Cicada Moving

Chapter 1102: inquire

“Master Cousin, I’m calling you to come downstairs for dinner.”

In the evening two days later, a servant knocked on the door of the guest room on the second floor of the Yihe Road Du Mansion, lowered his head and announced softly, with a very respectful attitude.

Xing Hanliang in the room got out of bed after hearing the sound, walked barefoot on the wooden floor to the mirror, straightened his hair, and casually shouted to the outside: "Okay, I understand, you go down first."

Speaking of his cousin Du Ziteng, Xing Hanliang's emotions are a bit complicated. Back then, it was only through him that he could enter the Police Department of the Ministry of Interior. This time, he was detained by the Japanese for screening, and the other party even ran around so that he could escape safely.

From a family perspective, the other party's behavior is impeccable, but why should he be considered a traitor? Is political strife more important than the survival of the nation? Xing Hanliang sighed secretly, straightened his collar, walked out of the room and went to the restaurant.

Under the bright and expensive Italian crystal lamp, the Du Ziteng family sat at a mahogany dining table filled with food. When they saw their cousin coming, Du Ziteng's son and daughter immediately stood up and said hello.



Xing Hanliang had objections to his uncle, but he still liked his cousin. After sitting down, he waved his hands casually: "Hahaha, sit down, we are all a family, no need to be polite."

Du Ziteng, who had a fair face and no beard and wore tortoiseshell glasses, coughed lightly. Everyone stopped talking immediately. It was not until the other person picked up the chopsticks to pick up the food that he began to eat quietly. There was only a gentle sound between the bowls and chopsticks in the restaurant. Crash.

 Eating without talking or sleeping without saying anything, dining with the elders first is the rule of a large family in the Republic of China, which is full of the strictness of feudal etiquette.

 Half an hour later, several servants came forward to take away the leftovers. Du Ziteng's wife and two children left on their own initiative, while Xing Hanliang's nephew and uncle came to the study one after another, drinking tea and chatting.

"Han Liang, what are your plans next? Are you going to find a job in the new government, or are you going to work as a merchant?" Du Ziteng blew on the hot tea and asked in a calm tone.

As a real blood relative, he hoped that Xing Hanliang would have a bright future. Moreover, the reason why Xing Hanliang gave up his bright future and ran away was because he became a traitor, so he was implicated, otherwise he would not work so hard to find people.

 But the premise of all this is that Xing Hanliang's background is fine, he is really ready to join the new government, and the most important thing is that he will not be implicated.

Now that the new government is just around the corner, there is a fierce struggle for personnel. If it is found out that Xing Hanliang is Shancheng's spy, and political opponents use this as a breakthrough, there will be a big question mark as to whether he, the unofficial deputy minister of the interior, can be appointed. .

So the question just now is both a concern and a test. If Xing Hanliang proposes to join a key department of the new government, then the true identity of his nephew is worthy of consideration.

Xing Hanliang did not hesitate and bowed slightly to answer: "Uncle Qi, I have really done enough government errands. I might as well become a rich man. With you as my backer, my nephew will not lose money in anything he does."

Hearing these words, Du Ziteng's frown slowly relaxed. As long as his nephew does not come into contact with sensitive information, it doesn't matter if he is his backer. After all, it's money that doesn't belong to anyone.

He raised his finger and pointed at Xing Hanliang, and said with a smile: "You are still as naughty as you were when you were a child, okay. My uncle can still speak in the new government. No matter what business you want to do, I will support it."

 “Thank you, uncle.”

Xing Hanliang's face was filled with joy, and he poured some tea for Du Ziteng, and then asked about something that looked worried: "But uncle, the competition for positions in the new government is fierce, and many senior people around Mr. Ji have been marginalized. , such as Gao Zongwu and Tao Xisheng.

You still have to be more careful. I heard that these two people have been arrested by the Japanese. They were the first batch of people to escape from the mountain city to Annan. Even adults of this status cannot protect themselves. If someone is in front of Mr. Ji I am afraid of criticizing you."

He only said half of what he said. As a suspicious person who had just defected, he was not suitable to say some words. Not only would it violate taboos, but it would also be easy for the Japanese to catch him. No one knew whether the other party's monitoring equipment was in the Du Mansion. .

 Du Ziteng raised his hand, stood up and motioned for Xing Hanliang to follow him, then pushed open the glass door and walked to the balcony, turned around and looked at his nephew with a serious expression.

"Han Liang, don't listen to the wind. Tao Xisheng is in Shanghai, discussing matters related to the Peace Agreement with the Japanese. Gao Zongwu is in Nagasaki, Japan, contacting Sino-Japanese friends and good people in Japan. It is very safe and absolutely Not caught.

Since you want to do business, then don't worry about these things. I can save you once, but I can't save you a second time. I have been weak and sick since I was a child. Thanks to your mother's careful care. It is not an exaggeration to say that an eldest sister is like a mother. I don't want to see you. She sent the white-haired person to the black-haired person, do you understand? "

After warning Xing Hanliang, Du Ziteng spoke in an official tone again: "As for the official position, Mr. Ji has his own plans. As subordinates, we obey orders. No matter what position we are in, we serve the country and the nation. There is no difference between good and bad. ” ˆ ˆ “Ah, yes, yes.”

Xing Hanliang quickly nodded and cooperated. He was tired of hearing this kind of talk in the mountain city. If there is really no good or bad distinction, then why would you jump up and down after joining the Japanese, just to seek the official position of a deputy minister.

But it was gratifying to be able to figure out the whereabouts of Gao Zongwu and Tao Xisheng so quickly. Just when he was thinking about delivering the news to the headquarters, several cars with plaster flags parked in front of the Du Mansion, and then a group of heavily armed Japanese The soldier jumped out of the car and looked like he was coming with bad intentions.

 Du Ziteng and Xing Han both looked at each other in conscience, and immediately went downstairs and walked out of the villa. They saw Mou Zhiye entering the yard accompanied by a Japanese man. The other party smiled and raised his hand to say hello to the two.

"Deputy Minister Du, Brother Hanliang, please excuse me. Brother, I have been ordered by the gendarmerie to ask Brother Hanliang to come. Don't worry, this is a good thing. You hurry up and pack your luggage. We two are in great luck. ”

As he spoke, Mou Zhiye sounded excited. He came to Du Ziteng in three steps and shook hands vigorously. He turned to Xing Hanliang and informed Xing Hanliang of the good news, but did not reveal the details. It was so confusing that people couldn't figure it out. mind.

 “Have a lucky break? Pack your bags?”

 Xing Hanliang, who was confused, repeated a few sentences, and then asked doubtfully: "Brother Mou, where are we going? What else is there to bring about great luck? You should explain it clearly."

Du Ziteng also looked at Mou Zhiye quietly. He knew that this was a Central Unification agent who escaped from the mountain city with his nephew. He was really curious about where the Japanese could use two agents.


Mou Zhiye’s answer was vague, and in the end he said nothing. He only said that they had an errand that required them to leave Jinling. He did not mention a word about the destination or the exact departure time, obviously to keep it secret from the outside world.

As an old official, the less you know about secrets, the better. Of course Du Ziteng understood this, so he immediately gave up the idea of ​​continuing to pry, raised his hand and yawned, pretending to be sleepy, and turned back to the house.

Xing Hanliang watched his uncle leave, and smiled at Mou Zhiye while full of suspicion: "Okay, Brother Mou and everyone, please come in and have a cup of tea. Wait for a while. I will go back to the room and pack my luggage and we will set off immediately. By the way, do you need to bring some bags?" Clothes?"

Hearing his question, Mou Zhiye hesitated and nodded: "It's better to bring it with you. The sea breeze is strong and not as good as Jinling. It doesn't matter if you don't have it. Someone will pick us up when we get there. I won't drink the tea. Brother, please hurry up." ”

Du Ziteng is an important official of the new government. Even the Japanese have to give some face. Leading troops into the opponent's home can easily cause misunderstandings. Mou Zhiye feels that it is better to wait outside. Everyone will be officials in the same court in the future, so there is no need to send people to the house. Damn it to death.

"alright, please wait."

Looking at the expressionless Japanese soldiers on the side, Xing Hanliang walked into the villa with a smile. He thought quickly in his mind. Thick clothes meant that the destination was not in the south. The sea breeze meant that it was a seaside city. Considering the current situation, their destination was very likely. It is a place - an island city.

He quickly returned to the guest room and closed the door. He put his ear to the door panel and listened for a while. After making sure that there was no movement outside, he immediately rushed into the bathroom. He did not come out until a few minutes later, stuffed the clothes in the closet into his suitcase, and quickly packed them away. Baggage.

Then, Xing Hanliang went to his uncle Du Ziteng's room according to the rules and said goodbye to him and his aunt. Du Ziteng didn't say any nonsense about taking care of safety. As his nephew could escape from the hands of the military commander, there was no need to worry. Besides, there was no point in worrying. If you have the time, why not talk a little more about home affairs.

After talking briefly for a while, Xing Hanliang went to find Du Ziteng's children. Considering the differences between men and women, he just said goodbye to his cousin, but he said a few more words to his younger cousin.

"Cousin, last time I went to Tycoon Nightclub, I still had some accounts to settle. Now I have to go out of town for something urgent. If you are free after school tomorrow, you can help me pay the money. If you tell Mr. Xing, the other party will knew."

As he said that, he handed a roll of banknotes to the other party and took out another yen: "Don't just keep your head down and study in school, but also learn to make friends. Here, this is the activity fund given to you by your cousin. Keep it yourself. I must hide it well. If my uncle finds out, he will definitely take it away, and he might even complain about me. "

Although the Du family is not short of money, their upbringing is very strict and they rarely give pocket money. Cousin Xing Hanliang is at the age where he loves to play. When he heard his cousin's words, he immediately patted his chest and promised to complete the task, and no one else would know.

Xing Hanliang touched the other party's head and wandered towards the door. He sighed silently in his heart. It was helpless to ask his cousin to deliver the news. But now the situation was urgent. It was obviously not possible to call the contact person directly. He had no choice but to make this decision. I hope May everything go well.

When he saw Mou Zhiye again, the smile had returned to his face. The two people, chatting and laughing, got into the car and drove away into the unknown darkness.

While passing by an intersection, a telephone exchange worker stood with his feet clasped on a telephone pole and seemed to be very busy. Xing Hanliang's eyes flashed in the car and his back felt cold.

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