Cicada Moving

Chapter 1101: running dog

Chapter 1101: Running Dog

 “Two gentlemen, please come in.”

In front of Tycoon Nightclub, the doorman looked at Xing Hanliang and Mou Zhiye who got off the rickshaw, greeted them warmly, bent down to say hello, and opened the wooden door behind them.

The two of them strode in and were immediately enveloped by the loud music and noise. They walked to a round table and sat down. Looking at the ecstatic scene around them, Mou Zhiye suddenly laughed.

"Brother Xing, you said that when we were in the mountain city, we put our heads in our belts to serve the country. What exactly was it for? I think they were happier than before the war."

Xing Hanliang glanced at the drunken figure in the darkness, opened the foreign wine brought by the waiter and poured a glass, raised his head and drank the wine in one gulp, then poured another glass for the other person and replied with a smile.

“Don’t mention the past. By the way, what plans do the Japanese have for you?”

“Arrangement? Does the detective of the Jinling Police Station’s Detective Division under the new government count as an arrangement?”

Mou Zhiye replied with a mocking look on his face, drank the wine in the glass in one gulp, gritted his teeth and cursed: "MD, those **** from Zhongtong are running away so fast. All the people on the list I brought have escaped. Er Jing, if I hadn't been the director of the intelligence department and had some intelligence value, I would have been buried in a mass grave outside the city.

Risking his life, he also abandoned my mother to the government, and ended up being a spy. Alas, if I had known this, it would be better to stay in the mountain city. Even if I was bullied by that **** named Xu, I would at least be a division chief. I regret it. , I don’t know how my mother is doing now, it’s all because of my unfilial son. "

After sighing, he glanced at Xing Hanliang's left leg: "How are you? It feels uncomfortable to be tortured for the first time. I can tell that the Japanese don't believe Mr. Ji and us."

 “Okay, don’t say anything that violates taboos.”

Xing Hanliang interrupted him and patted his leg: "As soon as you come, let it go. You know very well how powerful the military commander is. It is normal for us to be suspected, and screening is inevitable. Besides, after making it clear, the Japanese also helped Xing find It won’t take long for my leg injury to heal if I go to the doctor.”

Seeing that the other party was unwilling to speak ill of the Japanese, Mou Zhiye pursed his lips and stopped talking. The conversation changed to gossip about the puppet government. This was normal. No matter which country they were in, people at the bottom were always keen to analyze the personnel arrangements of the top management.

The two discussed in a low voice for a while, and quickly finished talking about a bottle of wine. Xing Hanliang waved to the waiter to order another bottle, but unexpectedly, Mou Zhiye snatched it away as soon as the waiter brought the order.

 “Lao Xing, I’m going to treat you today, so it’s up to me to choose.”

Mou Zhiye said with a smile, flipping through the menu quickly in his hand, frowning and looking at the drink prices on it, as if he was worried about his wallet. The waiter on the side was not surprised and kept smiling with his hands behind his back.

Xing Hanliang put the wine glass close to his lips, glanced at the other person while drinking the last sip of wine, a glint flashed in his eyes, and then suddenly stood up without saying anything and walked towards the toilet.

 “Wait, let’s get together.”

Mou Zhiye, who was choosing drinks, casually ordered a bottle of wine and followed him quickly. The two walked across the noisy dance floor and walked into the toilet while chatting and laughing. After a few minutes, they returned to their seats together and opened the second door. bottle of wine.

Xing Hanliang drank a glass of wine in one gulp, then picked up the handkerchief on the table and wiped the corners of his mouth. His movements were bold and unrestrained, in line with his usual personality. Mou Zhiye smiled and raised the glass and took a sip.

They drank and chatted like this until nightfall, when they left the nightclub drunk. Mou Zhiye sent Xing Hanliang back to his uncle's house on Yihe Road. He watched the other party walk in the door, turned around and walked a few hundred meters away and got into a car.

“Mu Sang, is there any sign that Mr. Xing has been in contact with the rebels?”

In the car, a man wearing the uniform of a Japanese military police major asked Mou Zhiye softly. Mou Zhiye lowered his head and replied respectfully: "Your Excellency, Major, we haven't found it yet, but I think it is necessary to continue monitoring. The military commander is very cunning, Xing Hanliang." He is Zuo Zhong’s friend again, so his identity must be ensured.”

 Obviously, Mou Zhiye was not worried about the money for the drinks just now in the Tycoon Nightclub, but was monitoring and inspecting the people and items in contact with Xing Hanliang. The former head of the Intelligence Department of the Central Military Commission was now obsessed with being a lackey of the Japanese.

Major did not express his position after hearing what he said. He took a simulated portrait from the front row and handed it over: "Mou Sang, this is the portrait of Zuo Zhong that Xing made for us. I want to know if Xing lied."

Mou Zhiye looked at it through the light of the street lamp and nodded affirmatively: "This is Zuo Zhong. I have met this person several times and I will never admit his mistake. Xing Hanliang also knows this, so he will not lie about it, Major." Your Mightiness."

 “You are right, Mou Sang, but we don’t have time now.”

  Major agreed with him at first, but then shook his head regretfully: "Your Mr. Ji is not willing to wait any longer. The new government's merger meeting with North China and Mongolia must be held as soon as possible. The empire needs you and Mr. Xing."

Hearing this, Mou Zhiye looked confused. The merger meeting was a high-level matter. What does it have to do with the two little people who had just defected? Before he could ask, Major continued.

“The Changgu Agency in Shanghai has received reliable news that the Chairman of the Standing Committee in Shancheng has issued a sanction order to assassinate friendly people who participated in the merger meeting. The people in charge are your old boss Xu Enzeng and the military commander.

 According to the opinions of the base camp, you and Mr. Therefore, even if I have suspicions about Mr. Xing, I don’t have time to verify the matter. Of course, if Mou Sang discovers that Mr. "

 Trace the assassin.

Mou Zhiye's heart skipped a beat. He wasn't worried about those losers from the Central Military Commission, but the operatives of the Military Command had no scruples, especially in enemy-occupied areas. They could do anything. For example, they used anti-aircraft guns to punish traitors in Shanghai's urban area last time.

As the Japanese said, it was the person who gave the order. Zuo Zhong's men might have dared to bombard the venue with large-caliber artillery or even poison gas bombs. In short, this would not be a good thing.

However, he could not refuse the other party's request. After defecting, he had no other way to go but to follow the Japanese all the way to the dark side, otherwise he would die without a burial place.

But the Changgu Agency has some skills and was able to obtain such confidential information. It seems that the Japanese also have spies at the top of the national server. Now we can only hope that the other party can get more accurate information. Thinking of this, Mou Zhiye forced a smile and replied.

"Hai, your Majesty, Major, I will closely monitor Xing Hanliang, cooperate with the actions of the island city, and find the assassin sent by the mountain city as soon as possible. Please rest assured."

The Japanese Major looked satisfied and immediately ordered the driver to drive. The special envoy from the Changgu Agency who came to deliver the message had already booked a banquet at the best restaurant in Jinling City. The hospitality was so great that he had to go.

These colleagues from Shanghai live a more extravagant life and are richer than the last. Sometimes Major really wants to take off his military uniform and follow Mr. Hase, but it is a pity that the military regulations are strict.

Not to mention the envious and jealous Japanese, a few hundred meters away, behind the curtains of a room on the second floor of Du Mansion, Xing Hanliang looked at the dark night, made sure that there was nothing suspicious outside, and walked slowly to the bathroom sink to twist the Turn on the tap.

As a demonstration residential area in the Embassy District and the Fruit Party’s “Capital Plan”, the villas on Yihe Road are no worse than high-end residences in Tokyo or New York. Each building has a dedicated boiler room that can provide hot water 24 hours a day.

As the scalding hot water flows out, the steaming heat rises rapidly and condenses into mist on the mirror above the water table. Xing Hanliang takes out the handkerchief he brought back from Tycoon Nightclub from his pocket and puts it on top of the hot water.

 More than ten seconds later, a line of writing slowly appeared on the originally clean handkerchief.

“Find out the whereabouts of Gao Zongwu and Tao Xisheng.”

Looking at this line of writing, Xing Hanliang narrowed his eyes. Is Shancheng going to sanction the top leaders of the puppet government? But he clearly reported that these two people were squeezed out of the puppet government, so even killing them would be meaningless.

Thinking quickly for a moment, he realized that Yamashiro might have other plans. The next moment he threw the handkerchief into the hot water. The handwriting written with lemon juice and special potion slowly spread and eventually disappeared.

 At the same time, in a heavily guarded villa on Yuyuan Road in Shanghai, Ji's wife and a man were sitting in the living room and communicating quietly.

“Xi Sheng, what are the specific conditions of the Japanese peace talks? If they are too harsh, we will never agree. We still have to stick to the position we should stick to. At the worst, we can just break up and leave.”

Mrs. Ji frowned and said that she was not satisfied with the negotiations between the new government and the Japanese, but she just said that she wanted to break up and leave. Although the Republic of China was big, there was no place for people like them. .

The man she called Xi Sheng smiled bitterly when he heard this and put down the cigarette in his hand: "The negotiation is between Zhou Fushui and the Japanese. He may not listen to your words unless Mr. Ji tells him directly.

 I think it’s time for Mr. Ji to intervene in this negotiation! The Japanese went so far as to deceive others and included thirteen counties in northern Shanxi into the scope of Mongolian Xinjiang, and this Mongolian Xinjiang autonomous government would eventually become completely independent.

To put it bluntly, the North China Political Affairs Commission is an institution used by the Japanese to rule North China under the hands of certain people. Now it wants to include part of Henan Province.

 Several important railways in central and southern China are operated by Japan, and the permanent garrison area has been expanded infinitely. Hainan has simply become a small Ryukyu! If we agree to these conditions, maybe our government can be established, but will the people of the country agree with it? Aren't you going to scold Mr. Ji?

 The Daocheng Conference is coming soon. We must declare our position and strive for greater benefits for the new government. At least we must ensure the substantive unification of the new Jinling government with North China and Mongolia, otherwise the merger will be meaningless. "

After introducing the Japanese negotiation conditions, Tao Xisheng, who was listed as a key target of rebellion by Zuo Zhong, once again made up his mind that he would never get involved in this matter again. Once such a treaty that was humiliating and humiliating the country was signed, he would apologize to the people of the country.

Ji's wife hesitated to speak, but said nothing. After all, these agreements did not limit Ji's power and status, and they were not "too harsh" to them.

As for the territory, it was not the new government that lost these places. Thinking of the rumors of negotiations between the Japanese and Yamashiro, she gritted her teeth and strode up the stairs. Some decisions had to be made!

 (I had a CT scan, and there were shadows on my lungs. I came back and coded a chapter. Sorry, I’m a few minutes late.)

 (End of this chapter)

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