follow Zuo Zhong anymore. There might be a bigger crime against him.

Ding Huaibei was still happy about yesterday's windfall. He didn't notice Xu Enzeng's ugly face. He just thought that he might have a mission. Zuo Zhong was not in a hurry and could get it done at any time.

He continued to smile: "Okay, Director, I'll go in first."

 Xu Enzeng nodded, yes, you are about to go in, but he was surprised. Ding Huaibei is usually serious about words, but today he was as happy as picking up money. He was cheerful from beginning to end.

Too lazy to bother with Ding Huaibei's affairs, Xu Enzeng thought about how to deal with Dai Chunfeng later, especially how to explain the tracking operation against Zuo Zhong. For the first time, he felt that the distance from one place to the bureau headquarters was so short.

The car went slower and slower, but Xu Enzeng still arrived at the headquarters building of the Bureau of Military Statistics. He didn't even stop to say hello to the staff, and he went directly to the door of Director Chen's office.

A knife to extend his head is also a knife to shrink his head. No matter what, Dai Chunfeng must give Director Chen some face. Xu Enzeng encouraged himself and knocked on the door of the office.


"come in."

Xu Enzeng closed his eyes and took a deep breath, and then walked in. As a result, he did not see the hateful Dai Chunfeng, which made him feel relieved that he finally did not have to be humiliated in front of him.

Director Chen saw his behavior and sneered: "Xu Enzeng, Xu Enzeng, others are like mud and can't hold up the wall. I think you are just a pile of mud. I can't lift you up even if I want to."

Xu Enzeng blushed: "Director, I don't even know what happened. How could Ding Huaibei collude with Japanese spies? It must have been framed by that little **** Zuo Zhong."

Speaking of this, Director Chen became even more angry: "Why are you following Zuo Zhong? Is he an underground party or a Japanese spy? You have gone too far. Dai Chunfeng has decided to complain to the committee!"

No matter how much the First and Second Divisions fight, there must be one principle, that is, they cannot attack important personnel of the other side, let alone assassinate them. If they really want to do this, Director Chen is afraid that one day he will be blown up by a bomb.

Xu Enzeng argued: "We just felt that Zuo Zhong was acting suspiciously, so we sent people to follow him. Apart from going to work, this guy spent time with his classmates and spent the rest of his time at home. Does the party and state have such cadres?"

Director Chen was very happy: "If you don't eat, drink, gamble, you are an underground party, and if you don't form gangs, you are an underground party. Do you think the party and state cadres are just a bunch of losers? Do you dare to say this in front of the Chairman?"

This Xu Enzeng is really out of his mind, and he dares to say such things. Although there are few cadres like Zuo Zhong, they are not absent. For example, a certain confidant of the chairman of the committee can be regarded as honest and honest.

Of course, this was all off topic. Director Chen remembered the purpose of calling him here: "Look at these photos. Although Ding Huaibei is my confidant, the more this happens, the more strict the requirements. You secretly sent someone to Dai Chunfeng to receive the report." Japanese spy."

Xu Enzeng looked at the photos on the table. They showed Ding Huaibei talking to a middle-aged woman and exchanging items. There were also some photos of radio stations and weapons. It looked like the same thing.

Director Chen turned around and stroked the ore specimens on the museum shelf, and sighed: "I also believe in Huaibei, but the evidence is so conclusive that I can't believe it. You must pry open the woman's mouth after you take over, and report the results to me alone."

Who in the bureau doesn't know that Ding Huaibei is Director Chen's man. If Ding Huaibei is really traitorous and seeking glory, his face will not look good. Dai Chunfeng also knew this, so he transferred the case to the first department.

Xu Enzeng obeyed his orders: "Okay, Director, I will find out the matter and report it to you alone."

Director Chen turned his back to him and waved his hand: "Go and find out as soon as possible."

 Xu Enzeng left the bureau headquarters with a sad face. After thinking for a while, he did not go back to the headquarters. Instead, he went to the Jinling Party Headquarters, where there is a peripheral agency of the Statistics Bureau - the Jinling Party Headquarters Investigation Office.

This is the direct power of Director Chen and his brother, relying on another set of intelligence agencies developed by party headquarters in various places. Although they have little operational power, there is still no problem in investigating the Ding Huaibei case.

Ding Huaibei has a lot of connections in one place, so using people from one place to investigate him is not conducive to confidentiality. The agents in the investigation room are all transferred to Jinling from other places, and they usually don't show off. Now it's time to play their role.

The people in the investigation room were surprised by Xu Enzeng's intention, but after reporting to Director Chen, they immediately sent someone to the Secret Service and successfully brought back the criminal and the evidence. Dai Chunfeng and Zuo Zhong cooperated very well.

The more this happened, the more unsure Xu Enzeng felt. He knew that Dai Chunfeng could not be so kind. Could that woman really be a Japanese spy, and that was why she was so confident?

Xu Enzeng told the director of the investigation office: "You must be careful. You must not wrongly accuse a good person, nor let a bad person go. The director requires that official matters be handled impartially and must not be based on personal interests."

The special agent in the party investigation room has not encountered any cases in a year, and this is the first time he has taken on a case involving a Japanese spy. Xu Enzeng is a little worried that the other party is eager for success and will resort to beatings. In fact, he was worried in vain. The Japanese female spy looked fierce, but in fact she was not as tough as she seemed. The people in the party investigation room tortured her for three days, but she was completely abandoned before the last resort was adopted.

Director Chen and Xu Enzeng were horrified by the results of the interrogation. Ding Huaibei had indeed defected to Japan. According to the female agent, she was an intelligence officer directly under the Super High School Division. This time she was ordered to contact an important mole lurking in the Chinese intelligence agency.

And the mole was Ding Huaibei, the director-general of the Secret Service Headquarters. As long as he accepted the letter, formal contact was established. There was also another article in the letter. The Japanese used the method of indentation and secret writing to issue the first mission to Ding Huaibei.

Director Chen looked at the confession and swept away everything on the table: "White-eyed wolf, white-eyed wolf who can't be fed enough! Don't I trust him Ding Huaibei enough? Don't I trust him enough? Why should he vote for Japan?"

Xu Enzeng quietly took a few steps back: "We still have to find the letter now. These are just one-sided words from the Japanese. Is there a conspiracy in it, such as borrowing a knife to kill people?"

Director Chen breathed heavily: "Go, go to that address immediately to search. As soon as it is proven that there is something wrong with the letter, arrest Ding Huaibei immediately. He knows too many things, and we must not let him run away."

In fact, Ding Huaibei did not run away, and the letter was easily found. When Xu Enzeng kicked open the door of Ding Huaibei's room, the letter was just placed on the table without any cover.

Xu Enzeng took the letter and read it over and over several times, but couldn't see anything wrong. Indentation and stenography were not high-tech. They just used hard objects to leave some traces on the paper that were difficult to distinguish with the naked eye.

But the letter paper was full of words, so the indentation would lose its effect. Xu Enzeng thought for a while, took the envelope thrown aside, and took a quick look and knew something was wrong.

The personnel file in the first department is very detailed. Ding Huaibei's second uncle is clearly dead. How could he send a letter to him? Xu Enzeng turned the back of the envelope to the sun and observed that there were some marks on it.

At this time, in the Secret Service, Gu Qi blew out a puff of smoke and asked: "Section Chief, do you think those idiots in Section 1 can find those things? I'm really worried."

Zuo Zhong handed him the ashtray: "Don't worry, Xu Enzeng has been doing intelligence work for so many years. This little trick can't be hidden from him. It's more credible for him to find out on his own than for us to remind him."

 Gu Qi chuckled and said: "Section Chief, what is Ding Huaibei's first task?"

Zuo Zhong looked mysteriously in the direction of the Bureau of Statistics: "Nothing, I just asked Ding Huaibei to collect some private information about Director Chen's brothers. The Japanese are indeed very interested in these two big shots."

 “Cough, cough.”

 Gu Qi was choked. Ding Huaibei would die in this way. No one could accept being betrayed by his confidant. It is estimated that even Xu Enzeng would also suffer. The section chief was still so vicious. No, decisive.

While the two were talking, Dai Chunfeng walked into Zuo Zhong's office happily. Gu Qi was so frightened that he quickly put out his cigarette **** and stood up, shouting with Zuo Zhong: "I've seen Virgo."

Dai Chunfeng smiled and waved his hand, and then walked to the main seat unceremoniously: "Gu Qi, please go out first. I have something to discuss with Shen Zhong, which will delay your business."

Gu Qi stood up straight: "Yes." Then he immediately opened the door and left. He knew that Dai Chunfeng had something to discuss with Zuo Zhong, which was probably related to Ding Huaibei.

Watching Gu Qi leave, Dai Chunfeng looked at his proud disciple with satisfaction: "Shen Zhong, do you know what I am most satisfied with about you? That is knowing the overall situation. If Zheng Tingbing wants to mix in the sand, you can use it for your own purposes. Okay!"

Zuo Zhong replied seriously: "As long as it is out of public interest, why can't comrades be honest with each other? We are afraid of conspiracy and conspiracy like Xu Enzeng. This is worthy of our vigilance."

Dai Chunfeng smiled: "Your plan this time is very good. If everything goes smoothly in Changgu, the Japanese will also be suspicious. The arrest of a senior intelligence officer of the Special High School this time can also prove that we have not given up on tracking the Special High School." ”

 Zo Shige also smiled. After Ryosuke Hase took over the Super High School, it was very smooth. The Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs specially praised the work of the Super High School in Shanghai. This time, it was more real to catch a special high school spy.

"Woooooooo." It was late autumn, and a strong wind suddenly blew in Jinling City. Pedestrians on the street covered their mouths and eyes for fear of being blinded by the flying sand and rocks.

Dai Chunfeng looked at the fallen leaves falling outside the window and suddenly said, "Ding Huaibei's time is running out. It's a pity that we can't drag Xu Enzeng down with him."

Looking at the big tree bent by the wind, Zuo Zhong comforted: "There is always a chance, teacher, don't worry."

When Ding Huaibei returned home from get off work, he was knocked unconscious with a stick before he realized anything was wrong. Looking at his old colleague who was twitching on the ground, Xu Enzeng felt very complicated, but he still ordered the secret agent: "Clean up the scene and sink it directly into the river." ”

In the Military Statistics Bureau in the distance, Director Chen put a letter into the brazier and watched it being engulfed by the flames until it turned into a puff of black smoke. Looking at the wind and rain outside the window, Director Chen said to himself: "Don't blame me. Ah, you are doing this to your own fault."

 (In the future, there will occasionally be easter eggs in the author’s words, as a feedback to genuine readers, and will not affect the reading experience in other channels.)

The next chapter has been revised several times, otherwise it will be very dangerous. There should be no inappropriate words. It has been described and changed directly to transition. Please understand.

(Hase Ryosuke stood in front of Iwai with a look of remorse: "Iwai-kun, this is all my fault. I was so blinded by victory that a senior intelligence officer was arrested."

Iwai stood up, walked around the table and patted his shoulder: "It doesn't matter, this is inevitable. Compared with the special work class, you have done a very good job, Chang Gu."

"Hai, thank you Iwai-kun. I heard that there are some imperial dancers coming to the Shanghai nightclub. They are very beautiful." Hase Ryosuke suddenly mentioned another thing.

Hearing this, Iwai's expression became serious: "Oh? But I heard that there are government intelligence agents there. Please accompany me to conduct personal reconnaissance. This matter cannot be delayed.")



 (End of this chapter)

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