Cicada Moving

: Update report

 Update report

 I returned home after the vacation, and then started to update and save manuscripts steadily. My main work was temporarily stopped, and I will have more time to polish the plot in the future.

Currently in Harbin, I may be sick or have the flu, and I am lying in the hotel lingering, but I can’t put down the cross talk tickets and dining packages I bought before, so I went out in the afternoon, and now I’m back and taking medicine and continue to lie down. sweat.

 The author will rest in the next few days, then return to Jinling, go to the Presidential Palace to meet with the commissioners, and then see if he can find any traces of Jiujiawei, until he returns home after the vacation.

 Thank you all for your understanding and help during this period. The author is not an indecisive person, but some things are not so easy to let go of. Thanks to the book lovers and friends, otherwise I would still be addicted to my own world. Thank you again!

Also, the gifts given to everyone by the book club’s lottery, including postcards and hairy crabs, have been delivered. I hope you like them. I reiterate that there is no threshold for this lottery and no shipping or other charges are required. I just want to thank my friends for their support.

There will be a lottery in the future. If you want to participate, join the book friend group. The group number is on the book page. You can see it by clicking "...".

 Let’s see you in the book.

 (End of this chapter)

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