Cicada Moving

Chapter 1099: Interviews and tasks

 Chapter 1099 Interview and Mission

 tens of minutes later.

Dai Chunfeng, Zuo Zhong, Zhu Liuxian and Xu Enzeng appeared in the reception room of Huangshan Official Residence. As regular visitors here, the two directors naturally sat on the sofa, while Zuo Zhong and Xu Enzeng stood nearby and stared at each other. Waiting for someone to meet you.

While waiting, two service staff handed over hot tea and left silently. Zhu Liu leaned sideways towards Lao Dai and asked in a low voice: "Brother Dai, why did the commission call us here this time?"

To be honest, he was not very at ease when he was suddenly called to the official residence. Xu Enzeng and his people had made such great achievements in the past few days, but he, the director, had not benefited at all. He was afraid that the superiors wanted to kick him out. Go and support the person named Xu.

Dai Chunfeng was well aware of his worries. He stared at the side door leading directly to someone's office, and also replied sideways: "Don't worry, Director Zhu, the committee has asked us to come. It should be related to Ji Ni and those gang of traitors. Recently, This group of people is making a lot of noise, and the public opinion at home and abroad is very bad, and the leaders have this."

While the two were talking, the side door was opened. Several attendants in military uniforms walked in and quickly occupied key positions in the interview room. After a while, someone slowly walked in. Dai Chunfeng and Zhu Liuxian immediately stood up to greet them. , Zuo Zhong and Xu Enzeng also stopped their eye-battle behavior and lowered their heads respectfully.

"Chunfeng, Liuxian, and Shenzhu are all here. Sit down and don't be restrained."

Someone walked to the main seat and sat down. He said hello to three of them kindly, and then waved his hands to let the attendants go out. He felt relieved about the people present. If these four people wanted to do harm to him, they didn't have to wait until today. , there were plenty of opportunities before, so it would be better to make a gesture to win people’s hearts.

As for why Xu Enzeng should be ignored, the other party was, after all, a member of Erchen, who was fundamentally separated from him. In addition, he had caused so many troubles before, and he was not dismissed from his post for investigation. It was considered to be Erchen's face.

Besides, Zuo Zhong and the other three heard someone's words, thanked them in unison, and then sat down on their seats. They sat upright and prepared to listen to instructions. No one cared about them and just stood there, neither standing nor sitting. Their faces turned blue and white. Xu Enzeng.

Someone who deliberately knocked on the Erchen and First Department pretended not to see anything. He first wiped the mustache above his lips, then turned his head to look at Dai Chunfeng and Zhu Liuxian.

"You should know about Mr. Ji's movements. He has completely betrayed the ideals of the late President, betrayed our life-saving cause, and has colluded with the rebellion in North China and Mongolia in an attempt to establish a new central government. Being a puppet of the Japanese is something I will never allow!”

As he spoke, he raised his hand and patted the armrest, and his tone became more severe: "I heard that these rebels are going to hold a meeting in the island city of Shandong Province to discuss the merger. This is to dig up the roots of the party-state and must be severely cracked down. I decided that the military commander and the central commander would be jointly responsible for sanctioning these people, and we must destroy the other party's arrogance.

In my opinion, the action should be carried out during their meeting. Firstly, more rebels can be eliminated at once. Secondly, it is best to take the opportunity to eliminate a few high-level officials of the pseudo-government and warn others not to go too far. , and at the same time, it can teach the Japanese a lesson. "

When it came to specific work, someone made the mistake again and habitually began to micro-manage, regardless of whether the objective conditions allowed it, or whether the military and central commanders had the ability to carry out such a large-scale operation under the strict supervision of the Japanese. Assassination plan.

“Yes, principal (leader, commissioner)!”

After receiving the order, the chief and deputy heads of the two major intelligence agencies of the Guo Party shouted back together. Their faces were full of concern for the country and the people, but they had different thoughts in their hearts.

Dai Chunfeng had already made preparations. The Juntong Daocheng Station had entered a war-ready state and could be activated at any time to strike a thunderous blow at the traitors participating in the meeting.

Compared with Lao Dai, Zhu Liuxian was a little more helpless. Xu Enzeng's influence in the Central Unification was deeply rooted, and he firmly controlled the people on both the intelligence and action lines, as well as the support of the local party headquarters.

He has been the director for so long, and with the help of Shen Dongxin and some old connections, he barely managed to capture the bureau headquarters. Now that he wants to carry out the assassination mission, he will definitely not be able to match the strength of the person named Xu.


What he could think of, Xu Enzeng could certainly think of, realizing that he had an advantage in the next action, and his depressed mood because of being ignored by someone was also lifted.

Zuo Zhong huddled behind Lao Dai, observing the intrigues of the three people and sneering secretly. But suddenly he caught sight of what looked like a smile in someone's eyes, and he was shocked and immediately realized. I'm afraid this is another so-called " Emperor's mind."

  By pulling one group to defeat another, and artificially creating conflicts within the same camp, the superiors can safely use the "sword" without worrying about the "sword"'s backlash, but the pattern is too small.

It is no longer the Middle Ages, and this kind of decadent employment method is still used. No wonder the Fruit Party suffered a complete defeat in the face of the underground party. The advanced replaced the backward. This is a historical law that no one can escape.

In Zuo Zhong's random thoughts, the meeting came to an end. Someone left in a hurry under the **** of his attendants. The military and central government also left the Huangshan official residence separately and returned to their respective stations to discuss action plans.

As soon as the worried Zhu Liuxian returned to the Central Unification Headquarters at East Sichuan Normal School, he immediately spoke to Xu Enzeng and walked quickly to his office, preparing to summon Shen Dongxin.

There is no other way. When it comes to teaching and educating people, or even economic construction, he has many old subordinates who are proficient in this. When it comes to gathering intelligence, the only one he can rely on at present is the other party.

Xu Enzeng looked at Zhu Liuxian walking further and further away, snorted disdainfully, turned around and drove away in a car. Compared with the bureau headquarters full of informants, the secret camp in the bamboo factory was his root. By the time he returned to the bamboo factory, the execution team at Coral Dam had withdrawn. Mark, full of murderous intent, reported to Xu Enzeng that everything went well on the return journey and that he was not attacked on the way.

On the other side, Meng Ting, whose fingers were in plaster, was silent and looked a little depressed. Perhaps he was frightened by the scene in Changtan, or was affected by the curses of the prisoners before they died, and he has not recovered yet.

Xu Enzeng listened to Mark's report, glanced at Meng Ting, and proudly told about the interview he received at the official residence and the tasks assigned by someone, of course not all. For example, he didn't mention a word about him being forced to stand.

 After speaking, he asked the two of them what they thought of this task. Xu Enzeng still understood the principle of brainstorming, and he also wanted to take this opportunity to test the quality of these two people.

Seeing the opportunity to show his face, Mark expressed his loyalty first: "Director, if you are worried, I will personally lead a team of elites to the island city to look for opportunities to punish the corresponding targets. If not successful, I will be benevolent. I will never embarrass you."

 Xu Enzeng had heard and said such beautiful words so many times that he didn't bother to pay attention to them, so he looked at Meng Ting, wanting to hear what this former elite agent of the underground party had to say.

 The pale-faced Meng Ting felt a little uncomfortable being stared at by him. After thinking quickly, he gave his answer in two words.



Xu Enzeng repeated it after hearing it. His eyes hidden behind his spectacles narrowed, as if he had understood something from it, but he did not speak anymore and continued to look at Meng Ting.

Meng Ting nodded vigorously when he saw this: "Yes, it is intelligence. The key to this operation lies in intelligence. Deputy Director Ma's courage is commendable, but we don't know the date, specific location, and number of participants of the meeting. We are now formulating a plan No matter how perfect his plan is, it's nothing more than just talk on paper.

I suggest that investigative agents who are familiar with the situation in Shandong Province and the island city be selected from the personnel of the Central Unification Committee to form a capable intelligence team, use disguised identities to lurk into the island city, and use the shortest possible time to find hotels and venues that can hold large-scale meetings. .

Although the island city has experienced construction by the Germans and Japanese, it is not a big city after all. I don’t think there will be too many places like this. As long as possible meeting locations are locked, as long as Ji Ni and the Japanese take action, we can be the first time to receive relevant information. "


Xu Enzeng couldn't help but applaud. As expected of an old underground gangster, he had grasped the key points in a short time. At the same time, he secretly sighed that there were so many talents in the northwest. A captured traitor was so capable, let alone those in high positions. People, for a moment actually felt a little reluctant to give up.

  (This paragraph is very, very important and related to the following paragraphs)

After a long while, he shook his head gently to expel this deviant thought from his mind. If an executioner with countless blood on his hands wanted to retreat, where could he retreat to? It would probably be the underworld.

Forcibly suppressing his random thoughts, Xu Enzeng asked with a smile on his face: "What's next? After finding out the date and location, should we dispatch elite agents to attack and kill according to Deputy Director Ma's advice?"

In his words, he acknowledged Meng Ting's name for Mark, which also meant that he would fulfill his promise and Meng Ting would officially serve as the director of the Central Unification Intelligence Division.

Meng Ting's face was filled with joy. Ignoring the livid Mark next to him, he took a step forward and replied in a low voice: "Director, Beizi has actually been studying Zuo Zhong over the years. Beizi discovered that the reason why this person has a prosperous official career is because of his footwork. Another reason is to be good at utilizing new technologies.

For example, when tracking Japanese spies in Jinling, no one thought that he would use airplanes. This time we might as well learn from it. After confirming the information about the Japanese-Puppet meeting, the joint air force and the intelligence team conducted ground guidance to carry out a large-scale bombing of the venue. !

If my calculations are correct, the straight-line distance from the island city to Guojun's Shiyan Airport is only a thousand kilometers, and the flight only takes a few hours, and most of the way is uninhabited land. As long as strategic deception is done, the Japanese air force and air defense forces Attract, air strikes are absolutely achievable.

This will not only complete the mission, but also create a huge momentum, and even give the Air Force a share of the pie. As far as I know, my wife cares about these proud men in the air. In this way, you can not only make friends with the Air Force, but also get a commission and your wife. Praise, achieve three birds with one stone. "


Mark, who was originally indignant, took a breath and felt despair. He said to himself that this underground party is not only good at fighting, but also good at intelligence operations. They are even so good at officialdom tactics. It is really scary. What can you do with it? Fight with others.

Xu Enzeng grabbed Meng Ting's plaster-covered hands and shook them vigorously: "Xu has Mr. Meng's help, so why worry about the big thing failing? Don't worry, I will go to Minister Chen today to ask for your letter of appointment. Hurry, please ask Meng Chu Please tell me the specific plan in detail."

Meng Ting endured the severe pain, calmly pulled his hand out of Xu Enzeng's iron palm, forced a smile and said respectfully: "Okay, I will tell you in detail. If you want to realize this plan, the most important thing is... …”

While Lao Xu and his men were "getting along with each other," Dai Chunfeng also asked Zuo Zhong the same question in the office. How did the military commander and the island city station carry out someone's mission? After all, the current island city is full of dangers, and it can definitely be regarded as Longtan. Tiger Cave.

 (Hemoptysis plus pneumonia, let’s just watch it)

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