Cicada Moving

Chapter 1096: Don’t ask the common people, ask ghosts and gods

Chapter 1096 Don’t ask the common people, ask the ghosts and gods

“The Central News Agency reported today that we hope that the situation can be reined in and the illegal intelligence operations against the Kuomintang-controlled areas can be stopped. The anti-war plan cannot be destroyed. The local governments should unite with the Central Committee and be united in dealing with the outside world.

Chief Xu of the Bureau of Investigation and Statistics of the Central Executive Committee, I would like to advise those dissidents who are lucky enough to escape that the government is willing to accept all those who can turn back in time and abandon the dark side and turn to the bright side, and they will never fall behind."

In Dai Chunfeng's office, the female announcer's lazy voice came from the radio. Lao Dai sat on the sofa and reached out to turn off the switch, and sneered and said to Zuo Zhong next to him.

“Shen Zhong, the man named Xu should be proud this time. He destroyed more than a dozen underground party strongholds in one fell swoop. Although he did not capture anyone alive, he also killed Zhou Yujun, the underground party’s intelligence chief in the mountain city.

Thinking of this guy's face now, I really want to ask him whether Zhou Yujun was accidentally killed by them, or whether he was shot dead on the spot in the crossfire like what was said on the radio. "

 Lao Dai's expression was a little distorted, with envy, jealousy, hatred and other emotions all concentrated on that old face. Zuo Zhong wanted to laugh, so he quickly persuaded Teacher Cheap.

"Teacher, you don't have to worry about it. Xu Enzeng was lucky this time. First he found out the leaked documents of the Supreme National Defense Council out of nowhere, and then he tried his luck and caught Meng Ting. But in our industry, we can't rely on luck all our lives. "

 “Why not?!”

When this matter was mentioned, Dai Chunfeng became even more angry: "Calculate for yourself, how many times has this happened? Those **** from Zhongtong don't even have to go check it out. They can touch the ground just by standing on the roadside." ┴Xia Dang, last time it was the person in charge of the Special Branch, this time it is Meng Ting, Shen Zhong, do you want to find a gentleman to take a look? "

 At the cheap teacher's nonsense, Zuo Chongqian laughed twice and did not answer. After all, it was tradition for Lao Dai to engage in superstitious activities.

When the other party was at Huangpu Military Academy, he had a free day and wandered on the street. He met a blind fortune teller. Under the influence of his parents, Lao Dai, who was already superstitious, decided to come forward and make a fortune.

After he told his birth date, the blind man counted his fingers and said that he was destined to be rich and powerful, but he was short of water in the five elements. If he had water, he would surely prosper in the future.

Dai Chunfeng had heard about the lack of water in life before from his mother, and now that the fortune teller had revealed it, he was more convinced, but he just didn't know what to do.

The blind fortune teller gave him an idea. Since his name has been changed, he should use a word with water in it to make up for the lack of water in his life.

After hearing this absurd statement, Dai Chunfeng believed it so much that he immediately gave himself a name - Yunong, according to what the blind fortune teller said. Not only that, after the establishment of the Secret Service, his series of aliases all contained the character "water". , such as Tu Qingbo, Shen Peilin, Hong Miao, etc.

 Sometimes Zuo Zhong really wanted to ask Lao Dai, why not just call him Miaomiao? With one step, he would no longer have to worry about the lack of water in the five elements.

And as the official became bigger and his status became higher, Lao Dai became more and more superstitious, sometimes to the point of being crazy.

No matter where he works, Dai Chunfeng must ask a feng shui master to build the office according to the location of the door, the placement of items in the house, and the surrounding conditions of the house.

During the construction process, whenever the construction workers made a slight change to the layout required by Mr. Feng Shui, Lao Dai would also ask them to dismantle and rebuild, which wasted a lot of already tight office funds.

After the government moved westward, the military headquarters moved to Luojiawan. At that time, the front door of Dai Chunfeng's office was blocked by a building, making it inconvenient to enter and exit. Therefore, he wanted to change the location of the door.

As usual, Li Qiwu found a local master in the mountain city. After reading it, he told Lao Dai that the gate could not be changed. Lao Dai was puzzled. The master said that if the position of the gate was changed, it would cause "five ghosts passing through the palace." ", which is unlucky for people.

At least it will cause disaster if he loses his wealth, but at worst it will lead to disasters one after another, which will be detrimental to his official career. After hearing this, Dai Chunfeng immediately gave up the idea of ​​changing the gate. This matter spread a lot in the military tradition.

In addition, the backup office of the military commander is located in Ciqikou. After going here to see the Feng Shui, the master said that the entrance of the gate here is too big and cannot gather energy. It is recommended to build a wall as thick as the city wall not far from the gate. Dai Chunfeng happily complied with the request.

What is even more speechless is that Dai Chunfeng is also very superstitious when it comes to hiring people. Before hiring a person, he must check whether there is a bone on the back of the person's head. People with a bone on the back of the head will not be used, no matter how capable they are.

Zuo Zhongde was grateful to his parents for giving him an ordinary appearance and no rebellious nature. Otherwise, let alone sneaking into the secret service, he might not have been able to leave the Zhejiang Provincial Police Academy.

Based on the above things, it is not surprising that Dai Chunfeng said that he wanted to find someone to "take a look". He is just the head of an intelligence agency and does not ask the people or ghosts when encountering something. It is really sad and ridiculous.

But on the surface, Zuo Zhong nodded repeatedly and promised to find a master with "high magical power" to take a look. Anyway, the money came out of the military commander's small treasury, and maybe he could get some benefits, so why not do it? .

Perhaps he was afraid that his proud disciple would think he was confused, so Dai Chunfeng later deliberately explained it, saying that there were two big figures in his hometown in Jiangshan.

 One is Mao Kai, who passed the Jinshi examination during the Jiajing period of the Ming Dynasty and later became the minister of the Ministry of punishment.

 One is Chai Daji, the former land admiral of Min Province and a first-rank official.

These two people had outstanding abilities and were loyal to the country. However, they were framed and died without a burial place. This made Dai Chunfeng, who also held a high position, always think of himself.

Upon seeing this, Zuo Zhong quickly comforted him and blurted out all kinds of nice words as if for free, making the cheap teacher smile. The master and the apprentice vividly performed what it means to be a master who is kind and a disciple who is filial. After chatting for a while, Dai Chunfeng, who was in a better mood, suppressed his smile, stretched his head towards Zuo Zhong, and whispered something, or assigned an important task.

“Shen Zhi, you know the situation in Europe. The German tanks crushed Poland, but this is just the beginning. Once such a huge war machine is started, it will not be shut down so easily.

Even if the head of state wants to stop, the industrial and commercial owners and generals in Germany will not agree. Therefore, I conclude that Europe will continue to fight in the future, and they will fight until the sky falls apart.

In case Britain and France cannot hold on, they decide to unite Europe and the United States to resolve the Sino-Japanese War (section 1082), I am afraid that they will be criticized by some reckless people. For this reason, we must prepare countermeasures in advance.

According to the strategic deduction of the military Weihui staff, the committee members believed that now is the time to talk to the Japanese. As long as the price is appropriate, this matter must be done even if it is branded as a traitor. "

 In addition to being superstitious at certain times, Dai Chunfeng is very qualified as the director of the military command, and his analysis of the world situation is very far-sighted, proving once again that no one will succeed for no reason.

 But peace talks?

 With the Japanese?

Even though he had known for a long time that in a certain time and space, the man with the head of a man and a rat had repeatedly launched secret negotiations with the Japanese, Zuo Zhong was still furious in his heart, and the hands hidden behind his back were tightly clenched into fists.

Millions of soldiers who died on the front line after the war, as well as the innocent civilians who died, and the hundreds of stars on the memorial wall to the unsung heroes of the military, can they be passed by if the price is right, or can they be forgotten?

 But if he falls out with Dai Chunfeng and someone, then everything he has done before will be in vain. Not only will he be in danger, but many, many people will be buried with him.

If nothing else, Wu Chunyang, Gu Qi and others cannot escape. Even the entire senior military leadership has to be replaced. It is very fatal for a deputy of the intelligence agency to disagree with the senior leadership.

 A person can do whatever it takes to achieve his goal, as long as he doesn't harm the people around him. Being a human being requires emotions.

After a moment of silence, Zuo Zhong raised his head and smiled: "The committee is far-sighted and I feel ashamed of my humble position. But do you want the students to contact the Japanese? Do you want to use Nobita?"

 “No, Daxiong must not use it.”

Lao Dai can still distinguish the seriousness of things. It is extremely uneconomical to use an insider who hides high-level Japanese intelligence for an undetermined matter, and he is not prepared to do so.

 Then, he knocked on the coffee table in front of him and said calmly: "What you have to do now is to have a department conduct public opinion monitoring of people from all walks of life, focusing on those activists clamoring for joint resistance against Japan.

Organize their list, start the peace talks, and immediately secretly monitor these people. As long as they are found to have contact with the northwest, they will be eliminated. The old rule is that no one will be seen alive, and no corpse will be seen dead. "

 Dai Chunfeng's tone was full of murderous intent. In his opinion, the opponents were all destabilizing factors in society and they should be killed. Then he introduced the specific content of the task.

“In addition, when necessary, you will lead a team responsible for the logistics and security work of the peace talks. Peace talks are not a trivial matter. The above will gather relevant personnel together to analyze and study the contents of the treaty one by one.

These contents must not be leaked to others. Don’t trust others when making appointments. I have specially appointed your general. Be careful. This matter is of great importance. You must not make any mistakes, otherwise."

 “Teacher, the students think this is inappropriate.”

Before Dai Chunfeng could finish speaking, Zuo Zhong immediately interrupted the other party and explained: "Teacher, listen to me, such important security work must not be handled by one person or one agency.

It should be implemented by multiple people or multiple agencies, with mutual supervision to avoid abuse of power for personal gain. I suggest that Zhongtong and Xu Enzeng be involved to show the unity of our military commanders. "

 The information on the peace talks will definitely be leaked. The outside world and the northwest must be made aware of the details of the peace talks between the government and Japan, in order to urge someone to stop this traitorous behavior.

If he was the only one responsible for the security work, where would he find a scapegoat after the news leaked? With Zhongtong and Xu Enzeng, it was different. As for Zhongtong, isn't it normal for problems to arise?

In line with the mentality that it is better to trick someone well than to trick him, Zuo Zhong decisively dragged Xu Enzeng into the trap. As for how to obtain and pass on the information when the time came, he could still do it even without a mobile phone.

Having been doing intelligence work for so long, if you rely on the system for everything, it will undoubtedly be a failure. You have to use your subjective initiative. Thinking about Zuo Zhong's neck is a little itchy.

Unexpectedly, before he finished speaking, Lao Dai pointed at him and laughed happily: "It's better, Shen Zhong, you understand me. Don't worry. At that time, I suggested to the committee that the Central Commander-in-Chief and the Military Commander-in-Chief should jointly take charge of this matter.

Our military commander is responsible for the specific work, and the central commander is responsible for supervision. I always have an ominous premonition that if something happens, it will be him, Xu Enzeng, who will take the blame, and it has nothing to do with us master and apprentice. "

  嚯, Lao Dai can forget it if he only knows how to pinch it.

Zuo Zhong looked solemn and patted his chest to ensure that nothing would happen to him as long as he was there. Dai Chunfeng smiled and nodded, saying that he was still there and could rest easy.

 (End of this chapter)

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