Cicada Moving

Chapter 1098: Execution and surrender

Chapter 1098 Execution and Prosecution

 Mountain city, coral dam on the bank of Changjiangjiang.

Perhaps in order to avenge a killing a few years ago, Xu Enzeng brought the underground party intelligence officers captured in recent years to his side, and arranged an execution ground exactly like the one in Jiujiawei, trying to use this method to wash away the past. shame.

To ensure safety, he also called in regular troops from the garrison headquarters to take charge of security. A large number of police officers were also deployed from the prison to the execution ground to maintain order, and the security was extremely tight.

At ten o'clock in the morning, several cars pulled Xu Enzeng and his party to Coral Dam. Looking at the prisoners tied to the wooden frame in the distance, Xu Enzeng looked back at Meng Ting who was being carried out of the car, and said with a smile.

"Brother Meng, it's a good thing that you can repent and return to the embrace of the party-state, but you know the rules. Those of you who have come over anyway, in addition to writing a confession and publicly announcing your withdrawal from the party, there are some things you must do It's inevitable.

Of these dissidents in front of you, the longest period of arrest has been eight years, and the shortest period has been more than a year. From beginning to end, they did not explain a word, and they were all beaten and disabled and could not survive for long.

For these unrepentant guys, I think it’s better not to waste the government’s food. It would be best to kill them all. Now, please send them on their last journey. Where is Mark, give Mr. Meng a gun. "

Xu Enzeng pointed to forty or fifty prisoners and assigned a task to Meng Ting. He spoke as if he was not discussing murder, but asking the other party to pick a few cucumbers from the vegetable garden. His expression was relaxed and his tone was indifferent.

There are many people in the government, including some members of the military commander, who look down upon the person named Xu. They feel that this person has been defeated repeatedly. Apart from sneaking around and listening to people's bases, he seems to have no important achievements that can be achieved.

 The important achievements mentioned here do not refer to as simple as arresting a few people or stealing a few pieces of intelligence. They refer to exerting influence at the strategic level and even changing the overall situation.

Don’t forget who the opponents of Xu Enzeng and Zhongtong are. They are the northwest, or the underground party and the military commander. Let’s not mention the military commander for now. Is the underground party so easy to deal with?

If it were so easy to deal with, before the war between China and Japan, the Kuomintang army would have wiped out the Northwest Army, which was short of food and clothing, on the way to the transfer. In fact, Xu Enzeng was by no means as useless as many people thought.

It's just that the opponent is too strong, which shows that he lacks ability. But as long as he seizes the opportunity, this old dog's fangs are still sharp and can give anyone who despises him a bite.

Mark next to him heard the order, and with a dark face, he pulled out a pistol loaded with bullets from his waist and handed it to Meng Ting. At this moment, no one hoped that the other party was a staunch underground party more than Mark.

As soon as the gunfire rings out today, Meng Ting will be the director of the Intelligence Division of the Central Unification Bureau. How can Mark, who is only one step away from the director's throne, swallow this sigh of relief.

 Let’s talk about Meng Ting who took the gun. His fingers were broken off during the previous arrest, and his nails were driven into bamboo sticks during the torture. His originally strong right hand was now holding the cold handle of the gun, and he was shaking slightly.

Mark noticed this scene and raised his lips slightly. How could a person like this, who couldn't even hold a gun steady, take on the heavy responsibility of the intelligence chief? It won't take long for Director Xu to understand who is more suitable for this position.

Meng Ting didn’t understand the other party’s mentality of rushing to eat shit, and he didn’t want to understand it. He was silent for a few seconds and walked towards the prisoner holding the pistol with difficulty.

 The surrender certificate is the simplest and most effective way for intelligence agencies in various countries to screen personnel. Whether it is a fake surrender or a real surrender, there is no way out if you kill your own people.

The low-hanging muzzle of the gun swayed slightly, and a female underground prisoner could be seen through Meng Ting's pale fingers┴The underground prisoner slowly raised her head, revealing a face that could be called terrifying.

The part of the human body with the most delicate skin and the most pain-sensing nerves is the face. Men have about 17 nerve fibers per cubic centimeter, and women have 34. In other words, women’s faces are more sensitive and fragile, while middle-aged and older women have more sensitive and fragile skin. A special agent would definitely not have this weakness.

They used surgical methods to brutally remove the facial skin of female underground gangsters alive. The pain involved can be imagined. People say that the fingers are connected to the heart, but compared with taking the skin alive, it is nothing at all.

Furthermore, attacking the face can not only torture the opponent physically, but also hit the torture target psychologically, because for women, the importance of face is self-evident.

Not only that, only the bare palms of the female underground party's hands were left, ten fingers were missing, and the empty right trouser leg was blown left and right by the wind. It was easy to guess what the other party had suffered.

Looking at this face covered with blood scabs, with nostrils and eyes barely distinguishable, and a mutilated body, Meng Ting seemed frightened. He clenched the gun in his hand and turned around to ask Xu Enzeng loudly.

“Director Xu, if I kill them, will you trust me and let me serve as the intelligence director of the Central Military Commission?”

Xu Enzeng smiled when he heard this. He was not afraid that Meng Ting would make a request, but that the other party would not mention it. Meng Ting was really tempted if he mentioned it. He stood by the car with his hands on his hips and nodded seriously.

“Of course, Mr. Xu always sticks to his word. Who doesn’t know that I spit on a nail? Besides, there are so many people here, how can I deceive you?

 As long as you kill these former comrades, I promise to ask Minister Chen and Chairman of the National Committee for instructions, and you will be the director of the department, and you will be treated equally with other Central Unification staff in the future. "

Of course Meng Ting knows that a word or a spit or a nail has nothing to do with the person named Xu. However, with so many people here, it is really impossible for Xu Enzeng to break his promise.

He gritted his teeth, grabbed the gun hard and raised his right hand, aiming it at the heart of the female underground gangster, his finger hooked on the trigger and tremblingly ready to fire.

On the terrifying face opposite, a pair of bright eyes were full of disdain and hatred. Then the other person tried hard to raise his head and chest, without any intention of begging for mercy or surrender. At this moment, a man stuck his head out from the head of the coral dam and shouted below: "Hahahaha, Lao Xu, what are you doing here with these wastes? Are you going to give them to me again?" Did the underground party send prisoners away? "

This sudden voice startled the Central Unification agents present. Xu Enzeng even jumped under the car and took out his gun and aimed at the head of the dam randomly.

“Tsk, tsk, Lao Xu, you are very skillful. Teacher, our Deputy Director Xu is really getting better and better. The escape movements just now were so smooth that students can’t do it.”

Zuo Zhong was wearing a suit and sunglasses imported from the United States. He was lying on the fence at the head of the dam and said to Dai Chunfeng with a smile on his face in a sinister manner.

Lao Dai is also a master of yin and yang. He patted the fence in cooperation and sighed: "Deputy Director Xu is as active as a rabbit, and Dai is ashamed of himself. Shen Zhi, I think I can ask Lao Xu to take action for our military commander in the future." The instructor is responsible for retreat training.

 Dai Chunfeng? Left heavy?

Hearing the familiar voice of his old rival, Xu Enzeng breathed a sigh of relief and at the same time felt angry in his heart. Gulu suddenly got up, pushed away the support of his men, and yelled at Zuo and Dai above his head.

"The surname is Zuo, Dai Chunfeng. This is an errand of our Central Commander. It is an important task personally assigned by the Chairman of the Generalissimo. The military commander must not interfere, otherwise I will report this matter to the leader, and then you will not be able to eat and walk around!"

Realizing that he was being threatened, Zuo Zhong's smile faded and he spoke in an official tone on the spot: "The chairman of the committee personally assigned the task? Isn't it right? How come I, the leader of the Sixth Group of the Second Division of the Attendant's Office, didn't hear about it? It couldn't be Lao Xu, are you pretending?" Let’s pass on the edict.”

Xu Enzeng was trembling with anger. Isn't it just a part-time job in the attendant's room? What's so great about it? I don't care about it. He was about to say goodbye to Zuo Zhong when he heard Meng Ting scream and throw his gun. Thrown to the ground.

 “What’s going on! Go and have a look!”

With no time to worry about his old enemy, Xu Enzeng quickly asked Mark to check the situation. He retracted himself among his men, hiding behind the tall spy, and looked around furtively.

After a while, Mark squeezed Meng Ting's right hand, glanced at the gauze with blood oozing from it, and then glanced at Meng Ting who was sweating profusely. He sneered and then shouted back.

"Report, the injury on Mr. Meng's hand has recurred, and the phalange may be broken again. I'm afraid he won't be able to perform the task. Director, would you like to call a doctor?"

What? Broken phalanx?

Xu Enzeng was stunned by these words. He walked to Meng Ting's side in three steps and two steps at a time. He grabbed the other man's hand suspiciously and looked at it again and again until he was sure that he was not pretending, and finally gave the order with a dark face.

"What kind of doctor are you looking for? Meng Ting can't be shot and sentenced here. In short, even if he is lying on the bed, he can't leave today. You go to the execution and call the reporters over to take pictures of him."

Meng Ting did not commit suicide when he got the gun, nor did he try to die together. In Xu Enzeng's view, this was a good start. After all, breaking off the opponent's fingers was done by a Central Unification agent, and Meng Ting was not to blame.

There is no need to let Meng Ting do it himself. The prison sentence is the same. As long as the newspaper publishes the matter, regardless of whether the surrender is true or false, the Northwest Front will not let this person go.

 Xu Enzeng stared at the reporters surrounding Meng Ting. The dazzling flashlights came on from time to time, and he couldn't help showing a proud look on his face. Then he heard two footsteps walking next to him.

Zuo Zhong and Lao Dai strolled down the embankment under the protection of the guards and came to Xu Enzeng's side. After watching the farce in front of them for a while, Zuo Zhong bumped into each other's shoulders and whispered.

“Old Xu, this move is really poisonous. Congratulations. This time you not only destroyed many underground party strongholds in the Kuomintang-controlled areas, but also successfully instigated Meng Ting’s rebellion. Your contribution is not small.

It's a pity that you are a civil servant, and the government does not have a special medal for civil servants. Otherwise, at least get a Baoding Medal to wear. Unlike me, I already have two. If I get a few more, I won't have room to put them on my chest. Alas , sad. "


Hearing these heart-wrenching words that seemed to be concerned but actually showed off, Xu Enzeng turned his head and waved his hand to Mark, indicating that the execution would be carried out immediately. He did not want to stay with Dai Chunfeng and Zuo Zhong for a minute.

With the authorization, Mark limped up to the prisoners, raised his gun and fired without any hesitation. The loud gunshots echoed around the embankment, and **** arrows were scattered on the cobblestones and soil.

Dai Chunfeng admired it with great interest for a moment, and then conveyed someone's order to Xu Enzeng. As for whether the other party wanted to go to the Huangshan official residence with them, he had no control over it.

When Xu Enzeng heard this, he felt ecstatic. The Chairman finally thought of himself and no longer cared about the execution. He called his confidants to give some instructions, and then called Lao Dai and Zuo Zhong to prepare for departure. He seemed to be arrogant in front and respectful in back. Shameless face.

Before everyone left, Zuo Zhong calmly looked at the fallen underground prisoners, the lost Meng Ting, and the excited Mark. The smile on his face became brighter...

 (End of this chapter)

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