Cicada Moving

Chapter 1100: Sanctions cannot solve the problem

On January 10, 1938, the Japanese naval aviation dispatched 50 aircraft to cover the landing of the Marines on the coast of the island city, and then entered the urban area. The island city fell immediately. By the 17th, the entire Jiaoji Railway was also occupied by the Japanese army.

The Japanese base camp has now used the island city as a bridgehead and military base for the war of aggression against China. It has stationed a large number of armed forces in the island city. This is not only due to the geographical location of the island city, but also because of the economic status of Shandong Province.

Shandong Province has a vast territory and rich resources. It has coal, iron and other underground minerals, as well as rich agricultural and livestock products. These resources and specialties can be quickly transported to Japan by sea with very little money and materials. The island as a transshipment center It is not surprising that the city received so much attention from the Japanese authorities.

Dai Chunfeng sighed when he thought of this, recalled the deployment of Japanese troops in Daocheng in his mind, and said troubledly: "According to the previous information from Daocheng Station, the Japanese troops stationed in Daocheng are divided into two parts: the army and the navy.

The navy has more than 5,000 people. The person in charge is Vice Admiral Kuwahara Aone. It has jurisdiction over the sea and coastal land around the urban area of ​​​​Daocheng City and the Shandong Peninsula. Its strength is somewhat more powerful than the national navy before the war.

It has 1 medium-sized aircraft carrier, more than 40 aircraft, 1 8,000-ton cruiser, 2 3,000-ton destroyers, 3 1,000-ton destroyers, 2 Marine Corps brigades, and several field airport garrisons.

The main force of the army is the mixed 5th brigade code-named Tong, which has jurisdiction over the 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th brigades and directly affiliated brigades, with a total of more than 5,000 people, plus the troops in the suburbs and various strongholds in eastern Shandong. The total strength is about 8,000 people.

Equipped with dozens of light combat vehicles, more than 200 light and heavy machine guns, hundreds of large and small artillery pieces, more than 200 vehicles, and 3 reconnaissance aircraft, its maneuverability and firepower are second to none among the Japanese troops stationed in China.

 Including the local gendarmerie, Japanese police station, Marine Corps, Navy’s Fourth Fleet, military stations, aviation fleet, hospitals, naval schools and other institutions, there are more than 30,000 Japanese troops in the small island city.

The whole city is like a hedgehog with its thorns exploding. When carrying out intelligence activities in a place like this, it would be a trivial matter for all of Daocheng Station to be sacrificed. I'm afraid that even this will not be able to punish those rebellious ones. Shen Zhi, what do you think of this operation? What should be done? "

In his eyes, the dozens of lives on and off Daocheng Station are nothing compared to someone’s order. If this is the price that must be paid, he will not hesitate at all.

 As the saying goes, kindness does not lead to war. War itself is anti-human. Sometimes in order to achieve a certain goal, a general must be ruthless even if he knows that he is going to die.

 Zuo Zhong did not answer his question directly, but asked Lao Dai a question after careful consideration: "Teacher, do you think it is more important for the committee to kill those rebellious people, or to negotiate peace with the Japanese?"

Dai Chunfeng was stunned and said with some uncertainty: "Is it important to kill the traitor?"

He thought for a moment and then quickly changed his words: "No, peace talks with the Japanese are important!"

Zuo Zhong shook his head slightly and whispered his opinion to the other party: "Teacher, students secretly believe that the most important thing is to make the Japanese no longer believe in Ji Ni and others, at least to make the Japanese doubt the reliability of the puppet government. .

 Otherwise, if a few traitors are killed, more traitors will emerge and the problem cannot be solved fundamentally. Only by destroying the relationship between the Japanese and the puppets can the strategic purpose of occupying a dominant position in the peace talks with Japan be achieved. "

 “Hmm? Keep talking.”

After listening to this, Lao Dai became interested. He relaxed and leaned on the sofa. He motioned for Zuo Zhong to continue. He wanted to see what surprises his proud disciple would bring to him.

 “Okay, teacher.”

Zuo Zhong straightened his back and replied, and then said what he was thinking: "Instead of spending a lot of manpower and material resources and letting the brothers risk their lives to punish the traitors, it is better to find ways to instigate one or two important officials of the puppet government┴ member.

We want them to openly surrender, and even personally testify against Ji Ni's despicable behavior of betraying the country and seeking glory, so as to undermine the legitimacy of the so-called new government and expose the other party's conspiracy to establish a new central government. This is what the committee hopes to see. Arrived.

 In this way, the Japanese will inevitably become suspicious of other high-level officials of the puppet government. With the Japanese's suspicion, eavesdropping, investigation and even arrest and torture are inevitable. This can greatly damage the morale of the traitors and make them fearful.

 In the final analysis, this matter is a political issue, which should be solved by political means. Military means are inferior. Of course, this is just an immature view of the students. What to do, students follow your orders, teacher. "

 Instigate rebellion, publicly testify, alienate...

A few key words flashed through Dai Chunfeng's mind, his eyes became brighter and brighter, and finally he showed a faint smile and looked at Zuo Zhong, pretending not to worry.

"Shen Zhong, you are actually trying to get along with me, teacher. Tell me, I know you well, and I never fight an unprepared battle. When you say that, you must have a specific plan. Tell me, where are you going to start from? Start taking action.

I have to remind you that the people around Ji Ni are all his old subordinates for many years and are very loyal, otherwise they would not follow him to rebel and join the enemy. It is not easy to instigate such a person to rebel. Be careful when the other party comes. Countermeasures. "

On the one hand, Lao Dai praised Zuo Zhong's suggestion, and on the other hand, he also expressed his concerns. Qin Hui also had three close friends, not to mention Ji, the former No. 2 person in the government. Regarding Teacher Cheap's concerns, Zuo Zhong nodded slightly in agreement, then took out a folded document from his pocket, unfolded it, handed it to Dai Chunfeng, and reported to him.

"Teacher, this is the latest information sent back by "Pangolin". After he and Mou Zhiye, the defected head of the Intelligence Division of the Central Military Commission, entered the Japanese-occupied area, they were first detained in the Jinling Gendarmerie for screening. After several rounds of interrogations, they successfully deceived the Japanese. He was later sent to his uncle.

The other party is the deputy minister of the interior of the puppet government under preparation, and the people he interacts with are all high-level Japanese and puppet officials. According to Pangolin's inquiries, Ji Ni has recently stepped up the negotiation process with the Japanese, and the two sides are likely to sign a new treason agreement. The content of the agreement still requires further investigation.

At present, it is only known that those in charge of the negotiations are Zhou Fushui, Mei Siping, and Tao Xisheng. Another representative, Gao Zongwu, said that he has not recovered from his illness. However, one thing is very interesting. Gao and Tao, Ji Ni's confidants, have new positions in the puppet government. to marginalization. "

Since the last Wanzhou farewell, this was the first piece of information that Xing Hanliang sent back to the military. It was small but very important. It was with this information that Zuo Zhong decided to use instigation instead of sanctions to complete a certain task. Human tasks.

While he was happy for his old classmate, he was also worried for him. It was easy to say that he successfully passed the screening, but the process was definitely thrilling, even full of blood and pain.


On the other side, Dai Chunfeng exclaimed and immediately sat up straight. He took the document and read it quickly. The content of the intelligence was indeed the same as what Zuo Zhong said. Among the current tentative list of positions in the puppet government, Gao Zongwu and Tao Xisheng are from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The deputy minister and the other are the director of the propaganda department, but they are not in core positions.

And their old colleagues, such as Chen and Zhou Fushui, are at least ministers with real power. They all hold great power. Even some juniors from the reorganization faction have obtained higher official positions than them. Gao and Tao will know in their hearts. No resentment, the answer is yes.

Not to mention others, Gao Zongwu is a well-known "expert on Japan" within the Guo Party and a veteran of the reorganization faction. He was involved in the East Asia Club case back then. He has been following Mr. Ji for more than ten years. He even risked beheading to follow Mr. Ji and fled to Hanoi. He presided over and participated in many negotiations with Japan and obtained a lot of benefits for Mr. Ji.

Now, he has only obtained the position of Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs. You must know that in the 24th year of the Republic of China, the 29-year-old Gao Zongwu became the Director of the Asian Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. If he had not defected with Ji, The position of deputy minister is secure.

Comparing the two, Dai Chunfeng did not believe that the other party had other ideas. Politics is the art of dividing spoils. You pay more and get less. Not to mention superiors and subordinates, even father and son will turn against each other.

Tao Xisheng is in the same situation. When he was in Shancheng, he was a member of the National Defense Council and a member of the National Political Council. He was of noble status. However, he became a traitor and only became the Propaganda Minister in name only. He probably regretted it.

After reading it, Dai Chunfeng shook the information in his hand and said excitedly: "Shen Zhong, great, if we can win over Gao and Tao and let them publicly testify against someone Ji, it will be more effective than killing 10,000 traitors! "

As he spoke, he raised his head and sighed: "This old classmate of yours is not an ordinary person. He can pass the Japanese screening so quickly and can pass back such important information. I want to give him great credit."

 Remember the great achievements?

Just don’t be liquidated after victory.

Zuo Zhong slandered, and on the surface he thanked Lao Dai for Xing Hanliang with tears in his eyes, and then stated the plans he had made long ago one by one, asking for Dai Chunfeng's approval and authorization.

 Dai Chunfeng waved his hand and saw it all. It could fundamentally solve someone's troubles without spending too many resources. He had no reason to object.

Soon, a radio wave was sent out from the military telecommunications office, and was transmitted thousands of miles away in an instant, and was finally received by a radio station in a dark room of a house in Jinling.

On that day, there was an inconspicuous advertisement on the outer wall of Confucius Temple Tycoon Nightclub. To ordinary people, this was just a program notice, but to some people, it was a code to notify an emergency contact.

At the other end of the city, Yihe Gongguan Road was as quiet as before the war. The traces of the war had long been disappeared. In the sunshine, two young men walked out of a villa with the Du Gongguan brand.

One of them stopped on the side of the road, cupped his hands and thanked him: "Brother Xing, thank you very much for introducing Deputy Minister Du to me today. I cannot thank you enough. In the future, I will be able to speak to you whenever I can find a brother."

The person speaking was Mou Zhiye, who had stolen the Central Unification Agents list and defected. The person standing opposite him was naturally Xing Hanliang.

 At this time, Xing Hanliang no longer had the hesitation of the day. He was wearing a suit and leather shoes with half leather shoes, and a small K dress. He was indescribably chic and suave, but his leg seemed to be injured and he walked with a limp.

Hearing Mou Zhiye's thanks, Xing Hanliang waved his hand grandly: "Hey, you're welcome. You and I escaped from death in the mountain city and are close friends. It's just a small effort to introduce my uncle to you, so why bother saying thank you.

But if you really want to thank me, why not invite me to the Tycoon Nightclub? I heard that there are a group of Japanese singers there with very graceful figures. I have never tasted the taste of Japanese women, hahaha~"

 Mou Zhiye touched the wallet in his pocket, cursing in his heart, but keeping a smile on his face, he raised his finger and pointed in the direction of Confucius Temple and said "please". The two of them immediately got into a rickshaw and sped towards the south of the city.

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