Cicada Moving

Chapter 1097: stumbling block

Chapter 1097 Stumbling Block

One day in March 1940, the Yunxiu Tower of the Huangshan official residence was heavily guarded. Groups of young men wearing military uniforms or civilian clothes patrolled inside and outside the building with vigilant eyes.

On the road outside, there are German police dogs, led by security personnel, responsible for checking pedestrians and vehicles to prevent anyone from sneaking into the security area of ​​the official residence to do evil things. It can be regarded as a lesson learned from the air raid incident.

Since the last air raid on Huangshan, the Attendant’s Office’s security requirements for the official residence have reached the point of being picky. After all, the Attendant’s Office is also located here, and no one of the officers wants to receive a bomb with bare hands.

Someone was reviewing documents in a renovated office. After a long time, an attendant knocked on the door and walked in quickly. He bent down and whispered something in his ear.

 “Oh? Okay, let him come in quickly.”

Hearing the attendant's report, someone immediately put down his pen and issued an order. His expression could not tell whether he was happy or unhappy, but the tangled look in his eyes was lingering.

A few days ago, the military commander reported the latest intelligence from the Japanese side. Ji will "return the capital" to Jinling at the end of this month. Obviously, the Japanese's goal of supporting the opponent to compete with the mountain city has been achieved.

In addition, the three puppet governments of Mongolia, North China and Jinling Provisional Government supported by Japan were originally planning to start negotiations with Ji in January in an attempt to unite against Shancheng. The negotiation location was located in the island city of Shandong Province.

 Fortunately, the secret talks between Yan Baichuan and the Japanese were suddenly exposed by the Northwest. Major newspapers published the contents of the contract and a copy of the contract, including the signatures of representatives of both parties, almost on the same day.

For a time, the whole Jin army was scolded by the angry people all over the country. The money-hungry Yan Baichuan was so angry that he smashed several antiques from the previous dynasty.

When something like this happened, Mr. Ji, the four parties of the Provisional Government of Mongolia, North China, and Jinling tacitly forgot about the island city talks and buried their heads in the sand to pretend to be ostriches.

But the turmoil about this matter will pass sooner or later. When Ji returns to the capital, if these parties join forces again, the mountain city will be in a very embarrassing situation.

 Who will be the central government then? Who is the rebel?

So someone has to worry and be nervous. After losing most of the essence of the country, losing the "capital", and losing its orthodox status, the government will have nothing to do.

At this time, the guard just brought in a middle-aged man wearing a foreign suit. When the visitor saw this person, he immediately stopped in front of the desk and bowed, saying hello.


“Okay, Liao Bin, stop talking about the unnecessary nonsense. What do the Japanese say?”

Before the visitor could finish speaking, someone interrupted him rudely, then stood up and stood under a large photo of the former president, looking at the visitor coldly with sharp eyes.

There was no change in Liao Bin's expression in his mouth, and he still replied respectfully: "Commissioner, the Japanese have previously stated that as long as the central government accepts peace negotiations, Japan can give up Ji Ni or withdraw its troops when necessary, and General Itagaki will come to the mountain city to meet you in person."


Someone's face changed slightly. Itagaki was Seishiro Itagaki. He once served as Japan's Minister of War. He was dismissed due to his jumping up and down in the conflict between Japan and Red Russia. He currently serves as the first chief of staff of the Republic of China Expeditionary Force. He is a real military power. group.

The other party was willing to take the risk to come to the mountain city, which showed that the Japanese were indeed sincere in peace talks. This gave someone a glimmer of hope, but Liao Bin's next words directly made him furious.

Liao Bin quietly glanced at the gleaming head behind the desk and whispered: "However... the Japanese have become much tougher recently and believe that the government should promise to give up the anti-Japanese policy and stop cooperating with the underground party.

And pledged to work with Ji Ni to re-establish a new government or merge with the central government, formally adjust diplomatic relations, achieve good neighborliness and friendship, jointly prevent the epidemic, and provide economic support.

Moreover, it must also recognize the "Mite Island Country". Japanese troops have the right to station in key areas in North China and Mongolia, as well as in North China and the lower reaches of Changjiang, to achieve "economic cooperation" between Japan and China. After the restoration of public security, Japan will take the initiative to withdraw its troops outside the Red Redemption Agreement. . "

 “That’s not true!”

After hearing this, a certain person's face turned red with anger and he slapped the hard mahogany table hard. This is not a peace talk. It would be better for him and the government to surrender directly.

He knew why the Japanese were so confident. It was simply the existence of Mr. Ji and that gang of traitors that gave the Japanese the confidence to deal with the government. These traitors were really harming the country and the people!

But after all, he has always been in a high position, so someone's gaffe only lasted for a while, and he soon returned to his usual calm. He waved his hand and asked the attendants to take Liao Bin away.

Liao Bin was so frightened that he didn't even dare to express his anger. He bowed his head obediently and walked out. Although the two countries were at war and would not kill the envoy, the problem was that he was a traitor, not an envoy.

If you really anger this guy, even if he dies here, no one will care. As for the Japanese, don't be kidding, he doesn't think the other party will avenge him.

After he left, the door was closed. Someone frowned and thought for a long time, then picked up the phone on the table and dialed an internal number, and said something to the person on the phone in a deep voice.

"Chunfeng, please bring Shen Zhong to Huangshan immediately. Well, let's notify Zhu Liuxian and Xu Enzeng to come to the mansion. I have something I need you to do." After saying that, he hung up the phone and sat back. Sitting on the chair, he continued to work on the official documents with an expressionless face, seemingly forgetting the unpleasantness just now, but only he knew what he was thinking.

As for why the leaders of the military commander and the central commander should come together, the reason is to check and balance. No matter how bad the performance of the central commander is, the person in charge must keep a bowl of water in check.

Moreover, in the Meng Ting matter, Xu Enzeng did a very good job. Not only did he combat the arrogance of the Northwest in terms of intelligence, he also gave the underground party an "embarrassment" in politics, and even eliminated the internal ghosts within the government. .

 No matter how you look at it, Central Unification should be given a chance. Otherwise, it will not be a good thing for anyone if the military is unified and the whole family dominates.

Dai Chunfeng, who was far away in Luojiawan in the city, slowly put the microphone back on the compression spring, with an uncertain expression. Finally, he looked at the proud disciple who came to pay his respects and asked in surprise.

“Shen Zhong, you just heard me, do you think the committee has something for us to do, yet we still insist on asking the Central Committee to do it? Is it because there is an underground party spy in the bureau?”

Hearing the word spy, Zuo Zhong shook his head without blushing. He had no psychological quality at all and was still acting as a lurking agent. Then he calmly started to analyze Teacher Cheap.

"Teacher, don't worry. The students think that the committee should be worried about the peace talks. Ji is about to return to the capital. There are rumors that the other party intends to unite with the Provisional Government of Mongolia, North China, and the former Jinling. We are with the puppet government." The power is getting closer.

The Japanese have always been cunning and changeable. It is probably because of this reason that they are open to the leaders and the lions of the government. I think that the committee meeting with the teacher must have wanted us to find opportunities to assassinate one or two traitors, thereby destroying the cooperation between the four traitor forces. .

Without these people to help the tyranny, the Japanese's pitiful military strength alone would not even be able to maintain law and order in the occupied areas, let alone attack the Kuomintang-controlled areas.

Don't forget, guerrilla warfare is carried out every day in the northwest. The Japanese's logistics transportation lines have been attacked many times, and the troops are very short. Without the help of the puppet army, the enemy will definitely be in a hurry.

 At that time, it will not be us who are eager for peace talks, but the Japanese, and it will be the national government that will set the conditions. The war is expected to end in a short time, and the peace that the people have long awaited is about to come. "

 Zuo Zhong skillfully opened his eyes and told lies, but the reason why someone asked them to go to the official residence was the truth. Unlike what laymen thought, most of the information was not obtained through stealing, but through analysis.

This person is not indecisive by nature, but his will to resist Japan has never been firm. He had been hooking up with the Japanese in the past few years. This time he decided to negotiate for peace, and naturally he had to remove the stumbling blocks that hindered him.

For example, those democrats who advocated joint anti-Japanese resistance, or Ji's "allies", whoever dared to stop them would be eliminated. However, in this matter, the other party was decisive in killing and had the demeanor of an ancient hero.

Dai Chunfeng on the opposite side nodded slightly. Hearing what Zuo Zhong said, he felt relieved. As long as the military commander was not a spy, the military commander could never become like the central commander.

The next second, he walked to the mirror and straightened his appearance, and said calmly: "This matter is not difficult to handle. The person named Ji is very different from those people. If you teach them a lesson, these people will not have time to take care of themselves.

Let the Daocheng Station be prepared. If the puppet government really holds talks there, they will punish those traitors and seek glory at all costs. I don’t want casualties, I just want the heads of those traitors! "

Speaking these words categorically, Lao Dai turned around and motioned Zuo Zhong to call Zhu Liuxian and Xu Enzeng. He was allergic to Xu Enzeng's voice, especially to Xu Enzeng's proud voice.

 Zuo Zhong, dumbfounded, immediately contacted the Central Unification Office and asked the operator to connect Shen Dongxin's number. This guy had been "recuperating" in the hospital for more than half a month and had already returned to work.

And that beautiful nurse is already Director Shen’s girlfriend. The biggest goal has been achieved. It would be unreasonable for Shen Dongxin to stay in the hospital any longer.

 In this case, let Shen Dongxin inform Zhu Liuxian and Xu Enzeng, because not only Dai Chunfeng does not want to hear Xu Enzeng's voice, but Zuo Zhong himself does not want it either.

 “Hello, Dongxin?”

“It’s rare, Deputy Director Zuo, can you give me any advice on calling me?”

As soon as the call was connected, Zuo Zhong said hello casually. After hearing Shen Dongxin's teasing, he didn't waste any words and directly conveyed someone's order.

Unexpectedly, Shen Dongxin immediately asked after hearing the order: "What? Go to the official residence? Director Zhu is in the bureau now and can leave at any time, but Xu Enzeng and Mark took Meng Ting to the suburbs. It is said that the prisoner will be executed. Do you want me to go find someone?" try to find?"

 Execute the prisoner?

Zuo Zhong's pupils shrank suddenly. Sure enough, Xu Enzeng couldn't believe Meng Ting easily. The certificate of surrender he had thought of before was finally coming, and this matter was extremely dangerous.

If Meng Ting didn't take action, the outcome would be death. If he took action, there would be no turning back. He thought quickly in his mind for half a second. Zuo Zhong hung up the phone and turned around with a smile, suggesting that he go and see the excitement. Dai Chunfeng pondered for a moment without any objection, and the two of them strode out. office.

 (I arrived in Harbin and went to the Madier Hotel, but unfortunately the contact person didn’t come. I was afraid that I would be exposed! (ー_ー)!!)

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