Cicada Moving

: Extra: Section Chief Zuo is in danger in the southwest (linked with the previous extra)

At a certain time and space, in the 22nd year of the Republic of China, the Nanchang camp intelligence section was stationed.

Zuo Zhong stood in front of the map with his hands folded, his brows furrowed, as if he had encountered something difficult. At this moment, Gucci hurried in from outside, reporting something gloomily.

“Section Chief, the latest information from the front line is that the rebels led the sneak attack troops into the dead zone. Our army suffered heavy casualties, including one division commander and two brigade commanders.”


Zuo Zhong was furious when he heard this and slapped the table next to him, but his heart was full of doubts as to what was going on.

A few days ago, someone formulated a secret combat plan and decided to send an elite force personally trained by the German military advisory group to sneak attack on the underground party. This matter was the top secret of the Kuomintang and few people knew about it, including him. Just found out today.

He had just reported to his superiors on his mobile phone. Although it was too late, it was at least better than doing nothing. He never expected that the underground party had been prepared for it and had staged a beautiful ambush. It was obvious that they had stopped early. When it comes to relevant information, who leaked it?

A moment later, he gave an order to Gu Qi with murderous intent: "Lao Gu, immediately carry out secret control of the camp. There are traitors among us. No wonder the Guo army suffered repeated defeats in this encirclement and suppression."


Gu Qi shouted back the order, turned around and left quickly.

Besides, after Zuo Zhong assigned the task, he immediately found the cheap teacher Dai Chunfeng and reported the matter to him. He originally thought that the other party would be furious, but unexpectedly, Lao Dai just nodded slightly and talked about another thing.

"Shen Zhong, the government has millions of troops on its side, and the rebels can be defeated in just a few seconds. Don't worry about a small defeat. The committee also said that this battle is three parts military and seven parts political, so this matter Just leave it alone, I have an important job for you to complete.

Now that the victory or defeat has been decided, there are smart people on the rebel bandit side who want to abandon the dark side and join the bright side. However, the other side is afraid that the news will be leaked and has specified that we send a senior intelligence officer to respond. You just have to make the trip. Don't worry, the other side has made arrangements. There is absolutely no danger. "

As he spoke, Dai Chunfeng pushed a piece of paper over with a smile, which contained the specific location and code of the joint.

Zuo Zhong's heart tightened when he heard this, and he immediately took the note and gave a military salute. He walked out of Lao Dai's office with a serious face, thinking that he should report to the organization quickly and never let the traitor succeed.

Looking at the back of him leaving, Dai Chunfeng squinted his eyes in his seat. His right hand in his pocket touched an unbranded mobile phone, and a murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

Having returned to this era for a few months, Dai Chunfeng (Feng) clearly realized that his disciple was a standard dangerous person and must be eliminated as soon as possible. This is the best opportunity.

 A few days later.

Among the mountains in the southwest, Zuo Zhong led everyone in the secret service to escape in embarrassment. It was the middle of winter, and the winter rain suddenly fell. The secret agents were exhausted, and several of them were shot. Their clothes were soaked and they were lying in the mud. If you are encouraged to leave, the suffering will be unspeakable.

One day ago, they had just met their contact person when they were surrounded by a large army of underground party members. If it were not for the strict training of the Secret Service, they would have died on the scene long ago. Even so, only a team of hundreds of people remained at this moment. Less than 30 people got off. It rained all night, the boat broke and there was a strong wind. Suddenly, a team wearing gray military uniforms and octagonal hats rushed out of the dense forest a few hundred meters away, shouting loudly at the team from the Secret Service. .

“The one wearing the robe is Special Agent Gou Zuo Zhong!”

Zuo Zhong, who was being supported by Wu Chunyang and Gui Youguang and running forward, heard this and was so frightened that he took off his coat and rushed out of the valley while crawling. As a result, he heard shouting from behind again.

 “The one wearing the hat is Zuo Zhong!”

Zuo Zhong panicked, took off his hat and threw it into the mountain stream. But before he had taken a few steps, the pursuer shouted again: "The one wearing black pants is Zuo Zhong!"

 “MD, you’ve gone too far to bully others! I’ll fight you!”

Section Chief Zuo, who was holding his waistband, turned around and cursed, ready to fight with the opponent. Upon seeing this, Wu Chunyang and Gu Qi quickly grabbed him. Several injured agents even volunteered to stay behind to block the pursuers, and the group temporarily escaped the pursuit.

After walking for a few miles, they reached a valley. Zuo Zhong, who was only wearing a shirt, suddenly laughed. When everyone asked why, Zuo Zhong said: "People say that the generals in the southwest are very resourceful. I see that they are incompetent. If they ambush here, With one army, we are all tied up."

Before he finished speaking, a group of gray soldiers suddenly rushed out. Everyone in the Secret Service rushed away, threw away their weapons without ammunition, and tried their best to break out of the siege and walked to a creek. Zuo Zhong laughed again.

Out of breath, Gui Youguang sat down on the ground and said angrily: "Section Chief, you just laughed and provoked a bunch of underground gangs and lost so many weapons. Why are you laughing now?"

Zuo Zhong was not angry. He smiled slightly and pointed at the river bank with his hands on his hips: "I'm laughing at that. After all, the party is not resourceful enough. If I use troops and place a large army of horses at this position, even if we escape with our lives, we will be seriously injured!" "

While they were talking, hundreds of pursuing soldiers appeared on the other side of the river. They were so frightened that Zuo Zhong and others turned around and ran away. They followed the path through mountains and rivers and finally got out of the mountains. As long as they passed a small bridge, they could reach the area controlled by the Guo army. .

Standing by the bridge, Zuo Zhong carefully observed his surroundings and made sure there were no underground gangsters. Just as he was about to laugh in the sky, someone covered his mouth. All his men looked frightened and begged.

“Section Chief, don’t laugh. Don’t laugh. If you laugh again, you will attract gangsters.”

 “It’s ridiculous, I don’t believe it”

Zuo Zhong lifted his hand from his mouth and prepared to lecture, but before he finished speaking, he heard someone shouting "Gou spy". Everyone was shocked, but they saw a shadowy figure beside the bridge, secretly saying that my life is at stake!

(There are shadows and nodules in the lungs. I am undergoing atomization treatment. I cannot write the main text, so I will write an extra chapter. The update will be unstable. You don’t need to wait for the update at night. You can read it when you think of it during the day. When it is stable, you will be notified)

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